Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

I see a lot of the Republicans who were gloating over a Romney landslide right up to Obama winning and calling Nate Silver an idiot, are now on this thread. These same people are over here now doing economic forecasting. Maybe you guys should be licking your wounds and maybe reassessing your abilities to predict. Maybe even change your sources of information?

Excellent point. the "sky is falling" crowd just came off a historic night in terms of having every prediction go the other way.
That's a cop out on your part and the republican talking heads you probably got that crappy "It's all about feelings now." quote. What specific policies were "bad"?
Nah, I came up with the feelings crap based on my interaction with bleeding heart liberals over the years.

And, to further avoid the "talking head" deflection, I don't watch or listen to any of them. I haven't done so in over ten years.

First example of bad policy - getting the government involved in my choices about my healthcare which allows EVERYONE to be involved in what I do or don't do with my body.

LOL, so you don't like a plan that has conservative roots.

"The mandate, requiring every American to purchase health insurance, appeared in a 1989 published proposal by Stuart M. Butler of the conservative Heritage Foundation called "Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans," which included a provision to "mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance."

The Heritage Foundation "substantially revised" its proposal four years later, according to a 1994 analysis by the Congressional Budget Office. But the idea of an individual health insurance mandate later appeared in two bills introduced by Republican lawmakers in 1993, according to the non-partisan research group Among the supporters of the bills were senators Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who today oppose the mandate under current law."

Read more: Individual health care insurance mandate has roots two decades long | Fox News

Didn't like it then, don't like it now.

There were reasons it never got any further than a proposal.

Skyrocketing costs and healthcare rationing, to name a few.

How many young people will want to burden themselves with $100K of tuition debt to work as doctors in a system that won't pay them for their work and expertise?

Doctors even now are refusing to take new Medicare patients, and it's only going to get worse.
8 percent unemployment

killing American citizens and his 16 year old son

Closing Yucca Mountain.

5 trillion dollars in debt in 4 years.

A flat to falling stock market

devaluation of the dollar

Drop in proparity rating

Drop in credit rating.

Four dead Americans in Libya.

But the takers got Obamatax.

Yeah that is quite the track record.
Damn right. I'm glad those ruthless hypocrites lost the election to a man they despise. :lol:

I do love they way these assholes state that: "We elected a Black president.", when someone states that there's a race problem in America. The FACT is, is that THEY fought tooth and nail to NOT get him elected and they fought him tooth and nail, "hoped he failed", etc. during his first term. They can take that "we" crap and shove it.
Actually, we hoped his policies failed because they are bad policies.

But, whatever makes you feel all warm and gooey is the way to go. It's all about feelings, now. :thup:

That's a cop out on your part and the republican talking heads you probably got that crappy "It's all about feelings now." quote. What specific policies were "bad"?

Start with the one that is causing businesses across the nation to shed workers. We affectionately call it ObamaTax cause it makes us feel less like puking.
8 percent unemployment

killing American citizens and his 16 year old son

Closing Yucca Mountain.

5 trillion dollars in debt in 4 years.

A flat to falling stock market

devaluation of the dollar

Drop in proparity rating

Drop in credit rating.

Four dead Americans in Libya.

But the takers got Obamatax.

Yeah that is quite the track record.

The gloom and doom tactic didn't work. There was a memo sent out on Tuesday...perhaps you can read it? Or probably have someone read it to you.
8 percent unemployment

killing American citizens and his 16 year old son

Closing Yucca Mountain.

5 trillion dollars in debt in 4 years.

A flat to falling stock market

devaluation of the dollar

Drop in proparity rating

Drop in credit rating.

Four dead Americans in Libya.

But the takers got Obamatax.

Yeah that is quite the track record.

The gloom and doom tactic didn't work. There was a memo sent out on Tuesday...perhaps you can read it? Or probably have someone read it to you.

Fuck you its the truth.
Nah, I came up with the feelings crap based on my interaction with bleeding heart liberals over the years.

And, to further avoid the "talking head" deflection, I don't watch or listen to any of them. I haven't done so in over ten years.

First example of bad policy - getting the government involved in my choices about my healthcare which allows EVERYONE to be involved in what I do or don't do with my body.

LOL, so you don't like a plan that has conservative roots.

"The mandate, requiring every American to purchase health insurance, appeared in a 1989 published proposal by Stuart M. Butler of the conservative Heritage Foundation called "Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans," which included a provision to "mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance."

The Heritage Foundation "substantially revised" its proposal four years later, according to a 1994 analysis by the Congressional Budget Office. But the idea of an individual health insurance mandate later appeared in two bills introduced by Republican lawmakers in 1993, according to the non-partisan research group Among the supporters of the bills were senators Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who today oppose the mandate under current law."

Read more: Individual health care insurance mandate has roots two decades long | Fox News

Didn't like it then, don't like it now.

There were reasons it never got any further than a proposal.

