Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

Funny perception, many businesses are in very competitive markets. many small mom and pops are being driven out because they cant afford to lower prices below the big chain stores.

So he raises his prices and if consumers decide it costs to much, they don't buy and he loses money, then goes out of business.

So a small business needs to cut some where, wages can be cut, so can hours, the rest of the costs a pretty well fixed, like the cost of goods, the electric, the water, and so on.

So basically you're saying you agree with me. If the only way you can compete is by denying your employees the healthcare that we ALL need, and expect the rest of us to subsidize your business by paying for your employees doctor bills in our healthcare costs, then your running a failing business. despite how the right wing media tries to paint Obamacare as a handout, it's far more about making people and their employers take responsibility for their own costs.

Why do you think it's an employers job to pay for YOUR health insurance? Are you not capable of writing a check to an insurance company? Do you need your employer to pay your rent and buy your groceries too? Are you too ignorant to handle your own pay?
I don't, I expect people to get paid in insurance if they don't get paid enough in wages to afford it. If they do make enough to pay for their own coverage, I expect them to, which is exactly what Obamacare does. This is not a hard concept, in the wealthiest country in the world if a business doesn't make enough money to provide for the basic needs of the people who work for it, then the business is a failure and needs to be shuttered or reworked .
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Nobody owes you healthcare, mooch. Why don't you try running a goddam business and seeing how much YOU enjoy being a fucking public service and unpaid tax collector?

Obamacare does NOTHING to solve the actual problem of spiraling healthcare costs. All it does is drive up the cost of fucking insurance policies for people who actually WORK for a living.

I am owed an honest days pay for an honest days work and if you cannot afford to pay a reasonable wage(which includes the ability, one way or another, to cover my healthcare costs) then you are a bad businessman and are running a failing business. secondly you might wanna go look into what is actually contained in the ACA because about a third of it's provisions are aimed specifically at lowering costs.
Nobody owes you healthcare, mooch. Why don't you try running a goddam business and seeing how much YOU enjoy being a fucking public service and unpaid tax collector?

Obamacare does NOTHING to solve the actual problem of spiraling healthcare costs. All it does is drive up the cost of fucking insurance policies for people who actually WORK for a living.

I am owed an honest days pay for an honest days work and if you cannot afford to pay a reasonable wage(which includes the ability, one way or another, to cover my healthcare costs) then you are a bad businessman and are running a failing business. secondly you might wanna go look into what is actually contained in the ACA because about a third of it's provisions are aimed specifically at lowering costs.


He just outsources you.
So basically you're saying you agree with me. If the only way you can compete is by denying your employees the healthcare that we ALL need, and expect the rest of us to subsidize your business by paying for your employees doctor bills in our healthcare costs, then your running a failing business. despite how the right wing media tries to paint Obamacare as a handout, it's far more about making people and their employers take responsibility for their own costs.

Why do you think it's an employers job to pay for YOUR health insurance? Are you not capable of writing a check to an insurance company? Do you need your employer to pay your rent and buy your groceries too? Are you too ignorant to handle your own pay?
I don't, I expect people to get paid in insurance if they don't get paid enough in wages to afford it. If they do make enough to pay for their own coverage, I expect them to, which is exactly what Obamacare does. This is not a hard concept, in the wealthiest country in the world if a business doesn't make enough money to provide for the basic needs of the people who work for it, then the business is a failure and needs to be shuttered or reworked .

The basic need may be food, Shelter and Healthcare may come later with better skills. Earn it, not a hard concept.
So basically you're saying you agree with me. If the only way you can compete is by denying your employees the healthcare that we ALL need, and expect the rest of us to subsidize your business by paying for your employees doctor bills in our healthcare costs, then your running a failing business. despite how the right wing media tries to paint Obamacare as a handout, it's far more about making people and their employers take responsibility for their own costs.

