Very informative "Thoughts from a Recovering Racist"

Evidently you have a problem with reading comprehension. Where do you see these words in the article.

"made up by a leftist hack"
back peddle fail
More like a reading comprehension fail on your part.
no, you asked me where I got the quote and I showed you.

and then you're useless ass didn't have the manners to say thanks

you are a lying racist ungrateful douche. your inability to be a man is your problem, not mine
Two Thumbs. I am still looking for your proof I asked you where you got the quote from. Dont hide now. Please explain your lack of reading comprehension.
I feel bad for you.

Not having the basics of manners
Not able to admit you made a mistake

These are things learned as a child. I'm sorry you were not raised properly, try to learn these basics as an adult and pass them on, you will be a better person and the world a better place.

good luck
Does that mean you cant find proof to support your claim?
back peddle fail
More like a reading comprehension fail on your part.
no, you asked me where I got the quote and I showed you.

and then you're useless ass didn't have the manners to say thanks

you are a lying racist ungrateful douche. your inability to be a man is your problem, not mine
Two Thumbs. I am still looking for your proof I asked you where you got the quote from. Dont hide now. Please explain your lack of reading comprehension.
I feel bad for you.

Not having the basics of manners
Not able to admit you made a mistake

These are things learned as a child. I'm sorry you were not raised properly, try to learn these basics as an adult and pass them on, you will be a better person and the world a better place.

good luck
Does that mean you cant find proof to support your claim?
I already did.

You just lack the basics manners to thank me properly.

You are overdue to mature.

here, I'll help you some more

back peddle fail
More like a reading comprehension fail on your part.
no, you asked me where I got the quote and I showed you.

and then you're useless ass didn't have the manners to say thanks

you are a lying racist ungrateful douche. your inability to be a man is your problem, not mine
Two Thumbs. I am still looking for your proof I asked you where you got the quote from. Dont hide now. Please explain your lack of reading comprehension.
I feel bad for you.

Not having the basics of manners
Not able to admit you made a mistake

These are things learned as a child. I'm sorry you were not raised properly, try to learn these basics as an adult and pass them on, you will be a better person and the world a better place.

good luck
Does that mean you cant find proof to support your claim?

when are you going to recover?
I did. Obviously the one you attended didn't inform you that a paragraph needn't have more than one sentence. Or were you just stoned that day?
Who said anything about it being more than one sentence? "I was wrong" is part of the paragraph that proceeds it. The sentence was written separately for effect.
My GOD man!
No i am not a god but close. Is that your very best response as to why you dont know what a paragraph is?
No it's exasperation in the fact that you don't get to decide what a paragraph is. The author, however, does.
Where does the author state its a paragraph? I would be exasperated too if I had bad reading comprehension. I could tell you were deflecting anyway from your post where you claimed I couldnt read or follow a link. Must have been embarrassing to find out you misread it. If you misread something its not a big deal as long as you admit it. Dragging it out will only lead to further embarrassment if I decide to pin you to the wall.
The author separated paragraphs all the way through the article. Thus, the author stated it was a paragraph. If you cant see a few blank lines between groups of sentences, I can't help. Nor can I teach you to count, which was your initial mistake. Rather than admit that, you're copping an attitude. Let it go guy. This isn't the street. You don't have to posture here.
'And so I want to end with a few thoughts to any white readers out there. Some of you are way out in front of me on this, and I need to learn from you. But for those that are still waiting to put the “recovering” in “recovering racist”, a few final thoughts:

