Very simple question...

Big Black Dog

Platinum Member
May 20, 2009
Why are you required to show a photo ID in order to get inside the Democratic National Convention but they are fighting to the death to prevent you from having to show a photo ID in order to vote? Somebody with some intelligence, please explain this to me.
Guess this is too difficult of a question... All I hear is crickets.
Why are you required to show a photo ID in order to get inside the Democratic National Convention but they are fighting to the death to prevent you from having to show a photo ID in order to vote? Somebody with some intelligence, please explain this to me.

Because they can't win elections if they can't commit election fraud. And they know it.

It's simple.
Why are you required to show a photo ID in order to get inside the Democratic National Convention but they are fighting to the death to prevent you from having to show a photo ID in order to vote? Somebody with some intelligence, please explain this to me.

Because they can't win elections if they can't commit election fraud. And they know it.

It's simple.

Maybe they are afraid of dead people showing up at the convention?:lol:
Why are you required to show a photo ID in order to get inside the Democratic National Convention but they are fighting to the death to prevent you from having to show a photo ID in order to vote? Somebody with some intelligence, please explain this to me.
Eh... There is secret service that attends that function to protect elected officials, and not at voting booths?
The only reason they object to presenting ID is because it will prevent election fraud.

That is it. Progressives are ALWAYS for more red tape, more rules...except when those rules will expose them or prevent them from stealing what they want.
Why are you required to show a photo ID in order to get inside the Democratic National Convention but they are fighting to the death to prevent you from having to show a photo ID in order to vote? Somebody with some intelligence, please explain this to me.

Probably for the same reason you couldn't get into the GOP convention without an ID.

The state elected the delegates they sent to the convention, and they want to make sure the delegate that was elected by the state to show up is the one that shows up.

Got news for you, conventions are ran by a different set of rules than what regular voting is.

Nice try though...................

Why are you required to show a photo ID in order to get inside the Democratic National Convention but they are fighting to the death to prevent you from having to show a photo ID in order to vote? Somebody with some intelligence, please explain this to me.
Eh... There is secret service that attends that function to protect elected officials, and not at voting booths?

How is an ID check going to protect officials? Ask Michael Moore.....ID cards won't but guns will.
Why are you required to show a photo ID in order to get inside the Democratic National Convention but they are fighting to the death to prevent you from having to show a photo ID in order to vote? Somebody with some intelligence, please explain this to me.
Eh... There is secret service that attends that function to protect elected officials, and not at voting booths?

How is an ID check going to protect officials? Ask Michael Moore.....ID cards won't but guns will.
The only reason they object to presenting ID is because it will prevent election fraud.

That is it. Progressives are ALWAYS for more red tape, more rules...except when those rules will expose them or prevent them from stealing what they want.

Voter fraud has happened so little (around 10 times) and it was usually felons who didn't know they had lost the right to vote.

The only reason for the voter ID right now is to suppress the Democratic vote, which is why they did it in PA, and why early voting is being targeted in Democratic districts in Ohio but not the Republican ones.
Why are you required to show a photo ID in order to get inside the Democratic National Convention but they are fighting to the death to prevent you from having to show a photo ID in order to vote? Somebody with some intelligence, please explain this to me.

Probably for the same reason you couldn't get into the GOP convention without an ID.

The state elected the delegates they sent to the convention, and they want to make sure the delegate that was elected by the state to show up is the one that shows up.

Got news for you, conventions are ran by a different set of rules than what regular voting is.

Nice try though...................


Actually, not a ‘nice’ try at all – just ignorant.

And yes, private entities such as political conventions aren’t subject to the same Constitutional case law restrictions with regard to voting rights as are governing/law-making entities.
The only reason they object to presenting ID is because it will prevent election fraud.

That is it. Progressives are ALWAYS for more red tape, more rules...except when those rules will expose them or prevent them from stealing what they want.

Voter fraud has happened so little (around 10 times) and it was usually felons who didn't know they had lost the right to vote.

The only reason for the voter ID right now is to suppress the Democratic vote, which is why they did it in PA, and why early voting is being targeted in Democratic districts in Ohio but not the Republican ones.

Actually, there is really no way to know how much vote fraud has occurred because the vast majority of it is ineligible people registering and voting in their own names. Unless voter registration rolls are compared to citizenship roles you will NEVER know how much fraud occurs. This is why valid ID is so important. Illegal aliens are unable to OBTAIN ID in most states, and if they ARE able their status, as with legal aliens, will be noted on that ID, effectively preventing them from casting an illegal vote.

I don't know about you, but I don't want non-citizens voting in our elections, PERIOD.
The only reason they object to presenting ID is because it will prevent election fraud.

That is it. Progressives are ALWAYS for more red tape, more rules...except when those rules will expose them or prevent them from stealing what they want.

Voter fraud has happened so little (around 10 times) and it was usually felons who didn't know they had lost the right to vote.

The only reason for the voter ID right now is to suppress the Democratic vote, which is why they did it in PA, and why early voting is being targeted in Democratic districts in Ohio but not the Republican ones.

Actually, there is really no way to know how much vote fraud has occurred because the vast majority of it is ineligible people registering and voting in their own names. Unless voter registration rolls are compared to citizenship roles you will NEVER know how much fraud occurs. This is why valid ID is so important. Illegal aliens are unable to OBTAIN ID in most states, and if they ARE able their status, as with legal aliens, will be noted on that ID, effectively preventing them from casting an illegal vote.

I don't know about you, but I don't want non-citizens voting in our elections, PERIOD.

You know what "non citizens" this voter suppression thing is catching? People who don't have a state ID. That includes people who don't drive (ever been to NYC?), people who have a photo ID, but that ID doesn't have an expiration date (like me with a retired Navy ID card), as well as college students and many others.

Most of the people here in Texas who got letters saying they were being dropped from the rolls actually ARE American citizens.

Try again.
Why are you required to show a photo ID in order to get inside the Democratic National Convention but they are fighting to the death to prevent you from having to show a photo ID in order to vote? Somebody with some intelligence, please explain this to me.

You have no right to attend the convention. You have a right to vote…

I disagree with the asinine assertion that requiring an ID to vote is wrong or prohibitive BUT the comparison of voting ID to private gatherings is basically a false analogy. The one has NOTHING to do with the other.
You only have a right to vote if you are a registered voter.

Hey......................Kaiser have the right to register to vote if you are an American citizen, meaning that you have the right to vote if you decide to follow the procedures required to do so.

Try again you retarded twat.

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