Verifying Your Political ID

This becomes redundant....but it is necessary to show that you know nothing and plan to remain informed thusly.

Your opinions are blather based on bias....certainly not knowledge.

The informed acknowledge that the Venona Papers pretty much proved what McCarthy said.

You haven't read them, have you?


Why should I waste my time?

Nobody sent McCarthy a thank you basket.

Venona was an AMERICAN project, and it just made a lot of false accusations and inconclusive evidence. Really doesn't vindicate anything McCarthy did.

I notice you also keep skipping around his accusations of Communists among the "China Hands". (The guys at state who knew "Cash My Check" was a lost cause.)
Surprising, isn't it, how very different the views of Liberals and conservatives are.
The following is a series of statements which our Liberal pals fervently believe to be least they subscribe to the majority of them.'s a quick check to see if...or make sure.... you've fallen into the abyss of Liberalism:

True or False:

1. The "1%" is made up of millionaires and billionaires who stole their wealth from the 99%.

2. The Constitution mandates separation of church and state.

2a. Studying case law, the decisions of courts, is the only way to apply the Constitution.

3. The laws of economics don't apply to healthcare: the government can provide healthcare for all, and of higher quality than presently available, and at a considerable savings!

4. While Democrat Party was the source and wellspring of racism up until 1964, the parties switched attitudes that year, and the Republicans became the racists.

5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.

6. Religion has been responsible for the deaths of more human beings than non-religion!

7. Bush was responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown.

7a. Gore won.

8. Rights are only those entitlements allowed by governments....and can be withdrawn by same.

9. Gorbachev was as responsible for ending the Cold War as President Reagan was.

10. It's a racist nation, and that's the reason for criticism of Obama.

Bonus question: The United States was founded based on the Enlightenment, and, therefore, is not based on Judeo-Christian values.

OK.....let's mark your paper.....and no erasing and no crossing out!

Correct answers: all of 'em are absolutely, positively, "false."

How'd ya' do?
Liberal or conservative?
....but, you knew that already, didn't you.

More meaningless and unsupportable confirmation bias. Make a list of unsupported personal opinions, create an "enemy", then assert that your "enemy" opposes all your unsupported personal opinions.


How many did you find "true"?
Venona project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Texas textbook controversy[edit]

Controversy arose in 2009 over the Texas State Board of Education's revision of their high school history class curricula to suggest Venona shows Senator Joseph McCarthy to have been justified in his zeal in exposing those whom he believed to be Soviet spies or communist sympathizers.[47] Critics assert most people and organizations identified by McCarthy were not mentioned in the Venona content and that the sources for his accusations remain largely unknown. [48] However, M. Stanton Evans in Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight against America's Enemies reveals that his primary source was the files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. [49]

Sorry, McCarthy was still a witch-hunting turd...
Those who argue there is no separation of church and state mandate have an agenda. Things like school prayer. And then you find case law has decidely come down against them.

This is the inconvenient truth behind the word playing.

Observe as case law is now derided for banning school prayer, even though case law was demanded to support opposition to the opening premise.

2a. Studying case law, the decisions of courts, is the only way to apply the Constitution.

Indeed! That is why school prayer is banned. Case law separating church and state.

There is no case law that justifies the supreme courts finding that the constitution requires separation of church and state. The actions of the people who wrote and adopted the constitution belies any such understanding. The utter stupidity of that decision has been obvious in the mischief that is still being done in the name of that decision.

Of course, you're 100% correct.

Most don't know that the particular decision was penned by KKKer and anti-Catholic FDR-nominee to the court, Hugo Black.: The ‘high and impregnable’ wall central to the past 50 years of church-state jurisprudence is not Jefferson’s wall; rather, it is the wall that Justice Hugo Black built in 1947 in Everson v. Board of Education.

"... Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."]
Venona project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Texas textbook controversy[edit]

Controversy arose in 2009 over the Texas State Board of Education's revision of their high school history class curricula to suggest Venona shows Senator Joseph McCarthy to have been justified in his zeal in exposing those whom he believed to be Soviet spies or communist sympathizers.[47] Critics assert most people and organizations identified by McCarthy were not mentioned in the Venona content and that the sources for his accusations remain largely unknown. [48] However, M. Stanton Evans in Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight against America's Enemies reveals that his primary source was the files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. [49]

Sorry, McCarthy was still a witch-hunting turd...

