Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

If they go out of business it because dumb asses won't let you lay them off or fire them, then I doubt they will have much in capital gains tax to get. Looks like the greedy government will get nothing but more on unemployment.

BTW: Many decent business people get out of business because of they can't afford to be in business.

You really need to stop being such a dumb ass when it comes to running businesses.

you want to worship the Mr. Potters of the world, have at it.

I refuse to, anymore. Probably because their behavior is usually just as shitty when times are good as when times are bad.

The best thing we could do is tax the fuck out of them, invest in infrastructure, and create more consumer demand. Meanwhile, the wealthy will be forced to pay better wages because hey, I can get a good government job down the road.

What can they sue for? Firing people is not illegal. Yet.

We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

Do you hear yourself? Some or other regulation? No free markets or capitalism for you.

Not a big fan of either. Usually when a conservatard talks about Freedom, it usually means the freedom of the wealthy to act like douchebags to the rest of us.
So they survived the fine that came before Obama but just now decided to cut back because...umm, they got a fine 5 years ago...but it's not the Obama anti-coal policies...

I'm going to have to keep working on how you arrived at this assinine conclusion. Give me a few minutes.

Don't worry about it, you'll still be a retard who thinks that Coal's biggest problem is anything Obama has done.

Psssst... it's dirty.

pssst ... it's dangerous to harvest.

psssst... no one really wants to use it.

Psst, the job pays well because mining isn't like sitting on your computer in your mom's basement.

Psst, Hard work usually is dirty. Once you get over gagging at touching some dirt you may well be on your way to productive.

Psst, People need it. To do such mundane things as heat their homes, use the micro wave or even post from a computer in their mom's basement. People not only want to use it they must have it in order to survive.

Um, actually, we don't need it at all. we could easily replace every coal fired plant with a clean nuclear plant. France has already done this.

And the problem is, the jobs pay well because the coal miners have unions. Not because the assholes want to pay them well. When the coal companies get rid of the unions, you usually get guys like this asshole who let safety slip and nine people die.
Shit man hang in there. Your head is so far up your ass we are going to have to bring in some professionals for this extraction. This is going to require a full team of experts.

How is it you hit a business with huge capital gains taxes when they are going out of business? Going out of business means they aren't making any money, if they were they would still fucking be in business. It doesn't really matter why you think they are closing up shop. They could do it because the fucking carpet got dirty. What are you going to tax once that tax base goes away?

Tell you what, let's identify who this douchebag is, and then have the IRS audit him...

betcha we'll find a whole bunch of money he's been playing games with he got a slide on up to this point.

Again, the wealthy don't create jobs, consumer demand does.
What a moron!!
I know. I looked into Home Depot, and it doesn't appear that it is.

Of course, I don't take much of anything on face value. Others just believe what they are told to believe.

Here are a few, ...

Johnsonville Sausage has a long history of support for right-wing causes and candidates, most recently to fight the recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

Carl’s Jr.’s founder’s support of a nasty little proposition to fire gay teachers earned his hamburgers the nickname ‘bigot burgers.’

The Waffle House, a southern roadside fixture with 1,600 mostly franchised restaurants, used centralized corporate funds to become a major supporter of Karl Rove’s group American Crossroads.

White Castle likes to support the seriously conservative Congressional Leadership Fund Super PAC.

The ice cream manufacturer Blue Bell Creameries is also a fan of the Boehner-linked Congressional Leadership Fund.

Cracker Barrel has stopped firing employees who don’t exhibit ‘normal heterosexual values,’ but its political contributions list reads like a Who’s Who of the Tea Party.

Outback Steakhouse has been criticized for strong-arming employees to sign over paycheck deductions to a massive in-house PAC. Ironically, that fund directs its contributions to organizations that fight labor-friendly causes like a higher minimum wage and a national health care system.

When you mop up kitchen spills with Brawny, Sparkle, or Mardi Gras paper towels, you’re lining the pockets of Charles and David Koch,

Thanks for the tip...I will print this out and go out of my way to patronize the businesses you named!
I hope those employees sue the shit out of that crybaby right wing piece of trash (if it's even true)

For what ? It's his business he can employ who he damn well pleases

So much for workers rights, then.

Nobody's trampling on any rights here. With all the tax and regulation obamacare will implement, you can either do one of two things as a small business owner. One, lay-off dome workers to be able to function in our economy or two, lay-off no one and let they company sink until you are forced to shut down and everyone doesn't have a job. Which one is Obama going for?
For what ? It's his business he can employ who he damn well pleases

So much for workers rights, then.

Nobody's trampling on any rights here. With all the tax and regulation obamacare will implement, you can either do one of two things as a small business owner. One, lay-off dome workers to be able to function in our economy or two, lay-off no one and let they company sink until you are forced to shut down and everyone doesn't have a job. Which one is Obama going for?


ObamaCare will be the dog that ate everyone's homework for some of the worse actors, to be sure.

but the fact is, ObamaCare will save most companies money compared to what would have happened had they done nothing.
I had to let my one repub worker go yesterday. All he could do was whine and cry about losing the election. Before the election, he was an ok worker. I told him to sign up on this message board. He would find lots of rethug whiners and cryers on this site.
Nobody owes you healthcare, mooch. Why don't you try running a goddam business and seeing how much YOU enjoy being a fucking public service and unpaid tax collector?

Obamacare does NOTHING to solve the actual problem of spiraling healthcare costs. All it does is drive up the cost of fucking insurance policies for people who actually WORK for a living.

