Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

My apologies if anyone has already posted this link, but the same thing is happening in Georgia.

Obamacare Layoffs: Georgia Businessman Claims He Fired Workers Because Obama Won

WASHINGTON -- A man claiming to be a Georgia small business owner said he fired some employees and cut hours for others because of President Barack Obama’s reelection.

The man identified himself as Stu, without giving a last name, and said he owns a small aviation services company. He told C-SPAN’s Washington Journal that he “simply can’t afford” to run his business if he has to comply with the the Affordable Care Act.

“Yesterday I called all my part-time employees in and said because Obama won I was cutting their hours from 30 to 25 a week so i would not fall under the Obamacare mandate,” Stu, who said he is from Williamson, Ga., told C-SPAN. ....“I had to lay two full-timers off to get under the 50-person cap,” Stu told C-SPAN. “I tried to make sure that the people I had to lay off voted for Obama.”


My prediction - we'll see a lot more of this, especially after the holidays.

You know what pisses me off is that when Obamacare was still in debate, I can't remember one fucking liberal that didn't argue back saying this wouldn't happen, when it was obvious to anybody with eyes in their head that it would.

This is only the layoffs though. Next come the employers who dump health benefits and pay the fine instead.

Hmm, first you have to prove ol Stu is real, has a business, and actually laid off workers. OK? That comes before your fantasy's and paranoidism.:badgrin:

Stu from Georgia might not be "real" ... :lol:

The others aren't either?
I'm curious. Everybody on this board seems to be an expert in small business. Does anyone want to reveal if they are an owner or principal in a business, what the business produces, how many employees they have, and how many years they have in it? Please, I don't want to know how much money anyone claims to have made, how rich they are, or how much they are worth.
My apologies if anyone has already posted this link, but the same thing is happening in Georgia.

Obamacare Layoffs: Georgia Businessman Claims He Fired Workers Because Obama Won

WASHINGTON -- A man claiming to be a Georgia small business owner said he fired some employees and cut hours for others because of President Barack Obama’s reelection.

The man identified himself as Stu, without giving a last name, and said he owns a small aviation services company. He told C-SPAN’s Washington Journal that he “simply can’t afford” to run his business if he has to comply with the the Affordable Care Act.

“Yesterday I called all my part-time employees in and said because Obama won I was cutting their hours from 30 to 25 a week so i would not fall under the Obamacare mandate,” Stu, who said he is from Williamson, Ga., told C-SPAN. ....“I had to lay two full-timers off to get under the 50-person cap,” Stu told C-SPAN. “I tried to make sure that the people I had to lay off voted for Obama.”


My prediction - we'll see a lot more of this, especially after the holidays.

You know what pisses me off is that when Obamacare was still in debate, I can't remember one fucking liberal that didn't argue back saying this wouldn't happen, when it was obvious to anybody with eyes in their head that it would.

This is only the layoffs though. Next come the employers who dump health benefits and pay the fine instead.

Oh yes, that's on the way too. They begged for it.

I love that the Georgia employer said he tried to make sure he laid off Obama voters. :eusa_clap:

Well, obviously they can't get caught doing that but you don't stay in business long when you can't figure out how to work the system to your advantage, And unfortunately there's going to be alot of good decent people who end up out of work along with the dumbasses who voted for this mess. But does it hurt my feelings when libs get hoisted by their own petards?... not for a second.
Everything bad predicted about Obamacare is going to happen. Including the death panels. It just doesn't take a genius to predict this. But it does take a moron to ignore it.

Ahh, we got ourselves a con. We can tell because he reads tea leaves, has a crystal ball, and has out of body experiences. Did you predict Romney was going to be a Loser? Hmm?:D
Wait I'm sorry, this guy is firing people because of his opinions about the outcome of a political election, and not for any actual factual merits of what that election means.

Sorry, we don't need any more fuckwads like that. Petty Job Destroyers is what they are.

What's he going to do next? Fire all his male employees because he's worried he might have to fuck them because of encroaching gay rights? That would be more of the same retarded actions based on retarded beliefs.

I think you have a fever, Cowpie, you seem more delusional tonight.

The guy is laying off 22 employees because of the increasing costs and requirements of Obamacare. It has nothing to do with 'opinions'.

It's 'BUSINESS', look it up.

Oh fucking PLEASE. He fired people because he raged at the results of the elections, and you know it.
Put down the Kool-Aid and step away from the pitcher.

