Venezuelan migrants file class-action lawsuit against DeSantis, Florida

Three migrants who were part of a group that was flown from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard last week by the state of Florida are suing Gov. Ron DeSantis and other state officials. The suit, filed in federal court in Massachusetts, alleges that DeSantis along with Florida’s Transportation Department Secretary and others tricked migrants into leaving Texas. The plaintiffs include three anonymous Venezuelan migrants Alianza Americas, a transnational organization that advocates on behalf of immigrants rights.

This could get interesting. Hopefully, the matter blows up in Ron's face.
If I'm not mistaken, all of them signed off on it.
Must be an election year
If I'm not mistaken, all of them signed off on it.
Must be an election year

If you sign a contract for XYZ, and XYZ doesn't happen, you can sue for recompense.

Also, why the fuck is the governor of Florida using taxpayer money to transport people from Texas to Massachussetts?
Unfortunately, they have no rights in their native nations.
That's to bad for them . I support a legal process, even claiming asylum is fine, but I do not support unfettered entry by illegals who are not going through the process for amnesty or citizenship.
The single most important thing to the Republican base isn't freedom, or lower taxes, or adhering to the law.

The single most important thing to the Republican base is to "own the libs."

Everything else doesn't matter.
Three migrants who were part of a group that was flown from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard last week by the state of Florida are suing Gov. Ron DeSantis and other state officials. The suit, filed in federal court in Massachusetts, alleges that DeSantis along with Florida’s Transportation Department Secretary and others tricked migrants into leaving Texas. The plaintiffs include three anonymous Venezuelan migrants Alianza Americas, a transnational organization that advocates on behalf of immigrants rights.

This could get interesting. Hopefully, the matter blows up in Ron's face.
they are not immigrants. they are illegal aliens and they can take their lawsuit and stick it where the sun don't shine.
That's to bad for them . I support a legal process, even claiming asylum is fine, but I do not support unfettered entry by illegals who are not going through the process for amnesty or citizenship.
Yet that is exactly what you propose.
Almost 100% of people South of the Border entering our border are running away from their dictators and have 0 skills.
I prefer US minorities being employed instead and myself not being taxed to death simply because 100% of the super-rich South of the Border treat their poor like dirt.

I'd like to see Liberals tell the uber-wealthy South of the Border to go to hell and bomb the shit out of them.
The cult is so goofy.

The Biden admin should be sued by every state that is BIDEN is flying illegals to in the middle of the night.
they are not immigrants. they are illegal aliens and they can take their lawsuit and stick it where the sun don't shine.
Actually, they are asylum seekers who have been processed by immigration officials and are temporarily in the country legally.
That's to bad for them . I support a legal process, even claiming asylum is fine, but I do not support unfettered entry by illegals who are not going through the process for amnesty or citizenship.
Ahhh but you are supporting unfettered entry because POTUS has let our border run wild. We do not have the infrastructure to handle that huge influx. Those migrants are here on their own say-so until our immigration system can get around to hearing all those cases. Most migrants never show up for their immigration hearing.
Actually, they are asylum seekers who have been processed by immigration officials and are temporarily in the country legally.
If you consider asking them if they are asylum seekers they say yes but they still have to be vetted and have a hearing which we are not equipped to handle with thousands upon thousands crashing our border daily.
If you consider asking them if they are asylum seekers they say yes but they still have to be vetted and have a hearing which we are not equipped to handle with thousands upon thousands crashing our border daily.
Yes, they are awaiting a hearing to see if they'll be granted asylum.

"which we are not equipped to handle with thousands upon thousands crashing our border daily."

That is incidental to DeSantis's potentially illegal action.
Can the citizens of Florida and Texas file a class action lawsuit against the U.S government?

They signed an Agreement from what I read so I wonder where this will go.
They should go ahead if they want to. Instead, they break the law and kidnap families.
Three migrants who were part of a group that was flown from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard last week by the state of Florida are suing Gov. Ron DeSantis and other state officials. The suit, filed in federal court in Massachusetts, alleges that DeSantis along with Florida’s Transportation Department Secretary and others tricked migrants into leaving Texas. The plaintiffs include three anonymous Venezuelan migrants Alianza Americas, a transnational organization that advocates on behalf of immigrants rights.

This could get interesting. Hopefully, the matter blows up in Ron's face.
What’s so pathetic about DeSantis’s response to this was when he went on Hannity and claimed they were given all these amenities and benefits as his defense for doing it. It’s like um okay, what was the point of doing that then if you were trying to send a message they were unwelcome and that the border crisis was out of control?

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