Very Proud of Our President. Stands by American Workers Always

President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, has always kept his core promise to the American worker...they are first and foremost in his heart. Everywhere this man goes...Middle's always about creating jobs for Americans. Love the guy. Been a long time since we had someone in the White House with some real common sense.
Donald Trump pulls US out of Paris climate accord to 'put American workers first'

The problem is, in the long term, he's going to be doing a lot of damage to US workers. Just watch and see. I get the unemployment rate is higher when he leaves office than when he entered office.
President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, has always kept his core promise to the American worker...they are first and foremost in his heart. Everywhere this man goes...Middle's always about creating jobs for Americans. Love the guy. Been a long time since we had someone in the White House with some real common sense.
Donald Trump pulls US out of Paris climate accord to 'put American workers first'
The targets were voluntary. That's like asking a girl if it's ok to come inside her and when she says yes, you pull out anyways. :lmao:
President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, has always kept his core promise to the American worker...they are first and foremost in his heart. Everywhere this man goes...Middle's always about creating jobs for Americans. Love the guy. Been a long time since we had someone in the White House with some real common sense.
Donald Trump pulls US out of Paris climate accord to 'put American workers first'

It's nice that you believe this even when it's not true.

Trump is selling out US workers at every turn. Opting out of the Paris Climate Accord will cost the US thousands of jobs in the new conserver economy as new technologies will not be shared with American companies.

This sets up the same scenario as American only regulations on emissions and mileage coddled the US auto industry from world standards until there was no market in the world which would buy your cars.

Republicans talk about free market, they just don't believe in it.

President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, has always kept his core promise to the American worker...they are first and foremost in his heart. Everywhere this man goes...Middle's always about creating jobs for Americans. Love the guy. Been a long time since we had someone in the White House with some real common sense.
Donald Trump pulls US out of Paris climate accord to 'put American workers first'
I'm quite sure you are.
Why do you hate American workers? Your side lost the election just because you give the finger to the comman man in this country. Keep it up. Trump needs a super majority in the Senate.
President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, has always kept his core promise to the American worker...they are first and foremost in his heart. Everywhere this man goes...Middle's always about creating jobs for Americans. Love the guy. Been a long time since we had someone in the White House with some real common sense.
Donald Trump pulls US out of Paris climate accord to 'put American workers first'
The targets were voluntary. That's like asking a girl if it's ok to come inside her and when she says yes, you pull out anyways. :lmao:
ou also add, his shit doesn't stink. The fat senile old orange clown is going create a financial meltdown that will hurt more Americans than the one Bush created
Economy up $3 trillion since he took office.
President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, has always kept his core promise to the American worker...they are first and foremost in his heart. Everywhere this man goes...Middle's always about creating jobs for Americans. Love the guy. Been a long time since we had someone in the White House with some real common sense.
Donald Trump pulls US out of Paris climate accord to 'put American workers first'
I'm quite sure you are.
Why do you hate American workers? Your side lost the election just because you give the finger to the comman man in this country. Keep it up. Trump needs a super majority in the Senate.

Trump is the guy who keeps screwing over American workers. Killing this deal costs the US more jobs than it saves.

Trump's job growth is slowing down. He's costing you jobs.

You think you've screwed liberals by electing Trump, but you've screwed yourself.
President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, has always kept his core promise to the American worker...they are first and foremost in his heart. Everywhere this man goes...Middle's always about creating jobs for Americans. Love the guy. Been a long time since we had someone in the White House with some real common sense.
Donald Trump pulls US out of Paris climate accord to 'put American workers first'
The targets were voluntary. That's like asking a girl if it's ok to come inside her and when she says yes, you pull out anyways. :lmao:
Sorry I didn't use the porno spelling "cum" that you're used to. :biggrin:
Sorry I didn't use the porno spelling "cum" that you're used to. :biggrin:
If you choose to be openly vulgar here, then use the appropriate terminology. IOW jump in with full force into the shit if you choose to play there.
If Trump is creating so many jobs, why did he have to take credit for Obama's job creation in Nov, Dec, and Jan
Those Are Trump's numbers. His election in NOVEMBER brought optimism back to America.
Funny Chit since the majority of Americans didn't not want Agent Orange on office.
Pathetic losers have top steal credit from others.

