Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

He doesn't have to use Obama for that. His is a right to work state and he doesn't need a reason to fire anyone. He knows his costs are rising due to ObamaTax and a contracting economy and is being preemptive in dealing with them. Obama has proven that he is a fiscal idiot. He even said that he had trouble with his child's 7th grade math. Business people don't trust him.

So the President is expected to have been an A grade student in math? I suck at maths, but I would never let anyone tell me that I couldn't hold down my dream job because of it.

Well, he was head of the Law Dept at Harvard, so I assume he had pretty decent grades.

But you can only assume, right?
He doesn't have to use Obama for that. His is a right to work state and he doesn't need a reason to fire anyone. He knows his costs are rising due to ObamaTax and a contracting economy and is being preemptive in dealing with them. Obama has proven that he is a fiscal idiot. He even said that he had trouble with his child's 7th grade math. Business people don't trust him.

So the President is expected to have been an A grade student in math? I suck at maths, but I would never let anyone tell me that I couldn't hold down my dream job because of it.

That's because the little timer tells you when you need to flip those burgers and take the fries out of the oil.
You think so, comrade?

When we realize the economy is based on workers and consumers, and not rich douchebags reading Ayn Rand, yeah, we will fix this.

Of course, we wouldn't have to fix it if we just kept what we had after the New Deal and WWII.

For the Motherland!


Again, what's wrong with going back to what I grew up with. Working class people having good union jobs, getting a good paycheck, and being able to live a nice life. Mom stays home with the kids until they are old enough to go to school if she wants to.

But somewhere, we ran into Herbert Hoover's admonition- "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned Greedy".

In 1980, a CEO made 40 times what a line worker makes. And that was just fine. Today, a CEO makes 400 times what a line worker makes. That's fucking batshit insane.
I stopped reading after this

“David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT

So basically you people want us to comment on the actions of a person who may or may not be lying?

How stupid are you people, anyway?

Yeah right, when harry ried came out and stated that an anonymous person said romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years you believed it. So I don't know, why don't you tell us how stupid are you people. Just sayin lol.
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What can they sue for? Firing people is not illegal. Yet.

We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

Yeah. Because the remaining employees don't deserve jobs. Fuck 'em.

There's the union thug mentality at work.

What can they sue for? Firing people is not illegal. Yet.

We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

Yeah. Because the remaining employees don't deserve jobs. Fuck 'em.

There's the union thug mentality at work.

Honestly, if I had a boss who said, "I'm having a hissy because I didn't like the way the election turned out, so I'm firing 20% of you!" I would want to get the hell out of there even if I wasn't one of the 20%. So should most sensible people. The guy sounds like a real asshole to work for.
When we realize the economy is based on workers and consumers, and not rich douchebags reading Ayn Rand, yeah, we will fix this.

Of course, we wouldn't have to fix it if we just kept what we had after the New Deal and WWII.

For the Motherland!


Again, what's wrong with going back to what I grew up with. Working class people having good union jobs, getting a good paycheck, and being able to live a nice life. Mom stays home with the kids until they are old enough to go to school if she wants to.

But somewhere, we ran into Herbert Hoover's admonition- "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned Greedy".

In 1980, a CEO made 40 times what a line worker makes. And that was just fine. Today, a CEO makes 400 times what a line worker makes. That's fucking batshit insane.

Nothing is inherently 'wrong' with it.

That 30 year postwar boom that you dream about was a moment in time which will never be repeated unless we bomb the rest of the industrial world out again.

Today, we have competition who will work harder for less, and you Liberals are the least likely demographic to support a union worker in America by purchasing their goods and services.

So stop being a fucking idiot.
Nothing is inherently 'wrong' with it.

That 30 year postwar boom that you dream about was a moment in time which will never be repeated unless we bomb the rest of the industrial world out again.

Today, we have competition who will work harder for less, and you Liberals are the least likely demographic to support a union worker in America by purchasing their goods and services.

So stop being a fucking idiot.


