Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

What's the matter Candy? You don't want people to know that Obama is the reason they lost their job? Why not? He managed to get re-elected and we're stuck with his ass, so why shouldn't Americans finally know the truth? He's a fiscal fuck up and people will lose their jobs because of him.

This is hilarious.

Obama isn't the reason as there was nothing that was different in the economy from Monday until Friday. These are spiteful people making knee-jerk decisions.

Americans delivered a 332-206 ass whooping and rejection of the GOP. Did you miss that?

Still have the ugly assed avatar I see. Business people were trying to hang on, hoping for better. Obama's re-election guaranteed that better won't happen. It's simple enough.

So by your logic the guy in the OP would have retained 22 employees he didn't need when Romney's budget would have not taken effect until 2014? Simple applies here only when describing you.

1. Your putting romney down for his religion, which in no way effects you personally. Sorry I guess that makes you a bigot. I thought liberals were for tolerance. Lol
2. Who has made this recession worse? A liberal democrat, and is making it worse.
3. This is a free country, why do you want to change that?

1. I put Romney down for his religion because his religion was a malicious lie started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with children. That he doesn't have the reasoning skills to understand the simple problem means I can't trust him on the more serious questions, like would bombing Iran be a good idea. He failed the reasonign test- miserably.

(Also. Not a liberal. Sorry. I'm a pragmatist. I go with what works.)

2. The recession was not made worse by what Obama did. In fact, things are a LOT better than they were four years ago. That's why Obama won.

3. I don't believe in business freedom. This guy has a business because people work very hard for him and because the rest of us provide him with utilities and resources and tax breaks to have a business. He really didn't build that by himself. Other people helped him. And if he's going to be have a hissy and scream, "I'm firing you because I didn't like the way the election turned out!" maybe we need to look at the help the rest of us are giving him.
And you fuckers wonder why we refer to you as commies. :rolleyes:
You approve of the government micromanaging our behaviors and think that businesses are there to serve your personal needs.

The unemployment numbers were manipulations to make Obama look good, and in case you forgot what this thread was about... it's about people LOSING their jobs thanks to the ObamaTax, so it's going back up again. And since liberal bitches make for inferior employees, it's going to be harder on you assholes than it'll be on us. And if there's one silver lining in the deep, dark cloud that is Barack Obama, it's that.

The GOP lost 332-206. It was an ass whooping. I know, if I were you I'd not want to talk about the election either.

This thread is about nothing more than trying to change the subject from the abject failure that is your Republican party.

Maybe you should try to bring up Ben Gotcha some more....that seemed to work out well for you guys.

Too fucking funny.

Almost forgot,


I know.. You made sure to tell us that you thought a dead ambassador was too fucking funny.

Your attempt to make political hay out of it was impotent and funny.
To all of you liberals here crying like the little bitches that you are over this story:

What exactly did you expect? Obama (and you assholes who support him) have made it clear that business owners are the enemy, success should be punished, and you are out to inflict great harm on them.

Obamacare is causing healthcare costs to skyrocket. Taxmaggedon hits in January and is going to crush what little profits industry can generate under the stifling regulations and anti-business climate Obama has created.

Add it all together and a business has two choices: remain on the current course and go out of business or eliminate as many costs (including employees) and try to weather the storm until the White House is run by a conservative who understands that the free market is the only way to create a thriving economy.

Now, we all know that dumbocrats have zero understanding of economics and business, but when I dumb it down for all of you to this simple level, surely everyone of you would do exactly what all of these business owners across the nation are doing.

Another dumb ass conservative with a small penis,mad as hell. Leave please. Let us make this Country something to be proud of.
So much for workers rights, then.

Nobody's trampling on any rights here. With all the tax and regulation obamacare will implement, you can either do one of two things as a small business owner. One, lay-off dome workers to be able to function in our economy or two, lay-off no one and let they company sink until you are forced to shut down and everyone doesn't have a job. Which one is Obama going for?


ObamaCare will be the dog that ate everyone's homework for some of the worse actors, to be sure.

but the fact is, ObamaCare will save most companies money compared to what would have happened had they done nothing.

Clearly you're clueless...:cuckoo:
I always made sure that when I went without a paycheck that made sure they were paid.

So... he did what he was legally obligated to do?

Whoopee fucking doo. :eusa_eh:

Hey how does that ass kicking feel?



deep breathe


Do you always open your mouth about shit you don't know anything about, or do I have a latent talent for bringing out the best quality in you for my own entertainment?

Inquiring minds want to know!

1. Your putting romney down for his religion, which in no way effects you personally. Sorry I guess that makes you a bigot. I thought liberals were for tolerance. Lol
2. Who has made this recession worse? A liberal democrat, and is making it worse.
3. This is a free country, why do you want to change that?

1. I put Romney down for his religion because his religion was a malicious lie started by a con artist who wanted to have sex with children.

LOL! Ignorance is bliss for you...isn't it?

(Also. Not a liberal. Sorry. I'm a pragmatist. I go with what works.)

Yeah, yeah, yeah...keep telling yourself that.

2. The recession was not made worse by what Obama did. In fact, things are a LOT better than they were four years ago. That's why Obama won.

LOL@"things are a LOT better than they were four years ago." Man, the delusions of some folks are monumentally laughable.