Gee....they were good enough for Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.....

...but not enough for Erroneous Joe.
Venona project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Texas textbook controversy[edit]

Controversy arose in 2009 over the Texas State Board of Education's revision of their high school history class curricula to suggest Venona shows Senator Joseph McCarthy to have been justified in his zeal in exposing those whom he believed to be Soviet spies or communist sympathizers.[47] Critics assert most people and organizations identified by McCarthy were not mentioned in the Venona content and that the sources for his accusations remain largely unknown. [48] However, M. Stanton Evans in Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight against America's Enemies reveals that his primary source was the files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. [49]

Sorry, McCarthy was still a witch-hunting turd...

Gee....they were good enough for Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.....

...but not enough for Erroneous Joe.

Good enough for him to do what, exactly? Try to rationalize what was done to Alger Hiss?

Point is, we ought to be sort of embarrassed about that period in our history and most people are.
Venona project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Texas textbook controversy[edit]

Controversy arose in 2009 over the Texas State Board of Education's revision of their high school history class curricula to suggest Venona shows Senator Joseph McCarthy to have been justified in his zeal in exposing those whom he believed to be Soviet spies or communist sympathizers.[47] Critics assert most people and organizations identified by McCarthy were not mentioned in the Venona content and that the sources for his accusations remain largely unknown. [48] However, M. Stanton Evans in Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight against America's Enemies reveals that his primary source was the files of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. [49]

Sorry, McCarthy was still a witch-hunting turd...

Gee....they were good enough for Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.....

...but not enough for Erroneous Joe.

Good enough for him to do what, exactly? Try to rationalize what was done to Alger Hiss?

Point is, we ought to be sort of embarrassed about that period in our history and most people are.


Instead we see many on the revisionist, reactionary right seeking to make a ‘hero’ out of a reprobate such as McCarthy.
This becomes redundant....but it is necessary to show that you know nothing and plan to remain informed thusly.

Your opinions are blather based on bias....certainly not knowledge.

The informed acknowledge that the Venona Papers pretty much proved what McCarthy said.

You haven't read them, have you?


Why should I waste my time?

Nobody sent McCarthy a thank you basket.

Venona was an AMERICAN project, and it just made a lot of false accusations and inconclusive evidence. Really doesn't vindicate anything McCarthy did.

I notice you also keep skipping around his accusations of Communists among the "China Hands". (The guys at state who knew "Cash My Check" was a lost cause.)

"I notice you also keep skipping around his accusations of Communists among the "China Hands"....

Did you mean Owen Lattimore?


1.[Owen] Lattimore was a scholar of Chinese history who taught at Johns Hopkins University. During World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed him as a special representative to the Nationalist Chinese government of Chiang Kai-Shek. Lattimore also served in the Office of War Information. His troubles began after the war, when it became apparent that Chiang's government would fall to the communist forces of Mao Zedong. When China fell to the communists in 1949, shocked Americans looked for scapegoats to blame for the debacle. Individuals such as Lattimore, who had been unremitting in their criticism of Chiang's regime, were easy targets.
McCarthy charges that Owen Lattimore is a Soviet spy ? This Day in History ? 3/26/1950

Well....let's see why:

2. Lattimore had conferred (during the Hitler-Stalin pact) with the Soviet ambassador about Lattimore's upcoming assignment as President Roosevelt's adviser to Chiang-Kai-Shek — then trying to fend off the Communist revolution in his country.

• Credible testimony revealed "five episodes" wherein Lattimore — within the Politburo of the Communist Party — "participated as a full participant in the conspiracy."

• A former brigadier-general in the Soviet military intelligence testified to having been told that "Lattimore was one of our men."

• On page 218 of the McCarran committee's voluminous report of its year-long investigation, this bottom line: "[T]he subcommittee can come to no other conclusion but that Lattimore was for some time beginning in the 1930s a conscious, articulate instrument of the Soviet conspiracy."
The documented truth about the McCarthy investigations

3. There was Owen Lattimore, the ardently pro-Communist director of OWI's (Office of War Information) Pacific operations. Chiang Kai-shek conveyed to the FBI in 1948 he believed Lattimore, while acting as his Roosevelt-supplied wartime adviser, was supplying information to communist forces, and Alexander Barmine knew of Lattimore as a Soviet agent. M. Stanton Evans, "Blacklisted by History," p.393-395.

a. Barmine identified Lattimore, and Joseph F. Barnes, OWI assistant director of overseas reporting.
Lawrence Journal-World - Google News Archive Search

How about another:

4. Soviet Prime Minister Vyacheslav Molotov [3] (of Molotov cocktail fame) outlined the strategy: “Who reads the Communist papers? Only a few people who are already Communists. We don’t need to propagandize them [...]. We have to influence non-Communists if we want to make them Communists or if we want to fool them. So, we have to try to infiltrate in the big press.”

