Vegan mother is found guilty over death of 18-month-old son who weighed just 17lb when he died

I don't understand why people care what others do. I'm not vegan but if others want to be, that affects me in absolutely no way. I have friends that are vegan and somehow we get along just fine. We even go out to dinner together. Not once have I felt this need to condemn their choice or really, even to question them over it.
I like this. Most meat eaters come out LOOKING for a fight. I'm pushing my beliefs on NO ONE, but I will always state my opinion, especially when the ignorant start mocking what they clearly don't understand.
Not correct:


School of Public Health

Vitamin B 12


Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is naturally found in animal foods. It can also be added to foods or supplements. Vitamin B12 is needed to form red blood cells and DNA. It is also a key player in the function and development of brain and nerve cells.

Vitamin B12 binds to the protein in the foods we eat. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid and enzymes unbind vitamin B12 into its free form. From there, vitamin B12 combines with a protein called intrinsic factor so that it can be absorbed further down in the small intestine.



Mayo Clinic thinks the same:

Vitamin B 12


Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin) plays an essential role in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function and the production of DNA, the molecules inside cells that carry genetic information.

Food sources of vitamin B-12 include poultry, meat, fish and dairy products. Vitamin B-12 is also added to some foods, such as fortified breakfast cereals, and is available as an oral supplement. Vitamin B-12 injections or nasal spray might be prescribed to treat vitamin B-12 deficiency.


You seem to be misunderstanding. Just because it can be found in animals (it's also found in humans) doesn't mean animals or humans produce it. It's produced by bacteria.

And again, because of poor soil these days, in a lot of cases the livestock are injected with a B12 supplement, so if you get it through eating animals, you're getting a supplement 2nd hand, filtered through a dead body.

There's no need for that, when you get it in an isolated form.
You seem to be misunderstanding. Just because it can be found in animals (it's also found in humans) doesn't mean animals or humans produce it. It's produced by bacteria.

And again, because of poor soil these days, in a lot of cases the livestock are injected with a B12 supplement, so if you get it through eating animals, you're getting a supplement 2nd hand, filtered through a dead body.

There's no need for that, when you get it in an isolated form.
Nutritional yeast sprinkled on a plate of pasta. A nice cheesy taste
You seem to be misunderstanding. Just because it can be found in animals (it's also found in humans) doesn't mean animals or humans produce it. It's produced by bacteria.

And again, because of poor soil these days, in a lot of cases the livestock are injected with a B12 supplement, so if you get it through eating animals, you're getting a supplement 2nd hand, filtered through a dead body.

There's no need for that, when you get it in an isolated form.

Sigh, and the bacteria is found only in the MEAT which is why they recommend people eating some MEAT to get the needed Vitamin B 12.
And not your problem.
And should I post, for Tommy, all the obese and sickly people who eat a poor diet but are otherwise meat eaters"? I doubt he'd get the point.

Oh well, I will anyway

An "omnivore"

Sigh, and the bacteria is found only in the MEAT which is why they recommend people eating some MEAT to get the needed Vitamin B 12.

Wrong, it's originally found in soil and water, and one doesn't have to eat a dead animal to get it, period, end of story. But if you prefer getting it filtered through a corpse, while eating things that raise your risk for heart disease, cancer, and erectile dysfunction, then you do you. :dunno:
How many militant meat eaters have you met ?
On this board? Shall I list them

The fact that you can't let others live their lives tells me you are one of them.

The article is about a couple malnourished kids who died because of parental IGNORANCE, not "veganism." You and others are pushing viganism myths
But your acting like his diet is the reason he's ripped and someone who eats meat can't do the same.
No, I was responding to a couple claims that vegans are MALNOURISHED.

They are not. They CAN be if they don't eat a well rounded VEGAN diet. But so can the typical American who eats any crap diet
You seem to be misunderstanding. Just because it can be found in animals (it's also found in humans) doesn't mean animals or humans produce it. It's produced by bacteria.

And again, because of poor soil these days, in a lot of cases the livestock are injected with a B12 supplement, so if you get it through eating animals, you're getting a supplement 2nd hand, filtered through a dead body.

There's no need for that, when you get it in an isolated form.

You are having trouble reading.


Vitamin B12 sources and microbial interaction​

Published online 2017 Dec 7.

Short abstract​

Vitamin B12 is synthesized only by certain bacteria and archaeon, but not by plants. The synthesized vitamin B12 is transferred and accumulates in animal tissues, which can occur in certain plant and mushroom species through microbial interaction. In particular, the meat and milk of herbivorous ruminant animals (e.g. cattle and sheep) are good sources of vitamin B12 for humans.


bolding mine
Nutritional yeast sprinkled on a plate of pasta. A nice cheesy taste

Yes, but a SUPPLAMENT. Not available in nature.

Lose your Whole Foods and you are screwed. That's the point. I can survive anywhere I happen to be.

You will have trouble in the wild.

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