Vaccines Safer Than Infection

This attempt at a defense of the jab reveals how indefensible they are. It's hilarious, infuriating, and sad at the same time.

“The odds of all of these adverse events is still much, much higher when infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), so getting vaccinated is still by far the safer choice,” CEO of biotechnology company Centivaix Jacob Glanville, who is not involved in the study, told Forbes.

Since the "vaccine" doesn't stop infection, that statement implies a double (or more, depending on how many boosters you get) whammy, with adverse effects from both the infection and the jab.

Lets pretend the jab did prevent infection. Is the bar for safe and effective vaccines now "not as bad as the infection"?

In any case, I believe the adverse effects of the jab are much worse that those from just getting Covid. Since practically everyone who got "vaccinated" also got Covid (again, this sentence would have made no sense three years ago), everything can be blamed Covid.
Researchers from the Global Vaccine Data Network—a research arm of the World Health Organization—

This attempt at a defense of the jab reveals how indefensible they are. It's hilarious, infuriating, and sad at the same time.

“The odds of all of these adverse events is still much, much higher when infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), so getting vaccinated is still by far the safer choice,” CEO of biotechnology company Centivaix Jacob Glanville, who is not involved in the study, told Forbes.

Since the "vaccine" doesn't stop infection, that statement implies a double (or more, depending on how many boosters you get) whammy, with adverse effects from both the infection and the jab.

Lets pretend the jab did prevent infection. Is the bar for safe and effective vaccines now "not as bad as the infection"?

In any case, I believe the adverse effects of the jab are much worse that those from just getting Covid. Since practically everyone who got "vaccinated" also got Covid (again, this sentence would have made no sense three years ago), everything can be blamed Covid.
There is no 'whammy', you hammy.

The vax is the better choice against becoming very ill or dying.
Billions paid out in lawsuits for a smorgasbord of medications that were fully approved and deemed Safe and Effective.

What happened to the left that used to distrust and hate mega corporations?
Now they are their biggest supporters.
I suspect Trump had something to do with it, as convoluted as that is.
That is what I read and hear from the non-partisan credible sources as well. I still maintain those who don't want the vax should not be forced to take it. But my own experience among family and friends, those who got COVID--and there were a lot of them--and who were vaxxed got through it much more easily and without much in the way of residual after effects. Some who were unvaxxed and survived COVID tell me they still aren't normal. I don't hear that from anybody who was vaccinated and got COVID. And we lost two unvaxxed family members and a good friend to COVID. We didn't lose anybody who was vaccinated except my older sister who was already in severely compromised health with congestive heart failure.

Yes there are risks with the vaccine and everyone should be advised of those risks. But the risk associated with the disease itself are far greater and everyone should also be advised that those who get the vaccinations and boosters are far less likely to get COVID and if they do are less likely to have as severe or damaging a case.

Then everybody should be allowed his/her choice to be vaccinated or not.

Both my husband and I are unvaxxed; we each have had Covid twice. No ill effects. The second time was barely noticeable. We rarely get sick anymore at all. I'm talking even colds.
The use of threats, fear tactics, and outright lies about the vaccine are a human rights violation.

That goes for both sides.

The Covid vaccine has yet to be proven to prevent the spread of the disease.

It has yet to be proven the vaccine gives you cancer.

It has yet to be proven that Natural immunity is less risky or better than acquired immunity.

It has yet to be proven that internet hacks offer better medical advice than doctors.
However, it has been proven that following the medical advice of internet hacks ARE extremely hazardous to your health.

You have not and CANNOT refute my assertion that if you get vaccinations for Covid, and especially boosters, you are injecting yourself with spike proteins (!) and WILL STILL GET COVID. And thus, get even more spike proteins introduced.

And overall, unless you are in a small category of very high-risk people, that's just a losing proposition.
Both my husband and I are unvaxxed; we each have had Covid twice. No ill effects. The second time was barely noticeable. We rarely get sick anymore at all. I'm talking even colds.
I am fully vaxxed twice boosted and am never sick either. I know many people do breeze through COVID easily. But I know many people who have been seriously, even dangerously ill who either didn't make it at all or have residual effects to this day. Everybody is different. It is just as irresponsible to encourage people not to get vaxxed as it is to require them to be vaxxed. I strongly promote a live and let live approach on this issue.
I am fully vaxxed twice boosted and am never sick either. I know many people do breeze through COVID easily. But I know many people who have been seriously, even dangerously ill who either didn't make it at all or have residual effects to this day. Everybody is different. It is just as irresponsible to encourage people not to get vaxxed as it is to require them to be vaxxed. I strongly promote a live and let live approach on this issue.