This reminds me of when you assholes blamed Obama for things Bush did.

Man up Big Boy & take responsibility for the losers you elect.
Sorry I didn't use the porno spelling "cum" that you're used to. :biggrin:
If you choose to be openly vulgar here, then use the appropriate terminology. IOW jump in with full force into the shit if you choose to play there.
Sorry, I'll try to behave myself in a more prim and proper manner in the future?

Or do you like the jism comments and that's why you replied?
If Trump is creating so many jobs, why did he have to take credit for Obama's job creation in Nov, Dec, and Jan
Those Are Trump's numbers. His election in NOVEMBER brought optimism back to America.
Since you know nothing about how that works I'll explain it to you: the numbers for the early part of Trump's tenure are from policies enacted by the previous administration. Until Trump changes the previous government's policy towards employment, then and only then will the numbers belong to Trump. Now you know. You're welcome.
Since you know nothing about how that works I'll explain it to you: the numbers for the early part of Trump's tenure are from policies enacted by the previous administration. Until Trump changes the previous government's policy towards employment, then and only then will the numbers belong to Trump. Now you know. You're welcome.
The government doesn't do the hiring that makes up these early numbers. Optimism brought on because America dodged a bullet when it gave Donald J Trump the presidency in an electoral landslide. The country is awashed in red except for a few small islands of blue losers.
President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, has always kept his core promise to the American worker...they are first and foremost in his heart. Everywhere this man goes...Middle's always about creating jobs for Americans. Love the guy. Been a long time since we had someone in the White House with some real common sense.
Donald Trump pulls US out of Paris climate accord to 'put American workers first'
I'm quite sure you are.
Why do you hate American workers? Your side lost the election just because you give the finger to the comman man in this country. Keep it up. Trump needs a super majority in the Senate.

Trump is the guy who keeps screwing over American workers. Killing this deal costs the US more jobs than it saves.

Trump's job growth is slowing down. He's costing you jobs.

You think you've screwed liberals by electing Trump, but you've screwed yourself.

Since you know nothing about how that works I'll explain it to you: the numbers for the early part of Trump's tenure are from policies enacted by the previous administration. Until Trump changes the previous government's policy towards employment, then and only then will the numbers belong to Trump. Now you know. You're welcome.
The government doesn't do the hiring that makes up these early numbers. Optimism brought on because America dodged a bullet when it gave Donald J Trump the presidency in an electoral landslide. The country is awashed in red except for a few small islands of blue losers.
Optimism isn't a fiscal policy, only fiscal policy leads to economic growth, and although not a huge Obummer fan, he set records for employment during his terms, which spilled over onto the next guy. Like I said, if Trump doesn't enact any new laws or policies about the economy, then it's the last guy's policies that are being used. And going back to coal won't bring any jobs back (it's all automated now), nor will pulling out of the Paris Accord, so we'll see what Trump's policies do. So far, not much, if anything.
President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, has always kept his core promise to the American worker...they are first and foremost in his heart. Everywhere this man goes...Middle's always about creating jobs for Americans. Love the guy. Been a long time since we had someone in the White House with some real common sense.
Donald Trump pulls US out of Paris climate accord to 'put American workers first'
I'm quite sure you are.
Why do you hate American workers? Your side lost the election just because you give the finger to the comman man in this country. Keep it up. Trump needs a super majority in the Senate.

Trump is the guy who keeps screwing over American workers. Killing this deal costs the US more jobs than it saves.

Trump's job growth is slowing down. He's costing you jobs.

You think you've screwed liberals by electing Trump, but you've screwed yourself.

So you're comparing Trump to Obama? One was enrolled in Harvard Law School, where he was the first black president of the Harvard Law Review. After graduation, he became a civil rights attorney and professor, teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004, and is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. The other has an orange spray-on tan and got his money from daddy. Case closed.

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