Vaccines Safer Than Infection

You are talking of one vaccine for one type of virus. Again you are being disingenuous.

We hear reports of blood clots from embalmers, never seen before the introduction of this vaccine, that are being pulled out of the dead. From the reports out of these mortuaries, the numbers are staggering.

And now the WHO is warning of the next pandemic? Dude, it might already be here.
You are equating highly incomplete and incompetent anecdotal evidence as having a significant correlation that would be not found in a true study of 99 million patient experiences.

Pandemics are always coming. Being prepared did help with this pandemic in spite of the many claims to the contrary.
(People are parroting sheep)
Being prepared stopped Pandemics such as Ebola and H1N1 and currently Covid-19.
The WHO is in existence for this very thing. They are not warning of an actual known pandemic but of being prepared for the next one.
Being unprepared causes catastrophe such as Bubonic plague.
And it is just as disingenuous to call folks that are not sold on the idea of mRNA covid shots anti-vax.

Because something is called a “vaccine”, does not necessarily also mean it should be administered.

Here’s one example of a vaccine that worked, but created a much larger problem.

Not only that, look at the problems and divisions it caused between family and friends.

Those who refused the vaccine, in some cases, were barred from visiting the homes of their siblings, parents etc. For Christmas, birthday celebrations and the Like.
Not only that, look at the problems and divisions it caused between family and friends.

Those who refused the vaccine, in some cases, were barred from visiting the homes of their siblings, parents etc. For Christmas, birthday celebrations and the Like.

It’s called coercion. And those involved in it must be brought to justice.
You are equating highly incomplete and incompetent anecdotal evidence as having a significant correlation that would be not found in a true study of 99 million patient experiences.

Pandemics are always coming. Being prepared did help with this pandemic in spite of the many claims to the contrary.
(People are parroting sheep)
Being prepared stopped Pandemics such as Ebola and H1N1 and currently Covid-19.
The WHO is in existence for this very thing. They are not warning of an actual known pandemic but of being prepared for the next one.
Being unprepared causes catastrophe such as Bubonic plague.

It’s obvious you do not want a serious discussion. Like most liberals, your prefer a monologue over dialogue
You are equating highly incomplete and incompetent anecdotal evidence as having a significant correlation that would be not found in a true study of 99 million patient experiences.

Pandemics are always coming. Being prepared did help with this pandemic in spite of the many claims to the contrary.
(People are parroting sheep)
Being prepared stopped Pandemics such as Ebola and H1N1 and currently Covid-19.
The WHO is in existence for this very thing. They are not warning of an actual known pandemic but of being prepared for the next one.
Being unprepared causes catastrophe such as Bubonic plague.

Did you call embalmers incompetent? They ARE the experts in their field. Their observations should not be taken lightly.
Large group study of known, respected, research scientists (unlike antivaxxer studies) shows that infections of covid are much much more damaging than either of the three vaccines.

Key quote:
“The odds of all of these adverse events is still much, much higher when infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), so getting vaccinated is still by far the safer choice,” CEO of biotechnology company Centivaix Jacob Glanville, who is not involved in the study, told Forbes.
LOL wow, Vax shills are still around. Seemed like most are quiet and not pushing the nonsense anymore.



So what? You got lucky. The shot enhances your immune system. Yes, that's the end of it.
That shot does no such thing, it produces an immune response.
A "vaccination" helps the immune system develop immunity from a disease.
How bad is is?
The suggestion that COVID-19 vaccine ineffectiveness led the CDC to change its definition of the word.
I will inform you when we are finished.

Your President is a dictator. He mandated that injection.
That shot does no such thing, it produces an immune response.
A "vaccination" helps the immune system develop immunity from a disease.
How bad is is?
The suggestion that COVID-19 vaccine ineffectiveness led the CDC to change its definition of the word.
I will inform you when we are finished.

Your President is a dictator. He mandated that injection.
Obviously you got Covid and it hurt your brain.
Last edited:
LOL wow, Vax shills are still around. Seemed like most are quiet and not pushing the nonsense anymore.

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View attachment 907368
You have made several false assumptions.
First, I'm not a Democrat. I am A-Political. I don't believe any politician or party is that much different from another. Especially when the label "Politician" is synonymous with lawyers and others of low moral character.

I'm not a shill for anyone except people and their lives. Both sides are absolutely going over the edge with their rhetoric and complete lies.

When the Covid-19 vaccines came out the entire population knowingly became part of the IV stage of clinical trials. Part of the requirements for any participant is what is known as qualified informed consent.
Now Faucci flat out lied about the entirety of what was already well known as side effects of the mRNA vaccines. Violating at least 2 dozen regulations concerning them with each lie(there were several everyone knew were lies) ....especially considering the widespread use of them by the majority of the global population. Then on top of this many companies and military absolutely required vaccinations of these experimental vaccines. (Essentially a human rights violation)

The vaccines are effective but they do have risks and severe risks for a very small percentage of the population. No doubt about it. But so does waving a gloved hand over a person's arm cause side effects including second degree burns in a small percentage of the population.

Just like they accurately predicted death rates of Covid they also had fairly accurate predictions of the percentage of "long covid" victims.

