Vatican (sovereign nation) has MOST RESTRICTIVE immigration policy in world! Hypocrisy.

People visit the vatican, but they don't immigrate without an invitation. Few see the whole city and are limited to a few buildings.

The square and cathedral might be open during certain hours, but the city is not.

Some church property around the world might be open 24/7, but not all. People visit churches but they don't move in. They might find sanctuary, but it limited and not automatic in all cases.

The Vatican is a sovereign nation. Harshest immigration policies on Earth.
Have you ever visited Vatican City? I have. The place is only the size of a few city blocks. Measured in acres, not square miles.

Your criticism does two things. It makes you sound uninformed at best, utterly silly at least and petulant at worst.

And, secondly, it betrays a narrow view of the refugee problem in Europe and the causes driving immigration all around the world.

As the kids say, "Epic fail".

So what??? Build taller buildings to house the migrants.

Fuck any nation or leader who preaches no walls and strict immigration when their own country has highly restrictive immigration laws and massive walls built to keep Muslims out.
As Trump would say.....this pope now has zero credibility.

Yeah, when I heard the Popes statement, the first thing that came to my mind was him saying about homosexuals, 'Who am I to judge?'

So Pope Francis says gay is OK but nations controlling their borders is anti-Christian?

This guy is a fucking loser, and I am a Catholic.

I'm not a Catholic or really religious but I always had respect for the Pope.
No longer..this guy was obviously cherry picked to perform the very act we're seeing now.
"Vatican (sovereign nation) has MOST RESTRICTIVE immigration policy in world! Hypocrisy."


This fails as a false comparison fallacy
No, it doesnt fail, Clayton, only your brain fails.

The Pope is telling us how to run our borders when he doesnt do the same at the Vatican, nor does Mexico for that matter.

The Pope's statement is part of a Vatican PR campaign to get Catholics to come back to church and it is a colossal failure.

Stop and think about this for a second.
If we wanted to improve the lot of the entire world wouldnt it be more prudent to spread our way of life into mexico and the middle east?
Why would you import millions of low class citizens into prosperous areas rather than the other way around?
It makes zero sense...unless of course the idea is to break down those successful people and end nationalism to make the spread of the new world order easier.
People visit the vatican, but they don't immigrate without an invitation. Few see the whole city and are limited to a few buildings.

The square and cathedral might be open during certain hours, but the city is not.

Some church property around the world might be open 24/7, but not all. People visit churches but they don't move in. They might find sanctuary, but it limited and not automatic in all cases.

The Vatican is a sovereign nation. Harshest immigration policies on Earth.

I got to visit areas most never see while doing research on a providence, it only cost me a ring, but the tax benefits were great. Pope was very appreciative.
Pope Francis’ call for immigration leniency unlikely to change debate

So I assume the Pope will lift the Vaticans most restrictive immigration policy on Earth so his nations policy is the same as his preachings.


Then again it has open borders. You don't need a passport to enter the Vatican City, you just walk in. You wouldn't even know where the border was if you entered the country.

There is hypocrisy there. The Pope talks about walls, well, don't Catholics make walls against gay people? Sure they do.

You just walk in, but for how long can you stay ? That's what needs to be focused on. It's easy to say, we don't have walls or borders and you don't need papers , but it's a meaningless if you are not free to stay on a permanent basis.

And what is the point of this discussion anyway?

The only point seems to be to try and big Trump up, and to put the Pope down. It's not hard to put the Pope down on various issues that conflict with his statement about walls, however people are going off on the most ridiculous of them all.

The Vatican TOOK IN Syrian refugees.

They took in 4 refugees from one family. Population of 842 took in 4 people. That's one person for every 210 people in the country.

The US would have to take in 1.4 million refugees to make it to that level. How many did the US take in.

I can play the game too. It's all nonsense, but i can play it.

There's room for thousands of refugees to stay in the Vatican. The Pope needs to be a Christian about this, and put out the welcome mat as well as putting his money where his mouth is.

Now we're talking population density.

The Vatican City is the 6th most densely populated country in the world. Behind Macau, Hong Kong, Gibraltar (not even countries), Singapore and Monaco.

They have 1,818 people per square kilometer.

The US is 182nd with 32.86 people per square kilometer.

I think the US can take in more Syrian Refugees, it has the space.

Thousands can fit into Vatican square. Can they stay ?

