Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

Yes. The purge of non-essential employees - especially those who look like they might have voted for Obama, will continue in earnest.

Of course, me and all the boys at the club fired all such employees a very long time ago, except those who do the kitchen work and such.

As long as leftists are in power, please outsource whenever possible.

Thanks for proving the Republican Party has absolutely no interest in the future of the United States. You would rather put your petty differences in ideology ahead of our own fucking future. You're fucking scum.

Not to mention that firing someone on the basis of political affiliation is illegal.

Hopefully they'll sue their ass for wrongful termination, or they'll go to jail.

Especially if the large majority of the people fired are black, as I suspect they will be, given the " especially those who look like they might have voted for Obama" line.

And then Sniper's business will be run into the ground, and it will be all his own fault.

Good work Sniper.

Elections have consequences. There is simply no good reason to ever hire an entitlement-minded Liberal when so many great workers are available. And besides, they might think twice about voting for the likes of Obama next time.


Notice how these vigilante employers bragging about firing liberals sure as hell won't make public the name of their businesses.


fuck em... let's just tax em higher and create government jobs!


Of course not, they are to big of cowards to do that. They have no character, so naturally they have no convictions or scruples. Just drive around the side of the business and look at the bumper stickers. When you see that new SUV with Romney stickers, go somewhere else to spend your liberal money. I can guarantee they will be begging you go there again as their business goes down the drain.
I really hope this continues.

It seems we need more laws.

It's amazing employers are this stupid.

But they are..and it seems legislation is the only way to correct this stupidity.

What type of legislation would you be in favor of? Would you demand that a government panel be consulted before firing an employee? If so, what would become of the unions?

It's a slippery slope you are on there pal.

No it's not.

Employers should not be able to fire people for their political affliations. Or, because their candidate lost.

Laws are meant to address stupidity.

Are the 22 employees being fired for their political affiliation? The business owner told his employees that if Obama won, he would need to reduce his workforce. 22 Employee reduction was the minimum amount he needed to meet his business objectives.

BTW, glad you are so concerned about "firing people for their political affiliations". How do you feel about GM closing auto dealerships for their political affiliations? A close family friend who ran a Pontiac-GMC dealership was forced to do so. He also donated regularly to the Republican Party.
We have just had the fastest drop in unemployment since 1984....from 10.2% to 7.8%%. All this in spite of the fact that House Republicans have blocked infrastructure spending bills that would have helped. Why? Because Republicans are more concerned with winning the election than helping America.

We've had unemployment above 8% for the last four years, right up to election time when the numbers were manipulated in order to be viewed as under 8%. And either way we're still talking about the fudged numbers the government cops to, not REAL unemployment or underemployment. The Porkulus bill was supposed to prevent all that AND provide those infrastructure improvements, but between the Democrat paybacks and vote buying, only a measly 5% or so went toward infrastructure. So, now the fuckers are whining that they want more money since they wasted what they took the first time. Problem is, that since they've REFUSED to even look at entitlements, there's NO MONEY. What part of "NO MONEY" do you idiots not get?
Thanks for proving the Republican Party has absolutely no interest in the future of the United States. You would rather put your petty differences in ideology ahead of our own fucking future. You're fucking scum.

Not to mention that firing someone on the basis of political affiliation is illegal.

Hopefully they'll sue their ass for wrongful termination, or they'll go to jail.

Especially if the large majority of the people fired are black, as I suspect they will be, given the " especially those who look like they might have voted for Obama" line.

And then Sniper's business will be run into the ground, and it will be all his own fault.

Good work Sniper.

Elections have consequences. There is simply no good reason to ever hire an entitlement-minded Liberal when so many great workers are available. And besides, they might think twice about voting for the likes of Obama next time.



You make no sense, in fact you are speaking illogical. You say leave libs on entitlements, claim the won't hunt for jobs but will watch TV, and then think they won't vote for the guy that gives them entitlements. LMAO!! Sorry, Libs are more savvy than you are. hahahaha

But you are correct, businesses will not hire people getting entitlements, and you get to pay taxes to support them. LMAO!!! Hire you some more illegals.
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If nearly 20% of his company was expendable...he has larger issues than Our President.

You have never tried to run your own business. I'm not trying to be mean here. I want you to understand.

When you try to do it and hey mine was rock and roll so I had a lot of good times. But then there's the times when you have to sacrifice your life and your childs Where you have to go we're having mac and cheese tonight.

And mummy has bought extra cheese.

It hurts being a business owner. But then it happens. Then you finally make it. And it's been worth every sacrifice you made.

You've made it. And then you have really really made it.
Not to mention that firing someone on the basis of political affiliation is illegal.

Hopefully they'll sue their ass for wrongful termination, or they'll go to jail.

Especially if the large majority of the people fired are black, as I suspect they will be, given the " especially those who look like they might have voted for Obama" line.

And then Sniper's business will be run into the ground, and it will be all his own fault.

Good work Sniper.