No qualified competent understanding of the risks associated with the vaccines added along with the mandates of becoming vaccinated....and the whole thing is an unmitigated disaster leaving all sorts of fodder for conspiracy theorists and propaganda campaigns of American enemies.
You have made several false assumptions.
First, I'm not a Democrat. I am A-Political. I don't believe any politician or party is that much different from another. Especially when the label "Politician" is synonymous with lawyers and others of low moral character.

I'm not a shill for anyone except people and their lives. Both sides are absolutely going over the edge with their rhetoric and complete lies.

When the Covid-19 vaccines came out the entire population knowingly became part of the IV stage of clinical trials. Part of the requirements for any participant is what is known as qualified informed consent.
Now Faucci flat out lied about the entirety of what was already well known as side effects of the mRNA vaccines. Violating at least 2 dozen regulations concerning them with each lie(there were several everyone knew were lies) ....especially considering the widespread use of them by the majority of the global population. Then on top of this many companies and military absolutely required vaccinations of these experimental vaccines. (Essentially a human rights violation)

The vaccines are effective but they do have risks and severe risks for a very small percentage of the population. No doubt about it. But so does waving a gloved hand over a person's arm cause side effects including second degree burns in a small percentage of the population.

Just like they accurately predicted death rates of Covid they also had fairly accurate predictions of the percentage of "long covid" victims.

No qualified competent understanding of the risks associated with the vaccines added along with the mandates of becoming vaccinated....and the whole thing is an unmitigated disaster leaving all sorts of fodder for conspiracy theorists and propaganda campaigns of American enemies.

They knowingly became part of the clinical trials?

Are you insane!
You have made several false assumptions.
First, I'm not a Democrat. I am A-Political. I don't believe any politician or party is that much different from another. Especially when the label "Politician" is synonymous with lawyers and others of low moral character.

I'm not a shill for anyone except people and their lives. Both sides are absolutely going over the edge with their rhetoric and complete lies.

When the Covid-19 vaccines came out the entire population knowingly became part of the IV stage of clinical trials. Part of the requirements for any participant is what is known as qualified informed consent.
Now Faucci flat out lied about the entirety of what was already well known as side effects of the mRNA vaccines. Violating at least 2 dozen regulations concerning them with each lie(there were several everyone knew were lies) ....especially considering the widespread use of them by the majority of the global population. Then on top of this many companies and military absolutely required vaccinations of these experimental vaccines. (Essentially a human rights violation)

The vaccines are effective but they do have risks and severe risks for a very small percentage of the population. No doubt about it. But so does waving a gloved hand over a person's arm cause side effects including second degree burns in a small percentage of the population.

Just like they accurately predicted death rates of Covid they also had fairly accurate predictions of the percentage of "long covid" victims.

No qualified competent understanding of the risks associated with the vaccines added along with the mandates of becoming vaccinated....and the whole thing is an unmitigated disaster leaving all sorts of fodder for conspiracy theorists and propaganda campaigns of American enemies.
There is zero science backing up the claim that WuFlu vaccines are ”safe”. The FDA normally takes ten years to do tests and studies in order to determine if a new drug or vax is “safe”.

There are NO long term studies done at all.

The risk is absolutely huge. I personally know at least four people that had terrible, life threatening reactions from the vax.

No amount of government/media spoon fed propaganda is going to change my mind.
Because when you claim that it's not a prophylactic it's misleading information.

It's an injection that prevents infection of a virus for most people. It isn't perfect because it is dependent upon people's immune systems which are in various conditions. And 1.7 billion Injections have been administered.
All of which is why the mantra "it's not a vaccine" is a manipulation tactic of getting another person to concede to something that is not true. The mechanism the prophylactic works by is different from older technology but that does not mean that it is not a vaccination.

Older technology vaccines have Gulian Barre syndrome as a possible side effect. And that was proven very true with the AstraZenneca/Oxford vaccine. (Also likely true with J&J vaccine but was unstudied)

It signals to everyone you have a political persuasion of opposition to vaccination and of being closed minded instead of willing to have a reasonable conversation about the subject.

You have ignored my point, and you keep ignoring it:

The vaccine INJECTS YOU with the dangerous spike proteins that they promised would stay in your arm (really!) but in reality do not. Then, because you can still get infected, you are still susceptible to get MORE spike proteins through infection--and in fact, since natural infection is more robust than vaccine-acquired infections, you are exposing yourself to more infections over time.

It's a disaster.

They know it, and are trying to slow walk it.
You have ignored my point, and you keep ignoring it:

The vaccine INJECTS YOU with the dangerous spike proteins that they promised would stay in your arm (really!) but in reality do not. Then, because you can still get infected, you are still susceptible to get MORE spike proteins through infection--and in fact, since natural infection is more robust than vaccine-acquired infections, you are exposing yourself to more infections over time.

It's a disaster.

They know it, and are trying to slow walk it.

What do you think of these people, our friends even, who are zealous in their devotion to boosters? It even overlaps into flu’ shots, shingles, the list is endless. This is part of the mindset of what we are up against. They are usually intolerant of opposing views, and are extremely judgemental.
Russel Brand gets into that 8 nation study someone posted earlier on this thread

The main stream media now reporting ...uh ohs
And making fun of the useful idiots of course

People Dying At STAGGERING Rates - Now The Media ADMIT It​


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