By the way, do you think we have a right to have secure borders ? Do we have the right to enforce immigration laws ?
That's not Christian of the Pope.
Funny, how the Pope stays out of the LGBT fight ( "Who am I to judge?" ) but engages directly on Immigration - on behalf of his fellow Spanish-speakers, fellow Central or South American Catholics, and how much mileage he and Holy Mother Church get out of the pronouncement, south of the border.

A good move on his part, so long as he doesn't mind taking a hit on the goodwill scale, north of the border.

In an odd way, the Pope is right...

In a perfect world, there would be no borders nor nationality and people could move from one part of the world to another at-will and as they pleased.

But, Your Holiness, this is NOT a perfect world, nations exist, and each husbands its resources and opportunities for the benefit of its own people, first and foremost, and each will give to (or welcome) others, if there is anything left over, as each sees fit, for its own good and true reasons...

Feel free to live in this Idealistic World-Without-Borders world yourself, Pope Francis, but you're simply going to have to accept that (1) your word is not "final" in the secular domain, (2) your vision, while admirable, and lovely in concept, is impractical, when it intersects with Reality, (3) we are free to choose our own form of national existence.
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Then again it has open borders. You don't need a passport to enter the Vatican City, you just walk in. You wouldn't even know where the border was if you entered the country.

There is hypocrisy there. The Pope talks about walls, well, don't Catholics make walls against gay people? Sure they do.

You just walk in, but for how long can you stay ? That's what needs to be focused on. It's easy to say, we don't have walls or borders and you don't need papers , but it's a meaningless if you are not free to stay on a permanent basis.

And what is the point of this discussion anyway?

The only point seems to be to try and big Trump up, and to put the Pope down. It's not hard to put the Pope down on various issues that conflict with his statement about walls, however people are going off on the most ridiculous of them all.

The Vatican TOOK IN Syrian refugees.

They took in 4 refugees from one family. Population of 842 took in 4 people. That's one person for every 210 people in the country.

The US would have to take in 1.4 million refugees to make it to that level. How many did the US take in.

I can play the game too. It's all nonsense, but i can play it.

There's room for thousands of refugees to stay in the Vatican. The Pope needs to be a Christian about this, and put out the welcome mat as well as putting his money where his mouth is.

Now we're talking population density.

The Vatican City is the 6th most densely populated country in the world. Behind Macau, Hong Kong, Gibraltar (not even countries), Singapore and Monaco.

They have 1,818 people per square kilometer.

The US is 182nd with 32.86 people per square kilometer.

I think the US can take in more Syrian Refugees, it has the space.

Thousands can fit into Vatican square. Can they stay ?

By the way, do you think we have a right to have secure borders ? Do we have the right to enforce immigration laws ?

Yes, thousands can fit in the square, wouldn't want to live in such close proximity to so many people though, would you? Billions of people could fit in the USA. So, based on this complete nonsense you're coming up with, why not just all move to the US?

The right to have secure borders? No, I don't think it is a "right". Should a govt enforce secure borders? Yes I do. However, the way people are "arguing" their case against the Pope, doesn't actually help their point at all.
Then again it has open borders. You don't need a passport to enter the Vatican City, you just walk in. You wouldn't even know where the border was if you entered the country.

There is hypocrisy there. The Pope talks about walls, well, don't Catholics make walls against gay people? Sure they do.

You just walk in, but for how long can you stay ? That's what needs to be focused on. It's easy to say, we don't have walls or borders and you don't need papers , but it's a meaningless if you are not free to stay on a permanent basis.

And what is the point of this discussion anyway?

The only point seems to be to try and big Trump up, and to put the Pope down. It's not hard to put the Pope down on various issues that conflict with his statement about walls, however people are going off on the most ridiculous of them all.

The Vatican TOOK IN Syrian refugees.

They took in 4 refugees from one family. Population of 842 took in 4 people. That's one person for every 210 people in the country.

The US would have to take in 1.4 million refugees to make it to that level. How many did the US take in.

I can play the game too. It's all nonsense, but i can play it.

There's room for thousands of refugees to stay in the Vatican. The Pope needs to be a Christian about this, and put out the welcome mat as well as putting his money where his mouth is.

Now we're talking population density.

The Vatican City is the 6th most densely populated country in the world. Behind Macau, Hong Kong, Gibraltar (not even countries), Singapore and Monaco.

They have 1,818 people per square kilometer.

The US is 182nd with 32.86 people per square kilometer.

I think the US can take in more Syrian Refugees, it has the space.

Thousands can fit into Vatican square. Can they stay ?

