Vaccines Safer Than Infection

Seriously you don’t know how vaccines work ? They stimulate the immune system so infectious desease peoples have fewer symptoms. Vaccines encourage better natural responses not destroy them. You’re medical science illiterate.,
It seems you are an exspurt on all topics, Mr Dagosa.
And once again, which no one can refute:

Injecting yourself with spike proteins might be worth it if, like REAL vaccines, it could guarantee you would never get infected with spike proteins again. But this is not what happens. People inject themselves with these poisons two, three, four, five and more times--and THEN they STILL get the virus. On top of that.

Only a Moral Panic could produce such stupidity with your own life.
And once again, which no one can refute:

Injecting yourself with spike proteins might be worth it if, like REAL vaccines, it could guarantee you would never get infected with spike proteins again. But this is not what happens. People inject themselves with these poisons two, three, four, five and more times--and THEN they STILL get the virus. On top of that.

Only a Moral Panic could produce such stupidity with your own life.

The ways vaccines work is that they stimulate our own bodies antibodies to attack a virus that's already entered our bodies. Therefore there is no way for a vaccine to prevent anyone from being infected, but I think you know that, if you haven't already learned this on your own then you had have been told this numerous times on just this forum alone, but your dogma won't allow to accept this fact, so you continue to spiel the same rhetoric over and over and over again. This must be what it's like to belong to a cult. No matter what anyone tells you you just refuse to listen and continue to repeat the crazy script you read from every day.
An arm of the World Health Organization.

Sure. Sure.

All I know is: viruses are rampant right now and me, unvaxxed, have contracted zero of them. Not covid, not the stomach flu, not flu, strep or colds. Meanwhile, many people who took multiple vaccines and boosters have destroyed their immune systems and are getting one bug after another after another.

I took the two original vaccines, just for travel.. (The Draconian measures taken at airports were just awful, the army being employed involved at Frankfurt)

I regret it, as l have suffered on and off bouts of ill health during the last two years. Me, a person who my whole life had robust good health.

No boosters for me. I have a friend who’s had five, and is proud of it.


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