Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

What's the matter Candy? You don't want people to know that Obama is the reason they lost their job? Why not? He managed to get re-elected and we're stuck with his ass, so why shouldn't Americans finally know the truth? He's a fiscal fuck up and people will lose their jobs because of him.

This is hilarious.

Obama isn't the reason as there was nothing that was different in the economy from Monday until Friday. These are spiteful people making knee-jerk decisions.

Americans delivered a 332-206 ass whooping and rejection of the GOP. Did you miss that?

And yet the market continues to slide.
We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

Yeah. Because the remaining employees don't deserve jobs. Fuck 'em.

There's the union thug mentality at work.

Honestly, if I had a boss who said, "I'm having a hissy because I didn't like the way the election turned out, so I'm firing 20% of you!" I would want to get the hell out of there even if I wasn't one of the 20%. So should most sensible people. The guy sounds like a real asshole to work for.

But you wouldn't leave. You would hide under your desk for a few days then go on doing what you are damn well told because you realize that you are an utterly replaceable drone without the skills or initiative to do anything on your own. You are a born follower and you know your greatest job skill is keeping your head down and your mouth shut.
And don't forget, most Democrats don't believe that children even really need a father. They have government to be their baby daddy. 40% of all babies being born in the USA now are born to single mothers. ( The politically correct term for illegitimate if we want to fall back to Joe's world )

Take their ideology to its root and they don't want family at all.
If you can't afford to provide healthcare for your employees then you're business is failing. It's the exact same thing as saying you can't afford to pay wages.

If you can't wipe your ass with $100 bills you can't afford indoor plumbing.

Not true at all, I pay about $200 every three years to have my septic serviced and a few bucks a year to run my well soo.

I'm guessing you missed the comparative idiocy of my post.

Health insurance is NOT wages, and employers should NOT be required to provide it.
The fact that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't offer a policy shows that it's on the employer. And idiots that think the over 50 limit will hold are well..idiots.
so essentially your argument is that it is on the employer and the limit will be elliminated because you think it is,

As I said.. why shouldn't we have to pay your rent and buy your groceries in order to make sure you spend your pay wisely. You're not even trusted to collect your own retirement funds. As an employer, I HAVE to do it for you.
you don't, the mandate is on the individual, you have to pay me enough to live on, which includes being able to afford healthcare along with my food and shelter.

An employer only has to pay the wage that a worker will accept, whether that be $5 a minute or $5 a week. He doesn't have to pay you "enough to live on', you greedy fuck, he can FIRE YOU if your demands are unmeetable.
This will happen all over the nation. It's going to get ugly.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees
November 7, 2012 6:09 PM
LAS VEGAS (CBS Las Vegas) — A Las Vegas business owner with 114 employees fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of President Obama’s re-election.

“David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that “elections have consequences” and that “at the end of the day, I need to survive.”

Here’s an excerpt from the interview. Click the audio tab below to hear even more from this compelling conversation:

“I’ve done my share of educating my employees. I never tell them which way to vote. I believe in the free system we have, I believe in the right to choose who they want to be president, but I did explain as a business owner that I have always put my employees first. I always made sure that when I went without a paycheck that made sure they were paid. And I explained that I always put them first and unfortunately I’m at a point where I’m being forced to have to worry about me and my family now and a business that I built from just me to 114 employees.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won, So I Fired 22 Employees « CBS Las Vegas

So are you suggesting we boycott businesses like these?

What can they sue for? Firing people is not illegal. Yet.

We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

Sounds like you've got your brown shirts all pressed and ready there, Joe...
The fact that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't offer a policy shows that it's on the employer. And idiots that think the over 50 limit will hold are well..idiots.
so essentially your argument is that it is on the employer and the limit will be elliminated because you think it is,

As I said.. why shouldn't we have to pay your rent and buy your groceries in order to make sure you spend your pay wisely. You're not even trusted to collect your own retirement funds. As an employer, I HAVE to do it for you.
you don't, the mandate is on the individual, you have to pay me enough to live on, which includes being able to afford healthcare along with my food and shelter.

An employer only has to pay the wage that a worker will accept, whether that be $5 a minute or $5 a week. He doesn't have to pay you "enough to live on', you greedy fuck, he can FIRE YOU if your demands are unmeetable.

People who want enough to live on are so fucking greedy.
so essentially your argument is that it is on the employer and the limit will be elliminated because you think it is,

you don't, the mandate is on the individual, you have to pay me enough to live on, which includes being able to afford healthcare along with my food and shelter.

An employer only has to pay the wage that a worker will accept, whether that be $5 a minute or $5 a week. He doesn't have to pay you "enough to live on', you greedy fuck, he can FIRE YOU if your demands are unmeetable.

People who want enough to live on are so fucking greedy.

Who defines 'enough', Comrade?
This will happen all over the nation. It's going to get ugly.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees
November 7, 2012 6:09 PM
LAS VEGAS (CBS Las Vegas) — A Las Vegas business owner with 114 employees fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of President Obama’s re-election.

“David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that “elections have consequences” and that “at the end of the day, I need to survive.”

Here’s an excerpt from the interview. Click the audio tab below to hear even more from this compelling conversation:

“I’ve done my share of educating my employees. I never tell them which way to vote. I believe in the free system we have, I believe in the right to choose who they want to be president, but I did explain as a business owner that I have always put my employees first. I always made sure that when I went without a paycheck that made sure they were paid. And I explained that I always put them first and unfortunately I’m at a point where I’m being forced to have to worry about me and my family now and a business that I built from just me to 114 employees.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won, So I Fired 22 Employees « CBS Las Vegas

Its best that you not work for racist. Get you another job and have a party when this bitches company goes under. Damn I wish they would leave. Go to some nazi strong hold you lame bitches

Another one. Why are you so angry? You won. Makes us wonder. Maybe deep down you realize what a horrible mistake you've made??

Im happy as hell and getting more satisfaction everyday from the rightwing melt down.
More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

Piss off. NOBODY CARES what the fuck you think... and I use the term "think" rather loosely since you do nothing but regurgitate the vitriol of your commie masters.

That is the response I would expect from someone who just got hit with a 2X4 of truth right up alongside your head. Good thing your brains are what you're sitting on I guess.

Scoreboard bitch.

Nope. The 2x4 of truth is still on it's way. Or did you forget that Barack Obama and his commie friends DELIBERATELY pushed the worst bits of Obamacare past the election so they could fool as many voters as possible about the pain. And speaking of 2x4's and pain... is that really your face you're using for an avatar, 'cause I'm thinking of putting you on iggy for no more reason than to spare myself the ass ugliness of looking at it.
Its best that you not work for racist. Get you another job and have a party when this bitches company goes under. Damn I wish they would leave. Go to some nazi strong hold you lame bitches

Another one. Why are you so angry? You won. Makes us wonder. Maybe deep down you realize what a horrible mistake you've made??

Im happy as hell and getting more satisfaction everyday from the rightwing melt down.

When reality finally bites you on the ass as the entire economy melts down you'll not be so ecstatic, moron.
Another reason we need collective bargaining.
Not in hospitals where strikes could lead to patient deaths.

Why would they strike?
Because Obamacare is forcing unions down the gullets of hospitals "for their own good."

IOW Nancy Pelosi's "don't read, just pass" was the communist manifesto of hijacking hospitals to get rid of the old people who know better so they can control the young world more easily.

That's who you're plugging for, Doctor Doh.

But you already knew it. feh.
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