Vegan mother is found guilty over death of 18-month-old son who weighed just 17lb when he died

Do you not see a contradiction between the above statement and this:

Production of eggs and cheese rely on "abusive animal husbandry practices."

We are built to eat other animals. Accept it.
Dude. Did you even read what I wrote?
Did you think that vegans only eat vegetables?

That's pretty much the definition of a “vegan”, isn't it? “Vegetarians”. will eat a few things other than vegetables, including eggs, dairy, fungi, and such. But “vegans” only eat plant-based foods. And fungi are not plants.

But since Vega is not known to have a planetary system, much less any planets capable of supporting any form of life, it is most likely that there is really no such thing as Vegans anyway.
That doesn’t alter the fact we developed as omnivores. And it makes sense. Eating and processing a lot of plant materials takes an enormous amount of energy for comparable return. A lot of the animals energy, body and time is turned towards digestion. Ruminants and others like rabbits have very specialized systems to ferment vegetation, to bring it back to further break it down. We lack all that. Obligate carnivores, at the opposite extreme have much shorter GI tracts, and spend a lot less time eating, as meat provides a much more concentrated source of nutrition that is easier to break down. Compare to a horse, that spends most of the day grazing and a leopard that may kill once every couple days.

And even if you look at our earliest known cultures, Ice Age man, pre-agrarian, we were Hunter-gatherers. What really opened the door for us to exploit a lot more plant and animal resources was fire and cooking, which rendered the nutrition in many foods more accessible.

Another thing I read was evolving towards eating more meat allowed our species to direct more energy towards the brain and less towards the gut which in herbivore takes up a lot body mass and energy. Eating meat is also what allowed humanity to expand and survive in areas hostile to agriculture such as the far north.

All that however does not mean we are carnivores or that we don’t consume too much meat and practice abusive animal husbandry practices to produce. We do, and it would be better for us to make it a smaller part of our overall diet. I’m moving towards less and less meat, but can’t do vegan…love eggs and cheese too much and not a fan of soy.

All fine and good, Mrs. C., but realize too that we developed as omnivores FROM being herbivores as Homininae were. Herbivores are hunter gatherers and over time as tool development began, axes, spears and such which extended the range from which we could kill prey, that then ALLOWED us to begin hunting game, larger and larger game, which freed up time for us to start developing culture, homes, etc., while the added protein facilitated brain development along with the emergence of genes like microcephalin and others influencing brain growth which, in hand with improved tool-making, set the pattern for societal growth--- the point being that our becoming omnivores was a gradual transition over a very long period of time driven largely by environment and other factors more so than anything endemic to us, meaning that the reverse could also be true and mankind could just as easily slowly evolve back into a pure herbivore, and as such, given time, even our teeth and digestive track would eventually follow suit.

More to the point though is that fruits are the easiest to digest, followed by green leafy vegetables, then starchy root vegetables and finally meat. Meat is the hardest/slowest to digest which is why there generally is no steak baby food and the kids above essentially starved for lack of calories, not because fruit/veggies, whatever they were fed lacked some great important thing, even if they likely probably were developing some deficiencies.
That's pretty much the definition of a “vegan”, isn't it? “Vegetarians”. will eat a few things other than vegetables, including eggs, dairy, fungi, and such. But “vegans” only eat plant-based foods. And fungi are not plants.

But since Vega is not known to have a planetary system, much less any planets capable of supporting any form of life, it is most likely that there is really no such thing as Vegans anyway.

No, that isn't. To put it simply, vegans don't eat or use animal products, or support animal exploitation. But that doesn't mean we eat only vegetables. :) There's fruits, vegetables, breads, pasta, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, etc. Basically anything but meat, dairy and eggs.

On top of that, the alternatives these days are amazing, and honestly with some of them someone wouldn't know the difference if someone else didn't tell them.

So if you thought vegans only eat vegetables, no wonder you hate it so much and say it's unbalanced. :lol: Heck, who wouldn't if that's what it was?
Ok, Bob, do you think you can try to actually have a civil discussion, or just continue to give laughie reactions on every single one of my posts, just because you hate veganism? :)

If you think I said something false, then be specific and refute it. But doing laughies and running away just makes you look childish.
Oh, and Bob Blaylock, I'm glad you gave a thumbs up to toob's post #146 since his main point was that mankind started as herbivores. As an anti-vegan flesh eater, I never thought you'd agree with that, but I'm glad we're in agreement! :lol:
Ok, Bob, do you think you can try to actually have a civil discussion, or just continue to give laughie reactions on every single one of my posts, just because you hate veganism? :)

If you think I said something false, then be specific and refute it. But doing laughies and running away just makes you look childish.

At this point, you are so deeply brainwashed and deceived, that continuing the attempt to carry on an intelligent argument with you is futile.
At this point, you are so deeply brainwashed and deceived, that continuing the attempt to carry on an intelligent argument with you is futile.

^ This is coming from someone who didn't even know what veganism is, or what vegans actually eat! You thought we eat only vegetables.

And you also thought I was talking about mayonnaise when I mentioned the Mayo Clinic... which made me wonder if you're up there in age and maybe going senile.