Perloff continues: “The most influential U.S. writers fulfilling this were probably Edgar Snow, author of the pro-communist book Red Star Over China, and Owen Lattimore, author of Thunder Out of China, a Book-of-the-Month selection that attacked Chiang Kai-shek. Writing in the Saturday Review, Snow audaciously told readers, ‘There has never been any communism in China.’”

One more?

5. Even the truth about Owen Lattimore, the most famous of McCarthy's "victims," has finally come out, thanks to a former Chinese espionage agent's memoirs and declassified FBI files, which go a long way to vindicate McCarthy's original charges. Joseph McCarthy

Instead we see many on the revisionist, reactionary right seeking to make a ‘hero’ out of a reprobate such as McCarthy.

Not just limited to the right.

Of course, McCarthy's personal behavior was reprehensible, but a lot of people who were involved in the whole fiasco called McCarthyism went on to have pretty good careers.

Roy Cohn becames a bigshot lawyer, Nixon eventually went on to be President, and so on.

For a brief period, we allowed fear to rule us, and when we sobered up, we took it out on the guy who was buying the drinks...
Surprising, isn't it, how very different the views of Liberals and conservatives are.
The following is a series of statements which our Liberal pals fervently believe to be least they subscribe to the majority of them.'s a quick check to see if...or make sure.... you've fallen into the abyss of Liberalism:

True or False:

1. The "1%" is made up of millionaires and billionaires who stole their wealth from the 99%.

2. The Constitution mandates separation of church and state.

2a. Studying case law, the decisions of courts, is the only way to apply the Constitution.

3. The laws of economics don't apply to healthcare: the government can provide healthcare for all, and of higher quality than presently available, and at a considerable savings!

4. While Democrat Party was the source and wellspring of racism up until 1964, the parties switched attitudes that year, and the Republicans became the racists.

5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.

6. Religion has been responsible for the deaths of more human beings than non-religion!

7. Bush was responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown.

7a. Gore won.

8. Rights are only those entitlements allowed by governments....and can be withdrawn by same.

9. Gorbachev was as responsible for ending the Cold War as President Reagan was.

10. It's a racist nation, and that's the reason for criticism of Obama.

Bonus question: The United States was founded based on the Enlightenment, and, therefore, is not based on Judeo-Christian values.

OK.....let's mark your paper.....and no erasing and no crossing out!

Correct answers: all of 'em are absolutely, positively, "false."

How'd ya' do?
Liberal or conservative?
....but, you knew that already, didn't you.
What a load of HORSESHIT!!!!!!! Almost all the questions are loaded and similiar to this famous question: Do you still beat your wife?
However, there is one thing of interest here but it is not your list. It is the fact that as of the time of my post 9 people have thanked you for your post. In other words, nine wing nuts are thinking the same stupid and ignorant thoughts you are.
The fact of the matter is that it is impossible for you and those who think like you to understand and know what liberals believe. I know this to be true because if you could understand what and how liberals think you would be a liberal. If you could think like a liberal you would want women to have control of their bodies. You would be against trying to take the vote away from others. You would be against lying and spreading false information. You would be against taking food away from the poorest (How very Christian of you). You would be against a do nothing House of Representatives. You would be against people like rand paul who would like to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964. You would accept laws that have been passed and validated by the Supreme Court rather than trying to put up phoney road blocks to get around the bill. You would be against those who do not want to see others get a living wage. You would be for people being responsible. You would be against those who spread nothing but hate (limbaugh is a perfect example). You would be color blind to black and white and a black president in the WH. You would be against having people lose everything they have worked for their entire lives if they become seriously ill. You would be and act like a Christian rather than beating your chest to claim you are a Christian while turning your back on your fellow man. You would recognize that good ideas can come from both sides of the aisle rather than just the right side.


