Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

True, much better to just go out of business.

Why not. then we hit him with a huge capital gain tax when he does and someone who is a decent human being who treats his employees well takes his business and does it better.

You really need to stop mistaking parasites for vital organs.

Shit man hang in there. Your head is so far up your ass we are going to have to bring in some professionals for this extraction. This is going to require a full team of experts.

How is it you hit a business with huge capital gains taxes when they are going out of business? Going out of business means they aren't making any money, if they were they would still fucking be in business. It doesn't really matter why you think they are closing up shop. They could do it because the fucking carpet got dirty. What are you going to tax once that tax base goes away?
To all of you liberals here crying like the little bitches that you are over this story:

What exactly did you expect? Obama (and you assholes who support him) have made it clear that business owners are the enemy, success should be punished, and you are out to inflict great harm on them.

Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to skyrocket. Taxmaggedon hits in January and is going to crush what little profits industry can generate under the stifling regulations and anti-business climate Obama has created.

Add it all together and a business has two choices: remain on the current course and go out of business or eliminate as many costs (including employees) and try to weather the storm until the White House is run by a conservative who understands that the free market is the only way to create a thriving economy.

Now, we all know that dumbocrats have zero understanding of economics and business, but when I dumb it down for all of you to this simple level, surely everyone of you would do exactly what all of these business owners across the nation are doing.
To all of you liberals here crying like the little bitches that you are over this story:

What exactly did you expect? Obama (and you assholes who support him) have made it clear that business owners are the enemy, success should be punished, and you are out to inflict great harm on them.

Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to skyrocket. Taxmaggedon hits in January and is going to crush what little profits industry can generate under the stifling regulations and anti-business climate Obama has created.

Add it all together and a business has two choices: remain on the current course and go out of business or eliminate as many costs (including employees) and try to weather the storm until the White House is run by a conservative who understands that the free market is the only way to create a thriving economy.

Now, we all know that dumbocrats have zero understanding of economics and business, but when I dumb it down for all of you to this simple level, surely everyone of you would do exactly what all of these business owners across the nation are doing.

No, they wouldn't.

You have to be smarter than a rock to understand self-preservation.
Every business owner or manager must do what he/she feels is correct for their interests. I don't think anyone should be saying folks shouldn't be laying people off, if that's what they need to do. Nor do I think that anyone should be celebrating the loss of jobs. Real folks are being hurt and less money is coming to the government which means an acceleration of taxes on those of you that work.
Every business owner or manager must do what he/she feels is correct for their interests. I don't think anyone should be saying folks shouldn't be laying people off, if that's what they need to do. Nor do I think that anyone should be celebrating the loss of jobs. Real folks are being hurt and less money is coming to the government which means an acceleration of taxes on those of you that work.

And for all the libs that think taxes will rise only to the folks that make 250,000.00 or more better wake up.
Every business owner or manager must do what he/she feels is correct for their interests. I don't think anyone should be saying folks shouldn't be laying people off, if that's what they need to do. Nor do I think that anyone should be celebrating the loss of jobs. Real folks are being hurt and less money is coming to the government which means an acceleration of taxes on those of you that work.

And for all the libs that think taxes will rise only to the folks that make 250,000.00 or more better wake up.

There are fewer of those folks than 4 years ago. Fewer millionaires too. Trickle down?

What can they sue for? Firing people is not illegal. Yet.

We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

Do you hear yourself? Some or other regulation? No free markets or capitalism for you.
:lmao: Too funny. If the libs are this hysterical with just the few little layoffs we've seen the past couple of days, wait 'til the REAL pain starts kicking in.

Actually it's not funny at all. Many are going to lose their jobs and many are going to find that even minimum wage jobs are hard to come by. The youth have found that true over the past 5 years, but it's going to turn worse.

Look at youth unemployment. Look at minority youth unemployment. It's shocking. Over 50% for minorities.
I hope those employees sue the shit out of that crybaby right wing piece of trash (if it's even true)

He didnt say he fired Dem employees. Way to jump to stupid liberal piece of shit.
But I sure hope they were. It's about time for small business to make a stand.
The libs have unions on their side so I dont see this as out of the realm of fair play.

Who the hell would even think about hiring a liberal?

Not much choice in this area...they make up about 70% of the population. :(

I so need to get out of this area.
Easy answer: NEver, ever, spend one dime in a business that endorsed Romney. They wanna play that game, then fine.

Example: I only shop for food at Whole Foods now. They abide by a....non-right wing ideal system....and business is booming for them somehow, even offering health insurance for grocery clerks.

So you are willing to pay twice as much for all your groceries because they make you "feel" better. Wow, talk about dumb.

So whatever. Speak with your dollars. Need a car tune-up? Find out which shops voted Romney, and avoid at all costs. Amazon dot com moved to non-union, extreme right wing South Carolina and that TP Governor made a deal with them to pay no in state taxes. Fuck 'em. I'll never spend one more time on Amazon.

Don't worry...I'll make up for it! Ordered some stuff from them last week, in fact.
Tell me, bucs.

Why should me or anyone at the club hire some entitlement-minded emo looking fag who would probably sue me at the first chance over some work issue at best, or shit on my SLK Grand Edition when I am not looking?

F that.

Dude, if you paid a fortune for that abortion, it deserves to be shat on. That might be the UGLIEST thing Mercedes has ever built.
It isn't enough to just not shop at businesses that support obama. People have to stop compromising at every level. It doesn't help if you stop shopping at a business suspected of supporting Romney if you are still dragging a toy to Toys for Tots, or letting Cousin Binky come to dinner with his same sex partner or sending a check to the 20 year old pot smoker wasting his or her time in college.

Republicans need to start a rebellion and if they don't, they really don't care to hang on to whatever this poor failing nation has left to save.

Was that bizarre word salad intended to make ANY sense?
Yes. The purge of non-essential employees - especially those who look like they might have voted for Obama, will continue in earnest.

Of course, me and all the boys at the club fired all such employees a very long time ago, except those who do the kitchen work and such.

As long as leftists are in power, please outsource whenever possible.

Pay back is a bitch and she just made a house call :lol::badgrin:

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