By the way, do you think we have a right to have secure borders ? Do we have the right to enforce immigration laws ?

Yes, thousands can fit in the square, wouldn't want to live in such close proximity to so many people though, would you? Billions of people could fit in the USA. So, based on this complete nonsense you're coming up with, why not just all move to the US?

The right to have secure borders? No, I don't think it is a "right". Should a govt enforce secure borders? Yes I do. However, the way people are "arguing" their case against the Pope, doesn't actually help their point at all.
People visit the vatican, but they don't immigrate without an invitation. Few see the whole city and are limited to a few buildings.

The square and cathedral might be open during certain hours, but the city is not.

Some church property around the world might be open 24/7, but not all. People visit churches but they don't move in. They might find sanctuary, but it limited and not automatic in all cases.

The Vatican is a sovereign nation. Harshest immigration policies on Earth.
Have you ever visited Vatican City? I have. The place is only the size of a few city blocks. Measured in acres, not square miles.

Your criticism does two things. It makes you sound uninformed at best, utterly silly at least and petulant at worst.

And, secondly, it betrays a narrow view of the refugee problem in Europe and the causes driving immigration all around the world.

As the kids say, "Epic fail".

So what??? Build taller buildings to house the migrants.

Fuck any nation or leader who preaches no walls and strict immigration when their own country has highly restrictive immigration laws and massive walls built to keep Muslims out.
You're really not much of a deep, nuanced thinker, are you?
You just walk in, but for how long can you stay ? That's what needs to be focused on. It's easy to say, we don't have walls or borders and you don't need papers , but it's a meaningless if you are not free to stay on a permanent basis.

And what is the point of this discussion anyway?

The only point seems to be to try and big Trump up, and to put the Pope down. It's not hard to put the Pope down on various issues that conflict with his statement about walls, however people are going off on the most ridiculous of them all.

The Vatican TOOK IN Syrian refugees.

They took in 4 refugees from one family. Population of 842 took in 4 people. That's one person for every 210 people in the country.

The US would have to take in 1.4 million refugees to make it to that level. How many did the US take in.

I can play the game too. It's all nonsense, but i can play it.

There's room for thousands of refugees to stay in the Vatican. The Pope needs to be a Christian about this, and put out the welcome mat as well as putting his money where his mouth is.

Now we're talking population density.

The Vatican City is the 6th most densely populated country in the world. Behind Macau, Hong Kong, Gibraltar (not even countries), Singapore and Monaco.

They have 1,818 people per square kilometer.

The US is 182nd with 32.86 people per square kilometer.

I think the US can take in more Syrian Refugees, it has the space.

Thousands can fit into Vatican square. Can they stay ?

By the way, do you think we have a right to have secure borders ? Do we have the right to enforce immigration laws ?

Yes, thousands can fit in the square, wouldn't want to live in such close proximity to so many people though, would you? Billions of people could fit in the USA. So, based on this complete nonsense you're coming up with, why not just all move to the US?

The right to have secure borders? No, I don't think it is a "right". Should a govt enforce secure borders? Yes I do. However, the way people are "arguing" their case against the Pope, doesn't actually help their point at all.

I'm sure the Vatican could put a few thousand tents and low cost homes in the square to house 10,000 Syrians. Why won't they? If 10,000 Syrians wanted to....would the Pope accept them??

Just like leftist German leader Merkel thought opening the doors to the migrants was a GREAT idea....and now..she's in a panic trying to reverse it.
People visit the vatican, but they don't immigrate without an invitation. Few see the whole city and are limited to a few buildings.

The square and cathedral might be open during certain hours, but the city is not.

Some church property around the world might be open 24/7, but not all. People visit churches but they don't move in. They might find sanctuary, but it limited and not automatic in all cases.

The Vatican is a sovereign nation. Harshest immigration policies on Earth.
Have you ever visited Vatican City? I have. The place is only the size of a few city blocks. Measured in acres, not square miles.

Your criticism does two things. It makes you sound uninformed at best, utterly silly at least and petulant at worst.

And, secondly, it betrays a narrow view of the refugee problem in Europe and the causes driving immigration all around the world.

As the kids say, "Epic fail".

So what??? Build taller buildings to house the migrants.

Fuck any nation or leader who preaches no walls and strict immigration when their own country has highly restrictive immigration laws and massive walls built to keep Muslims out.
You're really not much of a deep, nuanced thinker, are you?

What deep thought is required to say a nation should have clear borders and enforce them?
People visit the vatican, but they don't immigrate without an invitation. Few see the whole city and are limited to a few buildings.

