Value of a Human Zygote versus other “beings”?


Gold Member
Jun 26, 2015
A common definition of “being” is:
the quality or state of having existence”.

No doubt; at the time a one-cell human zygote is created, it exists, and it has human DNA! So what?

As they say, don’t count your chickens until they hatch!
From a practical standpoint, the Social Security Administration agrees, as well as Nature/God (about half the zygotes die off naturally due to mutations, etc).

It’s not until the zygote DEVELOPS into a newborn infant (with more than 1,000,000,000,000 cells in its body) that you can see its cute “humanity” with your naked eyes. And then, one can witness naturally the amazing ontogenetic development of those 100 billion cells in the baby’s brain.

A born dog, cat, horse, chimp & other mammals are cute too (pets or wild), and they also deserve to live “freely” as they can, if you’re “humane”.

So ... Question #1:
Is someone else’s unknown/private zygote “worth” more than your pet dog, cat, parrot, or horse?

If so, do you really care about all those human zygotes conceived around the world, including in poor African & Asian nations with the largest populations?

If so, why don’t you give up your pet food and save your money to donate toward international charities??
(e.g., Direct Relief, MAP International, The Rotary Foundation, Samaritan’s Purse, AmeriCares, Catholic Medical Mission Board, United Nations Foundation, etc.)
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A common definition of “being” is:
the quality or state of having existence”.

No doubt; at the time a one-cell human zygote is created, it exists, and it has human DNA! So what?

As they say, don’t count your chickens until they hatch!
From a practical standpoint, the Social Security Administration agrees, as well as Nature/God (about half the zygotes die off naturally due to mutations, etc).

It’s not until the zygote DEVELOPS into a newborn infant (with more than 1,000,000,000,000 cells in its body) that you can see its cute “humanity” with your naked eyes. And then, one can witness naturally the amazing ontogenetic development of those 100 billion cells in the baby’s brain.

A born dog, cat, horse, chimp & other mammals are cute too (pets or wild), and they also deserve to live “freely” as they can, if you’re “humane”.

So ... Question #1:
Is someone else’s unknown/private zygote “worth” more than your pet dog, cat, parrot, or horse?

If so, do you really care about all those human zygotes conceived around the world, including in poor African & Asian nations with the largest populations?

If so, why don’t you give up your pet food and save your money to donate toward international charities??
(e.g., Direct Relief, MAP International, The Rotary Foundation, Samaritan’s Purse, AmeriCares, Catholic Medical Mission Board, United Nations Foundation, etc.)

Sometimes, just sometimes, sewing one's abstract mouth shut could prove the better part of valor. Be a hoot and don't pollute . . . the rest of us. Remember, mum's the word.
Question #2:
What’s the difference between a human Zygote and a newborn human Baby?

For those of you religious & unethical folks who are deficient in math & science, here is the basic answer:

The newborn human baby has more than 1,000,000,000,000 biological cells than its beginning (zygote) AND those cells are interconnected in various ways ... as in subsystems to systems to its whole (body).
A common definition of “being” is:
the quality or state of having existence”.

No doubt; at the time a one-cell human zygote is created, it exists, and it has human DNA! So what?

As they say, don’t count your chickens until they hatch!
From a practical standpoint, the Social Security Administration agrees, as well as Nature/God (about half the zygotes die off naturally due to mutations, etc).

It’s not until the zygote DEVELOPS into a newborn infant (with more than 1,000,000,000,000 cells in its body) that you can see its cute “humanity” with your naked eyes. And then, one can witness naturally the amazing ontogenetic development of those 100 billion cells in the baby’s brain.

A born dog, cat, horse, chimp & other mammals are cute too (pets or wild), and they also deserve to live “freely” as they can, if you’re “humane”.

So ... Question #1:
Is someone else’s unknown/private zygote “worth” more than your pet dog, cat, parrot, or horse?

If so, do you really care about all those human zygotes conceived around the world, including in poor African & Asian nations with the largest populations?