I notice you also keep skipping around his accusations of Communists among the "China Hands". (The guys at state who knew "Cash My Check" was a lost cause.)

"I notice you also keep skipping around his accusations of Communists among the "China Hands"....

Did you mean Owen Lattimore?


1.[Owen] Lattimore was a scholar of Chinese history who taught at Johns Hopkins University. During World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed him as a special representative to the Nationalist Chinese government of Chiang Kai-Shek. Lattimore also served in the Office of War Information. His troubles began after the war, when it became apparent that Chiang's government would fall to the communist forces of Mao Zedong. When China fell to the communists in 1949, shocked Americans looked for scapegoats to blame for the debacle. Individuals such as Lattimore, who had been unremitting in their criticism of Chiang's regime, were easy targets.

Ignoring the usual "There's a Commie Hiding Under my Bed" sources you seem fond of.

Owen Lattimore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The accusations led to years of Congressional hearings that did not substantiate the charge that Lattimore had been a spy (and wartime intercepted Venona cables did not refer to him as one). The hearings did document Lattimore's sympathetic statements about Stalin and the Soviet Union, however.[2] Although charges of perjury were dismissed, the controversy put an end to Lattimore's role as a consultant of the United States State Department and eventually to his career in American academic life.

McCarthy, who had no evidence of specific acts of espionage and only weak evidence that Lattimore was a concealed Communist, in April 1950 persuaded Louis F. Budenz, the now-anticommunist former editor of the Communist Party organ Daily Worker, to testify. Budenz had no first-hand knowledge of Lattimore's Communist allegiance and had never previously identified him as a Communist in his extensive FBI interviews. In addition, Budenz had in 1947 told a State Department investigator that he "did not recall any instances" that suggested that Lattimore was a Communist and had also told his editor at Collier's magazine in 1949 that Lattimore had never "acted as a Communist in any way."[20]

Now, however, Budenz testified that Lattimore was a secret Communist but not a Soviet agent; he was a person of influence who often assisted Soviet foreign policy. Budenz said his party superiors had told him that Lattimore's "great value lay in the fact that he could bring the emphasis in support of Soviet policy in non-Soviet language."[21] The majority report of the Tydings committee cleared Lattimore of all charges against him; the minority report accepted Budenz's charges.

In February 1952, Lattimore was called to testify before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS), headed by McCarthy's ally, Senator Pat McCarran. Before Lattimore was called as witness, investigators for the SISS had seized all of the records of the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR).[citation needed] The twelve days of testimony were marked by shouting matches, which pitted McCarran and McCarthy on one side against Lattimore on the other. Lattimore took three days to deliver his opening statement: the delays were caused by frequent interruptions as McCarran challenged Lattimore point by point. McCarran then used the records from the IPR to ask questions that often taxed Lattimore's memory. Budenz again testified, but this time claimed that Lattimore was both a Communist and a Soviet agent.

In short, lots of accusations that proved not to be the least bit true.

Now, here's the thing. The China Hands were right.

Cash My Check was a major league fuckup. I mean, seriously, how fucking incompetant do you have to be to almost have your country conquered by Japan, which is like a fifth of your size.

They told the truth. The minute the war was over, the Communists were going to win, fairly quickly, and there wasn't much we were going to be able to do about it.

But creeps like McCarthy (and unfortunately, Nixon) screamed "Who Lost China?" like it was ever ours to lose.

Instead we see many on the revisionist, reactionary right seeking to make a ‘hero’ out of a reprobate such as McCarthy.

Not just limited to the right.

Of course, McCarthy's personal behavior was reprehensible, but a lot of people who were involved in the whole fiasco called McCarthyism went on to have pretty good careers.

Roy Cohn becames a bigshot lawyer, Nixon eventually went on to be President, and so on.

For a brief period, we allowed fear to rule us, and when we sobered up, we took it out on the guy who was buying the drinks...
So, you approve of people building their career by destroying the careers of innocent people. How very republican of you.
Oh, and if you were really an Eisenhower republican you would have turned your back on the republican party long ago. Consider this, David Eisenhower (Ike's grandson) and his wife, Julie Nixon Eisenhower (Nixon's daughter), have both left the republican party and as a matter of fact, they worked on the campaign to get Obama elected. When republican royality turns its back on the republican party you should recognize that the party is really and truly F#CKED UP. If Ike were alive today he would be disgusted at what the party has become. The party in turn would declare him a RINO and throw him under the bus.
You really should change your label to "Blind, deaf, and ignorant Eisenhower Republican." It would be far more accurate.


