Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

Nothing is inherently 'wrong' with it.

That 30 year postwar boom that you dream about was a moment in time which will never be repeated unless we bomb the rest of the industrial world out again.

Today, we have competition who will work harder for less, and you Liberals are the least likely demographic to support a union worker in America by purchasing their goods and services.

So stop being a fucking idiot.


Funny, how come it is always that the working man has to do with less, even though his wages have gone down, but the investors and CEO's just keep getting more, and that's fine with you clowns.

Here's an idea, why don't we limit the amount those CEOs and their companies can give to politicians? Cut off the incentive for policians to lick the boots of crooked men and you might see some change. Right now, there's one he'll of a laundry going on.
For the Motherland!


Again, what's wrong with going back to what I grew up with. Working class people having good union jobs, getting a good paycheck, and being able to live a nice life. Mom stays home with the kids until they are old enough to go to school if she wants to.

But somewhere, we ran into Herbert Hoover's admonition- "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned Greedy".

In 1980, a CEO made 40 times what a line worker makes. And that was just fine. Today, a CEO makes 400 times what a line worker makes. That's fucking batshit insane.

Nothing is inherently 'wrong' with it.

That 30 year postwar boom that you dream about was a moment in time which will never be repeated unless we bomb the rest of the industrial world out again.

Today, we have competition who will work harder for less, and you Liberals are the least likely demographic to support a union worker in America by purchasing their goods and services.

So stop being a fucking idiot.

And don't forget, most Democrats don't believe that children even really need a father. They have government to be their baby daddy. 40% of all babies being born in the USA now are born to single mothers. ( The politically correct term for illegitimate if we want to fall back to Joe's world )
That is a craven statement if there ever was one, Joe. You wouldn't put your family's money on the line I'm betting. That guy who fired those people? He probably had to borrow money to pay salaries and is just trying to stay in business so he doesn't have to fire the other 80% of people who work for him.


And the press says nothin' unless there's an "R" for Republican behind their name. The "D" means "don't touch."

Did you get all your squealing talking points in there? Good. I wouldn't want you to miss any.

A guy who was a good boss wouldn't get on a radio show and brag about how he's going to fire 20% of the people working very hard for him.

He'd quietly do what maybe he has to do.

We should find out who this joker is, and stop doing business with him, honestly.

How do you know they are "working hard"? Might just be they're hardly working. Now is the time to trim the dead weight, before they become some kind of social liability.
That is a craven statement if there ever was one, Joe. You wouldn't put your family's money on the line I'm betting. That guy who fired those people? He probably had to borrow money to pay salaries and is just trying to stay in business so he doesn't have to fire the other 80% of people who work for him.

And the press says nothin' unless there's an "R" for Republican behind their name. The "D" means "don't touch."

Did you get all your squealing talking points in there? Good. I wouldn't want you to miss any.

A guy who was a good boss wouldn't get on a radio show and brag about how he's going to fire 20% of the people working very hard for him.

He'd quietly do what maybe he has to do.

We should find out who this joker is, and stop doing business with him, honestly.

"Did you get all your <anti-feminist tripe omitted> talking points in there?"

Kick yourself, Joe, because you deserve a boot to the posterior region for playing psychic. I've been in the sewing room sewing like a possessed woman for shelter kids for 6 straight months. Where in the hell would I get time to watch the tube or dig up talking points from anywhere! Is that your way of saying something where nothing ought to be said! Answer: obviously!

"A guy who was a good boss wouldn't get on a radio show and brag about how he's going to fire 20% of the people working very hard for him."

OMG, I'm gonna faint. Somebody besides you says more than he thinks! Bring out the torpedoes! Full speed gangbusters ahead! Whack that nutty republican, but give me a pass!!!!!! :rolleyes:

"He'd quietly do what maybe he has to do. We should find out who this joker is, and stop doing business with him, honestly."

That's not how free speech works, Joe. I don't go campaigning to have you banned because we do not agree on topics and because you superimpose your politics on my personal life (like what I do with my spare time-hah talking points? I just learned what that was a couple of years ago.) No hard feelings, but Joe Biden has occasionally matched and one-upped his forays into the imagination in speech, but we haven't even thought of eliminating him or decimating his job.