If so, why don’t you give up your pet food and save your money to donate toward international charities??
(e.g., Direct Relief, MAP International, The Rotary Foundation, Samaritan’s Purse, AmeriCares, Catholic Medical Mission Board, United Nations Foundation, etc.)

Sometimes, just sometimes, sewing one's abstract mouth shut could prove the better part of valor. Be a hoot and don't pollute . . . the rest of us. Remember, mum's the word.
Can you get any more irrelevant (to thread’s topic) and not be so “dumb” with intellectual thought ... or are you religious & a lost cause?
Question #2:
What’s the difference between a human Zygote and a newborn human Baby?

For those of you religious & unethical folks who are deficient in math & science, here is the basic answer:

The newborn human baby has more than 1,000,000,000,000 biological cells than its beginning (zygote) AND those cells are interconnected in various ways ... as in subsystems to systems to its whole (body).

Which is the reason a dog can't dance well: it has two left feet.
Question #2:
What’s the difference between a human Zygote and a newborn human Baby?

For those of you religious & unethical folks who are deficient in math & science, here is the basic answer:

The newborn human baby has more than 1,000,000,000,000 biological cells than its beginning (zygote) AND those cells are interconnected in various ways ... as in subsystems to systems to its whole (body).

Well, when Jehovah sent Jesus to earth, he became a one-celled 'embryo' in Mary's womb. And the psalmist sang about how God saw him when no body parts had been formed yet:

Psalms 139:16
Your eyes even saw me as an embryo;

All its parts were written in your book

Regarding the days when they were formed,

Before any of them existed.

Btw, the book that determines the days when each body part of an embryo is formed is written in chemical language in DNA.
A common definition of “being” is:
the quality or state of having existence”.

No doubt; at the time a one-cell human zygote is created, it exists, and it has human DNA! So what?

As they say, don’t count your chickens until they hatch!
From a practical standpoint, the Social Security Administration agrees, as well as Nature/God (about half the zygotes die off naturally due to mutations, etc).

It’s not until the zygote DEVELOPS into a newborn infant (with more than 1,000,000,000,000 cells in its body) that you can see its cute “humanity” with your naked eyes. And then, one can witness naturally the amazing ontogenetic development of those 100 billion cells in the baby’s brain.

A born dog, cat, horse, chimp & other mammals are cute too (pets or wild), and they also deserve to live “freely” as they can, if you’re “humane”.

So ... Question #1:
Is someone else’s unknown/private zygote “worth” more than your pet dog, cat, parrot, or horse?

If so, do you really care about all those human zygotes conceived around the world, including in poor African & Asian nations with the largest populations?

If so, why don’t you give up your pet food and save your money to donate toward international charities??
(e.g., Direct Relief, MAP International, The Rotary Foundation, Samaritan’s Purse, AmeriCares, Catholic Medical Mission Board, United Nations Foundation, etc.)
Oh, it's a value proposition. I always thought human rights was a human proposition.
Question #2:
What’s the difference between a human Zygote and a newborn human Baby?

For those of you religious & unethical folks who are deficient in math & science, here is the basic answer:

The newborn human baby has more than 1,000,000,000,000 biological cells than its beginning (zygote) AND those cells are interconnected in various ways ... as in subsystems to systems to its whole (body).

Well, when Jehovah sent Jesus to earth, he became a one-celled 'embryo' in Mary's womb. And the psalmist sang about how God saw him when no body parts had been formed yet:

Psalms 139:16
Your eyes even saw me as an embryo;

All its parts were written in your book

Regarding the days when they were formed,

Before any of them existed.

Btw, the book that determines the days when each body part of an embryo is formed is written in chemical language in DNA.
Who wrote the various text within the Bible?
No one knows!
There are many versions & interpretations, including:
◄ Psalm 139:16 ►
“Your eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and in your book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.“

Conclusion: The Bible cannot be associated with molecular biology & physical development from the Zygote ... no matter how much you try to spin those square “testament” pegs into the known biological holes.
A common definition of “being” is:
the quality or state of having existence”.