Funny, how come it is always that the working man has to do with less, even though his wages have gone down, but the investors and CEO's just keep getting more, and that's fine with you clowns.
We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

Yeah. Because the remaining employees don't deserve jobs. Fuck 'em.

There's the union thug mentality at work.

Honestly, if I had a boss who said, "I'm having a hissy because I didn't like the way the election turned out, so I'm firing 20% of you!" I would want to get the hell out of there even if I wasn't one of the 20%. So should most sensible people. The guy sounds like a real asshole to work for.
That is a craven statement if there ever was one, Joe. You wouldn't put your family's money on the line I'm betting. That guy who fired those people? He probably had to borrow money to pay salaries and is just trying to stay in business so he doesn't have to fire the other 80% of people who work for him.

Leftists have made certain righties in business are not helped. They only help those who are in their own party, whom they pass laws to give free taxpayer-backed loans to, so if they don't go out of money to collect the tax-free bonanza at the end of the rainbow, they're dummies. It's a scam, and you're not getting it.

Republicans get no benefit from such skullduggery, and they find useful tools like you just hunky dory to cover up more loans to their elitists like Nancy Pelosi's family that got graced with almost 2 billion dollars on their pre-failed businesses before Nancy and Obama rushed money to bail out Solyndra with job-stimulus money that resulted in the sans-notice layoff of 1100 people in Fremont, California less than 2 years after Obama threatened someone in the US Treasury with a bitter end to their job if they didn't just write a check that same day to the Solyndra folks so he could net himself a nice photo opportunity to show how he supports green businesses. Nobody in the press would say that the company had already prepared itself to go bankrupt before getting the $535 million guarantee to cover a Pelosi family member's investment in that firm.

It's corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt, corrupt!


That splits America in the angriest way imaginable.

Oh, and did I mention it? Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid's joint ventures into feathering the nests of their relatives is corrupt.

Instead of housecleaning, your party doubles down and hides this shit by threatening journalists with no interviews of its members unless they're players. Players get freebies coming out the wazoo--expense paid trips with Democrats they're to make celebrities of by covering their foibles while dredging up foibles for adversaries who aren't guilty of a single thing. It's calumnious press cooperating with nepotists.

You ought to take a closer look at those you bolster. They're major jerks. They have to be. Then, if they don't tow the mark, the hit-list supervisors bring out the garbage, and they wind up in jail like Rep. Trafficant who wasn't a player, but he was a good Democrat once. They keep tabs on corruption. They only publish it when they have a loose cannon they wish to stop, shut up, put the lid on.

And the press says nothin' unless there's an "R" for Republican behind their name. The "D" means "don't touch."
That is a craven statement if there ever was one, Joe. You wouldn't put your family's money on the line I'm betting. That guy who fired those people? He probably had to borrow money to pay salaries and is just trying to stay in business so he doesn't have to fire the other 80% of people who work for him.


And the press says nothin' unless there's an "R" for Republican behind their name. The "D" means "don't touch."

Did you get all your squealing talking points in there? Good. I wouldn't want you to miss any.

A guy who was a good boss wouldn't get on a radio show and brag about how he's going to fire 20% of the people working very hard for him.

He'd quietly do what maybe he has to do.

We should find out who this joker is, and stop doing business with him, honestly.
I hope those employees sue the shit out of that crybaby right wing piece of trash (if it's even true)

Companies do not usually need a reason to lay people off. If the story is true though, then this individual owner is just being stupid because he doesn't yet have a clue whether there will be any additonal costs. If he does not provide health insurance currently, then he would be faced with a huge new expense, because he has over 50 employees. The thing is that even if he does faced increased costs, so will his competitors, so the costs can be passed on so he can still remain competitive.

Where there is a valid argument is if an employer must all of a sudden provide health insurance which increases costs, and that company's competitors are in foreign countries where they do not have the cost of health insurance to deal with because they have government provided health insurance. Of course, then that argument opens up the argument that employers should not be responsible for providing health insurance at all in the US because it makes companies less competitive, thereby making the argument for government run healthcare.

