Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees


Start with the one that is causing businesses across the nation to shed workers. We affectionately call it ObamaTax cause it makes us feel less like puking.

Why are they shedding workers? Do they not already have a group policy available to their eligible employees?

Not all businesses have policies and the prices on those that do are rising.

I'm pretty sure the prices were rising before the Affordable Health Care Act.
I predict a rash of anonymous business owners committing suicide over the re-election of Obama.

Capitalism, someone else will step in and fill their shoes.


God, I fucking hope so. The last thing we need are more asshole bosses.

Kill yourselves already over your pathetic delusions!
Yes let's get rid of the people that actually create business. You are fucking seriously retarded. I mean slobbering in the corner retarded. Not the normal "oh look the retarded kid is entertaining" kind. I mean the holy shit WTF kind.

Wait I'm sorry, this guy is firing people because of his opinions about the outcome of a political election, and not for any actual factual merits of what that election means.

Sorry, we don't need any more fuckwads like that. Petty Job Destroyers is what they are.

What's he going to do next? Fire all his male employees because he's worried he might have to fuck them because of encroaching gay rights? That would be more of the same retarded actions based on retarded beliefs.
My apologies if anyone has already posted this link, but the same thing is happening in Georgia.

Obamacare Layoffs: Georgia Businessman Claims He Fired Workers Because Obama Won

WASHINGTON -- A man claiming to be a Georgia small business owner said he fired some employees and cut hours for others because of President Barack Obama’s reelection.

The man identified himself as Stu, without giving a last name, and said he owns a small aviation services company. He told C-SPAN’s Washington Journal that he “simply can’t afford” to run his business if he has to comply with the the Affordable Care Act.

“Yesterday I called all my part-time employees in and said because Obama won I was cutting their hours from 30 to 25 a week so i would not fall under the Obamacare mandate,” Stu, who said he is from Williamson, Ga., told C-SPAN. ....“I had to lay two full-timers off to get under the 50-person cap,” Stu told C-SPAN. “I tried to make sure that the people I had to lay off voted for Obama.”


My prediction - we'll see a lot more of this, especially after the holidays.
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Why are they shedding workers? Do they not already have a group policy available to their eligible employees?

Obamatax is not the only problem. Did you see the article this morning about the carbon tax? This administration looks at businesses as cash cows and business owners are tired of getting milked.

“The president told the senators that he still believes the best way for us to transition to a clean energy economy is with a bill that makes clean energy the profitable kind of energy for America’s businesses by putting a price on pollution – because when companies pollute, they should be responsible for the costs to the environment and their contribution to climate change,” according to a White House readout of the closed-door session with about 20 senators.

“Not all of the senators agreed with this approach,” the statement added, “and the president welcomed other approaches and ideas.”

Democratic senators who attended the meeting said afterward that Obama argued passionately for pricing carbon emissions. But they also acknowledged Republican resistance, and are trying to find a compromise that can win enough votes to pass. One Senate leader on the issue, John Kerry (D) of Massachusetts, said he and Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I) of Connecticut are ready to “scale back the reach of our legislation” to gain more support.

Last year, the House passed energy and climate-change legislation, but its ambitious “cap and trade” system for limiting carbon emissions is a nonstarter in the Senate.

Still, Senator Lieberman, speaking from the White House driveway after Tuesday’s meeting, sounded an encouraging note on the prospect for compromise with Republicans.

“A very important thing that happened around the table is that some of our colleagues who up until this time had been at least publicly reluctant about the polluter pays, putting a price on carbon pollution, said that they’d be willing to discuss limited terms of doing that in this bill. And to me that’s a breakthrough,” Lieberman said, according to ABC News.

Oh for fucks sake. :rolleyes: Does nobody understand that "carbon credits" are CASH, doled out by the government as IT sees fit. That means politicians and bureaucrats providing them generously to those that kick back to the campaigns, and political opponents punished accordingly. But it's also a sword that swings both ways once a given company becomes big and important enough to affect the local economy in a politician's home district. At that point, it's the company running the politician and not the other way around, because if it doesn't get what it wants it can fuck him over with the voters.