If leftist idiots get breaks, why do rightist idiots get boycotted? Because you can? Yeah, you can, but just remember life's streets are traffic that runs two ways.

The best thing you could do is organize to change his behavior in kindlier ways. Ever thought of dropping in, buying a meal from his restaurant and casually mentioning you're only eating there to help him rehire those he had to lay off? Gasoline has doubled by decree of Obama wanting to raise the price of gasoline in the nation. The collateral damage it did was to wipe out half the restaurants on the coast, because people couldn't drive to their vacation destinations due to higher prices at the pump, and higher prices at the travel agencies--all because of high gas prices.

Joe, the guy's hurting. He just wanted someone to notice and quit playing politics because it's decimating his ability to keep 80 people employed.

I'm sorry he's a nut. But his situation changed when Obama raised gas prices, and he's not happy. That's the real crux of his problem.

Businesses are being driven out because of gas prices and health care demands made of small businesses.

More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

Piss off. NOBODY CARES what the fuck you think... and I use the term "think" rather loosely since you do nothing but regurgitate the vitriol of your commie masters.

That is the response I would expect from someone who just got hit with a 2X4 of truth right up alongside your head. Good thing your brains are what you're sitting on I guess.

Scoreboard bitch.
More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

45 companies layed off workers today. Is that the kind of STFU you want? Or maybe you should join us in a little reality. The sky doesn't really fall until it hits you in the head. Until then I guess it's just falling stars to wish upon. Star light star bright, do I have a job tonight? Obamanomics says no.

Ahh, nursery rhymes...childish actions from a childish poster.

The 45 companies won't be around much longer; other companies will assume their place in the market. Economics 101

Oh yeah


More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

What's the matter Candy? You don't want people to know that Obama is the reason they lost their job? Why not? He managed to get re-elected and we're stuck with his ass, so why shouldn't Americans finally know the truth? He's a fiscal fuck up and people will lose their jobs because of him.

This is hilarious.

Obama isn't the reason as there was nothing that was different in the economy from Monday until Friday. These are spiteful people making knee-jerk decisions.

Americans delivered a 332-206 ass whooping and rejection of the GOP. Did you miss that?
:lol: That's just too fucking funny. Have you SEEN the unemployment rate? I mean, the REAL unemployment rate?
yes it's declining.

which is exactly why a law was necessary, so businesses cannot continue to ignore this issue, and employees won't have to compromise on their basic needs.

Oh... and the "lowering of costs" you refer to amount to rationing and doctors turning patients away because of low payments. A fucking plastic card in your hand doesn't mean a goddam thing if you can't get a doctor to see you.

yeah because requiring preventative care, immunization and discouraging unhealthy behaviors won't reduce costs at all. :rolleyes: And of course the whole reason the RIGHT wanted a mandate instead of single payer was because "market forces" would lower costs, are you saying the free market isn't the best way to deal with this issue?

And you fuckers wonder why we refer to you as commies. :rolleyes:
You approve of the government micromanaging our behaviors and think that businesses are there to serve your personal needs.

The unemployment numbers were manipulations to make Obama look good, and in case you forgot what this thread was about... it's about people LOSING their jobs thanks to the ObamaTax, so it's going back up again. And since liberal bitches make for inferior employees, it's going to be harder on you assholes than it'll be on us. And if there's one silver lining in the deep, dark cloud that is Barack Obama, it's that.

The GOP lost 332-206. It was an ass whooping. I know, if I were you I'd not want to talk about the election either.

This thread is about nothing more than trying to change the subject from the abject failure that is your Republican party.

Maybe you should try to bring up Ben Gotcha some more....that seemed to work out well for you guys.

Too fucking funny.

Almost forgot,

Obama is going to finish American business off. Already know somebody personally that will have to close his doors after 30 good years.

Obama is a monster
yes it's declining.

which is exactly why a law was necessary, so businesses cannot continue to ignore this issue, and employees won't have to compromise on their basic needs.

yeah because requiring preventative care, immunization and discouraging unhealthy behaviors won't reduce costs at all. :rolleyes: And of course the whole reason the RIGHT wanted a mandate instead of single payer was because "market forces" would lower costs, are you saying the free market isn't the best way to deal with this issue?

And you fuckers wonder why we refer to you as commies. :rolleyes:
You approve of the government micromanaging our behaviors and think that businesses are there to serve your personal needs.