Elections have consequences. There is simply no good reason to ever hire an entitlement-minded Liberal when so many great workers are available. And besides, they might think twice about voting for the likes of Obama next time.



You make no sense, in fact you are speaking illogical. You say leave libs on entitlements, claim the won't hunt for jobs but will watch TV, and then think they won't vote for the guy that gives them entitlements. LMAO!! Sorry, Libs are more savvy than you are. hahahaha

But you are correct, businesses will not hire people getting entitlements, and you get to pay taxes to support them. LMAO!!! Hire you some more illegals.

Who pays you kid?
Masscare proves all these horrors of O-care are Pubcrappe. Can't wait for it to be implemented so the dupes see for good how brainwashed they are.

"No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP"- TIME.
If nearly 20% of his company was expendable...he has larger issues than Our President.

You have never tried to run your own business. I'm not trying to be mean here. I want you to understand.

When you try to do it and hey mine was rock and roll so I had a lot of good times. But then there's the times when you have to sacrifice your life and your childs Where you have to go we're having mac and cheese tonight.

And mummy has bought extra cheese.

It hurts being a business owner. But then it happens. Then you finally make it. And it's been worth every sacrifice you made.

You've made it. And then you have really really made it.

I actually make a portion of my income being self-employed. If you were carrying 22 expendable employees out of 114: nearly 1/5 of your are not running a business. You are running a dream.
If nearly 20% of his company was expendable...he has larger issues than Our President.
When the doe-eyed Obama groupies actually grow up and/or snap out of their trances (like that would happen), they will realize that everyone is expendable.

And, I rarely make generalizations. Some things are just obvious to those living in reality and who aren't morons.

As a matter of fact its obvious that you are wholly unnecessary.
Not to mention that firing someone on the basis of political affiliation is illegal.

Hopefully they'll sue their ass for wrongful termination, or they'll go to jail.

Especially if the large majority of the people fired are black, as I suspect they will be, given the " especially those who look like they might have voted for Obama" line.

And then Sniper's business will be run into the ground, and it will be all his own fault.

Good work Sniper.

Elections have consequences. There is simply no good reason to ever hire an entitlement-minded Liberal when so many great workers are available. And besides, they might think twice about voting for the likes of Obama next time.



You make no sense, in fact you are speaking illogical. You say leave libs on entitlements, claim the won't hunt for jobs but will watch TV, and then think they won't vote for the guy that gives them entitlements. LMAO!! Sorry, Libs are more savvy than you are. hahahaha

But you are correct, businesses will not hire people getting entitlements, and you get to pay taxes to support them. LMAO!!! Hire you some more illegals.

Screw that. I don't care what happens to all those suspected Democrats I have fired and/or not interviewed over the years. They can be someone elses headache and exposure to frivolous lawsuits and AIDS.
I just hope it was a business decision and not one out of spite. Feel bad for the employees but someone has to pay for Obamtax.
Sue him for what, asswipe?

He owns his own business, he is not in business to employ those people...he is in business to make a profit. If Obamination is going to cost him profits, then he needs to lower his operating costs by getting rid of some employees.

Also, many small businesses are laying off workers or only letting them work part-time to avoid the Obamacare requirement to provide them 100% healthcare paid by the employer. Great job assholes have now cost people jobs!

You are fucking morons.

I hope those employees sue the shit out of that crybaby right wing piece of trash (if it's even true)
Fuck him. If he had balls he would say what his business was since he is so.full of principle. Fuck him. ......
I see a lot of the Republicans who were gloating over a Romney landslide right up to Obama winning and calling Nate Silver an idiot, are now on this thread. These same people are over here now doing economic forecasting. Maybe you guys should be licking your wounds and maybe reassessing your abilities to predict. Maybe even change your sources of information?
Actually, we hoped his policies failed because they are bad policies.

But, whatever makes you feel all warm and gooey is the way to go. It's all about feelings, now. :thup:

That's a cop out on your part and the republican talking heads you probably got that crappy "It's all about feelings now." quote. What specific policies were "bad"?
Nah, I came up with the feelings crap based on my interaction with bleeding heart liberals over the years.

And, to further avoid the "talking head" deflection, I don't watch or listen to any of them. I haven't done so in over ten years.

First example of bad policy - getting the government involved in my choices about my healthcare which allows EVERYONE to be involved in what I do or don't do with my body.

LOL, so you don't like a plan that has conservative roots.

"The mandate, requiring every American to purchase health insurance, appeared in a 1989 published proposal by Stuart M. Butler of the conservative Heritage Foundation called "Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans," which included a provision to "mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance."

The Heritage Foundation "substantially revised" its proposal four years later, according to a 1994 analysis by the Congressional Budget Office. But the idea of an individual health insurance mandate later appeared in two bills introduced by Republican lawmakers in 1993, according to the non-partisan research group Among the supporters of the bills were senators Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, who today oppose the mandate under current law."

Read more: Individual health care insurance mandate has roots two decades long | Fox News

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