Venture Capitalist compares himself to German Jews!


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
Wealthy venture capitalist Tom Perkins says the 1% in America are treated like Jews in Nazi Germany -

Tom Perkins, super wealthy investment capitalist, writes....

Writing from the epicenter of progressive thought, San Francisco, I would call attention to the parallels of fascist Nazi Germany to its war on its “one percent,” namely its Jews, to the progressive war on the American one percent, namely the “rich.”

From the Occupy movement to the demonization of the rich embedded in virtually every word of our local newspaper, the San Francisco Chronicle, I perceive a rising tide of hatred of the successful one percent. There is outraged public reaction to the Google buses carrying technology workers from the city to the peninsula high-tech companies which employ them. We have outrage over the rising real-estate prices which these “techno geeks” can pay. We have, for example, libelous and cruel attacks in the Chronicle on our number-one celebrity, the author Danielle Steel, alleging that she is a “snob” despite the millions she has spent on our city’s homeless and mentally ill over the past decades.

This is a very dangerous drift in our American thinking. Kristallnacht was unthinkable in 1930; is its descendent “progressive” radicalism unthinkable now?

Speaking of Hitler, there's that scene in Mel Brooks The Producers where they do the opening number "Springtime for Hitler" and the audience's jaws are on the floor.

I think that's the only appropriate response here.
He has a point.....

On the top of his head, maybe.

Yup, wanting the rich to pay their fair share in taxes is JUST LIKE the systematic rounding up and extermination of an ethnic group

They already pay their fair share.

What the government is doing is using a false stereotype to make it look like they are on the side of the little man. Instead, they're busy fucking the little man and doing favors for their rich buddies.

Look at who supports this. Hollywood. Rich assholes that say the right things just to stay in the good graces of the liberal base. Their incomes depends on how they can get along inside the collective. They become vocal in their support of liberal policies at the same time they're doing the exact thing they accuse "The Rich" of doing. Hypocrites all. This is why they invented Carbon Credits.

Hollywood now has a new black list. Anyone who openly declares themselves to be a conservative finds it very hard to make a living. They are openly treated as outcasts. I think it's closer to the days of McCarthyism than the Holocaust.
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He has a point.....

On the top of his head, maybe.

Yup, wanting the rich to pay their fair share in taxes is JUST LIKE the systematic rounding up and extermination of an ethnic group

They already pay their fair share.

What the government is doing is using a false stereotype to make it look like they are on the side of the little man. Instead, they're busy fucking the little man and doing favors for their rich buddies.

Look at who supports this. Hollywood. Rich assholes that say the right things just to stay in the good graces of the liberal base. Their incomes depends on how they can get along inside the collective. They become vocal in their support of liberal policies at the same time they're doing the exact thing they accuse "The Rich" of doing. Hypocrites all. This is why they invented Carbon Credits.

Hollywood now has a new black list. Anyone who openly declares themselves to be a conservative finds it very hard to make a living. They are openly treated as outcasts. I think it's closer to the days of McCarthyism than the Holocaust.

let's see now. The usual apologist checklist.

The rich already pay their fair share? really? It strikes me that if 1% has 43% of the wealth, they aren't paying their fair share and they have too much of the wealth.

I'm also curious as to which conservative actors are being "blacklisted". Name names.

On the top of his head, maybe.

Yup, wanting the rich to pay their fair share in taxes is JUST LIKE the systematic rounding up and extermination of an ethnic group

They already pay their fair share.

What the government is doing is using a false stereotype to make it look like they are on the side of the little man. Instead, they're busy fucking the little man and doing favors for their rich buddies.

Look at who supports this. Hollywood. Rich assholes that say the right things just to stay in the good graces of the liberal base. Their incomes depends on how they can get along inside the collective. They become vocal in their support of liberal policies at the same time they're doing the exact thing they accuse "The Rich" of doing. Hypocrites all. This is why they invented Carbon Credits.

Hollywood now has a new black list. Anyone who openly declares themselves to be a conservative finds it very hard to make a living. They are openly treated as outcasts. I think it's closer to the days of McCarthyism than the Holocaust.

let's see now. The usual apologist checklist.

The rich already pay their fair share? really? It strikes me that if 1% has 43% of the wealth, they aren't paying their fair share and they have too much of the wealth.

I'm also curious as to which conservative actors are being "blacklisted". Name names.


If they're paying 70% of the taxes then they paying more than their share.