Instead we see many on the revisionist, reactionary right seeking to make a ‘hero’ out of a reprobate such as McCarthy.

Not just limited to the right.

Of course, McCarthy's personal behavior was reprehensible, but a lot of people who were involved in the whole fiasco called McCarthyism went on to have pretty good careers.

Roy Cohn becames a bigshot lawyer, Nixon eventually went on to be President, and so on.

For a brief period, we allowed fear to rule us, and when we sobered up, we took it out on the guy who was buying the drinks...
So, you approve of people building their career by destroying the careers of innocent people. How very republican of you.
Oh, and if you were really an Eisenhower republican you would have turned your back on the republican party long ago. Consider this, David Eisenhower (Ike's grandson) and his wife, Julie Nixon Eisenhower (Nixon's daughter), have both left the republican party and as a matter of fact, they worked on the campaign to get Obama elected. When republican royality turns its back on the republican party you should recognize that the party is really and truly F#CKED UP. If Ike were alive today he would be disgusted at what the party has become. The party in turn would declare him a RINO and throw him under the bus.
You really should change your label to "Blind, deaf, and ignorant Eisenhower Republican." It would be far more accurate.

GUy, I think you need to read more of my posts to see where I am coming from before you start ranting and make baseless contentions.

Just sayin'

Clearly, if you read what I said, I was not praising the destruction of careers and reputations.

I was pointing out that McCarthy became the "scapegoat"- he was the bad guy who did all these terrible things we feel really bad about (except for PoliticalChick, whom apparently thinks we should criminalize political beliefs) - but other people- IN BOTH Parties, who were happy to ruin reputations went on to have happy political careers.

Of course, Nixon got impeached (largely because of grudges people on the left held all the way back to this era) and Roy Cohn died of AIDS, so I guess there are no happy endings unless you go to a massage parlor.
Surprising, isn't it, how very different the views of Liberals and conservatives are.
The following is a series of statements which our Liberal pals fervently believe to be least they subscribe to the majority of them.'s a quick check to see if...or make sure.... you've fallen into the abyss of Liberalism:

True or False:

1. The "1%" is made up of millionaires and billionaires who stole their wealth from the 99%.

2. The Constitution mandates separation of church and state.

2a. Studying case law, the decisions of courts, is the only way to apply the Constitution.

3. The laws of economics don't apply to healthcare: the government can provide healthcare for all, and of higher quality than presently available, and at a considerable savings!

4. While Democrat Party was the source and wellspring of racism up until 1964, the parties switched attitudes that year, and the Republicans became the racists.

5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.

6. Religion has been responsible for the deaths of more human beings than non-religion!

7. Bush was responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown.

7a. Gore won.

8. Rights are only those entitlements allowed by governments....and can be withdrawn by same.

9. Gorbachev was as responsible for ending the Cold War as President Reagan was.

10. It's a racist nation, and that's the reason for criticism of Obama.

Bonus question: The United States was founded based on the Enlightenment, and, therefore, is not based on Judeo-Christian values.

OK.....let's mark your paper.....and no erasing and no crossing out!

Correct answers: all of 'em are absolutely, positively, "false."

How'd ya' do?
Liberal or conservative?
....but, you knew that already, didn't you.
What a load of HORSESHIT!!!!!!! Almost all the questions are loaded and similiar to this famous question: Do you still beat your wife?
However, there is one thing of interest here but it is not your list. It is the fact that as of the time of my post 9 people have thanked you for your post. In other words, nine wing nuts are thinking the same stupid and ignorant thoughts you are.
The fact of the matter is that it is impossible for you and those who think like you to understand and know what liberals believe. I know this to be true because if you could understand what and how liberals think you would be a liberal. If you could think like a liberal you would want women to have control of their bodies. You would be against trying to take the vote away from others. You would be against lying and spreading false information. You would be against taking food away from the poorest (How very Christian of you). You would be against a do nothing House of Representatives. You would be against people like rand paul who would like to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964. You would accept laws that have been passed and validated by the Supreme Court rather than trying to put up phoney road blocks to get around the bill. You would be against those who do not want to see others get a living wage. You would be for people being responsible. You would be against those who spread nothing but hate (limbaugh is a perfect example). You would be color blind to black and white and a black president in the WH. You would be against having people lose everything they have worked for their entire lives if they become seriously ill. You would be and act like a Christian rather than beating your chest to claim you are a Christian while turning your back on your fellow man. You would recognize that good ideas can come from both sides of the aisle rather than just the right side. many did you find "true"?

