“very stable genius and “being, like, really smart.”

Barry was so 'smart' he sealed all of his college transcripts.... :p
Tramp is so crooked he sealed his tax records.
Nice attempt at diversion, snowflake. Please post a link to any of Obama's collegiate grades.... I am sure we would all love to see the Chumba Gang member's collegiate educational success record. Please show us the proof how Barry is so much more Intelligent than Trump or the other Presidents who came before him...

(You have more of a chance to post any evidence to support the non-existent 'Trump Collusion Crime' ... :p )
A doctor who has never seen Trump makes a judgement? You know that's UN-ethical by standards right?
Or you are lying, as usual.
She specifically said she was NOT making a judgement, but you knew that when you posted your lie.
A doctor making a dio without examining is in ethical violation!
Further proof that when the Right gets caught lying, the lying scum just keep on lying.
Thank you.

As you well know, Dr Lee made it clear that she is not in a position to diagnose the President, or any public figure, from afar. But she said that it is incumbent on medical professionals to intervene in instances where there is a danger to an individual or the public. She argues that signs the President has exhibited have risen to that level of danger.
She only wants to conduct a coup of our government.
Now who is insane?
Anyone who STILL supports Tramp.
Socialist yelling at her intellectual superior:


Barry was so 'smart' he sealed all of his college transcripts.... :p
Tramp is so crooked he sealed his tax records.
Nice attempt at diversion, snowflake. Please post a link to any of Obama's collegiate grades.... I am sure we would all love to see the Chumba Gang member's collegiate educational success record. Please show us the proof how Barry is so much more Intelligent than Trump or the other Presidents who came before him...

(You have more of a chance to post any evidence to support the non-existent 'Trump Collusion Crime' ... :p )
Trumps tax records are just under Obama's college records.
Trumps tax records are just under Obama's college records.
Rachel Madcow held an entire show to expose the fact that she was wrong, that she had seen his tax records, and that YES, Trump paid his taxes.

Obama's 'scholastic success' in the form of recorded GPAs are like Big Foot - people have claimed to have seen them but there is no real proof behind their claims. :p

Great 'Caption Contest' Photo:

(GIRL) 'You never called me afterwards like you promised....'
Trumps tax records are just under Obama's college records.
Rachel Madcow held an entire show to expose the fact that she was wrong, that she had seen his tax records, and that YES, Trump paid his taxes.

Obama's 'scholastic success' in the form of recorded GPAs are like Big Foot - people have claimed to have seen them but there is no real proof behind their claims. :p
Every corpse man who has taken the inter-continental railroad to all 57 states agrees Obama was a true genius.
Trumps tax records are just under Obama's college records.
Rachel Madcow held an entire show to expose the fact that she was wrong, that she had seen his tax records, and that YES, Trump paid his taxes.

Obama's 'scholastic success' in the form of recorded GPAs are like Big Foot - people have claimed to have seen them but there is no real proof behind their claims. :p
Every corpse man who has taken the inter-continental railroad to all 57 states agrees Obama was a true genius.

"corpse man"

a fucking garden snail is smarter than you are you dumb-ass.
Trumps tax records are just under Obama's college records.
Rachel Madcow held an entire show to expose the fact that she was wrong, that she had seen his tax records, and that YES, Trump paid his taxes.

Obama's 'scholastic success' in the form of recorded GPAs are like Big Foot - people have claimed to have seen them but there is no real proof behind their claims. :p
Every corpse man who has taken the inter-continental railroad to all 57 states agrees Obama was a true genius.

"corpse man"

a fucking garden snail is smarter than you are you dumb-ass.
Hilarious. Why are leftists so uninformed? Oh, that's right. Being uninformed is a requirement to be a leftist.

New gaffe: Obama hails America's historic building of 'the Intercontinental Railroad'

For the sole sake of offering a comparison with this thread's poll results:

November 22, 2016 --> 74% of Americans construed Trump as intelligent
March-ish 2017 --> 55% of Americans construed Trump as intelligent.
The luster of whatever gloss of sagacity coated Trump was quite thin for it to have ebbed by some 20% in a matter of months.
WTH happened to the poll that used to be part of this thread? Was it a different one that asked whether Trump is intelligent or not?
Trumps an idiot, idiots who voted for him are bigger idiots than he is.

For the sole sake of offering a comparison with this thread's poll results:

November 22, 2016 --> 74% of Americans construed Trump as intelligent
March-ish 2017 --> 55% of Americans construed Trump as intelligent.
The luster of whatever gloss of sagacity coated Trump was quite thin for it to have ebbed by some 20% in a matter of months.
WTH happened to the poll that used to be part of this thread? Was it a different one that asked whether Trump is intelligent or not?
Oops, it was: Donald Trump says he is a genius. Is he?

Sorry, OP-er. Didn't mean to post my comparative information here.
the reason nobody ever notices a genius going around telling to general public they're a genius is because they never do that, only stupid shit senile old bastards need to remind themselves theyre not losing control of anything but their bladder.
Obama's 'scholastic success' in the form of recorded GPAs are like Big Foot - people have claimed to have seen them but there is no real proof behind their claims.
Do you mean like Tramp LYING about graduating first in his class at Wharton????

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