Carbon credits are nothing but a money-making scam, enriching politicians and corporations as they all jockey for position and eliminate foes. If it was REALLY about imminent global warming, they'd simply regulate and be done. I don't care what side of the political spectrum one hails from, we should ALL be in agreement in the face of that kind of corruption.
LOL, so you don't like a plan that has conservative roots.

"The mandate, requiring every American to purchase health insurance, appeared in a 1989 published proposal by Stuart M. Butler of the conservative Heritage Foundation called "Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans," which included a provision to "mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance."

The Heritage Foundation "substantially revised" its proposal four years later, according to a 1994 analysis by the Congressional Budget Office. But the idea of an individual health insurance mandate later appeared in two bills introduced by Republican lawmakers in 1993, according to the non-partisan research group Among the supporters of the bills were senators Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who today oppose the mandate under current law."

Read more: Individual health care insurance mandate has roots two decades long | Fox News

Didn't like it then, don't like it now.

There were reasons it never got any further than a proposal.

Skyrocketing costs and healthcare rationing, to name a few.

How many young people will want to burden themselves with $100K of tuition debt to work as doctors in a system that won't pay them for their work and expertise?

Doctors even now are refusing to take new Medicare patients, and it's only going to get worse.

It's nice to see an honest reply! I agree with you, one of the reasons I liked him over Hillary was because his was SUPPOSED to be a voluntary and contributory one and Hilary's was supposed to be the one that had the individual mandate.

I don't see it going to the extreme that you see it going to. If it was a total take over of the medical system, then I can definitely see your scenario. Our country still likes private industry, I'm willing to bet that the health care industry has a powerful lobby, so do the doctors.

I have friends in the healthcare industry, from doctors to insurance providers to medical recruiters. NONE of them see it any different than I do.

The problem is, as with most of government, takeover by incrementalism.
That's pretty crazy, firing people because of how they voted. But like I said before, more work for the rest of us that were never batshit crazy to begin with.
My apologies if anyone has already posted this link, but the same thing is happening in Georgia.

Obamacare Layoffs: Georgia Businessman Claims He Fired Workers Because Obama Won

WASHINGTON -- A man claiming to be a Georgia small business owner said he fired some employees and cut hours for others because of President Barack Obama’s reelection.

The man identified himself as Stu, without giving a last name, and said he owns a small aviation services company. He told C-SPAN’s Washington Journal that he “simply can’t afford” to run his business if he has to comply with the the Affordable Care Act.

“Yesterday I called all my part-time employees in and said because Obama won I was cutting their hours from 30 to 25 a week so i would not fall under the Obamacare mandate,” Stu, who said he is from Williamson, Ga., told C-SPAN. ....“I had to lay two full-timers off to get under the 50-person cap,” Stu told C-SPAN. “I tried to make sure that the people I had to lay off voted for Obama.”


My prediction - we'll see a lot more of this, especially after the holidays.

You know what pisses me off is that when Obamacare was still in debate, I can't remember one fucking liberal that didn't argue back saying this wouldn't happen, when it was obvious to anybody with eyes in their head that it would.

This is only the layoffs though. Next come the employers who dump health benefits and pay the fine instead.
Everything bad predicted about Obamacare is going to happen. Including the death panels. It just doesn't take a genius to predict this. But it does take a moron to ignore it.
I haven't fired anyone. Nor do I plan to. Just like I didn't fire anyone when Bush got re-elected.

You really are this stupid in real life, aren't you?

Why does your business exist?
Prolly because I'm not a stupid, hysterical nutter.

So you aren't even able to answer a simple question in an adult manner and you think you're smarter than others. Since you don't seem to know why your business exists, I'll tell you why mine does. My business exists because I needed to make a living for my family. I didn't open this business to benefit government, to benefit employees, or to benefit society although my business does all of those things. It exists to provide for my family first and foremost. If government makes it too difficult for me to afford employees, then I can downsize back to a point where it's just family working and make about the same money I make now. I don't owe anyone their job or their health insurance for that matter.
God, I fucking hope so. The last thing we need are more asshole bosses.

