Veteran groups demand apology from Trump after downplaying troops’ injuries

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Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
This idiot is stupid enough. We don’t need him making medical claims. I guess his supporters will buy it though as they do anything he says. Probably throw in a good “but HILLARY” for good measure.

I guess dodging ‘Nam or insulting our top generals to their faces wasn’t enough for Trump. Now he’s willing to jeopardize the well being of our troops just to save face like the coward he is.

Would an apology really matter? Obviously he isn’t going to apologize but even if he did, it’s not like he would be sincere. He doesn’t give a shit about those troops.

Veterans criticize Trump's downplaying of US troops' brain injuries
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This idiot is stupid enough. We don’t need him making medical claims. I guess his supporters will buy it though as they do anything he says. Probably throw in a good “but HILLARY” for good measure.

I guess dodging ‘Nam or insulting our top generals to their faces wasn’t enough for Trump. Now he’s willing to jeopardize the well being of our troops just to save face like the coward he is.

Would an apology really matter? Obviously he isn’t going to apologize but even if he did, it’s not like he would be sincere. He doesn’t give a shit about those troops.

Veterans criticize Trump's downplaying of US troops' brain injuries

Guess I must have missed the part where Trump downplayed brain injuries when the day after, no one knew then they had even happened! Guess I also missed when he ever made any medical claims rather than merely reporting the facts as best known reported to him. I also remember when members of the VFW were glad to serve their country not expecting an apology for getting injured in a combat zone! You know, war and combat are dangerous things, Billy, all those dripping hienies like you who want their ass kissed every time they get their hair mussed, should just pack it in and come home and get a job grooming dogs.

But since hienies like you Billy Boy want your stick sucked for every scratch, you must have really been upset by the Americans left behind to die a horrible death in Libya, only to have it all covered up and lied about, sent insulting form letters to dead Navy SEALS families, or giving out the identity of the exact SEAL teams who had killed Osama bin Laden, making them a target for reprisals by Islamists--- --- a short time later 22 SEALS were shot down and killed. Oops, but that wasn't Trump. Guess you were just fine with all that.

No, you need an apology, well, here it is---- ---- peace to you, brother.

This idiot is stupid enough. We don’t need him making medical claims. I guess his supporters will buy it though as they do anything he says. Probably throw in a good “but HILLARY” for good measure.

I guess dodging ‘Nam or insulting our top generals to their faces wasn’t enough for Trump. Now he’s willing to jeopardize the well being of our troops just to save face like the coward he is.

Would an apology really matter? Obviously he isn’t going to apologize but even if he did, it’s not like he would be sincere. He doesn’t give a shit about those troops.

Veterans criticize Trump's downplaying of US troops' brain injuries
I see you watched trumps defense team...moving on to the next hoax now?... your post does not mention vets like myself who think he should never apologize.
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