He took 22 people under him to relied on his pay, and said "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" before kicking their asses to the curb. Not before any fucking ACTUAL increasing costs hit him(which they aren't increasing much, especially with small businesses), but because of a whim.
You're proposing that he actually ABSORB a loss rather than AVOID it?
Is that a smart business plan to you?
All the extra costs to businesses in regards to the afordable health care act can be mitigated and eliminated under programs available.
Who pays those costs THEN?
Or do they just somehow magically disappear?
But does this dude fucking do any of that shit? No... he fires the fathers and mothers of 22 of his employees.
Dude, get a grip. He obviously wanted them on the payroll or... wait for it... he would've NEVER HIRED THEM. What could possibly give you the idea that he ENJOYED firing them?
Do you think those employees are going to think, "Yeah... of course, why wouldn't he do that. No. And I bet there was an accountant or two in that mix who were thinking to themselves, "THINGS WERE FUCKING FINE!"
You sure do like to make shit up to argue about.

And it wouldn't MATTER what the employees 'think' because, as the old saying goes, "It's not their BUSINESS."
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You know what pisses me off is that when Obamacare was still in debate, I can't remember one fucking liberal that didn't argue back saying this wouldn't happen, when it was obvious to anybody with eyes in their head that it would.

This is only the layoffs though. Next come the employers who dump health benefits and pay the fine instead.

Oh yes, that's on the way too. They begged for it.

I love that the Georgia employer said he tried to make sure he laid off Obama voters. :eusa_clap:

Well, obviously they can't get caught doing that but you don't stay in business long when you can't figure out how to work the system to your advantage, And unfortunately there's going to be alot of good decent people who end up out of work along with the dumbasses who voted for this mess. But does it hurt my feelings when libs get hoisted by their own petards?... not for a second.

LMAO! It works both ways dude. Who do you think is going to be paying for all these lay offs? LOL! That be you dude. What happens to a business when he lays off workers dude? Production drops, profits go down, and cancel xmas. LMAO!! SO yeah, lets see who hurts more, the guy drawing unemployment or the business owner paying more taxes and working with less capital. sounds suicidal to me.
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Oh yes, that's on the way too. They begged for it.

I love that the Georgia employer said he tried to make sure he laid off Obama voters. :eusa_clap:

Well, obviously they can't get caught doing that but you don't stay in business long when you can't figure out how to work the system to your advantage, And unfortunately there's going to be alot of good decent people who end up out of work along with the dumbasses who voted for this mess. But does it hurt my feelings when libs get hoisted by their own petards?... not for a second.

LMAO! It works both ways dude. Who do you think is going to be paying for all these lay offs? LOL! That be you dude. What happens to a business when he lays off workers dude? Production drops, profits go down, and cancel xmas. LMAO!! SO yeah, lets see who hurts more, the guy drawing unemployment or the business owner paying more taxes and working with less capital. sounds suicidal to me.

Are you guys just retarded or something? :eusa_eh: 'Cause that would explain your WHOLE ideology.

It doesn't matter how much you produce if your sales don't account for enough to offset your expenses. Just producing more units doesn't mean you will actually sell those units. Your production is geared toward your projected sales, not the other fucking way around. If your projected sales aren't going to offset additional expense, you downsize and remove the expense.
I'm curious. Everybody on this board seems to be an expert in small business. Does anyone want to reveal if they are an owner or principal in a business, what the business produces, how many employees they have, and how many years they have in it? Please, I don't want to know how much money anyone claims to have made, how rich they are, or how much they are worth.

You have to remember, 96 hours ago, all of these fucking idiots were telling us that Romney was going to get 300+ electoral votes. He got 206.

This was in spite of there not being one credible source that showed Romney leading in the electoral vote tally. Not one source.

None of these people have any clue of what they are talking about. It's best just to point and giggle and on occasion poke them with a stick to see them flail about.
I'm curious. Everybody on this board seems to be an expert in small business. Does anyone want to reveal if they are an owner or principal in a business, what the business produces, how many employees they have, and how many years they have in it? Please, I don't want to know how much money anyone claims to have made, how rich they are, or how much they are worth.