I'm not going to go looking for names for you bud. If you want to know just Google it. That's how I read up on it. If you ever wonder what happened to this actor or that actor many times is because he couldn't get a gig anymore because of his or her politics. Also, the reason you hear bad things about some people isn't just because they're assholes, but because of their political views. One that comes to mind is Mel Gibson. Many of these Hollywood A-list actors are no better or no worse than he is, yet he gets the bad press.

If they're paying 70% of the taxes then they paying more than their share.

Well, they aren't. Nowhere even close to that. In fact, even if you limit it to just the INCOME tax, they aren't paying that much. (Of course, Social Security, Medicare, property taxes, sales taxes impact the working class more.)

I'm not going to go looking for names for you bud. If you want to know just Google it. That's how I read up on it. If you ever wonder what happened to this actor or that actor many times is because he couldn't get a gig anymore because of his or her politics. Also, the reason you hear bad things about some people isn't just because they're assholes, but because of their political views. One that comes to mind is Mel Gibson. Many of these Hollywood A-list actors are no better or no worse than he is, yet he gets the bad press.

So essentially, you can't really name anyone but Mel Gibson?


Mel didn't get "blacklisted" because of his political views. He got blacklisted because he's a crazy, Jew-hating drunk, who got caught DWI and was abusive to law enforcement. Which might be a real problem if you work in an industry that the hiring decisions are made by Jewish people.

After that, any movie with him in it would have been box office poison.

If they're paying 70% of the taxes then they paying more than their share.

Well, they aren't. Nowhere even close to that. In fact, even if you limit it to just the INCOME tax, they aren't paying that much. (Of course, Social Security, Medicare, property taxes, sales taxes impact the working class more.)

I'm not going to go looking for names for you bud. If you want to know just Google it. That's how I read up on it. If you ever wonder what happened to this actor or that actor many times is because he couldn't get a gig anymore because of his or her politics. Also, the reason you hear bad things about some people isn't just because they're assholes, but because of their political views. One that comes to mind is Mel Gibson. Many of these Hollywood A-list actors are no better or no worse than he is, yet he gets the bad press.

So essentially, you can't really name anyone but Mel Gibson?


Mel didn't get "blacklisted" because of his political views. He got blacklisted because he's a crazy, Jew-hating drunk, who got caught DWI and was abusive to law enforcement. Which might be a real problem if you work in an industry that the hiring decisions are made by Jewish people.

After that, any movie with him in it would have been box office poison.

You asked for an example and I gave you one. You asked for a name and I gave you one.

BTW, it's clear you have to compartmentalize the argument to feel you have a point. Truth is you're lying to yourself. The top earners in this country pay most of the taxes. A small percent pay more than their share. 47% pay no income taxes.

Mel Gibson is an asshole like many in Hollywood. They targeted him because he's a con, not because he got drunk and started vomiting anti-Semitic slurs. Since when has a liberal given a flying-f about what someone says about Jews anyway. Many on the left hate Jews with a passion. Occupy WallStreet turned into a organized Jew-Bashing. Obama himself hates them. He sucks up to the Mullahs and shits all over Israel. Rev Jessie Jackson called them names.
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You asked for an example and I gave you one. You asked for a name and I gave you one.

BTW, it's clear you have to compartmentalize the argument to feel you have a point. Truth is you're lying to yourself. The top earners in this country pay most of the taxes. A small percent pay more than their share. 47% pay no income taxes.

The 47% figure only comes from ONE YEAR (2009), when the unemployment rate was at its highest level. But you keep repeating this meme like it's a fact.

The Top earners are NOT paying most of the taxes. And they are paying nowhere near their fair share.

Mel Gibson is an asshole like many in Hollywood. They targeted him because he's a con, not because he got drunk and started vomiting anti-Semitic slurs. Since when has a liberal given a flying-f about what someone says about Jews anyway. Many on the left hate Jews with a passion. Occupy WallStreet turned into a organized Jew-Bashing. Obama himself hates them. He sucks up to the Mullahs and shits all over Israel. Rev Jessie Jackson called them names.

No, actually, his career was not over when he made "The Snuff Film of the Christ", which had anti-Semitic overtones.

it was over when he got pulled over for a DUI and started blaming "the Jews" for all the problems in the world.

Oh, another question which will make your mind implode. If there is all this anti-semetic feeling on "the left", explain why Obama got 71% of the Jewish vote in 2008 and 69% of it in 2012?


Here's a hint. Most American Jews look at Zionism as the Crazy Uncle who rants about Hitler to your Goyim friends at your Bat Mitzvah.

"Uncle Moshe, you're embarrassing me!!!!"

You asked for an example and I gave you one. You asked for a name and I gave you one.

BTW, it's clear you have to compartmentalize the argument to feel you have a point. Truth is you're lying to yourself. The top earners in this country pay most of the taxes. A small percent pay more than their share. 47% pay no income taxes.

