Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

This will happen all over the nation. It's going to get ugly.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees
November 7, 2012 6:09 PM
LAS VEGAS (CBS Las Vegas) — A Las Vegas business owner with 114 employees fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of President Obama’s re-election.

“David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that “elections have consequences” and that “at the end of the day, I need to survive.”

Vegas Employer: Obama Won, So I Fired 22 Employees « CBS Las Vegas

Maybe we should publish his name, the name of his company and what they do.

If he wants to flip off half the country, why not?

You gonna get into this again, pussy? If you want something to happen to him why don't you go and do it yourself, loser?
The fact that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't offer a policy shows that it's on the employer. And idiots that think the over 50 limit will hold are well..idiots.
so essentially your argument is that it is on the employer and the limit will be elliminated because you think it is,

As I said.. why shouldn't we have to pay your rent and buy your groceries in order to make sure you spend your pay wisely. You're not even trusted to collect your own retirement funds. As an employer, I HAVE to do it for you.
you don't, the mandate is on the individual, you have to pay me enough to live on, which includes being able to afford healthcare along with my food and shelter.
More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

What's the matter Candy? You don't want people to know that Obama is the reason they lost their job? Why not? He managed to get re-elected and we're stuck with his ass, so why shouldn't Americans finally know the truth? He's a fiscal fuck up and people will lose their jobs because of him. And btw.. would you consider changing that butt ugly avatar? I don't know where you got it, but it is hideous.

Sorry, people will lose their jobs because of the party of no. You really need to keep up. LOL!

So, do you do anything other than being a cartoon character hyper-partisan shill?
Read your own posts. You don't believe people can take care of themselves. You think the government needs to control your job..and your behavior. You need Obama to be your new daddy it would seem.

no I expect my government to help us take the power back from the Corporatocracy that is destroying my country by devaluing the value of actual work.
The fact that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't offer a policy shows that it's on the employer. And idiots that think the over 50 limit will hold are well..idiots. As I said.. why shouldn't we have to pay your rent and buy your groceries in order to make sure you spend your pay wisely. You're not even trusted to collect your own retirement funds. As an employer, I HAVE to do it for you.

I think the fine basically tells you, either sign up for OC, or gov. will take your money and pay it for you. So you had the chance to do it the right way. I notice you don't mind doing business in America, and removing money from society for profits, you just hate participating in society as you should. Why not stop complaining and hike your ass out of here, Mexico could use a guy like you.

LOL You don't seem to know the difference between participation and conscription. Who are you to decide how others "should" participate in society? You don't seem to mind taking money out of society for yourself. Why do you begrudge business owners a living? And the fine I was discussing was the fine on EMPLOYERS. If you can't follow the conversation, you shouldn't jump into it.

You know, I decide when I put people in office to step on your tongue. I am an American and this is representative government. Who begrudges the business that pays it's way in a free society? And the fine I am talking about is the fine on employers, so if you can't comprehend the context, thats on you dude. We are talking about you, not the weasel down the street.
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This will happen all over the nation. It's going to get ugly.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees
November 7, 2012 6:09 PM
LAS VEGAS (CBS Las Vegas) — A Las Vegas business owner with 114 employees fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of President Obama’s re-election.

“David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that “elections have consequences” and that “at the end of the day, I need to survive.”

Here’s an excerpt from the interview. Click the audio tab below to hear even more from this compelling conversation:

“I’ve done my share of educating my employees. I never tell them which way to vote. I believe in the free system we have, I believe in the right to choose who they want to be president, but I did explain as a business owner that I have always put my employees first. I always made sure that when I went without a paycheck that made sure they were paid. And I explained that I always put them first and unfortunately I’m at a point where I’m being forced to have to worry about me and my family now and a business that I built from just me to 114 employees.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won, So I Fired 22 Employees « CBS Las Vegas

That is bullshit. He did NOT have to fire anyone. He is simply using Obama as an excuse to get rid of some employees he doesn't want. Simple as that. My bet is that once the dust has settled, he will hire new employees, and pay them less.
The fact that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't offer a policy shows that it's on the employer. And idiots that think the over 50 limit will hold are well..idiots.
so essentially your argument is that it is on the employer and the limit will be elliminated because you think it is,

As I said.. why shouldn't we have to pay your rent and buy your groceries in order to make sure you spend your pay wisely. You're not even trusted to collect your own retirement funds. As an employer, I HAVE to do it for you.
you don't, the mandate is on the individual, you have to pay me enough to live on, which includes being able to afford healthcare along with my food and shelter.

No.. I HAVE to pay you $7.25 an hour and what you choose to do with the money is up to you. But you don't HAVE to work for $7.25 an hour. You are free to find an employer that thinks you are worth more. That's how it works.
What's the matter Candy? You don't want people to know that Obama is the reason they lost their job? Why not? He managed to get re-elected and we're stuck with his ass, so why shouldn't Americans finally know the truth? He's a fiscal fuck up and people will lose their jobs because of him. And btw.. would you consider changing that butt ugly avatar? I don't know where you got it, but it is hideous.

