Venger/Thief (Dungeons & Dragons)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
One extra fan-fiction, inspired by the iconic Saturday morning cartoon!


Venger, the sworn sorcerer in the dark realm of dungeons and dragons, was riding atop his dark horse named Nightmare one Saturday morning. He came across the beautiful young human woman nicknamed Thief, who alongside her American human teenage friends were magically and tragically teleported into Venger's dark dominion of magic and dragons and sorcery. Venger approached Thief and demanded to know why she was wandering around the darker half of the realm's forest by herself and without a proper escort or guardian. Thief immediately noted that Venger seemed very gallant for some strange reason towards her.


THIEF: Why do you care that I'm alone, dark sorcerer?
VENGER: You talk to me as if I'm purely callous towards you, young woman!
THIEF: Just call me Thief, Venger.
VENGER: I'm not your adversary this morning, young woman.
THIEF: Why the hell should I believe that or in that, Venger?
VENGER: I know I come off as intimidating, but I care about your isolation.
THIEF: Call me Thief.
VENGER: Well, Thief, you shouldn't be in this dark forest alone.
VENGER: Where're your friends and escorts and guardians?
THIEF: They're elsewhere, Venger.
VENGER: That's for certain, Thief!
THIEF: Why do you care suddenly of my welfare, Venger?
VENGER: I have a crush on you.
THIEF: You what?
VENGER: Do you doubt this?
THIEF: I doubt anything you say, dark sorcerer.
VENGER: No, I find you frail and oddly charming and beautiful, Thief.
THIEF: I think you're lonely by nature and by fault, so your isolation is your own!
VENGER: Well, today, Thief, I care earnestly about your isolation in this dark forest.
THIEF: Well, thanks for that, Venger.
VENGER: Hop on my horse, and I'll fly you to your friends this morning.
THIEF: Well, I didn't think we'd ever be friends, Venger.
VENGER: Maybe you'll trust me for later...and we'll become sweethearts!
VENGER: Sounds crazy, eh?
THIEF: I think you're just thinking about sex.
VENGER: Is that evil, since you're quite beautiful for your age.
THIEF: I'm 19, I'm single currently, and you're stimulating my sense of anxiety.


Venger took Thief on his horse named Nightmare and they flew away from that dark forest. He romanced her while riding by singing to her and offering up love poems. She realized she was giving in to this strange and out-of-place gallant behavior and decided to kiss him on the cheek. He turned to look into her eyes and thanked her for that. Then he flew her to the palace of the evil emperor Rhanon where the two went in stealth mode and stole a precious diamond from the emperor's inner vault-room, disguising themselves as medicine merchants. Afterwards, Venger took Thief to his underwater ice-station where they made love. He decided to gift Thief the diamond they stole from Rhanon. Thief vowed she'd never forget him or their adventure that morning.


THIEF: "I don't know what to make of this new man-sorcerer in my life, Venger, but I do know he's a true force of distance!"


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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