No doubt; at the time a one-cell human zygote is created, it exists, and it has human DNA! So what?

As they say, don’t count your chickens until they hatch!
From a practical standpoint, the Social Security Administration agrees, as well as Nature/God (about half the zygotes die off naturally due to mutations, etc).

It’s not until the zygote DEVELOPS into a newborn infant (with more than 1,000,000,000,000 cells in its body) that you can see its cute “humanity” with your naked eyes. And then, one can witness naturally the amazing ontogenetic development of those 100 billion cells in the baby’s brain.

A born dog, cat, horse, chimp & other mammals are cute too (pets or wild), and they also deserve to live “freely” as they can, if you’re “humane”.

So ... Question #1:
Is someone else’s unknown/private zygote “worth” more than your pet dog, cat, parrot, or horse?

If so, do you really care about all those human zygotes conceived around the world, including in poor African & Asian nations with the largest populations?

If so, why don’t you give up your pet food and save your money to donate toward international charities??
(e.g., Direct Relief, MAP International, The Rotary Foundation, Samaritan’s Purse, AmeriCares, Catholic Medical Mission Board, United Nations Foundation, etc.)
Oh, it's a value proposition. I always thought human rights was a human proposition.
Semantics. What is “human” about a 1-cell ZYGOTE?
Human rights are about human “beings” after birth.
Let’s be practical. That’s what “value” is about.
If a human Zygote is not yours, it’s none of YOUR business, ethically or otherwise.
A common definition of “being” is:
the quality or state of having existence”.

No doubt; at the time a one-cell human zygote is created, it exists, and it has human DNA! So what?

As they say, don’t count your chickens until they hatch!
From a practical standpoint, the Social Security Administration agrees, as well as Nature/God (about half the zygotes die off naturally due to mutations, etc).

It’s not until the zygote DEVELOPS into a newborn infant (with more than 1,000,000,000,000 cells in its body) that you can see its cute “humanity” with your naked eyes. And then, one can witness naturally the amazing ontogenetic development of those 100 billion cells in the baby’s brain.

A born dog, cat, horse, chimp & other mammals are cute too (pets or wild), and they also deserve to live “freely” as they can, if you’re “humane”.

So ... Question #1:
Is someone else’s unknown/private zygote “worth” more than your pet dog, cat, parrot, or horse?

If so, do you really care about all those human zygotes conceived around the world, including in poor African & Asian nations with the largest populations?

If so, why don’t you give up your pet food and save your money to donate toward international charities??
(e.g., Direct Relief, MAP International, The Rotary Foundation, Samaritan’s Purse, AmeriCares, Catholic Medical Mission Board, United Nations Foundation, etc.)
Oh, it's a value proposition. I always thought human rights was a human proposition.
Semantics. What is “human” about a 1-cell ZYGOTE?
Human rights are about human “beings” after birth.
Let’s be practical. That’s what “value” is about.
If a human Zygote is not yours, it’s none of YOUR business, ethically or otherwise.
The human life cycle begins at conception and ends at death. Every point in between is fully human. Every point in between is a new and genetically distinct human who has never existed before and will never exist again.
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If a human Zygote is not yours, it’s none of YOUR business, ethically or otherwise.
How many zygotes do you think get aborted? Can a woman even tell she is pregnant then?

Doing the right thing is everyone’s business.

I bet slave owners made the exact same argument you are making that it isn’t anyone else’s business.
A common definition of “being” is:
the quality or state of having existence”.

No doubt; at the time a one-cell human zygote is created, it exists, and it has human DNA! So what?

As they say, don’t count your chickens until they hatch!
From a practical standpoint, the Social Security Administration agrees, as well as Nature/God (about half the zygotes die off naturally due to mutations, etc).

It’s not until the zygote DEVELOPS into a newborn infant (with more than 1,000,000,000,000 cells in its body) that you can see its cute “humanity” with your naked eyes. And then, one can witness naturally the amazing ontogenetic development of those 100 billion cells in the baby’s brain.