Sorry, people will lose their jobs because of the party of no. You really need to keep up. LOL!

So, do you do anything other than being a cartoon character hyper-partisan shill?

Do you do anything besides wash balls at the county jail?
We don't shop at Home Depot anymore because it's owned by the Koch brothers. We also don't buy Koch brothers' paper products.


What a moron!!
I know. I looked into Home Depot, and it doesn't appear that it is.

Of course, I don't take much of anything on face value. Others just believe what they are told to believe.

It's founder (Bernie Marcus) did suggest that those retailers that did not support GOP "should be shot."

I sure as hell won't shop there anymore.

Home Depot Founder: Retailers Who Don't Support GOP "Should Be Shot"

"If a retailer has not gotten involved with this, if he has not spent money on this election, if he has not sent money to Norm Coleman and these other guys," Mr. Marcus said, apparently referring to Republican senators facing tough re-election fights, then those retailers "should be shot; should be thrown out of their goddamn jobs."

It's nice to know Home Depot supports the death penalty for not supporting their politics. The coming EFCA fight is going to be bloody.
So, what makes you think an employer owes anyone a job?

What makes you think the public owes an employer any business?

When does the public give away businesses? Shit.. I wish I'd known that and I wouldn't have invested in and worked hard to build mine. Damn.. I didn't get hooked up with an Obama phone either.

Now, you know perfectly well that Photonic meant that we (the public) don't have to patronize your establishments.

We don't have to buy your shit, either. :lol:
This will happen all over the nation. It's going to get ugly.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees
November 7, 2012 6:09 PM
LAS VEGAS (CBS Las Vegas) — A Las Vegas business owner with 114 employees fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of President Obama’s re-election.

“David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that “elections have consequences” and that “at the end of the day, I need to survive.”

Here’s an excerpt from the interview. Click the audio tab below to hear even more from this compelling conversation:

“I’ve done my share of educating my employees. I never tell them which way to vote. I believe in the free system we have, I believe in the right to choose who they want to be president, but I did explain as a business owner that I have always put my employees first. I always made sure that when I went without a paycheck that made sure they were paid. And I explained that I always put them first and unfortunately I’m at a point where I’m being forced to have to worry about me and my family now and a business that I built from just me to 114 employees.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won, So I Fired 22 Employees « CBS Las Vegas

That is bullshit. He did NOT have to fire anyone. He is simply using Obama as an excuse to get rid of some employees he doesn't want. Simple as that. My bet is that once the dust has settled, he will hire new employees, and pay them less.

He doesn't have to use Obama for that. His is a right to work state and he doesn't need a reason to fire anyone. He knows his costs are rising due to ObamaTax and a contracting economy and is being preemptive in dealing with them. Obama has proven that he is a fiscal idiot. He even said that he had trouble with his child's 7th grade math. Business people don't trust him.
What makes you think the public owes an employer any business?

When does the public give away businesses? Shit.. I wish I'd known that and I wouldn't have invested in and worked hard to build mine. Damn.. I didn't get hooked up with an Obama phone either.

Now, you know perfectly well that Photonic meant that we (the public) don't have to patronize your establishments.

We don't have to buy your shit, either. :lol:

I understand that people don't HAVE to patronize my business, which is why I work at making them WANT to.
:lol: That's just too fucking funny. Have you SEEN the unemployment rate? I mean, the REAL unemployment rate?
yes it's declining.
You and your prissy-ass demands could be replaced for a song.
which is exactly why a law was necessary, so businesses cannot continue to ignore this issue, and employees won't have to compromise on their basic needs.

Oh... and the "lowering of costs" you refer to amount to rationing and doctors turning patients away because of low payments. A fucking plastic card in your hand doesn't mean a goddam thing if you can't get a doctor to see you.

yeah because requiring preventative care, immunization and discouraging unhealthy behaviors won't reduce costs at all. :rolleyes: And of course the whole reason the RIGHT wanted a mandate instead of single payer was because "market forces" would lower costs, are you saying the free market isn't the best way to deal with this issue?

And you fuckers wonder why we refer to you as commies. :rolleyes:
You approve of the government micromanaging our behaviors and think that businesses are there to serve your personal needs.

The unemployment numbers were manipulations to make Obama look good, and in case you forgot what this thread was about... it's about people LOSING their jobs thanks to the ObamaTax, so it's going back up again. And since liberal bitches make for inferior employees, it's going to be harder on you assholes than it'll be on us. And if there's one silver lining in the deep, dark cloud that is Barack Obama, it's that.
Read your own posts. You don't believe people can take care of themselves. You think the government needs to control your job..and your behavior. You need Obama to be your new daddy it would seem.

no I expect my government to help us take the power back from the Corporatocracy that is destroying my country by devaluing the value of actual work.

