Venezuelan migrants file class-action lawsuit against DeSantis, Florida

Actually, they are asylum seekers who have been processed by immigration officials and are temporarily in the country legally.

If so, then they should have been permitted to hang out in the MV sanctuary WITHOUT being transferred out!!
You Bidenista's are total dimwits.
Yet that is exactly what you propose.
Almost 100% of people South of the Border entering our border are running away from their dictators and have 0 skills.
I prefer US minorities being employed instead and myself not being taxed to death simply because 100% of the super-rich South of the Border treat their poor like dirt.

I'd like to see Liberals tell the uber-wealthy South of the Border to go to hell and bomb the shit out of them.
Then get amnesty laws changed. Are you suggesting we don't follow our own laws?
If so, then they should have been permitted to hang out in the MV sanctuary WITHOUT being transferred out!!
You Bidenista's are total dimwits.
No! No! MV only has thousands of unoccupied dwellings as it is their off season. They don't want no dirty migrants sullying up those cash-cow rentals. Nope.....A Cape Cod military base is where they belong, yessa, certainly not in MV aka ObamaLand.
Ahhh but you are supporting unfettered entry because POTUS has let our border run wild. We do not have the infrastructure to handle that huge influx. Those migrants are here on their own say-so until our immigration system can get around to hearing all those cases. Most migrants never show up for their immigration hearing.
All modern POTUSs have. Change amnesty laws. Revamp our visa program and hit farm/food processing/construction sites.

No president from either party will dare cross those lobbyists so the problem remains.

Heck, the government knows where many are...yet no president has done a thing.

Marthas Vinyard - no room.jpg
Can the citizens of Florida and Texas file a class action lawsuit against the U.S government?

They signed an Agreement from what I read so I wonder where this will go.
Nowhere of course. This is the definition of a frivolous lawsuit. The only harm they suffered was at the hands of the residents of Martha's Vineyards and the National Guard Troops they used as Einsatzgruppen to round up the unwanted and transport them away.
All modern POTUSs have. Change amnesty laws. Revamp our visa program and hit farm/food processing/construction sites.

No president from either party will dare cross those lobbyists so the problem remains.

Heck, the government knows where many are...yet no president has done a thing.

Biden is the 'modern POTUS' that has allowed more than any other because he invited them!! Trump tried to do something about it but the D.C. denizens would have none of it. Heck, they trashed his wall and rejected proposals to fix the immigration problem. Illegals disappear and never show up for their hearings. The 'government' has no idea where they are.
Three migrants who were part of a group that was flown from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard last week by the state of Florida are suing Gov. Ron DeSantis and other state officials. The suit, filed in federal court in Massachusetts, alleges that DeSantis along with Florida’s Transportation Department Secretary and others tricked migrants into leaving Texas. The plaintiffs include three anonymous Venezuelan migrants Alianza Americas, a transnational organization that advocates on behalf of immigrants rights.

This could get interesting. Hopefully, the matter blows up in Ron's face.
Those rich white Progs ain't putting up with their own professed beliefs. This is their power. After the Covid beat down to people who did not vaccinate and the constant physical and verbal attacks on people who are not Progs, it is easy to see Americans can be rounded up at put into camps.
Three migrants who were part of a group that was flown from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard last week by the state of Florida are suing Gov. Ron DeSantis and other state officials. The suit, filed in federal court in Massachusetts, alleges that DeSantis along with Florida’s Transportation Department Secretary and others tricked migrants into leaving Texas. The plaintiffs include three anonymous Venezuelan migrants Alianza Americas, a transnational organization that advocates on behalf of immigrants rights.

This could get interesting. Hopefully, the matter blows up in Ron's face.
Hopefully it blows up in yours.
The courts disagree.

"In final analyses of the ordinances of equal protection, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, undocumented people are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights as all Americans."

Oh wow look who owns
Now go read the 14th amendment and count how many times it says CITIZENS ill be here waiting for

The Sheriff in San Antonio TX is investigating DeSantis
Evidently, he paid $12,500 per migrant to fly to Martha’s Vineyard

Are Florida taxpayers normally that extravagant?

Three migrants who were part of a group that was flown from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard last week by the state of Florida are suing Gov. Ron DeSantis and other state officials. The suit, filed in federal court in Massachusetts, alleges that DeSantis along with Florida’s Transportation Department Secretary and others tricked migrants into leaving Texas. The plaintiffs include three anonymous Venezuelan migrants Alianza Americas, a transnational organization that advocates on behalf of immigrants rights.

This could get interesting. Hopefully, the matter blows up in Ron's face.
Democrats aren't going to be able to get away with making all of these false charges of everyone that pisses them off for long.
Everyone can see that what they're doing is BS and they'll remember it this November.

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