The unemployment numbers were manipulations to make Obama look good, and in case you forgot what this thread was about... it's about people LOSING their jobs thanks to the ObamaTax, so it's going back up again. And since liberal bitches make for inferior employees, it's going to be harder on you assholes than it'll be on us. And if there's one silver lining in the deep, dark cloud that is Barack Obama, it's that.

The GOP lost 332-206. It was an ass whooping. I know, if I were you I'd not want to talk about the election either.

This thread is about nothing more than trying to change the subject from the abject failure that is your Republican party.

Maybe you should try to bring up Ben Gotcha some more....that seemed to work out well for you guys.

Too fucking funny.

Almost forgot,


CC Answer me this. Since you won and all is going to be sweetness and light from now on, why are you so angry??
More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

What's the matter Candy? You don't want people to know that Obama is the reason they lost their job? Why not? He managed to get re-elected and we're stuck with his ass, so why shouldn't Americans finally know the truth? He's a fiscal fuck up and people will lose their jobs because of him.

This is hilarious.

Obama isn't the reason as there was nothing that was different in the economy from Monday until Friday. These are spiteful people making knee-jerk decisions.

Americans delivered a 332-206 ass whooping and rejection of the GOP. Did you miss that?

Still have the ugly assed avatar I see. Business people were trying to hang on, hoping for better. Obama's re-election guaranteed that better won't happen. It's simple enough.
yes it's declining.

which is exactly why a law was necessary, so businesses cannot continue to ignore this issue, and employees won't have to compromise on their basic needs.

yeah because requiring preventative care, immunization and discouraging unhealthy behaviors won't reduce costs at all. :rolleyes: And of course the whole reason the RIGHT wanted a mandate instead of single payer was because "market forces" would lower costs, are you saying the free market isn't the best way to deal with this issue?

And you fuckers wonder why we refer to you as commies. :rolleyes:
You approve of the government micromanaging our behaviors and think that businesses are there to serve your personal needs.

The unemployment numbers were manipulations to make Obama look good, and in case you forgot what this thread was about... it's about people LOSING their jobs thanks to the ObamaTax, so it's going back up again. And since liberal bitches make for inferior employees, it's going to be harder on you assholes than it'll be on us. And if there's one silver lining in the deep, dark cloud that is Barack Obama, it's that.

The GOP lost 332-206. It was an ass whooping. I know, if I were you I'd not want to talk about the election either.

This thread is about nothing more than trying to change the subject from the abject failure that is your Republican party.

Maybe you should try to bring up Ben Gotcha some more....that seemed to work out well for you guys.

Too fucking funny.

Almost forgot,


I know.. You made sure to tell us that you thought a dead ambassador was too fucking funny.
What's the matter Candy? You don't want people to know that Obama is the reason they lost their job? Why not? He managed to get re-elected and we're stuck with his ass, so why shouldn't Americans finally know the truth? He's a fiscal fuck up and people will lose their jobs because of him.

This is hilarious.

Obama isn't the reason as there was nothing that was different in the economy from Monday until Friday. These are spiteful people making knee-jerk decisions.

Americans delivered a 332-206 ass whooping and rejection of the GOP. Did you miss that?

Still have the ugly assed avatar I see. Business people were trying to hang on, hoping for better. Obama's re-election guaranteed that better won't happen. It's simple enough.

I heard THAT. Ww tried to hang on but the dream is all but dead now.
This will happen all over the nation. It's going to get ugly.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees
November 7, 2012 6:09 PM
LAS VEGAS (CBS Las Vegas) — A Las Vegas business owner with 114 employees fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of President Obama’s re-election.

“David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that “elections have consequences” and that “at the end of the day, I need to survive.”

Here’s an excerpt from the interview. Click the audio tab below to hear even more from this compelling conversation:

“I’ve done my share of educating my employees. I never tell them which way to vote. I believe in the free system we have, I believe in the right to choose who they want to be president, but I did explain as a business owner that I have always put my employees first. I always made sure that when I went without a paycheck that made sure they were paid. And I explained that I always put them first and unfortunately I’m at a point where I’m being forced to have to worry about me and my family now and a business that I built from just me to 114 employees.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won, So I Fired 22 Employees « CBS Las Vegas

Its best that you not work for racist. Get you another job and have a party when this bitches company goes under. Damn I wish they would leave. Go to some nazi strong hold you lame bitches
And you fuckers wonder why we refer to you as commies. :rolleyes:
You approve of the government micromanaging our behaviors and think that businesses are there to serve your personal needs.

