Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

As long as those employees weren't losing the company money and helping generate enough income to cover their keep, having them on the roles isn't a problem. When Obama's war on business increases in scope, regulations and expenses then those employees become a drain on the company. If you'd ever had a job in the private sector you might know that.

Employees can be hired and fired at will. As long as you make a profit off them, it is to your benefit to keep them. The day you are no longer making money off of let them go
To fire people because you MIGHT lose money off of them is just being a prick

I can see you never ran a budget.


Of course I have. Much larger than any you have ever run
If you can't afford to provide healthcare for your employees then you're business is failing. It's the exact same thing as saying you can't afford to pay wages.

A company is not in the business to provide you with a job or Healthcare. It's not their business too maintain their employee's life style. It is however their business to make a profit and when things cut into that profit they must make cuts elsewhere to maintain that margin of profit to remain operational. If it cost more money to keep employees on the payroll they will fire those employees \. OBAMANATION effect.

Employers make a profit off of every employee. If this company didn't make money off of those 22 employees, they should have been fired long ago.

If productivity does not warrant keeping an employee on the pay role he must go.
I've worked for companies that if you did not make them at least 25% over cost of the job you were cutting into their profit margin of operation. Some companies hire people because the numbers warrant the mass hiring's, such as shut down upfit's will be time and materials contract. The more people on the job the more money a company made.
Employers make a profit off of every employee. If this company didn't make money off of those 22 employees, they should have been fired long ago.

As long as those employees weren't losing the company money and helping generate enough income to cover their keep, having them on the roles isn't a problem. When Obama's war on business increases in scope, regulations and expenses then those employees become a drain on the company. If you'd ever had a job in the private sector you might know that.

Employees can be hired and fired at will. As long as you make a profit off them, it is to your benefit to keep them. The day you are no longer making money off of let them go
To fire people because you MIGHT lose money off of them is just being a prick

It will have nothing to do with might lose money, when you are forced to pay healthcare cost for all employees you will get rid of employees to cut the cost.
A company is not in the business to provide you with a job or Healthcare. It's not their business too maintain their employee's life style. It is however their business to make a profit and when things cut into that profit they must make cuts elsewhere to maintain that margin of profit to remain operational. If it cost more money to keep employees on the payroll they will fire those employees \. OBAMANATION effect.

Employers make a profit off of every employee. If this company didn't make money off of those 22 employees, they should have been fired long ago.


This is a vindictive guy having a hissy fit, and frankly, if his business if failing, it's probably because he's a crappy manager.

Nothing makes a company fail faster than bad leadership.

What a fucking moron you are. Somehow you equate starting a business by oneself and building it to over 100 employees with 'bad leadership'.

Do yo even realize just how idiotic that sounds?
As long as those employees weren't losing the company money and helping generate enough income to cover their keep, having them on the roles isn't a problem. When Obama's war on business increases in scope, regulations and expenses then those employees become a drain on the company. If you'd ever had a job in the private sector you might know that.

Employees can be hired and fired at will. As long as you make a profit off them, it is to your benefit to keep them. The day you are no longer making money off of let them go
To fire people because you MIGHT lose money off of them is just being a prick

It will have nothing to do with might lose money, when you are forced to pay healthcare cost for all employees you will get rid of employees to cut the cost.

Costs to maintain an employee goes way up, revenues are not rising commensurately.

Not real hard math.
Employees can be hired and fired at will. As long as you make a profit off them, it is to your benefit to keep them. The day you are no longer making money off of let them go
To fire people because you MIGHT lose money off of them is just being a prick

It will have nothing to do with might lose money, when you are forced to pay healthcare cost for all employees you will get rid of employees to cut the cost.

Costs to maintain an employee goes way up, revenues are not rising commensurately.

Not real hard math.
It basic math and nothing is truly free it will cost someone even if it's losing your job.
When the tax the rich scheme fails, who is going to be the next level of rich to tax?