The square and cathedral might be open during certain hours, but the city is not.

Some church property around the world might be open 24/7, but not all. People visit churches but they don't move in. They might find sanctuary, but it limited and not automatic in all cases.

The Vatican is a sovereign nation. Harshest immigration policies on Earth.
Have you ever visited Vatican City? I have. The place is only the size of a few city blocks. Measured in acres, not square miles.

Your criticism does two things. It makes you sound uninformed at best, utterly silly at least and petulant at worst.

And, secondly, it betrays a narrow view of the refugee problem in Europe and the causes driving immigration all around the world.

As the kids say, "Epic fail".

So what??? Build taller buildings to house the migrants.

Fuck any nation or leader who preaches no walls and strict immigration when their own country has highly restrictive immigration laws and massive walls built to keep Muslims out.
You're really not much of a deep, nuanced thinker, are you?

What deep thought is required to say a nation should have clear borders and enforce them?
Don't move the goal posts. You contend that Vatican City build high rise housing to accommodate immigrants.

The whole population of Vatican City would not amount to a decent crowd at a high school basketball game and you think that a ":nation" smaller than Central Park should hiver an open immigration system.

A lack of deep thought for sure.
In Defense of Trump, Some Point (Wrongly) to Vatican Walls
“The rhetoric from Trump’s team is misinformation, and it is not true,” said Gerard Mannion, a professor of Catholic Studies at Georgetown University in Washington.

“It [The Vatican] isn’t all surrounded by walls, and it’s not like you need a separate visa or a passport to enter,” he said. “You wouldn’t know, almost, when you even entered Vatican City. There is a white line painted on the ground in St. Peter’s Square, but that kind of thing is not obvious everywhere.”

There are, to be sure, formidable walls in Vatican City, and much of of the site, including the gardens and the modest guesthouse that is home to Francis, is set behind them. But the walls do not entirely enclose the city-state, and in the modern era they are not meant to, historians said.

“Anybody can walk into St. Peter’s Square — that’s the whole point of it,” said Dr. Mannion. “It was designed to be welcoming and to draw people in like two open arms, to draw them into the heart of the church.”

Some of the walls in Vatican City were built in the ninth century by Pope Leo IV in an attempt to protect it from attacks by pirates and other marauders, historians said. But other stretches of wall were built during the 15th and 16th centuries, Dr. Mannion said, less as a defensive measure and more as “a political and cultural statement” about the cultural and political power of the pope.

Today, the public can freely enter some parts of Vatican City, including St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Peter’s Square and the Vatican Museum (which charges for the price of a ticket). Those areas receive millions of visitors each year who are able to enter and exit the tiny city-state as they wish.
Pope Francis’ call for immigration leniency unlikely to change debate

So I assume the Pope will lift the Vaticans most restrictive immigration policy on Earth so his nations policy is the same as his preachings.


Then again it has open borders. You don't need a passport to enter the Vatican City, you just walk in. You wouldn't even know where the border was if you entered the country.

There is hypocrisy there. The Pope talks about walls, well, don't Catholics make walls against gay people? Sure they do.

You just walk in, but for how long can you stay ? That's what needs to be focused on. It's easy to say, we don't have walls or borders and you don't need papers , but it's a meaningless if you are not free to stay on a permanent basis.

And what is the point of this discussion anyway?

The only point seems to be to try and big Trump up, and to put the Pope down. It's not hard to put the Pope down on various issues that conflict with his statement about walls, however people are going off on the most ridiculous of them all.

The Vatican TOOK IN Syrian refugees.

They took in 4 refugees from one family. Population of 842 took in 4 people. That's one person for every 210 people in the country.

The US would have to take in 1.4 million refugees to make it to that level. How many did the US take in.

I can play the game too. It's all nonsense, but i can play it.

Then we shall play. The US allows a million legal immigrants a year and there are an estimated 11-30 million illegal immigrants presently in the US. Feel free to do your math.

BTW the family of four invited to the Vatican are Catholic Syrians. The Pope has requested that every parish take in a Syrian refugee family, but is meeting some rather fierce opposition from some because they don't want to accept Syrian Muslim refugees.
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The Vatican is a sovereign nation. Harshest immigration policies on Earth.
Have you ever visited Vatican City? I have. The place is only the size of a few city blocks. Measured in acres, not square miles.

Your criticism does two things. It makes you sound uninformed at best, utterly silly at least and petulant at worst.