The unemployment numbers were manipulations to make Obama look good, and in case you forgot what this thread was about... it's about people LOSING their jobs thanks to the ObamaTax, so it's going back up again. And since liberal bitches make for inferior employees, it's going to be harder on you assholes than it'll be on us. And if there's one silver lining in the deep, dark cloud that is Barack Obama, it's that.

The GOP lost 332-206. It was an ass whooping. I know, if I were you I'd not want to talk about the election either.

This thread is about nothing more than trying to change the subject from the abject failure that is your Republican party.

Maybe you should try to bring up Ben Gotcha some more....that seemed to work out well for you guys.

Too fucking funny.

Almost forgot,


I know.. You made sure to tell us that you thought a dead ambassador was too fucking funny.

Scary isn't it? These are the people in charge now. It's so ugly and hopeless.
This will happen all over the nation. It's going to get ugly.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees
November 7, 2012 6:09 PM
LAS VEGAS (CBS Las Vegas) — A Las Vegas business owner with 114 employees fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of President Obama’s re-election.

“David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that “elections have consequences” and that “at the end of the day, I need to survive.”

Here’s an excerpt from the interview. Click the audio tab below to hear even more from this compelling conversation:

“I’ve done my share of educating my employees. I never tell them which way to vote. I believe in the free system we have, I believe in the right to choose who they want to be president, but I did explain as a business owner that I have always put my employees first. I always made sure that when I went without a paycheck that made sure they were paid. And I explained that I always put them first and unfortunately I’m at a point where I’m being forced to have to worry about me and my family now and a business that I built from just me to 114 employees.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won, So I Fired 22 Employees « CBS Las Vegas

Its best that you not work for racist. Get you another job and have a party when this bitches company goes under. Damn I wish they would leave. Go to some nazi strong hold you lame bitches

Another one. Why are you so angry? You won. Makes us wonder. Maybe deep down you realize what a horrible mistake you've made??
More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

Piss off. NOBODY CARES what the fuck you think... and I use the term "think" rather loosely since you do nothing but regurgitate the vitriol of your commie masters.

That is the response I would expect from someone who just got hit with a 2X4 of truth right up alongside your head. Good thing your brains are what you're sitting on I guess.

Scoreboard bitch.

Wow. So angry and spiteful. So this is the future, huh?

You shame us.
Leonard Cohen. His prophecy is finalliy coming true:

"The Future"

Give me back my broken night
my mirrored room, my secret life
it's lonely here,
there's no one left to torture
Give me absolute control
over every living soul
And lie beside me, baby,
that's an order!
Give me crack and anal sex
Take the only tree that's left
and stuff it up the hole
in your culture
Give me back the Berlin wall
give me Stalin and St Paul
I've seen the future, brother:
it is murder.

Things are going to slide, slide in all directions
Won't be nothing
Nothing you can measure anymore
The blizzard, the blizzard of the world
has crossed the threshold
and it has overturned
the order of the soul
When they said REPENT REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT REPENT
I wonder what they meant
When they said REPENT REPENT
I wonder what they meant

You don't know me from the wind
you never will, you never did
I'm the little jew
who wrote the Bible
I've seen the nations rise and fall
I've heard their stories, heard them all
but love's the only engine of survival
Your servant here, he has been told
to say it clear, to say it cold:
It's over, it ain't going
any further
And now the wheels of heaven stop
you feel the devil's riding crop
Get ready for the future:
it is murder

Things are going to slide ...

There'll be the breaking of the ancient
western code
Your private life will suddenly explode
There'll be phantoms
There'll be fires on the road
and the white man dancing
You'll see a woman
hanging upside down
her features covered by her fallen gown
and all the lousy little poets
coming round
tryin' to sound like Charlie Manson
and the white man dancin'

Give me back the Berlin wall
Give me Stalin and St Paul
Give me Christ
or give me Hiroshima
Destroy another fetus now
We don't like children anyhow
I've seen the future, baby:
it is murder

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