The 47% figure only comes from ONE YEAR (2009), when the unemployment rate was at its highest level. But you keep repeating this meme like it's a fact.

The Top earners are NOT paying most of the taxes. And they are paying nowhere near their fair share.

Mel Gibson is an asshole like many in Hollywood. They targeted him because he's a con, not because he got drunk and started vomiting anti-Semitic slurs. Since when has a liberal given a flying-f about what someone says about Jews anyway. Many on the left hate Jews with a passion. Occupy WallStreet turned into a organized Jew-Bashing. Obama himself hates them. He sucks up to the Mullahs and shits all over Israel. Rev Jessie Jackson called them names.

No, actually, his career was not over when he made "The Snuff Film of the Christ", which had anti-Semitic overtones.

it was over when he got pulled over for a DUI and started blaming "the Jews" for all the problems in the world.

Oh, another question which will make your mind implode. If there is all this anti-semetic feeling on "the left", explain why Obama got 71% of the Jewish vote in 2008 and 69% of it in 2012?


Here's a hint. Most American Jews look at Zionism as the Crazy Uncle who rants about Hitler to your Goyim friends at your Bat Mitzvah.

"Uncle Moshe, you're embarrassing me!!!!"

Nobody ever said that Jews vote according to their religion. If they did they'd drop Democrats like a bad habit. It's like Catholics. Most are liberal for one reason or another. Many aren't even practicing their faith. If they did they wouldn't support the left.

If anything, the 1%ers pay even more now than before because we have 9 million fewer that are earning.
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While I have no sympathy toward this guy, his complaint that the 1% meme is stupid as hell is spot on.

The 1% are NOT the enemy.

Some of them are of course, but the vast majority of wealthy people are NOT.

I do not care who does it, why they do it or who their targets are ...COLLECTIVE GUILT AND PUNISHMENT is an evil and ineffective approach to solving society's problems.

The OWS movement was run by the MASTERS, kiddies.

OWS, much like the TEA PARTY movement (which also believes in collective guilt and punishment, only their target are different) is a honey trap for haters.
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He has a point.....

On the top of his head, maybe.

Yup, wanting the rich to pay their fair share in taxes is JUST LIKE the systematic rounding up and extermination of an ethnic group

The rhetoric used by people like the president, the Democratic Party, and jealous losers like you is the same kind of rhetoric that the Nazis used against the Jews and for the same reasons.
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Nobody ever said that Jews vote according to their religion. If they did they'd drop Democrats like a bad habit. It's like Catholics. Most are liberal for one reason or another. Many aren't even practicing their faith. If they did they wouldn't support the left.

If anything, the 1%ers pay even more now than before because we have 9 million fewer that are earning.

Do you have reading comprehension problems?
He has a point.....

On the top of his head, maybe.

Yup, wanting the rich to pay their fair share in taxes is JUST LIKE the systematic rounding up and extermination of an ethnic group

The rhetoric used by people like the president, the Democratic Party, and jealous losers like you is the same kind of rhetoric that the Nazis used against the Jews and for the same reasons.

Ummm....maybe you need to pick up a history book before you make yourself look stupid.
The rich already pay their fair share? really? It strikes me that if 1% has 43% of the wealth, they aren't paying their fair share and they have too much of the wealth.

His tax rate is 57%.

Who would that be?

The top marginal tax rate is 39% after the Bush Tax Cuts expired. And if he's making money on interest or capital gains, it's probably lower than that.
On the top of his head, maybe.

Yup, wanting the rich to pay their fair share in taxes is JUST LIKE the systematic rounding up and extermination of an ethnic group

The rhetoric used by people like the president, the Democratic Party, and jealous losers like you is the same kind of rhetoric that the Nazis used against the Jews and for the same reasons.

Ummm....maybe you need to pick up a history book before you make yourself look stupid.

As long as you are around for comparison, I will never look stupid.
The rich already pay their fair share? really? It strikes me that if 1% has 43% of the wealth, they aren't paying their fair share and they have too much of the wealth.

His tax rate is 57%.

Who would that be?

The top marginal tax rate is 39% after the Bush Tax Cuts expired. And if he's making money on interest or capital gains, it's probably lower than that.

Because federal income tax is all we pay. :eusa_whistle: See above post :stupid:
And he is absolutely right.

Class warfare has the same aim as ethnic warfare - the totalitarian regime.

there is no difference except what language which gestapo-like structure will use.

In the case of venture capitalist it was Russian. In case of Jews - it was German ( Russian as well, but that is another story).

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