

Senior Member
Jun 29, 2008
Are the best!

Which are your favorite kind to eat?

Steamed asparagus, artichocks, brussel sprouts, green beans......

I am not as much as a salad lady as I should be. Plus, salad offers fewer opportunities to use melted butter.


I hear these veggies are good grilled, too. I have not tried that...I am barely able to boil water.
Cooked califlower makes me gag. Raw, it's fine.

Yuck just thinking about it.

Not a fan of ocra, either. It's like snot on a plate.

Otherwise, I like them all.
Broccoli, tomatoes, and carrots are my tops, though I like them all. Well not brussel sprouts or cabbage. ;)

Very fall like day here, I've got vegetable, chicken, and split pea soups all bubbling away. If I had more freezing containers and space, I'd have made a stew or chili too.

I find it easier to do 2-4 recipes like these, chop all the veggies and get them to work.
Cooked califlower makes me gag. Raw, it's fine.

Yuck just thinking about it.

Not a fan of ocra, either. It's like snot on a plate.

Otherwise, I like them all.

Ocra does taste and look wretched. I think you have to born in Dixie to eat it. Same with collard greens.
Asparagus, with lots of real butter........

Sauteed Spinach..................

Homegrown Indiana tomatotes..................

Salad with dry blue cheese and a vingerette dressing.....................

Corn on the Cob.........................

I could just live on these^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :eusa_drool::eusa_drool:
I like most veg, except brussel sprouts and ocra.... happily, they don't have ocra in the UK.... at least not that I have seen. YAY!
All this hating on Brussel sprouts!

I forgot, I am no fan of lima beans. Ewwwwe.
I LOVE brussel sprouts....and okra is great deep fired.

Lies...all lies. Okra sux.

Cut in half... cut side down in a large saute pan, 1 cup of water and 1/4 cup of butter (or a combo of butter and bacon grease) salt and pepper..lightly cover with foil...bring to a boil until the water is gone.. and continue to cook unitl the butter is absorbed by the burssell sprouts.

I LOVE brussel sprouts....and okra is great deep fired.

Lies...all lies. Okra sux.

Cut in half... cut side down in a large saute pan, 1 cup of water and 1/4 cup of butter (or a combo of butter and bacon grease) salt and pepper..lightly cover with foil...bring to a boil until the water is gone.. and continue to cook unitl the butter is absorbed by the burssell sprouts.

Yummy if one likes buttered snot.


ETA: Thought you were talking about ocra. Ooops. Brussel sprouts are good almost any way they are prepped.
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Reminds me...anyone doing a garage-style haunted house for the neighborhood kiddies? That spaghetti squash makes great "innards".
We tend to eat whatever's in season here. It's farm country, so fresh from the roadside stand or farmer's market is the best (and cheapest) way to go. The only things that don't fly in my house are lima beans, brussels sprouts, cauliflower and believe it or not neither of my little people will eat acorn squash - even baked with brown sugar and butter. Sacrilege! Oh, and they love spinach and zucchini raw but will not eat either one cooked.

I can't wait for fresh baked sweet potatoes with real butter. Not yams, sweet potatoes. That's everyone's favorite here.
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