Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

Why not. then we hit him with a huge capital gain tax when he does and someone who is a decent human being who treats his employees well takes his business and does it better.

You really need to stop mistaking parasites for vital organs.

If they go out of business it because dumb asses won't let you lay them off or fire them, then I doubt they will have much in capital gains tax to get. Looks like the greedy government will get nothing but more on unemployment.

BTW: Many decent business people get out of business because of they can't afford to be in business.

You really need to stop being such a dumb ass when it comes to running businesses.

Joe can't help himself, he's a "Workers of the World, UNITE!" kind of guy...

And if he IS a worker in this world, he would be foolish NOT to "unite" with other workers.

Appeasement never works, and as per our own nation's stated government policy, we don't negotiate with terrorists.

It never ceases to amaze me the penchant for some within the same economic class to think that contracted benefits union employees are an obscenity - swallowed whole in the same breath that that excuses, even applauds, the CEOs and owners of industry for raising your prices based on the last dime the largest demographic has to spend.

Many people currently advocate for a balance between public and private sector wages and benefits, but it would not be a "balance," it would rather be a leveling of wages and benefits, and the only direction privately owned industry will ever level wages and benefits is down. Meanwhile, prices continue to rise, and because corporations got rid of the people who once provided the service they charge such high prices for (The consumer is now considered to be just as much of an unnecessary and unpleasant overhead as labor traditionally has been), customer service continues to deteriorate. Whenever the ugly and inevitable results become evident, the advocates of supply side policies point to their handiwork as proof of the ―inefficiency of government bureaucracy and claim that, unregulated, and free from the constraints of collective bargaining laws, the private sector can do the job better. They‘ll also claim that they can do it cheaper. And, oh, by the way, they just happen to know a guy…
And if he IS a worker in this world, he would be foolish NOT to "unite" with other workers.

Appeasement never works, and as per our own nation's stated government policy, we don't negotiate with terrorists.

It never ceases to amaze me the penchant for some within the same economic class to think that contracted benefits union employees are an obscenity - swallowed whole in the same breath that that excuses, even applauds, the CEOs and owners of industry for raising your prices based on the last dime the largest demographic has to spend.

It never ceases to amaze me that parasites, leaches and ticks on the ass of society think they have something in common with me or share common goals because they have similar incomes. Corporations set their prices according to the laws of supply and demand. Any other theory about how they do it is invariably based on some flavor of Mraxism.

Many people currently advocate for a balance between public and private sector wages and benefits, but it would not be a "balance," it would rather be a leveling of wages and benefits, and the only direction privately owned industry will ever level wages and benefits is down.

Meaningless twaddle. Government workers make more on average than the people who pay their salaries. Your lame attempt to justify that isn't fooling anyone.

Meanwhile, prices continue to rise, and because corporations got rid of the people who once provided the service they charge such high prices for (The consumer is now considered to be just as much of an unnecessary and unpleasant overhead as labor traditionally has been), customer service continues to deteriorate. Whenever the ugly and inevitable results become evident, the advocates of supply side policies point to their handiwork as proof of the ―inefficiency of government bureaucracy and claim that, unregulated, and free from the constraints of collective bargaining laws, the private sector can do the job better. They‘ll also claim that they can do it cheaper. And, oh, by the way, they just happen to know a guy…

Prices rise because government finances its operations by rolling the printing presses. Private corporations have nothing to do with it.

Government has demonstrated over and over that it produces an inferior product at a vastly inflated price. Economists have understood the mechanism for this result for centuries. The market is responsible for all the wealth and technical wonders we enjoy today. Government only spread poverty.
1. I put Romney down for his religion because his religion was a malicious lie started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with children. That he doesn't have the reasoning skills to understand the simple problem means I can't trust him on the more serious questions, like would bombing Iran be a good idea. He failed the reasonign test- miserably.

So I take it you despise all Muslims as well. Is that the case?

Be honest.

(Also. Not a liberal. Sorry. I'm a pragmatist. I go with what works.)

ROFL! Every right-winger in here thinks you're a liberal.

2. The recession was not made worse by what Obama did. In fact, things are a LOT better than they were four years ago. That's why Obama won.

they are definitely not "a lot better" than four years ago. In fact, they are arguably worse. However, it's the natural course of things for the economy to recover after a recession. However, when a Democrat is in power, that recovery takes several times longer.

3. I don't believe in business freedom.

Whatever the fuck that is.

This guy has a business because people work very hard for him and because the rest of us provide him with utilities and resources and tax breaks to have a business. He really didn't build that by himself. Other people helped him. And if he's going to be have a hissy and scream, "I'm firing you because I didn't like the way the election turned out!" maybe we need to look at the help the rest of us are giving him.