Now, the wealthy make $250,000 a year for a two income family. A single person is rich if they make $200,000 a year which makes being single far more attractive than being married. A well placed divorce can increase a family's yearly allowable income up $150,000!

obama sure is clever, he can get the rich and get marriage at the same time!
And you fuckers wonder why we refer to you as commies. :rolleyes:
You approve of the government micromanaging our behaviors and think that businesses are there to serve your personal needs.

The unemployment numbers were manipulations to make Obama look good, and in case you forgot what this thread was about... it's about people LOSING their jobs thanks to the ObamaTax, so it's going back up again. And since liberal bitches make for inferior employees, it's going to be harder on you assholes than it'll be on us. And if there's one silver lining in the deep, dark cloud that is Barack Obama, it's that.

The GOP lost 332-206. It was an ass whooping. I know, if I were you I'd not want to talk about the election either.

This thread is about nothing more than trying to change the subject from the abject failure that is your Republican party.

Maybe you should try to bring up Ben Gotcha some more....that seemed to work out well for you guys.

Too fucking funny.

Almost forgot,


CC Answer me this. Since you won and all is going to be sweetness and light from now on, why are you so angry??

Thats hilarious. Me....angry?

How long has it been since you removed your lips from Obama's anus?

I was willing to give the GOP a chance this year, despite their bad record, until you idiots nominated the Mormon.

Then we were done.

Not only are you clueless how buisness works, but calling romney that mormon, makes you a racist idiot. Your also to ignorant to realize the guy isn't laying off people because obama got elected. It's because obama's policies will go into effect. Other companies are doing the samething, the restraunt chain that owns red lobster and olive garden are getting rid of most of their full time workers, making them part time. All because of obamacare, it's pastime to get rid of liberals and your polocies now that it's effecting peoples pocket books we have a chance.

1) Mormons arent' a race, they are a cult. An evil cult started by a child molestor who believe crazy shit.

2) Again, after three recessions on Republican watches, you don't get to tell me how you understand business better than I do.

3) He says he's firing employees because of Obama. Which is fine, Obama can find out who he is, send in the IRS, OSHA and EEOC and see what other shenannigans he's up to.
yes it's declining.

which is exactly why a law was necessary, so businesses cannot continue to ignore this issue, and employees won't have to compromise on their basic needs.

yeah because requiring preventative care, immunization and discouraging unhealthy behaviors won't reduce costs at all. :rolleyes: And of course the whole reason the RIGHT wanted a mandate instead of single payer was because "market forces" would lower costs, are you saying the free market isn't the best way to deal with this issue?

And you fuckers wonder why we refer to you as commies. :rolleyes:
You approve of the government micromanaging our behaviors and think that businesses are there to serve your personal needs.

The unemployment numbers were manipulations to make Obama look good, and in case you forgot what this thread was about... it's about people LOSING their jobs thanks to the ObamaTax, so it's going back up again. And since liberal bitches make for inferior employees, it's going to be harder on you assholes than it'll be on us. And if there's one silver lining in the deep, dark cloud that is Barack Obama, it's that.

The GOP lost 332-206. It was an ass whooping. I know, if I were you I'd not want to talk about the election either.

This thread is about nothing more than trying to change the subject from the abject failure that is your Republican party.

Maybe you should try to bring up Ben Gotcha some more....that seemed to work out well for you guys.

Too fucking funny.

Almost forgot,


It's a sad day for America when some are cheering a victory when less then 125 million of over 300 million Americans voted in a very very important election.

It's a sad day for America when some are cheering a victory when less then 125 million of over 300 million Americans voted in a very very important election.

Kind of hard for people to get excited about voting if only five or so states decided this thing.
So you want to drive him out of business and have ALL his employees on the street! Dude, are you actually THIS FUCKING STUPID?!

Well, uh, yeah.

Because the next asshole will think twice before making a spectacle out of himself.

So maybe his employees will have to find new jobs, but other companies will keep people because they don't want to get audited or investigated.

Frankly, I find it amusing that the wealthy and business types spent billions of dollars trying to elect a weird Mormon robot and senate candidate who think the word "rape" needed to be qualified by adjectives like "Forcible", "legitimate" and "Gift from God", but now they are all screaming poverty because the voters didn't go their way, and they are going to teach those working class slugs by firing some of them.