3. I don't believe in business freedom. This guy has a business because people work very hard for him and because the rest of us provide him with utilities and resources and tax breaks to have a business. He really didn't build that by himself. Other people helped him. And if he's going to be have a hissy and scream, "I'm firing you because I didn't like the way the election turned out!" maybe we need to look at the help the rest of us are giving him.

And if he didn't start that business, there would be no need for people to work very hard for him and the rest of us to provide him with utilities and resources and tax breaks. And, if he didn't start that business, those who work very hard for him wouldn't be receiving a paycheck. And, those utilities wouldn't be receiving a paycheck. And, those providing those resources wouldn't be receiving a paycheck. However, at least, he wouldn't be needing the tax breaks. But, additionally, he wouldn't be needing to pay taxes...either.

And, go ahead and look at the help the rest of us are giving him. But, the more burden you put on him, all this is going to do is have a domino effect and aggravate things even more. It's like this one individual I was arguing with on Huffington Post in a story concerning Papa Johns Pizza. The individual I was arguing with proclaimed everyone should boycott Papa Johns Pizza because they decided they have to reduce workers' hours in order to reduce the impact of Obamacare. Yeah, that's the typical STUPID mindset of a leftist. All that's going to do is aggravate the situation even worse and cause the owner of Papa Johns to probably have to reduce workers' hours even more or, completely eliminate any benefits they might enjoy or, he might even have to let employees go altogether. And, I suspect, if these workers had the choice between reduced hours or not having a job at all? They'd probably take the reduced hours and they probably wouldn't appreciate anyone biting off THEIR nose, to spite the moron who's boycotting Papa Johns face.
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A company is not in the business to provide you with a job or Healthcare. It's not their business too maintain their employee's life style. It is however their business to make a profit and when things cut into that profit they must make cuts elsewhere to maintain that margin of profit to remain operational. If it cost more money to keep employees on the payroll they will fire those employees \. OBAMANATION effect.

Employers make a profit off of every employee. If this company didn't make money off of those 22 employees, they should have been fired long ago.

If productivity does not warrant keeping an employee on the pay role he must go.
I've worked for companies that if you did not make them at least 25% over cost of the job you were cutting into their profit margin of operation. Some companies hire people because the numbers warrant the mass hiring's, such as shut down upfit's will be time and materials contract. The more people on the job the more money a company made.

That's the way it works. Employees create profit, if they dont, you can them. To arbitrarily can them because you don't like who the President is the act of a Douchebag
It will have nothing to do with might lose money, when you are forced to pay healthcare cost for all employees you will get rid of employees to cut the cost.

Costs to maintain an employee goes way up, revenues are not rising commensurately.

Not real hard math.
It basic math and nothing is truly free it will cost someone even if it's losing your job.

Looks like we really did need the government option in healthcare......have to change that
I can't fathom why any business who has the option would still have an Obama voter on the payroll.
Employers make a profit off of every employee. If this company didn't make money off of those 22 employees, they should have been fired long ago.

If productivity does not warrant keeping an employee on the pay role he must go.
I've worked for companies that if you did not make them at least 25% over cost of the job you were cutting into their profit margin of operation. Some companies hire people because the numbers warrant the mass hiring's, such as shut down upfit's will be time and materials contract. The more people on the job the more money a company made.

That's the way it works. Employees create profit, if they dont, you can them. To arbitrarily can them because you don't like who the President is the act of a Douchebag

When that presidents policies increase the cost of retaining that employee to the point it is no longer fiscally feasible to keep paying him even if he is doing the work the employee loses his job. It's all in the math.
Employers make a profit off of every employee. If this company didn't make money off of those 22 employees, they should have been fired long ago.

If productivity does not warrant keeping an employee on the pay role he must go.
I've worked for companies that if you did not make them at least 25% over cost of the job you were cutting into their profit margin of operation. Some companies hire people because the numbers warrant the mass hiring's, such as shut down upfit's will be time and materials contract. The more people on the job the more money a company made.

That's the way it works. Employees create profit, if they dont, you can them. To arbitrarily can them because you don't like who the President is the act of a Douchebag

Yeah, but employees can always be replaced. And, not necessarily all the time, with a human being. Perhaps some might find that other methods for which to produce than by the hands of a human being might be cheaper, more efficient and, more productive. One doesn't have to provide a robot with healthcare.
This is hilarious.

Obama isn't the reason as there was nothing that was different in the economy from Monday until Friday. These are spiteful people making knee-jerk decisions.

Americans delivered a 332-206 ass whooping and rejection of the GOP. Did you miss that?

Still have the ugly assed avatar I see. Business people were trying to hang on, hoping for better. Obama's re-election guaranteed that better won't happen. It's simple enough.

So by your logic the guy in the OP would have retained 22 employees he didn't need when Romney's budget would have not taken effect until 2014? Simple applies here only when describing you.

Yes. he would have kept those employees because he knows that a Romney presidency would have brought an end to ObamaTax, and a reprieve of Taxmageddon. Business owner knows that with Obama, it's more taxes, more regulation, more devaluing of the dollar, more taking money from the nation's producer's to pay off Obama's political debts and more general mismanagement. Obama is a walking, talking clusterfuck.
I always made sure that when I went without a paycheck that made sure they were paid.

So... he did what he was legally obligated to do?

Whoopee fucking doo. :eusa_eh:

Please learn how to use the quote function. Those were not my words that you attributed to me.

No clue how it happened, I just hit Quote and typed the reply. Sorry for the faulty attribution.

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