Oh... THAT is priceless! :lmao: You living in a grass hut there, hoss? Some squirrel running a wheel to generate electricity for your homemade computer?

Fuck you, looter. Nobody owes you or any other worthless bitch like you a living.
He doesn't have to use Obama for that. His is a right to work state and he doesn't need a reason to fire anyone. He knows his costs are rising due to ObamaTax and a contracting economy and is being preemptive in dealing with them. Obama has proven that he is a fiscal idiot. He even said that he had trouble with his child's 7th grade math. Business people don't trust him.

So the President is expected to have been an A grade student in math? I suck at maths, but I would never let anyone tell me that I couldn't hold down my dream job because of it.
The fact that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't offer a policy shows that it's on the employer. And idiots that think the over 50 limit will hold are well..idiots.
so essentially your argument is that it is on the employer and the limit will be elliminated because you think it is,

As I said.. why shouldn't we have to pay your rent and buy your groceries in order to make sure you spend your pay wisely. You're not even trusted to collect your own retirement funds. As an employer, I HAVE to do it for you.
you don't, the mandate is on the individual, you have to pay me enough to live on, which includes being able to afford healthcare along with my food and shelter.

No he doesn't. He only has to pay you minimum wage or whatever he finds necessary to achieve the skill level to support the needs of his business. He gets to set the hours, which are more and more likely to be part-time. And he can pay the fine rather than pay for your fucking healthcare coverage. Dumbass.
He doesn't have to use Obama for that. His is a right to work state and he doesn't need a reason to fire anyone. He knows his costs are rising due to ObamaTax and a contracting economy and is being preemptive in dealing with them. Obama has proven that he is a fiscal idiot. He even said that he had trouble with his child's 7th grade math. Business people don't trust him.

So the President is expected to have been an A grade student in math? I suck at maths, but I would never let anyone tell me that I couldn't hold down my dream job because of it.

Well, he was head of the Law Dept at Harvard, so I assume he had pretty decent grades.
He doesn't have to use Obama for that. His is a right to work state and he doesn't need a reason to fire anyone. He knows his costs are rising due to ObamaTax and a contracting economy and is being preemptive in dealing with them. Obama has proven that he is a fiscal idiot. He even said that he had trouble with his child's 7th grade math. Business people don't trust him.

So the President is expected to have been an A grade student in math? I suck at maths, but I would never let anyone tell me that I couldn't hold down my dream job because of it.

Maybe that's why he needs a "Secretary of Business". :rolleyes:

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. Fuck yeah!!!!
Thanks for proving the Republican Party has absolutely no interest in the future of the United States. You would rather put your petty differences in ideology ahead of our own fucking future. You're fucking scum.

Not to mention that firing someone on the basis of political affiliation is illegal.

Hopefully they'll sue their ass for wrongful termination, or they'll go to jail.

Especially if the large majority of the people fired are black, as I suspect they will be, given the " especially those who look like they might have voted for Obama" line.

And then Sniper's business will be run into the ground, and it will be all his own fault.

Good work Sniper.

Elections have consequences. There is simply no good reason to ever hire an entitlement-minded Liberal when so many great workers are available. And besides, they might think twice about voting for the likes of Obama next time.



Actions have consequences, too, and the actions of the business sector over the past 4 years had consequences: this years election results!

Those who held a gun to the economy and threatened to shoot if they didn't get their way did hurt families trying to feed their children; college graduates facing starker prospects after taking on the debt to increase their academic capital; and all the people living in the cities, towns, counties and states that had to lay off workers, cut back work on roads, and downsize the agencies that provide needed services.

But see, here's the thing: people resent protection rackets and bag-men, and enough of the public were held up during your great hold up to take notice of the clear intent behind it, to look around at others that they might not have met or had anything in common with in a new light, and back over at the GOP with a more realistic, if darker, perspective. So in response, and as a consequence, the country, by and large (BY A LANDSLIDE, I BELIEVE), issued a huge :fu: to the ransom demands of the economic terrorists that made up the GOP and its corporate sponsors.

So :thanks: SO much for showing your asses, and stay classy!
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He doesn't have to use Obama for that. His is a right to work state and he doesn't need a reason to fire anyone. He knows his costs are rising due to ObamaTax and a contracting economy and is being preemptive in dealing with them. Obama has proven that he is a fiscal idiot. He even said that he had trouble with his child's 7th grade math. Business people don't trust him.

So the President is expected to have been an A grade student in math? I suck at maths, but I would never let anyone tell me that I couldn't hold down my dream job because of it.

Well, he was head of the Law Dept at Harvard, so I assume he had pretty decent grades.

That's all you'll get, an assumption. Since the chickenshit bastard won't release his college records.

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