Then you have the asshole in Utah, Murray, who is laying 100 people off, and we find out that his unsafe mines killed six people and he got slapped with a 2 million dollar fine for running unsafe work sites. But it's Obama's fault he has to lay people off. Really.

So in other words: yes. You truly are THIS. FUCKING. STUPID. How do you feed and clothe yourself without assistance?

He doesn't. Why do you think he's so adamant about having a nanny nation to care for him in the style to which he would like to be accustomed?

How long has it been since you removed your lips from Obama's anus?

I was willing to give the GOP a chance this year, despite their bad record, until you idiots nominated the Mormon.

Then we were done.

So you admit you are a bigot.

No. They believe in a lie.

I don't.

If you want to say I'm bigoted against lies disguised as religion, knock yourself out.

Mormonism was a disqualifer from day one with this guy.
I was willing to give the GOP a chance this year, despite their bad record, until you idiots nominated the Mormon.

Then we were done.

So you admit you are a bigot.

No. They believe in a lie.

I don't.

If you want to say I'm bigoted against lies disguised as religion, knock yourself out.

Mormonism was a disqualifer from day one with this guy.
No, you just believe the lie that obamacare isn't costing jobs, and you believe any lie obama tells you.
I was willing to give the GOP a chance this year, despite their bad record, until you idiots nominated the Mormon.

Then we were done.

Not only are you clueless how buisness works, but calling romney that mormon, makes you a racist idiot. Your also to ignorant to realize the guy isn't laying off people because obama got elected. It's because obama's policies will go into effect. Other companies are doing the samething, the restraunt chain that owns red lobster and olive garden are getting rid of most of their full time workers, making them part time. All because of obamacare, it's pastime to get rid of liberals and your polocies now that it's effecting peoples pocket books we have a chance.

1) Mormons arent' a race, they are a cult. An evil cult started by a child molestor who believe crazy shit.

2) Again, after three recessions on Republican watches, you don't get to tell me how you understand business better than I do.

3) He says he's firing employees because of Obama. Which is fine, Obama can find out who he is, send in the IRS, OSHA and EEOC and see what other shenannigans he's up to.

1. Your putting romney down for his religion, which in no way effects you personally. Sorry I guess that makes you a bigot. I thought liberals were for tolerance. Lol
2. Who has made this recession worse? A liberal democrat, and is making it worse.
3. This is a free country, why do you want to change that?
I was willing to give the GOP a chance this year, despite their bad record, until you idiots nominated the Mormon.

Then we were done.

So you admit you are a bigot.

No. They believe in a lie.

I don't.

If you want to say I'm bigoted against lies disguised as religion, knock yourself out.

Mormonism was a disqualifer from day one with this guy.

That is your opinion. I am agnostic, all you all believe in lies. Difference is, I'm not bigoted. As long as your religion does not infringe on my freedoms, I could care less what you worship.
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No, you just believe the lie that obamacare isn't costing jobs, and you believe any lie obama tells you.

Unemployment has gone down since ObamaCare was passed two years ago.

Yeah, maybe some marginal characters who shouldn't have been in business will go away, but they were probably going away if nothing were done. Never should have had businesses to start with.

Incidently, not necessarily an Obama fan. I just hated Romney and the way the GOP has been taken over by plutocrats and theocrats.

Dump the corporate bloodsuckers and the religous nutbags, and maybe we can talk.
So you admit you are a bigot.

No. They believe in a lie.

I don't.

If you want to say I'm bigoted against lies disguised as religion, knock yourself out.

Mormonism was a disqualifer from day one with this guy.

That is your opinion. I am agnostic, all you all believe in lies. Difference is, I'm not bigoted. As long as your religion does not infringe on my freedoms, I could care less what you worship.

I'm an outright atheist. Only pussies call themselves "agnostics".

But unlike Catholicism or Bhuddism, where there was an evolution of legends around perhaps a grain of truth, Mormonism was a lie from day one.

Joseph Smith took a few discredited theories from his day, built a religion around them, and then tricked a lot of less smart people into giving him their money and letting him marry their teenaged daughters.

That makes it a bit more malicious than other religions.

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