He pays for the utilities he uses, just as you do, moron. You don't provide him with a fucking thing. Business expenses are not "tax breaks." Other people may have helped, but the government didn't. Government just gets in the way. Government is entitled to nothing from any business. Those people are getting laid off because you and a bunch of other morons hired a man who is destroying the economy and making it more difficult for him to make a profit. People start businesses to make money, not to provide morons like you with jobs. That's just a side benefit.
I hope those employees sue the shit out of that crybaby right wing piece of trash (if it's even true)

He didnt say he fired Dem employees. Way to jump to stupid liberal piece of shit.
But I sure hope they were. It's about time for small business to make a stand.
The libs have unions on their side so I dont see this as out of the realm of fair play.

Who the hell would even think about hiring a liberal?


That guy over in shipping drives a Prius.

I am pretty sure he voted Democrat, and I am just waiting for one wrong move from him.

See, that right there is voter suppression, intimidation, and unlawful retaliation.

There's a number to call about that; a government hotline:


I hope you're just stupid enough to share your online activities with someone sycophantic enough to stay in your good graces and sane enough to secretly report you. That would be fucking awesome.
He didnt say he fired Dem employees. Way to jump to stupid liberal piece of shit.
But I sure hope they were. It's about time for small business to make a stand.
The libs have unions on their side so I dont see this as out of the realm of fair play.

Who the hell would even think about hiring a liberal?



:clap2: Yes, we DID, again. :clap2:

We don't negotiate with terrorists.
And if he IS a worker in this world, he would be foolish NOT to "unite" with other workers.

Appeasement never works, and as per our own nation's stated government policy, we don't negotiate with terrorists.

It never ceases to amaze me the penchant for some within the same economic class to think that contracted benefits union employees are an obscenity - swallowed whole in the same breath that that excuses, even applauds, the CEOs and owners of industry for raising your prices based on the last dime the largest demographic has to spend.

It never ceases to amaze me that parasites, leaches and ticks on the ass of society think they have something in common with me or share common goals because they have similar incomes. Corporations set their prices according to the laws of supply and demand. Any other theory about how they do it is invariably based on some flavor of Mraxism.

Many people currently advocate for a balance between public and private sector wages and benefits, but it would not be a "balance," it would rather be a leveling of wages and benefits, and the only direction privately owned industry will ever level wages and benefits is down.

Meaningless twaddle. Government workers make more on average than the people who pay their salaries. Your lame attempt to justify that isn't fooling anyone.

Meanwhile, prices continue to rise, and because corporations got rid of the people who once provided the service they charge such high prices for (The consumer is now considered to be just as much of an unnecessary and unpleasant overhead as labor traditionally has been), customer service continues to deteriorate. Whenever the ugly and inevitable results become evident, the advocates of supply side policies point to their handiwork as proof of the ―inefficiency of government bureaucracy and claim that, unregulated, and free from the constraints of collective bargaining laws, the private sector can do the job better. They‘ll also claim that they can do it cheaper. And, oh, by the way, they just happen to know a guy…

Prices rise because government finances its operations by rolling the printing presses. Private corporations have nothing to do with it.

Government has demonstrated over and over that it produces an inferior product at a vastly inflated price. Economists have understood the mechanism for this result for centuries. The market is responsible for all the wealth and technical wonders we enjoy today. Government only spread poverty.

Not true, and the lie is BASED on a lie.


Reagan‘s twenty-five percent federal tax cut caused a considerable addition to the federal deficit, and an almost twenty percent rise in foreign investment on that debt that led to higher large dollar holdings and an unfavorable trade imbalance.

While Reagan blamed the deficits on Congress, conservative pundits convinced many in society to blame union labor when factories moved to other countries. In reality, ninety-five percent of the reason for the deficits was high defense spending and Reagan‘s refusal to raise taxes to pay for it.162 In 1982, the deficit was 90 billion dollars, and by 1987 it totaled 283 billion dollars. The shortfall of revenue required the US to borrow money, which raised interest rates. The higher interest rates attracted foreign investment, which caused the value of the dollar to rise out of any proportion to its actual worth. As the dollar skyrocketed, imports became cheaper than products made by American labor, and the trade imbalance became even more disproportionate as foreign markets could not afford American made goods at the inflated dollar value either.

These circumstances were what compelled many American businesses to relocate to third-world countries in search of low wage labor platforms. Not the demands for decent working conditions and reasonable increases in wages by unions, not regulations that prohibited industry from urinating in our common well, and not a tax code that billed the wealthiest among us at very reasonable rates for services rendered.

And the beat goes on, NOT because of liberals who want to reward small businesses here who act decently and play fair, while removing government protections and restricting government handouts TO corporations THAT (rather than who) offshore their factories and marry their profits elsewhere. Companies THAT do so in order to avoid their fair share for the infrastructure that benefits them, entities that have NO biological need relating to WE, THE ACTUAL PEOPLE, and no allegiance to THIS nation.