I am owed an honest days pay for an honest days work and if you cannot afford to pay a reasonable wage(which includes the ability, one way or another, to cover my healthcare costs) then you are a bad businessman and are running a failing business. secondly you might wanna go look into what is actually contained in the ACA because about a third of it's provisions are aimed specifically at lowering costs.

:lol: That's just too fucking funny. Have you SEEN the unemployment rate? I mean, the REAL unemployment rate? New businesses have lines, sometimes HUNDREDS deep, of people wanting to work. You and your prissy-ass demands could be replaced for a song.

Oh... and the "lowering of costs" you refer to amount to rationing and doctors turning patients away because of low payments. A fucking plastic card in your hand doesn't mean a goddam thing if you can't get a doctor to see you.

My company was looking to hire four truck drivers and two drivers' helpers this past summer. They got so many resumes that the e-mail server crashed. Between 1000 and 1200 people applied.

What can they sue for? Firing people is not illegal. Yet.

We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

So you want to drive him out of business and have ALL his employees on the street! Dude, are you actually THIS FUCKING STUPID?!
I stopped reading after this

“David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT

So basically you people want us to comment on the actions of a person who may or may not be lying?

How stupid are you people, anyway?

Yeah right, when harry ried came out and stated that an anonymous person said romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years you believed it. So I don't know, why don't you tell us how stupid are you people. Just sayin lol.

Eddie specializes in stupid shit.
If you can't afford to provide healthcare for your employees then you're business is failing. It's the exact same thing as saying you can't afford to pay wages.

A company is not in the business to provide you with a job or Healthcare. It's not their business too maintain their employee's life style. It is however their business to make a profit and when things cut into that profit they must make cuts elsewhere to maintain that margin of profit to remain operational. If it cost more money to keep employees on the payroll they will fire those employees \. OBAMANATION effect.

What can they sue for? Firing people is not illegal. Yet.

We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

So you want to drive him out of business and have ALL his employees on the street! Dude, are you actually THIS FUCKING STUPID?!

Well, uh, yeah.

Because the next asshole will think twice before making a spectacle out of himself.

So maybe his employees will have to find new jobs, but other companies will keep people because they don't want to get audited or investigated.

Frankly, I find it amusing that the wealthy and business types spent billions of dollars trying to elect a weird Mormon robot and senate candidate who think the word "rape" needed to be qualified by adjectives like "Forcible", "legitimate" and "Gift from God", but now they are all screaming poverty because the voters didn't go their way, and they are going to teach those working class slugs by firing some of them.

Then you have the asshole in Utah, Murray, who is laying 100 people off, and we find out that his unsafe mines killed six people and he got slapped with a 2 million dollar fine for running unsafe work sites. But it's Obama's fault he has to lay people off. Really.
If they go out of business it because dumb asses won't let you lay them off or fire them, then I doubt they will have much in capital gains tax to get. Looks like the greedy government will get nothing but more on unemployment.

BTW: Many decent business people get out of business because of they can't afford to be in business.

You really need to stop being such a dumb ass when it comes to running businesses.

you want to worship the Mr. Potters of the world, have at it.

I refuse to, anymore. Probably because their behavior is usually just as shitty when times are good as when times are bad.

The best thing we could do is tax the fuck out of them, invest in infrastructure, and create more consumer demand. Meanwhile, the wealthy will be forced to pay better wages because hey, I can get a good government job down the road.

Your avatar is perfect...because you are as DUMB as a bag of hammers.
We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

So you want to drive him out of business and have ALL his employees on the street! Dude, are you actually THIS FUCKING STUPID?!

Well, uh, yeah.

Because the next asshole will think twice before making a spectacle out of himself.

So maybe his employees will have to find new jobs, but other companies will keep people because they don't want to get audited or investigated.

Frankly, I find it amusing that the wealthy and business types spent billions of dollars trying to elect a weird Mormon robot and senate candidate who think the word "rape" needed to be qualified by adjectives like "Forcible", "legitimate" and "Gift from God", but now they are all screaming poverty because the voters didn't go their way, and they are going to teach those working class slugs by firing some of them.

Then you have the asshole in Utah, Murray, who is laying 100 people off, and we find out that his unsafe mines killed six people and he got slapped with a 2 million dollar fine for running unsafe work sites. But it's Obama's fault he has to lay people off. Really.

So in other words: yes. You truly are THIS. FUCKING. STUPID. How do you feed and clothe yourself without assistance?
So you want to drive him out of business and have ALL his employees on the street! Dude, are you actually THIS FUCKING STUPID?!

Well, uh, yeah.

Because the next asshole will think twice before making a spectacle out of himself.

So maybe his employees will have to find new jobs, but other companies will keep people because they don't want to get audited or investigated.

Frankly, I find it amusing that the wealthy and business types spent billions of dollars trying to elect a weird Mormon robot and senate candidate who think the word "rape" needed to be qualified by adjectives like "Forcible", "legitimate" and "Gift from God", but now they are all screaming poverty because the voters didn't go their way, and they are going to teach those working class slugs by firing some of them.

Then you have the asshole in Utah, Murray, who is laying 100 people off, and we find out that his unsafe mines killed six people and he got slapped with a 2 million dollar fine for running unsafe work sites. But it's Obama's fault he has to lay people off. Really.

So in other words: yes. You truly are THIS. FUCKING. STUPID. How do you feed and clothe yourself without assistance?

It's Joe B doing what Joe B does best being stupid.

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