Venus and Democracy: Dragon-Toolbar!


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-democracy fantasy-adventure inspired by the rhetoric-evangelism film Capitalism: A Love Story.

Signing off (this time I think it's for real!),

God bless!



Demonic fairies were arrayed in an apocalyptic battle on the incredible but complex planet of Venus. There was a magical sword named Excalibur which sat in the heart of Venus, daring all fairies (regardless of which clan they fought against!) to extract it for supreme power. The power of the sword lay in its ability to give off a blinding light, which reminded people of the value of negotiation and democratic bargaining in preference over capitalism-themed competitive bloodlust. The fairy who wielded Excalibur could (hypothetically) defeat the green-eyed dragon named Grendel (a real 'Devil's Advocate')!


Sharia and Alastair were powerful fairies on Venus and husband-and-wife. The couple called themselves the 'Supreme Love Couple' (SLC) and they effectively served as king and queen of their fairy-clan known as the Dark Force. SLC wanted to grab Excalibur before the warrior-knight and leader of the rival fairy-clan (known as the Light Brigade) named Alas grabbed it. Alas had plans to use Excalibur to not only defeat Grendel but also rescue the hostage 'golden child' named Ana (a female baby of great charm but danger). Ana would otherwise be 'sacrificed' in the name of 'capitalism-rhetoric,' and Alas knew cannibalism was brewing.


The Dark Force and Light Brigade were arrayed in a barren field by mountains and mist and were shape-transformed into humanoid 'centurions' by the powerful wizard Lark who insisted that the battle take on a more muscular and less fairy-like orientation. Lark believed this 'great war' over capitalism-rhetoric was based on bargaining problems and not metaphysics, so he gave all the fairies in the battle legs and arms and regular bodies, so they'd have to simply 'wrestle' with death and rage. Meanwhile U.S. President Donald Trump (a capitalism-baron) was sending a special NASA diplomatic team to Venus after intelligence-signals were received on Earth!


Alas wanted to firstly deal with the evil and insidious 'minion' of SLC and Dark Force, a bat-like fairy named Moloch who wanted to use Excalibur to not only destroy Ana but also to make Grendel bow to his whims and use him as a 'creature-vehicle' of annihilation. Moloch was SLC's 'first-knight' and resisted the transformation-spell of the wizard Lark and insisted to fight the Light Brigade as the simple and brutal bat-fairy he was, and Alas remained a fairy to contend with Moloch. Moloch grabbed Alas and demanded to know why Ana should be 'rescued,' and Alas told him the 'golden child' represented the last bastion of Utopian values --- before strangling Moloch to death (in the name of democracy!).


As the Light Brigade was slowly but surely overpowering the army of the Dark Force, Alas retreated to find Excalibur and then rescue Ana and then finally deal with the green-eyed dragon Grendel. Alas found Excalibur nestled in a stone in a garden, and he realized that extracting the sword required pure focus on valor and wisdom (so as not to inefficiently use his strength to clumsily jerk the sword out of the stone). Alas triumphed in the sword-extraction and then decapitated the heads of the gargoyles guarding the fortress where Ana was kept as a 'hostage.' He then carried the Messianic Ana to a mountaintop before soaring towards Grendel. Alas realized he was the 'chosen one' to champion capitalism and democracy.


Alas found Grendel in a dark cave in a mountain and realized he had to debate with the beast about the metaphysical symbolism surrounding capitalism and democracy. Grendel told Alas he would gift the fairy-knight great falcon-wings for a symbolic battle in the sky if Alas could guess the correct 'link' between capitalism and democracy. Alas knew if he surmised the correct answer, he could obtain the magic wings he desired and then use it to hover above Grendel's head and behead the creature. Alas correctly told Grendel the true link between capitalism and democracy was (of course) Wall Street (on Earth), and when Grendel hesitantly gave Alas the magic falcon-wings, Alas soared above Grendel and decapitated him!


Alas was crowned the true defender of Venus, and Lark promised Alas would always keep the magic falcon-wings he 'won' from Grendel. The sacred sword Excalibur was kept in a special museum in which various holograms and 'slideshows' and sculptures were being made by Lark to signify the Venutians' appreciation of the spiritual complexity of competition, capitalism, and the wars that defend democracy. The demise of Dark Force meant that Light Brigade (under the leadership of Alas) could institute meaningful democratic policies aimed at making Venus a 'haven' for mercantilism and democracy. President Trump's special NASA team was on its way now, and Alas and Ana would greet the team as the first real achievement in 'democracy infancy.'



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