Skyrocketing costs and healthcare rationing, to name a few.

How many young people will want to burden themselves with $100K of tuition debt to work as doctors in a system that won't pay them for their work and expertise?

Doctors even now are refusing to take new Medicare patients, and it's only going to get worse.

It's nice to see an honest reply! I agree with you, one of the reasons I liked him over Hillary was because his was SUPPOSED to be a voluntary and contributory one and Hilary's was supposed to be the one that had the individual mandate.

I don't see it going to the extreme that you see it going to. If it was a total take over of the medical system, then I can definitely see your scenario. Our country still likes private industry, I'm willing to bet that the health care industry has a powerful lobby, so do the doctors.
8 percent unemployment

killing American citizens and his 16 year old son

Closing Yucca Mountain.

5 trillion dollars in debt in 4 years.

A flat to falling stock market

devaluation of the dollar

Drop in proparity rating

Drop in credit rating.

Four dead Americans in Libya.

But the takers got Obamatax.

Yeah that is quite the track record.

The gloom and doom tactic didn't work. There was a memo sent out on Tuesday...perhaps you can read it? Or probably have someone read it to you.


The sun still rose in the morning and I'm looking at managing an Islamic punk band.

We do carry on.
Notice how these vigilante employers bragging about firing liberals sure as hell won't make public the name of their businesses.


fuck em... let's just tax em higher and create government jobs!


And there's a whole shovel full of liberal retard right there. Fuck 'em, the people we need to pay taxes for government jobs can just go away and we will hire more government workers't...take in taxes.
8 percent unemployment

killing American citizens and his 16 year old son

Closing Yucca Mountain.

5 trillion dollars in debt in 4 years.

A flat to falling stock market

devaluation of the dollar

Drop in proparity rating

Drop in credit rating.

Four dead Americans in Libya.

But the takers got Obamatax.

Yeah that is quite the track record.

The gloom and doom tactic didn't work. There was a memo sent out on Tuesday...perhaps you can read it? Or probably have someone read it to you.
And Obama farts nothing but fairy dust, PollyAnna.

Here are a few, ...

Johnsonville Sausage has a long history of support for right-wing causes and candidates, most recently to fight the recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

Carl’s Jr.’s founder’s support of a nasty little proposition to fire gay teachers earned his hamburgers the nickname ‘bigot burgers.’

The Waffle House, a southern roadside fixture with 1,600 mostly franchised restaurants, used centralized corporate funds to become a major supporter of Karl Rove’s group American Crossroads.

White Castle likes to support the seriously conservative Congressional Leadership Fund Super PAC.

The ice cream manufacturer Blue Bell Creameries is also a fan of the Boehner-linked Congressional Leadership Fund.

Cracker Barrel has stopped firing employees who don’t exhibit ‘normal heterosexual values,’ but its political contributions list reads like a Who’s Who of the Tea Party.

When you mop up kitchen spills with Brawny, Sparkle, or Mardi Gras paper towels, you’re lining the pockets of Charles and David Koch,

Elections have consequences.

If you elect an idiot that hates businesses and supports are going to see mass layoffs when investors and business owners give up and quit or downsize their business to survive.

Obamacare has a requirement for companies over a specific number of employees to provide them company provided healthcare. Many companies can't add on healthcare benefits to their costs and survive so they will stay below that employee number or just shut down operations.

Also, the Bush Tax cuts being allowed to expire is going to harm thousands of small business owners, so many of them are just going to quit. It is not worth it if the jackasses in DC are out to steal their money and time.

Elections have consequences and hopefully many libs here find themselves living in a garbage can because of their vote....
I would bet if businesses laid off a bunch of their rabid Obama supporters they'd be a lot better off.

I know most of the Obama supporters I see at work are complete idiots that have no clue how to do their jobs.
8 percent unemployment

killing American citizens and his 16 year old son

Closing Yucca Mountain.

5 trillion dollars in debt in 4 years.

A flat to falling stock market

devaluation of the dollar

Drop in proparity rating

Drop in credit rating.

Four dead Americans in Libya.

But the takers got Obamatax.

Yeah that is quite the track record.

The gloom and doom tactic didn't work. There was a memo sent out on Tuesday...perhaps you can read it? Or probably have someone read it to you.
And Obama farts nothing but fairy dust, PollyAnna.


whoa geeze you're on a roll. I've run out of giving people rep. I'll get you later.
Actually, we hoped his policies failed because they are bad policies.

But, whatever makes you feel all warm and gooey is the way to go. It's all about feelings, now. :thup:

That's a cop out on your part and the republican talking heads you probably got that crappy "It's all about feelings now." quote. What specific policies were "bad"?

Start with the one that is causing businesses across the nation to shed workers. We affectionately call it ObamaTax cause it makes us feel less like puking.

Why are they shedding workers? Do they not already have a group policy available to their eligible employees?

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