Vegan mother is found guilty over death of 18-month-old son who weighed just 17lb when he died

Wrong, it's originally found in soil and water, and one doesn't have to eat a dead animal to get it, period, end of story. But if you prefer getting it filtered through a corpse, while eating things that raise your risk for heart disease, cancer, and erectile dysfunction, then you do you. :dunno:

Now you are being irrational since what Human eats soil and dead animals found in nature?

What I posted is supported by research which you ignored several times now while you post ZERO evidence against it.

You are having trouble reading.


Vitamin B12 sources and microbial interaction​

Published online 2017 Dec 7.

Short abstract​

Vitamin B12 is synthesized only by certain bacteria and archaeon, but not by plants. The synthesized vitamin B12 is transferred and accumulates in animal tissues, which can occur in certain plant and mushroom species through microbial interaction. In particular, the meat and milk of herbivorous ruminant animals (e.g. cattle and sheep) are good sources of vitamin B12 for humans.


bolding mine

I never claimed it was made by plants, Einstein. I said it was created by bacteria, originally found in soil and water. Animals get it inside them when they graze, but that doesn't make it an animal product, and again, it's not necessary to get it through a dead animal, when it can be isolated and taken by fortified foods or a supplement.

And again, for the third time (which you have ignored each time) - these days, because of poor soil, many livestock are injected with a B12 supplement, so you are getting it second-hand, filtered through the dead body of an abused, tortured, often sick dead animal. That's not necessary.
On this board? Shall I list them

The fact that you can't let others live their lives tells me you are one of them.

The article is about a couple malnourished kids who died because of parental IGNORANCE, not "veganism." You and others are pushing viganism myths
You won't find one meat eater saying that everyone has to eat meat. It's easy to find groups who want to get rid of meat based diets that's why they are called militant vegans.
Now you are being irrational since what Human eats soil and dead animals found in nature?

Wow, I can hear the whhooooosh over your head as you continually miss the point.

Again, B12 is not produced by animals, it's produced by bacteria, and it's not necessary to get it from a dead animal. Period.

What I posted is supported by research which you ignored several times now while you post ZERO evidence against it.


You're blabbering arrogantly, while continually missing the point and not refuting anything I've said.
Wow, I can hear the whhooooosh over your head as you continually miss the point.

Again, B12 is not produced by animals, it's produced by bacteria, and it's not necessary to get it from a dead animal. Period.

You're blabbering arrogantly, while continually missing the point and not refuting anything I've said.
He's not missing the point. He's justifying. But he's also looking more foolish with every post
You believe that because you've been told that. Digesting dead animals is MUCH more difficult that vegetable sources. Elderly people who can't afford to tax their energy levels are given Ensure, NOT A STEAK
No. It's because I've taken biology and zoology courses, and have a keen interest animal behavior, science and evolution.

The reason they are given ensure is because it is a highly concentrated easily digestible drink generally for people unable to take in adequate nutrition. In terms of digestability...try going out and eating your much nutrition will you be able to extract?

Vegetarians can make a good case for being vegetarian without trying to insist we evolved as herbivores.
Wow, I can hear the whhooooosh over your head as you continually miss the point.

Again, B12 is not produced by animals, it's produced by bacteria, and it's not necessary to get it from a dead animal. Period.

You're blabbering arrogantly, while continually missing the point and not refuting anything I've said.

It appears that YOU have weak eyes buttercup since I already agree that B 12 is SYNTHESIZED by Bacteria but to get it you have to consume meat.

From POST 86,

"Sigh, and the bacteria is found only in the MEAT which is why they recommend people eating some MEAT to get the needed Vitamin B 12."

then at POST 99,


"Vitamin B12 sources and microbial interaction

Published online 2017 Dec 7.

Short abstract​

Vitamin B12 is synthesized only by certain bacteria and archaeon, but not by plants. The synthesized vitamin B12 is transferred and accumulates in animal tissues, which can occur in certain plant and mushroom species through microbial interaction. In particular, the meat and milk of herbivorous ruminant animals (e.g. cattle and sheep) are good sources of vitamin B12 for humans."

my last two posts to YOU specifically mentions BACTERIA as the source of Vitamin B 12 but to get it in your body you have to eat the meat that resides in sufficient quantity to meet the needs of the body.

You are a POOR reader because you reply too fast, slow down and read what I posted better.
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You don't die from malnutrition from just eating fruit, fruit is good for you. There was something very wrong with these people's heads.

Lots of things are good for you, in combination. Iron, Magnesium, Calcium and more than a few vitamins are not contained in some fruits and vegetables.

It is possible to live and be healthy on a whole fruit and vegetable diet but ... you have to be certain you have the right combination of those fruits and vegetables to give you all your essential nutrients.

That is why eating a combination of vegetables, meat, dairy, and grains in moderation is the safest diet for most people.
It appears that thus weak eyes butter cup can read since I agree that B 12 is SYNTHESIZED by Bacteria but to get it you have to consume meat.
No you don't, no matter how many times you ignorantly and arrogantly state otherwise.
You offer nothing, you say nothing you are NOTHING.

Onto ignore you go Buttercup!

BS. I made a number of points that you ignored, so if you expect me to continue to write out paragraphs while you keep ignoring most of it, while putting words in my mouth, and now ad hominems, sorry but I don't have time for that. So if you put me on ignore, good, buh-bye! :)
Sigh, and the bacteria is found only in the MEAT which is why they recommend people eating some MEAT to get the needed Vitamin B 12.
Tommy, you realize I had to put you on ignore a long time ago because of this kind of "logical" argument?

Herbivores don't MAKE B-12. They EAT DIRT and acquire the yeast and bacteria that create it. And you need VERY LITTLE B-12. It takes many years for symptoms of b-12 deficiency to develop.

The BEST source of B-12 is CHEAP, easy to buy, nutritional yeast.

If it's that important to you, eating a teaspoon of this product will leave cadaver eaters in the dust.

You will do what you want, but stop LYING and telling us that vegans can't get B-12 unless they eat rotting corpses
On this board? Shall I list them

The fact that you can't let others live their lives tells me you are one of them.

The article is about a couple malnourished kids who died because of parental IGNORANCE, not "veganism." You and others are pushing viganism myths
Sure go ahead and list the people who want to force others to eat meat.

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