Kill yourselves already over your pathetic delusions!
Yes let's get rid of the people that actually create business. You are fucking seriously retarded. I mean slobbering in the corner retarded. Not the normal "oh look the retarded kid is entertaining" kind. I mean the holy shit WTF kind.

Wait I'm sorry, this guy is firing people because of his opinions about the outcome of a political election, and not for any actual factual merits of what that election means.

Sorry, we don't need any more fuckwads like that. Petty Job Destroyers is what they are.

What's he going to do next? Fire all his male employees because he's worried he might have to fuck them because of encroaching gay rights? That would be more of the same retarded actions based on retarded beliefs.

You have some serious issues here. Do you not understand what it costs to employ people versus how much you bring in to pay for them?

Since when is hiring someone and you can't make anything due to government a job destroyer? Wasn't it the government that destroyed that job?

You will soon see the factual merits of what this election means. It means higher unemployment and more layoff's. Business doesn't work like your fantasy land of just increasing taxes and somehow that results in a better life for all. Business' have to rely on such crazy concepts as math, income and profit.

Apparently you need a serious lesson on business 101. Let's start with kindergarten math.
I hope those employees sue the shit out of that crybaby right wing piece of trash (if it's even true)

Nevada is a right to work state, what do you sue them for? Making an intelligent business decision? Sue them for looking out for their business?
God, I fucking hope so. The last thing we need are more asshole bosses.

Kill yourselves already over your pathetic delusions!
Yes let's get rid of the people that actually create business. You are fucking seriously retarded. I mean slobbering in the corner retarded. Not the normal "oh look the retarded kid is entertaining" kind. I mean the holy shit WTF kind.

Wait I'm sorry, this guy is firing people because of his opinions about the outcome of a political election, and not for any actual factual merits of what that election means.

Sorry, we don't need any more fuckwads like that. Petty Job Destroyers is what they are.

What's he going to do next? Fire all his male employees because he's worried he might have to fuck them because of encroaching gay rights? That would be more of the same retarded actions based on retarded beliefs.

I think you have a fever, Cowpie, you seem more delusional tonight.

The guy is laying off 22 employees because of the increasing costs and requirements of Obamacare. It has nothing to do with 'opinions'.

It's 'BUSINESS', look it up.
I'll go over the employee roster for all of the regions again in the morning.

I am sure there are still a number of likely Democrat voters that can still be purged.
That's pretty crazy, firing people because of how they voted. But like I said before, more work for the rest of us that were never batshit crazy to begin with.

I thought liberals were all about people voting for their own self interest? Why are you surprised that this man acts in his own self interest? People knew that a Romney presidency would get rid of ObamaTax. They knew that electing Obama would cause ObamaTax to stay. Why keep employees that caused you harm?
Everything bad predicted about Obamacare is going to happen. Including the death panels. It just doesn't take a genius to predict this. But it does take a moron to ignore it.

It didn't take a genius to believe that Obama was going to win the election. It took a moron to believe Romney had it in the bag.
Yes let's get rid of the people that actually create business. You are fucking seriously retarded. I mean slobbering in the corner retarded. Not the normal "oh look the retarded kid is entertaining" kind. I mean the holy shit WTF kind.

Wait I'm sorry, this guy is firing people because of his opinions about the outcome of a political election, and not for any actual factual merits of what that election means.

Sorry, we don't need any more fuckwads like that. Petty Job Destroyers is what they are.

What's he going to do next? Fire all his male employees because he's worried he might have to fuck them because of encroaching gay rights? That would be more of the same retarded actions based on retarded beliefs.

I think you have a fever, Cowpie, you seem more delusional tonight.

The guy is laying off 22 employees because of the increasing costs and requirements of Obamacare. It has nothing to do with 'opinions'.

It's 'BUSINESS', look it up.