Anyway, good luck to this man as he has reduced the size of his business and will probably make less money in the long run due to his own stubborness. It is obvious he based his decision on a knee jerk reaction to not getting what he wanted.

Wow, is this guy your cousin? Your college roomate? Because it was one anonymous interview and yet you seem to know everything about his business.

Every business owner I know with over 50 employees is scrambling to figure out how to deal with this. Even if they offer health insurance, if it doesn't conform with Obaamcare mandates then they might as well not. Their premiums will go up. This is a certainty. Their revenues likely will not. So rather than run their companies into the ground by over-staffing they are reducing headcount. That's what sensible people and orgs do: try to live within their means. The others voted for Obama.

You bet. Great post.

ACA is going to cost big time. The left seems to think it will be affordable. Hell. It won't be.

Its going to cause business to not hire and probably lay off. Great for the economy and the country.

Another four years of that fuck in the WH is going to be very interesting. Prosperity?? Don't hold your breath.
Nothing is inherently 'wrong' with it.

That 30 year postwar boom that you dream about was a moment in time which will never be repeated unless we bomb the rest of the industrial world out again.

Today, we have competition who will work harder for less, and you Liberals are the least likely demographic to support a union worker in America by purchasing their goods and services.

So stop being a fucking idiot.


Funny, how come it is always that the working man has to do with less, even though his wages have gone down, but the investors and CEO's just keep getting more, and that's fine with you clowns.

I give you facts, and you ignore them and give us Leftist whining.

But America gets what it deserves this time around.
Nothing is inherently 'wrong' with it.

That 30 year postwar boom that you dream about was a moment in time which will never be repeated unless we bomb the rest of the industrial world out again.

Today, we have competition who will work harder for less, and you Liberals are the least likely demographic to support a union worker in America by purchasing their goods and services.

So stop being a fucking idiot.


Funny, how come it is always that the working man has to do with less, even though his wages have gone down, but the investors and CEO's just keep getting more, and that's fine with you clowns.

You keep bankrolling the Oppressors, while those that think outside of the box are moves ahead of you. Keep pushing for more rules that inhibit free competition. Keep playing into their hands. Idiot.
Nothing is inherently 'wrong' with it.

That 30 year postwar boom that you dream about was a moment in time which will never be repeated unless we bomb the rest of the industrial world out again.

Today, we have competition who will work harder for less, and you Liberals are the least likely demographic to support a union worker in America by purchasing their goods and services.

So stop being a fucking idiot.


Funny, how come it is always that the working man has to do with less, even though his wages have gone down, but the investors and CEO's just keep getting more, and that's fine with you clowns.

I give you facts, and you ignore them and give us Leftist whining.

But America gets what it deserves this time around.

It does exactly, measure for measure. Apparently there has not been enough suffering.
We'll fix that, eventually.

Actually, if this guy is on the level, he may have violated some labor law or the other.

He certainly sounds like a guy to make an example of. Doesn't sound like he has the resources to really fight back against a determined effort.

Yeah. Because the remaining employees don't deserve jobs. Fuck 'em.

There's the union thug mentality at work.

Honestly, if I had a boss who said, "I'm having a hissy because I didn't like the way the election turned out, so I'm firing 20% of you!" I would want to get the hell out of there even if I wasn't one of the 20%. So should most sensible people. The guy sounds like a real asshole to work for.

Yeah. And you know what's better than all the other employees because you're a high school grad with minimal job skills.
Stalinism at work.
We'll fix that, eventually.

You think so, comrade?

When we realize the economy is based on workers and consumers, and not rich douchebags reading Ayn Rand, yeah, we will fix this.

Of course, we wouldn't have to fix it if we just kept what we had after the New Deal and WWII.

I am a worker and consumer, certainly not a rich douchebag...far from it, and I adore Ayn Rand's writing. So how do I fit into your fractured fairy tale?

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