All of 'em?

You clearly state in the OP that McCarthy revealed the spies in the Roosevelt Administration. Now you say that he didn't, but he made a bunch of noise, therefore it's the same thing.

You are a fool. McCarthy never exposed any spies. He never accomplished anything to even suggest that there might actually be even one spy anywhere. McCarthy did nothing but make baseless accusations at people. He did not make these accusations because he thought that said people were spies. He did so for the sake of furthering is political ambitions. For all McCarthy knew, the entirety of the US government might have been a giant cast of television actors with McCarthy the unwitting central star of his own version of the Truman Show. It would not have mattered.

Seems you're not much of an expert at all....

First of all I never said this...."You clearly state in the OP that McCarthy revealed the spies in the Roosevelt Administration."

And then I challenged you as follows....

You wrote: "McCarthy did nothing but make baseless accusations at people."

Name one."

And you ran off and hid under the desk.....

Surprising, isn't it, how very different the views of Liberals and conservatives are.
The following is a series of statements which our Liberal pals fervently believe to be least they subscribe to the majority of them.
OK.....let's mark your paper.....and no erasing and no crossing out!

Correct answers: all of 'em are absolutely, positively, "false."

How'd ya' do?
Liberal or conservative?
....but, you knew that already, didn't you.

Another mindless, meaningless waste of cyberspace. More pixelated methane.

If you truly want to find out what your political leanings are, take this test at

2013 Political Quiz

I took it. I side more with the Green Party by 88%. Answer the questions honestly and use the "How important is this to you?" slider scale to get complete accuracy.

Well, gosh, thanks for sharing with us how we can be as "brilliant" as you, and require a test to tell us what we think and identify with. And here we were going with the old-fashioned method of thinking and knowing and understanding ourselves as human beings.
Here's a Political ID test for ya!

Do you believe the US Army is going to start rounding up American citizens and put them in FEMA camps any day now like the starter of this topic does?

If so, your verified Political ID is "Batshit Crazy Rube".

You leftists always think the army is going to side with you when you finally dissolve the Constitution.

I think you're going to be in for a big surprise.

Of course I think the leftists in Washington know full well that the military won't back them, which is why they have militarized the secret police.

You mean these guys?



You DO see the word "Sheriff" on the fronts of their vests, right? Do I need to explain the difference between law enforcement and military, or can you get your fucking leftist-ADHD ass back on-topic by yourself?
Surprising, isn't it, how very different the views of Liberals and conservatives are.
The following is a series of statements which our Liberal pals fervently believe to be least they subscribe to the majority of them.'s a quick check to see if...or make sure.... you've fallen into the abyss of Liberalism:

True or False:

1. The "1%" is made up of millionaires and billionaires who stole their wealth from the 99%.

2. The Constitution mandates separation of church and state.

2a. Studying case law, the decisions of courts, is the only way to apply the Constitution.

3. The laws of economics don't apply to healthcare: the government can provide healthcare for all, and of higher quality than presently available, and at a considerable savings!

4. While Democrat Party was the source and wellspring of racism up until 1964, the parties switched attitudes that year, and the Republicans became the racists.

5. Senator Joseph McCarty committed a crime of greater magnitude by revealing the Soviet spies in the Roosevelt government, than that of the spies themselves.

6. Religion has been responsible for the deaths of more human beings than non-religion!

7. Bush was responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown.

7a. Gore won.

8. Rights are only those entitlements allowed by governments....and can be withdrawn by same.

9. Gorbachev was as responsible for ending the Cold War as President Reagan was.

10. It's a racist nation, and that's the reason for criticism of Obama.

Bonus question: The United States was founded based on the Enlightenment, and, therefore, is not based on Judeo-Christian values.

OK.....let's mark your paper.....and no erasing and no crossing out!

Correct answers: all of 'em are absolutely, positively, "false."

How'd ya' do?
Liberal or conservative?
....but, you knew that already, didn't you.