Why do you think it's an employers job to pay for YOUR health insurance? Are you not capable of writing a check to an insurance company? Do you need your employer to pay your rent and buy your groceries too? Are you too ignorant to handle your own pay?
I don't, I expect people to get paid in insurance if they don't get paid enough in wages to afford it. If they do make enough to pay for their own coverage, I expect them to, which is exactly what Obamacare does. This is not a hard concept, in the wealthiest country in the world if a business doesn't make enough money to provide for the basic needs of the people who work for it, then the business is a failure and needs to be shuttered or reworked .

No that is not what ObamaTax does. ObamaTax makes it an employers job to make sure that you don't piss your pay away on other things and not buy insurance. It's the same reason that employers have to take the taxes out of your check. The government thinks that employees are not responsible or reliable enough to be able to pay their own taxes and insurance.

He just outsources you.

which makes him a bad American, a bad human being, and a leach on the poor.

The basic need may be food, Shelter and Healthcare may come later with better skills. Earn it, not a hard concept.

Because the unskilled man with a heart attack doesn't need to see a doctor? Like it or not healthcare is a NEED everyone everywhere needs healthcare at one point or another no matter what their job is.

No that is not what ObamaTax does. ObamaTax makes it an employers job to make sure that you don't piss your pay away on other things and not buy insurance. It's the same reason that employers have to take the taxes out of your check. The government thinks that employees are not responsible or reliable enough to be able to pay their own taxes and insurance.

Wrong, the mandate is on the individual, Employers with more than 50 employees do have to offer a plan, but they don't have to make sure you take it.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nobody owes you healthcare, mooch. Why don't you try running a goddam business and seeing how much YOU enjoy being a fucking public service and unpaid tax collector?

Obamacare does NOTHING to solve the actual problem of spiraling healthcare costs. All it does is drive up the cost of fucking insurance policies for people who actually WORK for a living.

I am owed an honest days pay for an honest days work and if you cannot afford to pay a reasonable wage(which includes the ability, one way or another, to cover my healthcare costs) then you are a bad businessman and are running a failing business. secondly you might wanna go look into what is actually contained in the ACA because about a third of it's provisions are aimed specifically at lowering costs.

:lol: That's just too fucking funny. Have you SEEN the unemployment rate? I mean, the REAL unemployment rate? New businesses have lines, sometimes HUNDREDS deep, of people wanting to work. You and your prissy-ass demands could be replaced for a song.

Oh... and the "lowering of costs" you refer to amount to rationing and doctors turning patients away because of low payments. A fucking plastic card in your hand doesn't mean a goddam thing if you can't get a doctor to see you.
More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

He just outsources you.

which makes him a bad American, a bad human being, and a leach on the poor.

The basic need may be food, Shelter and Healthcare may come later with better skills. Earn it, not a hard concept.

Because the unskilled man with a heart attack doesn't need to see a doctor? Like it or not healthcare is a NEED everyone everywhere needs healthcare at one point or another no matter what their job is.

No that is not what ObamaTax does. ObamaTax makes it an employers job to make sure that you don't piss your pay away on other things and not buy insurance. It's the same reason that employers have to take the taxes out of your check. The government thinks that employees are not responsible or reliable enough to be able to pay their own taxes and insurance.

Wrong, the mandate is on the individual, Employers with more than 50 employees do have to offer a plan, but they don't have to make sure you take it.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh... I'm sure every business owner in American is bleeding purple piss at your low opinion of his ethics and patriotism. :lol:
That, or keeping his business afloat. One or the other.
More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

Piss off. NOBODY CARES what the fuck you think... and I use the term "think" rather loosely since you do nothing but regurgitate the vitriol of your commie masters.
More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

45 companies layed off workers today. Is that the kind of STFU you want? Or maybe you should join us in a little reality. The sky doesn't really fall until it hits you in the head. Until then I guess it's just falling stars to wish upon. Star light star bright, do I have a job tonight? Obamanomics says no.
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He just outsources you.

which makes him a bad American, a bad human being, and a leach on the poor.

The basic need may be food, Shelter and Healthcare may come later with better skills. Earn it, not a hard concept.

Because the unskilled man with a heart attack doesn't need to see a doctor? Like it or not healthcare is a NEED everyone everywhere needs healthcare at one point or another no matter what their job is.

