Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees

Fasicm in it's finest hour.:rolleyes: Wouldn't it be eaiser to pass out gold stars to wear on right wingers chests so you can identify them?:D

Why is it fascist to seek out employees who you believe best give your organization the best opportunity to thrive and be profitable?

Sounds like a stupid way to chose employees to me, but then there are tons of businesses that fail yearly, telling me there are a lot ignorant rightwing business owners who are daily failures due. It is clearly her choice and her business, but if she wants to bi-tch about regulations she is free to move over the border where she doesn't have regulations. Problem solved.

The Left has won and gets to keep their extraordinarily oppressive legislation which damage nearly every business in America.

We can't afford to hire employees who support that, much less those who will be shitting on our automobiles in the parking lot when they get mad about something.
Yes. The purge of non-essential employees - especially those who look like they might have voted for Obama, will continue in earnest.

Of course, me and all the boys at the club fired all such employees a very long time ago, except those who do the kitchen work and such.

As long as leftists are in power, please outsource whenever possible.

Thanks for proving the Republican Party has absolutely no interest in the future of the United States. You would rather put your petty differences in ideology ahead of our own fucking future. You're fucking scum.

Not to mention that firing someone on the basis of political affiliation is illegal.

Hopefully they'll sue their ass for wrongful termination, or they'll go to jail.

Especially if the large majority of the people fired are black, as I suspect they will be, given the " especially those who look like they might have voted for Obama" line.

And then Sniper's business will be run into the ground, and it will be all his own fault.

Good work Sniper.
Companies from other nations have no problem operating in the US of A. only the native born here are playing the brat.

So says the idiot who longs for America to end up completely broke just like Greece.
This MAY be illegal because there are laws that protect employees rights that covers an employer may not fire someone due to political activity. Not sure if Obama getting elected is covered by that, though. So im trying to look it up even further.

Don't make a fool of yourself by defending a jackass.

This asshole isn't concerned about "Obamacare", he's just a boy who didn't get his way, and now he crying about how he wants to take his ball and go home.

Let me explain this to you folks, if you don't expand your workforce when you need to, because you don't like the outcome of the election, all the businesses that are owned by people that aren't as fucking stupid as you, are going to outperform you.

Hopefully Darwinism will apply, and we'll start seeing less and less extremist-conservative-owned businesses.

Your twisted logic will do wonders for already horrendous Unemployment numbers.

I'm sorry, MY twisted logic?

Your buddies here are the ones that are planning to either not hire people, or terminate people because they're throwing a hissy fit about the election outcome, and MY logic is going to hurt the unemployment numbers?

Does the name George Orwell mean anything to you? Because that's an amazing bit of Orwellian reasoning you have there.
This MAY be illegal because there are laws that protect employees rights that covers an employer may not fire someone due to political activity. Not sure if Obama getting elected is covered by that, though. So im trying to look it up even further.

It's illegal to fire an employee based on their political views. If he just randomly fired a bunch of people simply BECAUSE Obama got elected, he's a shortsighted moron, but what he did isn't illegal in an at-will state.

However, he will be paying those employees unemployment until they find another job.
This MAY be illegal because there are laws that protect employees rights that covers an employer may not fire someone due to political activity. Not sure if Obama getting elected is covered by that, though. So im trying to look it up even further.
You should read the OP more carefully. No where does it say the 22 were fired for their political views.
This will happen all over the nation. It's going to get ugly.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees
November 7, 2012 6:09 PM
LAS VEGAS (CBS Las Vegas) — A Las Vegas business owner with 114 employees fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of President Obama’s re-election.

“David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that “elections have consequences” and that “at the end of the day, I need to survive.”

Here’s an excerpt from the interview. Click the audio tab below to hear even more from this compelling conversation:

“I’ve done my share of educating my employees. I never tell them which way to vote. I believe in the free system we have, I believe in the right to choose who they want to be president, but I did explain as a business owner that I have always put my employees first. I always made sure that when I went without a paycheck that made sure they were paid. And I explained that I always put them first and unfortunately I’m at a point where I’m being forced to have to worry about me and my family now and a business that I built from just me to 114 employees.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won, So I Fired 22 Employees « CBS Las Vegas

I call bullshit, any partisan asshole can call up a radio station and make that claim. He's probably one of the same seminar callers who call limbaugh's show and make the same pussy assed claim. How did Obama being re-elected "force" him to fire those employees? How was he able to keep them for the first four years of Obama's presidency?

What a joke!!!! :lol:
This will happen all over the nation. It's going to get ugly.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won–So I Fired 22 Employees
November 7, 2012 6:09 PM
LAS VEGAS (CBS Las Vegas) — A Las Vegas business owner with 114 employees fired 22 workers today, apparently as a direct result of President Obama’s re-election.

“David” (he asked to remain anonymous for obvious reasons) told Host Kevin Wall on 100.5 KXNT that “elections have consequences” and that “at the end of the day, I need to survive.”

Here’s an excerpt from the interview. Click the audio tab below to hear even more from this compelling conversation:

“I’ve done my share of educating my employees. I never tell them which way to vote. I believe in the free system we have, I believe in the right to choose who they want to be president, but I did explain as a business owner that I have always put my employees first. I always made sure that when I went without a paycheck that made sure they were paid. And I explained that I always put them first and unfortunately I’m at a point where I’m being forced to have to worry about me and my family now and a business that I built from just me to 114 employees.

Vegas Employer: Obama Won, So I Fired 22 Employees « CBS Las Vegas

And so it begins....
Does anyone really think this employer is going to be dumb enough to tell the employees they are being fired for their political affiliation?

He's probably going to use the standard line of "economic downsizing".
We're just a small business but we've been putting off hiring three until the election, now we won't be taking them on.

So, if Romney was elected you were going to hire them? If things under Obama are so bad, why did you feel the need to potentially hire three employees? If you found the need to hire 3 people, it should mean that your business was picking up. :)
This MAY be illegal because there are laws that protect employees rights that covers an employer may not fire someone due to political activity. Not sure if Obama getting elected is covered by that, though. So im trying to look it up even further.
You should read the OP more carefully. No where does it say the 22 were fired for their political views.

> Click link in OP
> Read first sentence in article
> Observe the 9th word in the article. "fired".
We're just a small business but we've been putting off hiring three until the election, now we won't be taking them on.


no one hires because they have cash on hand. they hire when demand requires it.
You're not very smart, are you? That was a rhetorical question, btw. We all know the answer.

He had employees. When you have employees they are the biggest expense, hiring them, training them, retaining them and firing them. You hold off hiring until you absolutely have to. You hold off firing too.
Now the economic tea leaves are clear: Obamacare and its business-killing mandates stay. More taxes. More regulations. All of that equals less business. With less business the forecast is for less need for employees on a long term basis. So you fire them.
Had Romney won he would have anticipated a better environment and would have held on to them, even if they were costing more than they brought in.

"You're not very smart are you?"...

What are you, fucking 12-years-old?

Employees may be "the biggest expense", but having employees to work for you is how you make a profit in the first place.

If your business is growing enough to hire employees, you hire them, or your business stagnates.

This isn't rocket science there, Rabbi.

And don't give me the "Obamacare expenses" bullshit. If it weren't for you assholes, we would have had a public option, and you wouldn't have to worry about it anyway.

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