Unfortunately I lost a rather lengthy reply at the very last minute, and I can't be bothered right now to retype it. Suffice it to say that all you are doing here is trolling. Most of what you've said here is designed to draw lines based on the most extreme political ideas. Some of what you said is ridiculously stupid and would only be believed by extreme liberals. There are plenty of liberals who will disagree, but still be liberals. Others are things where non-extreme conservatives will disagree, because they're simply not extremist, they are rational.

But generally speaking, anyone who says McCarthy exposed spies is pretty much off their rocker. He did nothing of the sort. All he did was make baseless accusations, all of which were politically motivated and nothing more. That's why he was censured with wide bipartisan support. Oh, and FDR was dead by the time McCarthy was elected. McCarthy was in the Senate during the Truman and Eisenhower administrations. For God's sake, at least get the mundane facts right.

Conservatives like you are the reason why we've lost so much clout in politics. Conservatives like you are the reason so many people like idiots like Obama.

1. Thank you for not making me wait to determine that you are pretty much a dope.

This did it:
"anyone who says McCarthy exposed spies is pretty much off their rocker."

It seems that there is no end of posters with strong opinions, and absolutely no knowledge of the subject.
You serve as a case in point.

Most folks acknowledge that the Venona Papers pretty much proved what McCarthy said.

You haven't read them, have you?
Nor any books by Haynes and Klehr?
Nor Romerstein and Breindel?
Nor "The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB" by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin?

Perhaps you've never read any books......

Well, at least this much can be said of you: Not only are you a fool, but you have the energy to let everyone know it!

2. "Oh, and FDR was dead by the time McCarthy was elected. McCarthy was in the Senate during the Truman and Eisenhower administrations. For God's sake, at least get the mundane facts right."

And where did you find said error?
It seems that reading skills are part of your problem.....perhaps the reason you don't read.

"Democrats want endless, pontifical investigations into how 9/11 happened, but they can't comprehend why McCarthy wanted an investigation into how an immense network of Soviet spies managed to run rampant through the Democratic administrations of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman. "
Ann Coulter - December 5, 2007 - THEY'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU

My writing is accurate.

It is your reading as to where the problem lies.

Well, given the quality of Democrats these people elect, it's not surprising that they want to immediately forget they were ever in office the second they leave. Therefore, the idea of actually going back and investigating what a Democrat did in office afterward would be anathema to them.

And where did you find said error?
It seems that reading skills are part of your problem.....perhaps the reason you don't read.

"Democrats want endless, pontifical investigations into how 9/11 happened, but they can't comprehend why McCarthy wanted an investigation into how an immense network of Soviet spies managed to run rampant through the Democratic administrations of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman. "
Ann Coulter - December 5, 2007 - THEY'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU

My writing is accurate.

It is your reading as to where the problem lies.

You do get that McCarthy didn't find any actual spies, and that a lot of people's lives were ruined because of false accussations, right?

Can you please name the people whose lives were ruined?

I'm more stuck on the "ruined by false accusations" part. If someone's life was ruined by TRUE accusations, I'm really not going to care.
And the far left continues to show how little they know the Constitution.

The Separation Of Church and State

The phrase "separation of church and state" does not appear anywhere in the Constitution. Thomas Jefferson wrote that the 1st Amendment erected a "wall of separation" between the church and the state (James Madison said it "drew a line," but it is Jefferson's term that sticks with us today). The phrase is commonly thought to mean that the government should not establish, support, or otherwise involve itself in any religion. The Religion Topic Page addresses this issue in much greater detail.

Things That Are Not In the U.S. Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online -

Ok now you far left drones put your money where your mouth is, get the government out of the business of marriage.

Marriage existed before Christianity or even religion did.

The First Amendment had a purpose, to keep religion the fuck out of government.

Which again, you should consider a good thing. Do you really want the government telling you what the Bible says instead of your pastor? I mean, I know you religious types are all a bunch of stupid sheep, but somehow, I don't think you want to go there.

And some of us just don't want to have our lives run by a book written by bronze age shit-kickers.

I guess you see Christianity as the only religion now, interesting.

While that is the standard far left argument (which has no real merit other than a talk point), marriage at the time was based on religion. Thus, marriage is a product of religion that the government should not be involved in.

So when you going to get the government out of marriage and put your money where your mouth is?

At one time, marriage WAS closely related to religion . . . because religion was closely related to government.

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