Again, if you think I said something false, be specific and refute it. You haven't done that. All you've done is laughie reactions and continuously shown your ignorance and confusion on this topic.

I'm not brainwashed, on the contrary, I deprogrammed from the lies and brainwashing that you are still deeply entrenched in. What is so wrong with not wanting to support cruelty and exploitation and needless killing and torture? There's nothing wrong with that, and as a Christian, it's what we SHOULD be doing.
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You really think I don't know the difference? I've been vegan for 6 years, and guess what? I never get sick anymore. I used to get sick just as much as the next person. Nowadays, even when people around me get sick, I just don't. :dunno:

Dairy is actually not healthy, contrary to what most people think. Dairy is linked to certain types of cancer and other health issues, and it is completely unnecessary. You've been hoodwinked by industries who are all about making money.

Guess what? I'm not vegan. I eat meat every day. I never get sick. I refuse to wear a mask and I never got Covid. Oh yea, and I drink milk like a fish drinks water. I jog every day that someone manages to not shoot me and I'm just fine. 5 foot 8 and 160lbs. I can jog 3 miles if I'm not recovering from my shooting. BP 120/72.

If meat, dairy and all that is so unhealthy, why am I so healthy?
Guess what? I'm not vegan. I eat meat every day. I never get sick. I refuse to wear a mask and I never got Covid. Oh yea, and I drink milk like a fish drinks water. I jog every day that someone manages to not shoot me and I'm just fine. 5 foot 8 and 160lbs. I can jog 3 miles if I'm not recovering from my shooting. BP 120/72.

If meat, dairy and all that is so unhealthy, why am I so healthy?

That's great. I think the fact that you exercise regularly probably has a lot to do with it. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?
That's great. I think the fact that you exercise regularly probably has a lot to do with it. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?


Then if that's the case being a vegan or not doesn't matter. Lifestyle does. A sedentary vegan is worse than an active non-vegan, right?

Then if that's the case being a vegan or not doesn't matter. Lifestyle does. A sedentary vegan is worse than an active non-vegan, right?

Not so fast, I didn't say that. :) When I said "that's great" I was talking about your current health, not about what you eat.

The reason I asked about your age is because when it comes to diet, (namely the SAD) it often affects people in a long-term way. There have been plenty of studies that show that meat and other animal products raise one's risk for cancer and other preventable diseases. But it can often take years before it happens. In other words, a lifetime of eating lots of meat, milk, etc, is almost certainly going to cause problems that can show up years later.

Why do you think heart disease is the #1 killer in the US? Americans eat a lot of meat, but hardly anyone puts 2 and 2 together.

So I didn't say that diet doesn't matter. It absolutely does.

All that said, I'm not a vegan for health reasons. I'm a vegan for the animals, and as I've said before, it was the second best decision of my life. My only regret was not doing it sooner.
All fine and good, Mrs. C., but realize too that we developed as omnivores FROM being herbivores as Homininae were. Herbivores are hunter gatherers and over time as tool development began, axes, spears and such which extended the range from which we could kill prey, that then ALLOWED us to begin hunting game, larger and larger game, which freed up time for us to start developing culture, homes, etc., while the added protein facilitated brain development along with the emergence of genes like microcephalin and others influencing brain growth which, in hand with improved tool-making, set the pattern for societal growth--- the point being that our becoming omnivores was a gradual transition over a very long period of time driven largely by environment and other factors more so than anything endemic to us, meaning that the reverse could also be true and mankind could just as easily slowly evolve back into a pure herbivore, and as such, given time, even our teeth and digestive track would eventually follow suit.

I think we are kind of saying the same thing, and I agree.

Omnivores include a wide variety of species including: hominids, dogs, pigs, raccoons, orangutans and squirrels to name a few. Some evolved from a carnivore ancester and others from an herbivore ancestor, so I think we are saying the same thing there. But humans, as a species, were never herbivores, that was a long ago common ancestor to humans and other primates. Even before we invented tools to better hunt with we were opportunistic foragers and our diet (like our closest relatives chimps) likely consisted of insects, eggs, birds, small animals, whatever we could catch and eat. Our being omnivorous goes back through multiple ancestral species. We could certainly evolve back to being a pure herbivore but at that point we would become a new species.

What I object to is when vegetarians use it as an argument for insisting that being herbivorous is our “natural state” when it was increasing the meat end of our diet that actually produced the species we are today.

And we are still evolving! 😊

More to the point though is that fruits are the easiest to digest, followed by green leafy vegetables, then starchy root vegetables and finally meat. Meat is the hardest/slowest to digest which is why there generally is no steak baby food and the kids above essentially starved for lack of calories, not because fruit/veggies, whatever they were fed lacked some great important thing, even if they likely probably were developing some deficiencies.
For babies though, an 18 month old child can’t get enough nutrition from just raw fruit and vegetables, they would not be able to digest the fiber well at all. The easiest to digest foods include: eggs, bananas, applesauce, chicken, salmon, sweet potatoes, white rice. Cooked vegetables and fruit breaks it down enough for a baby to then digest.
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