I don't disagree to the "live and let live"--but that's not even close to what happened. My college kids HAD to be vaccinated or be kicked out of school. They didn't need the vaccinations. And now, of course, the terrible effects are being slow-walked because it's nothing short of a disaster.

Red Cross will not allow you to donate blood now until two weeks after you are vaccinated. Gosh. Does that sound "safe and effective"? Not to me.
I don't disagree to the "live and let live"--but that's not even close to what happened. My college kids HAD to be vaccinated or be kicked out of school. They didn't need the vaccinations. And now, of course, the terrible effects are being slow-walked because it's nothing short of a disaster.

Red Cross will not allow you to donate blood now until two weeks after you are vaccinated. Gosh. Does that sound "safe and effective"? Not to me.
You have to wait two to four weeks to donate blood after being vaccinated for measles, chicken pox, mumps, and rubella too. Nothing suspicious or dangerous there. I agree that nobody should have to be vaccinated with COVID if they do not wish to be vaccinated. I said that in my previous post. Are your college kids suffering some after affect of the vaccine? Did you report it?

Bottom line I oppose mandates. But I think every person who is at all at risk for serious problems due to contracting COVID is wise to get vaccinated. I don't think most kids, even college kids, are likely to be at serious risk. All the people I know who have died or have residual problems from COVID have been in their 50s or older. I know some younger ones who were very ill though and had they had underlying medical issues, it could have been a problem for them. I also know some folks who had very light symptoms or even no symptoms. I'm pretty sure my husband and I probably had it early in 2020 before we knew what it was. Headaches and mild body aches for a few days and that was about it. We still chose to be vaccinated when the vaccine was available to us.

I don't tell anybody to get vaccinated. I will share what I know about our experience and the statistics if they ask. I would never tell anybody NOT to get vaccinated either as I would not want it on my conscience if they took my advice and then were killed or had serious side effects from getting COVID.
Both my husband and I are unvaxxed; we each have had Covid twice. No ill effects. The second time was barely noticeable. We rarely get sick anymore at all. I'm talking even colds.
ditto, while anecdotally i've so many local vaxxed acquaintances still suffering the effects of being vaxxed i've lost count.

add to that, i know a LOT of local medical professionals ,having served at the bottom of the entire hierarchy who are having to deal with it all , know exactly what they're dealing with, but will not and can not say anything publicly

I never took the shots.

But I never got sick either

Not even a little bit.

I've always found that odd, since so many people who say they haven't taken the shot also say that they got sick with the virus and just lived with it until it passed.
So do 17 countries in 4 continents Burger, comprising over 9% of world population, 10% of worldwide injections

A study by far and large dwarfing any shill CDC study

Thanks for that study, Sparky. I haven't seen that one. The cover-up was massive.

7.2 Actual vaccine mortality much larger than that incorrectly inferred from faulty data

There can be little doubt that the peaks in excess ACM are caused by the COVID-19 vaccinations, with a mean all-ages fatal toxicity by injection of vDFR (vaccine-dose fatality rate) = (0.126 ± 0.004) %, or approximately 1 death per 800 injections, which is reasonably expected to be globally representative.

This is a staggering number, compared to what is generally believed about traditional vaccines, which is approximately one serious adverse effect per million (Malhotra, 2023). It is three orders of magnitude (one thousand times) larger.

In contrast to this large number from ACM data, the effective all-ages vDFR values inferred from other sources — the small number of autopsy confirmations, adverse effect monitoring of deaths, the small number of national vaccine injury compensation payments for deaths, pharmaceutical-industry clinical trial reports, and death-certificates and corresponding government-reported cause-of-death statistics — for COVID-19 vaccines are significantly smaller, again by orders of magnitude.

Therefore, we conclude with a high degree of certainty that adverse-effect monitoring, clinical trial reports, and death-certificate statistics greatly underestimate the fatal toxicity of the injections.
There is no 7.2 times mortality. Goofy number. That would make 17 million deaths here alone from the vax.

In fact, in 2021 and 2022 there have been about 7 million deaths total.
Large group study of known, respected, research scientists (unlike antivaxxer studies) shows that infections of covid are much much more damaging than either of the three vaccines.

Key quote:
“The odds of all of these adverse events is still much, much higher when infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), so getting vaccinated is still by far the safer choice,” CEO of biotechnology company Centivaix Jacob Glanville, who is not involved in the study, told Forbes.

Have at it just leave us alone about it.

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