I used to be in the remodel business, it got more lucrative to switch to foreclosure flips about four years ago. Some go into rentals depending on the investment. I really thought once Romney got voted in I would be out of taking foreclosures and the economy would step up. Not now, foreclosures and rentals are going to be the future of the next four years.
If you can't afford to provide healthcare for your employees then you're business is failing. It's the exact same thing as saying you can't afford to pay wages.
If you can't afford to provide healthcare for your employees then you're business is failing. It's the exact same thing as saying you can't afford to pay wages.

If you can't wipe your ass with $100 bills you can't afford indoor plumbing.
If you can't afford to provide healthcare for your employees then you're business is failing. It's the exact same thing as saying you can't afford to pay wages.

Funny perception, many businesses are in very competitive markets. many small mom and pops are being driven out because they cant afford to lower prices below the big chain stores.

So he raises his prices and if consumers decide it costs to much, they don't buy and he loses money, then goes out of business.

So a small business needs to cut some where, wages can be cut, so can hours, the rest of the costs a pretty well fixed, like the cost of goods, the electric, the water, and so on.
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If you can't afford to provide healthcare for your employees then you're business is failing. It's the exact same thing as saying you can't afford to pay wages.

Funny perception, many businesses are in very competitive markets. many small mom and pops are being driven out because they cant afford to lower prices below the big chain stores.

So he raises his prices and if consumers decide it costs to much, they don't buy and he loses money, then goes out of business.

So a small business needs to cut some where, wages can be cut, so can hours, the rest of the costs a pretty well fixed, like the cost of goods, the electric, the water, and so on.

So basically you're saying you agree with me. If the only way you can compete is by denying your employees the healthcare that we ALL need, and expect the rest of us to subsidize your business by paying for your employees doctor bills in our healthcare costs, then your running a failing business. despite how the right wing media tries to paint Obamacare as a handout, it's far more about making people and their employers take responsibility for their own costs.
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If you can't afford to provide healthcare for your employees then you're business is failing. It's the exact same thing as saying you can't afford to pay wages.

Funny perception, many businesses are in very competitive markets. many small mom and pops are being driven out because they cant afford to lower prices below the big chain stores.

So he raises his prices and if consumers decide it costs to much, they don't buy and he loses money, then goes out of business.

So a small business needs to cut some where, wages can be cut, so can hours, the rest of the costs a pretty well fixed, like the cost of goods, the electric, the water, and so on.

So basically you're saying you agree with me. If the only way you can compete is by denying your employees the healthcare that we ALL need, and expect the rest of us to subsidize your business by paying for your employees doctor bills in our healthcare costs, then your running a failing business. despite how the right wing media tries to paint Obamacare as a handout, it's far more about making people and their employers take responsibility for their own costs.

Why do you think it's an employers job to pay for YOUR health insurance? Are you not capable of writing a check to an insurance company? Do you need your employer to pay your rent and buy your groceries too? Are you too ignorant to handle your own pay?
If you can't afford to provide healthcare for your employees then you're business is failing. It's the exact same thing as saying you can't afford to pay wages.

Funny perception, many businesses are in very competitive markets. many small mom and pops are being driven out because they cant afford to lower prices below the big chain stores.

So he raises his prices and if consumers decide it costs to much, they don't buy and he loses money, then goes out of business.

So a small business needs to cut some where, wages can be cut, so can hours, the rest of the costs a pretty well fixed, like the cost of goods, the electric, the water, and so on.

So basically you're saying you agree with me. If the only way you can compete is by denying your employees the healthcare that we ALL need, and expect the rest of us to subsidize your business by paying for your employees doctor bills in our healthcare costs, then your running a failing business. despite how the right wing media tries to paint Obamacare as a handout, it's far more about making people and their employers take responsibility for their own costs.

Nobody owes you healthcare, mooch. Why don't you try running a goddam business and seeing how much YOU enjoy being a fucking public service and unpaid tax collector?

Obamacare does NOTHING to solve the actual problem of spiraling healthcare costs. All it does is drive up the cost of fucking insurance policies for people who actually WORK for a living.
If you can't afford to provide healthcare for your employees then you're business is failing. It's the exact same thing as saying you can't afford to pay wages.

If you can't wipe your ass with $100 bills you can't afford indoor plumbing.

Not true at all, I pay about $200 every three years to have my septic serviced and a few bucks a year to run my well soo.

Your government has passed a law that your employees get their septic service done once a week and the well get's serviced every two. They don't really seem to give a shit how often you get yours done your employees deserve the service.If you aren't in for that you're a greedy fuck.

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