Oh fucking PLEASE. He fired people because he raged at the results of the elections, and you know it.

He took 22 people under him to relied on his pay, and said "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" before kicking their asses to the curb. Not before any fucking ACTUAL increasing costs hit him(which they aren't increasing much, especially with small businesses), but because of a whim.

All the extra costs to businesses in regards to the afordable health care act can be mitigated and eliminated under programs available.

But does this dude fucking do any of that shit? No... he fires the fathers and mothers of 22 of his employees.

Do you think those employees are going to think, "Yeah... of course, why wouldn't he do that. No. And I bet there was an accountant or two in that mix who were thinking to themselves, "THINGS WERE FUCKING FINE!"
Everything bad predicted about Obamacare is going to happen. Including the death panels. It just doesn't take a genius to predict this. But it does take a moron to ignore it.

It didn't take a genius to believe that Obama was going to win the election. It took a moron to believe Romney had it in the bag.

Pretty shabby diversion there, don't you think?

The subject is the job-killing, tax-raising, misery-inducing OBAMATAX.

We tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen.
I'll go over the employee roster for all of the regions again in the morning.

I am sure there are still a number of likely Democrat voters that can still be purged.

Just find the black and brown people SniperFire, I know you want to!
My apologies if anyone has already posted this link, but the same thing is happening in Georgia.

Obamacare Layoffs: Georgia Businessman Claims He Fired Workers Because Obama Won

WASHINGTON -- A man claiming to be a Georgia small business owner said he fired some employees and cut hours for others because of President Barack Obama’s reelection.

The man identified himself as Stu, without giving a last name, and said he owns a small aviation services company. He told C-SPAN’s Washington Journal that he “simply can’t afford” to run his business if he has to comply with the the Affordable Care Act.

“Yesterday I called all my part-time employees in and said because Obama won I was cutting their hours from 30 to 25 a week so i would not fall under the Obamacare mandate,” Stu, who said he is from Williamson, Ga., told C-SPAN. ....“I had to lay two full-timers off to get under the 50-person cap,” Stu told C-SPAN. “I tried to make sure that the people I had to lay off voted for Obama.”


My prediction - we'll see a lot more of this, especially after the holidays.

You know what pisses me off is that when Obamacare was still in debate, I can't remember one fucking liberal that didn't argue back saying this wouldn't happen, when it was obvious to anybody with eyes in their head that it would.

This is only the layoffs though. Next come the employers who dump health benefits and pay the fine instead.

Hmm, first you have to prove ol Stu is real, has a business, and actually laid off workers. OK? That comes before your fantasy's and paranoidism.:badgrin:
My apologies if anyone has already posted this link, but the same thing is happening in Georgia.

Obamacare Layoffs: Georgia Businessman Claims He Fired Workers Because Obama Won

WASHINGTON -- A man claiming to be a Georgia small business owner said he fired some employees and cut hours for others because of President Barack Obama’s reelection.

The man identified himself as Stu, without giving a last name, and said he owns a small aviation services company. He told C-SPAN’s Washington Journal that he “simply can’t afford” to run his business if he has to comply with the the Affordable Care Act.

“Yesterday I called all my part-time employees in and said because Obama won I was cutting their hours from 30 to 25 a week so i would not fall under the Obamacare mandate,” Stu, who said he is from Williamson, Ga., told C-SPAN. ....“I had to lay two full-timers off to get under the 50-person cap,” Stu told C-SPAN. “I tried to make sure that the people I had to lay off voted for Obama.”


My prediction - we'll see a lot more of this, especially after the holidays.

You know what pisses me off is that when Obamacare was still in debate, I can't remember one fucking liberal that didn't argue back saying this wouldn't happen, when it was obvious to anybody with eyes in their head that it would.

This is only the layoffs though. Next come the employers who dump health benefits and pay the fine instead.

Oh yes, that's on the way too. They begged for it.

I love that the Georgia employer said he tried to make sure he laid off Obama voters. :eusa_clap:

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