And, secondly, it betrays a narrow view of the refugee problem in Europe and the causes driving immigration all around the world.

As the kids say, "Epic fail".

So what??? Build taller buildings to house the migrants.

Fuck any nation or leader who preaches no walls and strict immigration when their own country has highly restrictive immigration laws and massive walls built to keep Muslims out.
You're really not much of a deep, nuanced thinker, are you?

What deep thought is required to say a nation should have clear borders and enforce them?
Don't move the goal posts. You contend that Vatican City build high rise housing to accommodate immigrants.

The whole population of Vatican City would not amount to a decent crowd at a high school basketball game and you think that a ":nation" smaller than Central Park should hiver an open immigration system.

A lack of deep thought for sure.

Their leader says the world's nations should accept mass migration. Ok....why won't his country do it? Not enough resources or room? Ok. Fine. Who is he to judge if we say we also don't have the resources or room?

Plus...the Vatican is racist. They built their walls to keep Muslims out.
In Defense of Trump, Some Point (Wrongly) to Vatican Walls
“The rhetoric from Trump’s team is misinformation, and it is not true,”
said Gerard Mannion, a professor of Catholic Studies at Georgetown University in Washington.

“It [The Vatican] isn’t all surrounded by walls, and it’s not like you need a separate visa or a passport to enter,” he said. “You wouldn’t know, almost, when you even entered Vatican City. There is a white line painted on the ground in St. Peter’s Square, but that kind of thing is not obvious everywhere.”

There are, to be sure, formidable walls in Vatican City, and much of of the site, including the gardens and the modest guesthouse that is home to Francis, is set behind them. But the walls do not entirely enclose the city-state, and in the modern era they are not meant to, historians said.

“Anybody can walk into St. Peter’s Square — that’s the whole point of it,” said Dr. Mannion. “It was designed to be welcoming and to draw people in like two open arms, to draw them into the heart of the church.”

Some of the walls in Vatican City were built in the ninth century by Pope Leo IV in an attempt to protect it from attacks by pirates and other marauders, historians said. But other stretches of wall were built during the 15th and 16th centuries, Dr. Mannion said, less as a defensive measure and more as “a political and cultural statement” about the cultural and political power of the pope.

Today, the public can freely enter some parts of Vatican City, including St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Peter’s Square and the Vatican Museum (which charges for the price of a ticket). Those areas receive millions of visitors each year who are able to enter and exit the tiny city-state as they wish.

So I can walk in....find a home or place to pitch a tent...and stay permanently?
And what is the point of this discussion anyway?

The only point seems to be to try and big Trump up, and to put the Pope down. It's not hard to put the Pope down on various issues that conflict with his statement about walls, however people are going off on the most ridiculous of them all.

The Vatican TOOK IN Syrian refugees.

They took in 4 refugees from one family. Population of 842 took in 4 people. That's one person for every 210 people in the country.

The US would have to take in 1.4 million refugees to make it to that level. How many did the US take in.

I can play the game too. It's all nonsense, but i can play it.

There's room for thousands of refugees to stay in the Vatican. The Pope needs to be a Christian about this, and put out the welcome mat as well as putting his money where his mouth is.

Now we're talking population density.

The Vatican City is the 6th most densely populated country in the world. Behind Macau, Hong Kong, Gibraltar (not even countries), Singapore and Monaco.

They have 1,818 people per square kilometer.

The US is 182nd with 32.86 people per square kilometer.

I think the US can take in more Syrian Refugees, it has the space.

Thousands can fit into Vatican square. Can they stay ?

By the way, do you think we have a right to have secure borders ? Do we have the right to enforce immigration laws ?

Yes, thousands can fit in the square, wouldn't want to live in such close proximity to so many people though, would you? Billions of people could fit in the USA. So, based on this complete nonsense you're coming up with, why not just all move to the US?

The right to have secure borders? No, I don't think it is a "right". Should a govt enforce secure borders? Yes I do. However, the way people are "arguing" their case against the Pope, doesn't actually help their point at all.

I'm sure the Vatican could put a few thousand tents and low cost homes in the square to house 10,000 Syrians. Why won't they? If 10,000 Syrians wanted to....would the Pope accept them??

Just like leftist German leader Merkel thought opening the doors to the migrants was a GREAT idea....and now..she's in a panic trying to reverse it.

Yeah, and the moon has plenty of space too. This debate started off being idiotic and still is idiotic, I'll leave you people alone to feel good about yourselves coming up with idiotic nonsense.

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