No that is not what ObamaTax does. ObamaTax makes it an employers job to make sure that you don't piss your pay away on other things and not buy insurance. It's the same reason that employers have to take the taxes out of your check. The government thinks that employees are not responsible or reliable enough to be able to pay their own taxes and insurance.

Wrong, the mandate is on the individual, Employers with more than 50 employees do have to offer a plan, but they don't have to make sure you take it.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't offer a policy shows that it's on the employer. And idiots that think the over 50 limit will hold are well..idiots. As I said.. why shouldn't we have to pay your rent and buy your groceries in order to make sure you spend your pay wisely. You're not even trusted to collect your own retirement funds. As an employer, I HAVE to do it for you.

He just outsources you.

which makes him a bad American, a bad human being, and a leach on the poor.

Because the unskilled man with a heart attack doesn't need to see a doctor? Like it or not healthcare is a NEED everyone everywhere needs healthcare at one point or another no matter what their job is.

No that is not what ObamaTax does. ObamaTax makes it an employers job to make sure that you don't piss your pay away on other things and not buy insurance. It's the same reason that employers have to take the taxes out of your check. The government thinks that employees are not responsible or reliable enough to be able to pay their own taxes and insurance.

Wrong, the mandate is on the individual, Employers with more than 50 employees do have to offer a plan, but they don't have to make sure you take it.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't offer a policy shows that it's on the employer. And idiots that think the over 50 limit will hold are well..idiots. As I said.. why shouldn't we have to pay your rent and buy your groceries in order to make sure you spend your pay wisely. You're not even trusted to collect your own retirement funds. As an employer, I HAVE to do it for you.

Next thing you'll be required to powder his little pissy behind. I mean, why not?... he might "neeeeeeed" it. Otherwise he's sure to get a diaper rash.
More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

What's the matter Candy? You don't want people to know that Obama is the reason they lost their job? Why not? He managed to get re-elected and we're stuck with his ass, so why shouldn't Americans finally know the truth? He's a fiscal fuck up and people will lose their jobs because of him.

And btw.. would you consider changing that butt ugly avatar? I don't know where you got it, but it is hideous.
:lol: That's just too fucking funny. Have you SEEN the unemployment rate? I mean, the REAL unemployment rate?
yes it's declining.
You and your prissy-ass demands could be replaced for a song.
which is exactly why a law was necessary, so businesses cannot continue to ignore this issue, and employees won't have to compromise on their basic needs.

Oh... and the "lowering of costs" you refer to amount to rationing and doctors turning patients away because of low payments. A fucking plastic card in your hand doesn't mean a goddam thing if you can't get a doctor to see you.

yeah because requiring preventative care, immunization and discouraging unhealthy behaviors won't reduce costs at all. :rolleyes: And of course the whole reason the RIGHT wanted a mandate instead of single payer was because "market forces" would lower costs, are you saying the free market isn't the best way to deal with this issue?

He just outsources you.

which makes him a bad American, a bad human being, and a leach on the poor.

Because the unskilled man with a heart attack doesn't need to see a doctor? Like it or not healthcare is a NEED everyone everywhere needs healthcare at one point or another no matter what their job is.

No that is not what ObamaTax does. ObamaTax makes it an employers job to make sure that you don't piss your pay away on other things and not buy insurance. It's the same reason that employers have to take the taxes out of your check. The government thinks that employees are not responsible or reliable enough to be able to pay their own taxes and insurance.

Wrong, the mandate is on the individual, Employers with more than 50 employees do have to offer a plan, but they don't have to make sure you take it.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't offer a policy shows that it's on the employer. And idiots that think the over 50 limit will hold are well..idiots. As I said.. why shouldn't we have to pay your rent and buy your groceries in order to make sure you spend your pay wisely. You're not even trusted to collect your own retirement funds. As an employer, I HAVE to do it for you.