It is increasingly hard to sympathize with people like you. Yes, you have a right to your opinion. Sill, those who think about these things, both on a practical level and an ideological one find such views to be poorly, nay, deplorably researched.
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No, you stand idly by while they kill Americans.



How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

No due process. Cruel and unusual punishment without even being accused of a crime in a court of law.

To think Nixon and Clinton got impeached for lying.

All of a sudden your side is concerned with collateral damage and the court of law?

Hey, RUN with that with an ounce of consistency and I'll get back to you.

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

No due process. Cruel and unusual punishment without even being accused of a crime in a court of law.

To think Nixon and Clinton got impeached for lying.

All of a sudden your side is concerned with collateral damage and the court of law?

Hey, RUN with that with an ounce of consistency and I'll get back to you.

My side is always concerned with liberty.

This wasn't "collateral damage" this was an assassination of an American citizen without his constitutional right to due process. Say whatever stupid bullshit you want, the fact that you even try to justify this or support the murderer who ordered it is disgusting.
If productivity does not warrant keeping an employee on the pay role he must go.
I've worked for companies that if you did not make them at least 25% over cost of the job you were cutting into their profit margin of operation. Some companies hire people because the numbers warrant the mass hiring's, such as shut down upfit's will be time and materials contract. The more people on the job the more money a company made.

That's the way it works. Employees create profit, if they dont, you can them. To arbitrarily can them because you don't like who the President is the act of a Douchebag

When that presidents policies increase the cost of retaining that employee to the point it is no longer fiscally feasible to keep paying him even if he is doing the work the employee loses his job. It's all in the math.

Except that the Obama policies actually reduced the cost of employees, and he made clear he would continue the policies that added over 5 million private sector jobs in his first 4 years. Did you know that there was a net private sector job loss under 8 years of Bush? did you know that Obama created more private sector jobs than Reagan in his first term?

Of course you don't, or refuse to acknowledge documented facts. It's much easier to live the myth in a polarized world if you ignore reality.
If they go out of business it because dumb asses won't let you lay them off or fire them, then I doubt they will have much in capital gains tax to get. Looks like the greedy government will get nothing but more on unemployment.

BTW: Many decent business people get out of business because of they can't afford to be in business.

You really need to stop being such a dumb ass when it comes to running businesses.

Joe can't help himself, he's a "Workers of the World, UNITE!" kind of guy...

And if he IS a worker in this world, he would be foolish NOT to "unite" with other workers.

Appeasement never works, and as per our own nation's stated government policy, we don't negotiate with terrorists.

It never ceases to amaze me the penchant for some within the same economic class to think that contracted benefits union employees are an obscenity - swallowed whole in the same breath that that excuses, even applauds, the CEOs and owners of industry for raising your prices based on the last dime the largest demographic has to spend.

Many people currently advocate for a balance between public and private sector wages and benefits, but it would not be a "balance," it would rather be a leveling of wages and benefits, and the only direction privately owned industry will ever level wages and benefits is down. Meanwhile, prices continue to rise, and because corporations got rid of the people who once provided the service they charge such high prices for (The consumer is now considered to be just as much of an unnecessary and unpleasant overhead as labor traditionally has been), customer service continues to deteriorate. Whenever the ugly and inevitable results become evident, the advocates of supply side policies point to their handiwork as proof of the ―inefficiency of government bureaucracy and claim that, unregulated, and free from the constraints of collective bargaining laws, the private sector can do the job better. They‘ll also claim that they can do it cheaper. And, oh, by the way, they just happen to know a guy…

You are apparently too young or to uninformed to recall the days when private wages/salaries were significantly higher than public sector pay.
Those employers who want the right to hire and fire should get the message and get out. This isn't that country anymore.

Sure thing.

The sooner the better.

They can go find another country that offers all the opportunity, freedom, justice, and infrastructure the United States offers.

I've met a few business owners that tried it.

And came right back.

GM and GE tried it and liked it

GM’s December 31, 2011 annual report shows General Motors of North America accounting for 98,000 of the 207,000 GM jobs worldwide. But 12,000 of these jobs are in Canada and 11,500 are in Mexico. Accordingly, GM has 74,500 jobs in the United States and 122,500 abroad, even after Obama’s touted surge in Detroit jobs. Almost two thirds of GM’s jobs are in other countries.

Outsourcer-In-Chief: Obama Of General Motors - Forbes

Since Immelt took over GE in 2001, the company has lost 37,000 American jobs, and added 25,000 jobs overseas, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Some of those U.S. job losses are inflated by the company’s sale of NBC to Comcast in 2009.

Chris Townsend, political director of the United Electrical Workers labor union that represents roughly 5,500 GE employees in the U.S., said the company has closed more than 30 U.S. plants since Obama took office.

Obama Jobs Council Packed With Outsourcing Companies

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