A born dog, cat, horse, chimp & other mammals are cute too (pets or wild), and they also deserve to live “freely” as they can, if you’re “humane”.

So ... Question #1:
Is someone else’s unknown/private zygote “worth” more than your pet dog, cat, parrot, or horse?

If so, do you really care about all those human zygotes conceived around the world, including in poor African & Asian nations with the largest populations?

If so, why don’t you give up your pet food and save your money to donate toward international charities??
(e.g., Direct Relief, MAP International, The Rotary Foundation, Samaritan’s Purse, AmeriCares, Catholic Medical Mission Board, United Nations Foundation, etc.)
Oh, it's a value proposition. I always thought human rights was a human proposition.
Semantics. What is “human” about a 1-cell ZYGOTE?
Human rights are about human “beings” after birth.
Let’s be practical. That’s what “value” is about.
If a human Zygote is not yours, it’s none of YOUR business, ethically or otherwise.
The human life cycle begins at conception and ends at death. Every point in between is fully human. Every point in between is a new and genetically distinct human who has never existed before and will never exist again.

So true!

Which is why my religion teaches that abortion is murder.
A common definition of “being” is:
the quality or state of having existence”.

No doubt; at the time a one-cell human zygote is created, it exists, and it has human DNA! So what?

As they say, don’t count your chickens until they hatch!
From a practical standpoint, the Social Security Administration agrees, as well as Nature/God (about half the zygotes die off naturally due to mutations, etc).

It’s not until the zygote DEVELOPS into a newborn infant (with more than 1,000,000,000,000 cells in its body) that you can see its cute “humanity” with your naked eyes. And then, one can witness naturally the amazing ontogenetic development of those 100 billion cells in the baby’s brain.

A born dog, cat, horse, chimp & other mammals are cute too (pets or wild), and they also deserve to live “freely” as they can, if you’re “humane”.

So ... Question #1:
Is someone else’s unknown/private zygote “worth” more than your pet dog, cat, parrot, or horse?

If so, do you really care about all those human zygotes conceived around the world, including in poor African & Asian nations with the largest populations?

If so, why don’t you give up your pet food and save your money to donate toward international charities??
(e.g., Direct Relief, MAP International, The Rotary Foundation, Samaritan’s Purse, AmeriCares, Catholic Medical Mission Board, United Nations Foundation, etc.)
Oh, it's a value proposition. I always thought human rights was a human proposition.
Semantics. What is “human” about a 1-cell ZYGOTE?
Human rights are about human “beings” after birth.
Let’s be practical. That’s what “value” is about.
If a human Zygote is not yours, it’s none of YOUR business, ethically or otherwise.
The human life cycle begins at conception and ends at death. Every point in between is fully human. Every point in between is a new and genetically distinct human who has never existed before and will never exist again.

So true!

Which is why my religion teaches that abortion is murder.

Murder is murder, even in the absence of religion.
Chuz life - Certainly true. However, many religions tolerate their members having abortions. We do not.
Chuz life - Certainly true. However, many religions tolerate their members having abortions. We do not.
So this is where I would disagree with my church. We should not shun those that have.

Which religion is that?

From "The Story of Civilization," by historian Will Durant:

"In sharp contrast, early Christians took a firm stand against abortions. Durant adds: “Abortion and infanticide, which were decimating pagan society, were forbidden to Christians as the equivalents of murder."
Chuz life - Certainly true. However, many religions tolerate their members having abortions. We do not.
So this is where I would disagree with my church. We should not shun those that have.

Which religion is that?

From "The Story of Civilization," by historian Will Durant:

"In sharp contrast, early Christians took a firm stand against abortions. Durant adds: “Abortion and infanticide, which were decimating pagan society, were forbidden to Christians as the equivalents of murder."
Any religion.

I'm not arguing against taking a stand against abortion. I am arguing for forgiveness after abortion.
Chuz life - Certainly true. However, many religions tolerate their members having abortions. We do not.

Not to be a smart ass or petty but do you have any examples?

I am positive that a lot of women who abort, actually do claim to be members of one religion or another.

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