I think the fine basically tells you, either sign up for OC, or gov. will take your money and pay it for you. So you had the chance to do it the right way. I notice you don't mind doing business in America, and removing money from society for profits, you just hate participating in society as you should. Why not stop complaining and hike your ass out of here, Mexico could use a guy like you.
:lol: That's just too fucking funny. Have you SEEN the unemployment rate? I mean, the REAL unemployment rate?
yes it's declining.
You and your prissy-ass demands could be replaced for a song.
which is exactly why a law was necessary, so businesses cannot continue to ignore this issue, and employees won't have to compromise on their basic needs.

Oh... and the "lowering of costs" you refer to amount to rationing and doctors turning patients away because of low payments. A fucking plastic card in your hand doesn't mean a goddam thing if you can't get a doctor to see you.

yeah because requiring preventative care, immunization and discouraging unhealthy behaviors won't reduce costs at all. :rolleyes: And of course the whole reason the RIGHT wanted a mandate instead of single payer was because "market forces" would lower costs, are you saying the free market isn't the best way to deal with this issue?

Read your own posts. You don't believe people can take care of themselves. You think the government needs to control your job..and your behavior. You need Obama to be your new daddy it would seem.
which makes him a bad American, a bad human being, and a leach on the poor.

Because the unskilled man with a heart attack doesn't need to see a doctor? Like it or not healthcare is a NEED everyone everywhere needs healthcare at one point or another no matter what their job is.

Wrong, the mandate is on the individual, Employers with more than 50 employees do have to offer a plan, but they don't have to make sure you take it.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't offer a policy shows that it's on the employer. And idiots that think the over 50 limit will hold are well..idiots. As I said.. why shouldn't we have to pay your rent and buy your groceries in order to make sure you spend your pay wisely. You're not even trusted to collect your own retirement funds. As an employer, I HAVE to do it for you.

I think the fine basically tells you, either sign up for OC, or gov. will take your money and pay it for you. So you had the chance to do it the right way. I notice you don't mind doing business in America, and removing money from society for profits, you just hate participating in society as you should. Why not stop complaining and hike your ass out of here, Mexico could use a guy like you.

I notice you don't mind if business in the US is done more like it is in Valenzuela, Just how is it you think the results won't be the same?
which makes him a bad American, a bad human being, and a leach on the poor.

Because the unskilled man with a heart attack doesn't need to see a doctor? Like it or not healthcare is a NEED everyone everywhere needs healthcare at one point or another no matter what their job is.

Wrong, the mandate is on the individual, Employers with more than 50 employees do have to offer a plan, but they don't have to make sure you take it.

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The fact that employers are required to pay a fine if they don't offer a policy shows that it's on the employer. And idiots that think the over 50 limit will hold are well..idiots. As I said.. why shouldn't we have to pay your rent and buy your groceries in order to make sure you spend your pay wisely. You're not even trusted to collect your own retirement funds. As an employer, I HAVE to do it for you.

I think the fine basically tells you, either sign up for OC, or gov. will take your money and pay it for you. So you had the chance to do it the right way. I notice you don't mind doing business in America, and removing money from society for profits, you just hate participating in society as you should. Why not stop complaining and hike your ass out of here, Mexico could use a guy like you.

LOL You don't seem to know the difference between participation and conscription. Who are you to decide how others "should" participate in society? You don't seem to mind taking money out of society for yourself. Why do you begrudge business owners a living? And the fine I was discussing was the fine on EMPLOYERS. If you can't follow the conversation, you shouldn't jump into it.
More "the sky is falling" predictions from jackasses who predicted Romney would get 300+ votes. Stop it folks, you've been thoroughly discredited and you're making a bigger ass out of yourself than you did earlier this week. Sit down, shut the fuck up.

What's the matter Candy? You don't want people to know that Obama is the reason they lost their job? Why not? He managed to get re-elected and we're stuck with his ass, so why shouldn't Americans finally know the truth? He's a fiscal fuck up and people will lose their jobs because of him. And btw.. would you consider changing that butt ugly avatar? I don't know where you got it, but it is hideous.

Sorry, people will lose their jobs because of the party of no. You really need to keep up. LOL!

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