  1. If your whole world is pretty much white people, like what I described above, watch what you say. I shouldn’t tell a woman not to yell and scream during childbirth, and you shouldn’t tell the black community that they are overreacting, or missing the point, or biased. We have no idea how they feel or how deeply this hurts. These last two weeks have inflicted serious injury, so please keep quiet and don’t aggravate their pain.
  2. I know some of you want to defend cops, and I get that. You feel that the everyday, sacrificial lives of police officers should inspire gratitude – not rioting. And you are absolutely right. But these marches and riots are in response to a systemic issue of racism and prejudice, not just individual officers. And if the primary response of the white community is to make sure police officers know they are appreciated, while showing little concern over black men dead in the street – that only exacerbates the pain and frustration of the black community.
  3. Please, please, please don’t say things like, “Race doesn’t matter – we are all just human” or “Race isn’t the issue here”. Race matters. Race is the issue. Being black is the issue. Being white is the issue Skin color is the issue. And to suggest that these don’t matter devalues the life experience of racial minorities as well as makes you someone they know doesn’t understand – and they can’t trust.'
This is obviously not your work, but a portion of what you linked to in the first post.
Point 1. Michael Brown's death hurt no one in the black community but his family. The rest used his death as an excuse to riot loot and burn. If blacks were collectively hurt by the death of young black men, they wouldn't kill 4,000 of them themselves every year. Officer Wilson killed an 18 year old thug. Just one and that makes him and all other whites "racist". What does 4,000 murders of blacks by other blacks say about your community other than your priorities are fucked up? When your priorities are getting free shit either by gaming the system or by outright theft, you and your "leaders" should rethink them.
Point 2. Marches and civil disobedience are the right of citizens when faced buy what they consider injustice. BUT that right disappears when it conflicts with the rights of those just trying to eke out a living. Burning used car lots and shoe stores, overturning police cars and blocking highways are all unacceptable forms of protest.
Point 3. Being AMERICAN is the issue. Get over being black. You have everything you need to succeed in this country. You have the same infrastructure, the same public education, all the same rights and privileges should you chose to man up and use them. Get the fuck over slavery. It ended 150 years ago. Race is only the issue because you make it the issue.

Coming from someone whose avi is the racist Confederate flag of the slave owning states your "advice" is taken with a truckload of salt.

Race is still an issue because it is insidious in society today. You probably aren't an overt racist but you might be an unintentional racist.

How can we tell? Because you lump all blacks into the same category. You believe that they all have the same "priorities" of "getting free shit either by gaming the system or by outright theft". That is racist since not all blacks are like that and you never made that distinction in what you posted.

So maybe you would like to try that again without the racist component.

Or maybe you will just lose it and call me names and deny that what you posted above is unintentionally racist.

It won't make the slightest difference to me how you want to respond.

But your response will reflect who you are on the inside.

We only know who you are by what you post.

Who do you want to project yourself as?

Only you can answer that question.
I changed my avi late last night in response to an idiot who assumed anyone from Alabama is a racist.

I can't help you understand why so many people are pissed off at those in the black community who use the death of a black thug as an excuse to loot and burn until you come to the realization that being pissed off at violent disregard for the lives and property of others doesn't make one racist.
No! Of course most of the black community stayed away from the riots in Ferguson, but the overwhelming majority of those engaging in criminal activity were black.
Yup. I'm speaking in generalities. Does that make me an unintentional racist?

So do you appreciate that when you speak in generalities you can unintentionally come across as sounding racist?

I am assuming that isn't your intention. Given that the only means anyone here has of making a determination is based entirely on what you post do you agree that being more precise would be a better reflection of who you are when you are dealing with volatile issues?

Would you rephrase your original statement to something like there were unscrupulous individuals who exploited the situation by looting and pillaging for their own personal gain? Because that would be a more accurate reflection of what happened. All races were present in both the protests and the criminal activities. I am sure that you agree that the actions of the looters were not a reflection of those who were there to exercise their rights to protest.

And yes, I understand that you made a statement with your avi but upon reflection what is it telling others about who you are? If you want everyone to be an American then shouldn't you be setting an example instead?

We the People depend upon each other to uphold our rights. That is what the vast majority of the people in Ferguson were doing when they were out there protesting. I would have been with them if I was there.
To someone who's looking to equate Conservatism with racism, yes, but I have zero respect for people who need to see racism in every conversation.
No I won't rephrase my statement. I used the word "blacks" because nearly 100% of the people who were engaged in looting and burning were black.
Had I said something like blacks expect Conservatives to pay their rent, THAT would be a generalization. In fact, "Democrats" would be an more appropriate word in that case.

The avi? What is it telling others? If you or others want it to tell you I'm a racist, so be it. I don't much give a shit what you and assclap think.

You're absolutely right We the People do depend on one another for our rights. You are also right that the majority of the protesters were not looting or burning, but no, although I marched in support of equal rights and MLK, protesting the death of a thug that got shot trying to disarm a police officer is not worthy of my effort and I have zero sympathy except towards his parents. I would not have joined the throng in Ferguson not only because I disagree with the cause but also because as a white man, I would have been in danger. If you doubt me, go here: whites beaten in Ferguson - Google Search and educate yourself.
Find me a cause worthy of my time and I may just stand with you.
yep me an my multi racial and multicultural family are really racist, ...

Leave family out of this. YOU have proven yourself to be a vile, cowardly, ignorant, hateful, incorrigible RACIST about a million times over on this site, you low-life fucking scumbag.

have another ...

Enter a recovery program, you filthy fucking racist.

ah dripping poo san , you berry berry funny , you have another nip or two
yep me an my multi racial and multicultural family are really racist, ...

Leave family out of this. YOU have proven yourself to be a vile, cowardly, ignorant, hateful, incorrigible RACIST about a million times over on this site, you low-life fucking scumbag.

have another ...

Enter a recovery program, you filthy fucking racist.

ah .../QUOTE]

You're not funny at all. You're just a pathetic fucking racist.
have some respect as this is the day the nips attacked America

some people can still learn

"and I call it “super-white”. I was raised in a small farm town in Illinois – white family, white friends, white people at my church, white teachers, white kids in my classes, white players on my sports teams, white players on the teams I played against – WHITE!"

Thoughts from a Recovering Racist Joshuathroneburg s Blog

That's nice, although I've noticed that at least in the Southern States I've visited it is now African-Americans who are predominately racist. I'm hoping one day this whole color thing will be a thing of the past.
Batshit Boy wallows in his well-established racism in a thread about racism - of course.
'And so I want to end with a few thoughts to any white readers out there. Some of you are way out in front of me on this, and I need to learn from you. But for those that are still waiting to put the “recovering” in “recovering racist”, a few final thoughts:

  1. If your whole world is pretty much white people, like what I described above, watch what you say. I shouldn’t tell a woman not to yell and scream during childbirth, and you shouldn’t tell the black community that they are overreacting, or missing the point, or biased. We have no idea how they feel or how deeply this hurts. These last two weeks have inflicted serious injury, so please keep quiet and don’t aggravate their pain.
  2. I know some of you want to defend cops, and I get that. You feel that the everyday, sacrificial lives of police officers should inspire gratitude – not rioting. And you are absolutely right. But these marches and riots are in response to a systemic issue of racism and prejudice, not just individual officers. And if the primary response of the white community is to make sure police officers know they are appreciated, while showing little concern over black men dead in the street – that only exacerbates the pain and frustration of the black community.
  3. Please, please, please don’t say things like, “Race doesn’t matter – we are all just human” or “Race isn’t the issue here”. Race matters. Race is the issue. Being black is the issue. Being white is the issue Skin color is the issue. And to suggest that these don’t matter devalues the life experience of racial minorities as well as makes you someone they know doesn’t understand – and they can’t trust.'

I take exception to no.2. I will show concern over dead black men on the street when their dying isn't caused by their actions. It is exactly the same way I will treat white men dying in the streets.

Find a racist post of gunO and click on all the likes on his post and you get all the racists together and just click on their names and ignore them all. Thanks for making this so easy for me.
some people can still learn

"and I call it “super-white”. I was raised in a small farm town in Illinois – white family, white friends, white people at my church, white teachers, white kids in my classes, white players on my sports teams, white players on the teams I played against – WHITE!"

Thoughts from a Recovering Racist Joshuathroneburg s Blog
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Very Informative and true, true, true...

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