Veterans Walk Out Of Meeting With Ocasio-Cortez After She Bashes US Foreign Policy

I don't see this as particularly significant.

This is just another in a long line of objections to what the Little Wanker says every time she opens her cake-hole.

Hell, the little idiot says the same things out in the open.
Why are Democrats working so hard to get Trump elected again? It’s only 2019, pace yourselves!

Wow.... One right winger says he walked out, but nobody seemed to notice. I'll file this one in the "Trying to make a Mountain out of a Mole Hill" file.
I drink your tears of despair like a fine wine.

Such a silly remark.
AOC’s office denied that anyone stormed out of the meeting.

LMAO 1/4th of those attending walked out and here's the spin from AOC ^^^

Credible link?

The OP posted a link, so much for your link deflection suck it.

The OP link said two people claimed to walk out. Even if those 2 people did walk out, that wasn't 1/4 of the attendees. Now how about a credible link?

Three people walked out god you people can't read. Did you flunk out after 4th grade? :eusa_hand:
I don't blame them, but who would want to torture themselves by listening to ANYTHING that drooling vegetable has to say about anything? What possible info or insights could this short-bus cretin's Skittle-sized brain POSSIBLY have to offer? These vets should have known better than to waste time listening to this ultimate Congressional Horse's Ass (capital letter status, of course). She's the "Kelly Bundy" of politics.
I don't blame them, but who would want to torture themselves by listening to ANYTHING that drooling vegetable has to say about anything? What possible info or insights could this short-bus cretin's Skittle-sized brain POSSIBLY have to offer? These vets should have known better than to waste time listening to this ultimate Congressional Horse's Ass (capital letter status, of course). She's the "Kelly Bundy" of politics.

One huge problem, cupcake. Your Oped is false. You are frothing at the mouth at a lie.
Why are Democrats working so hard to get Trump elected again? It’s only 2019, pace yourselves!

Wow.... One right winger says he walked out, but nobody seemed to notice. I'll file this one in the "Trying to make a Mountain out of a Mole Hill" file.
AOC Bashes US Foreign Policy In Front Of Veterans. It Doesn’t End Well.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) ventured out of Queens, the far end of her turf, holding a meeting in the portion of the Bronx that she represents. The meeting was with a number of community leaders who had local issues they wanted to discuss. While she still had plenty of supporters present, when the subject of foreign policy came up, her remarks prompted a couple of veterans to stand up, collect their things and walk out of the meeting. (NY Post)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bashed US foreign policy during a private meeting with Bronx community leaders, prompting two military veterans to storm out.

“She knocks the country, she knocks the president. And that’s not what America is about,” said Silvio Mazzella, a Vietnam War vet and treasurer of Community Board 11.

Anthony Vitaliano — an Army veteran who worked in the NYPD for 38 years, and commanded the Bronx’s homicide detectives — was sitting between Ocasio-Cortez and a staffer for the freshman Dem.

“I just couldn’t hear her BS anymore,” the former CB11 chairman said. “I just got up, got my umbrella in my hand and walked right out.”​

AOC was slamming US policy regarding the civil war in Yemen and how we’ve been providing support to Saudi Arabia in that conflict. When the subject of Israel came up, she referred to Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “autocrats.” That led to the departure of another attendee who described themselves as being “revolted.”

Local leaders complained that AOC danced around the local issues they came to discuss. These ranged from poor mail delivery and graffiti to the annual Columbus Day parade. She didn’t have much to say on those subjects but supposedly wrote them down for later study.

So how did Team AOC respond to having people storm out of her meeting in disgust? Simple. They denied that it happened. Her spokesman said, “The only person that left the meeting while it was underway was someone who had to go pick up their children.”

That’s kind of a tough sell to make when there are reporters standing outside the venue interviewing the veterans who walked out. One of the two veterans responded by saying, “That’s bulls–t. Everybody that was there knows I walked out.” So all in all, I guess this meeting will be marked down as another rousing success for the AOC brand. Best of luck, congresswoman.
Why are Democrats working so hard to get Trump elected again? It’s only 2019, pace yourselves!

Wow.... One right winger says he walked out, but nobody seemed to notice. I'll file this one in the "Trying to make a Mountain out of a Mole Hill" file.
AOC Bashes US Foreign Policy In Front Of Veterans. It Doesn’t End Well.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) ventured out of Queens, the far end of her turf, holding a meeting in the portion of the Bronx that she represents. The meeting was with a number of community leaders who had local issues they wanted to discuss. While she still had plenty of supporters present, when the subject of foreign policy came up, her remarks prompted a couple of veterans to stand up, collect their things and walk out of the meeting. (NY Post)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bashed US foreign policy during a private meeting with Bronx community leaders, prompting two military veterans to storm out.

“She knocks the country, she knocks the president. And that’s not what America is about,” said Silvio Mazzella, a Vietnam War vet and treasurer of Community Board 11.

Anthony Vitaliano — an Army veteran who worked in the NYPD for 38 years, and commanded the Bronx’s homicide detectives — was sitting between Ocasio-Cortez and a staffer for the freshman Dem.

“I just couldn’t hear her BS anymore,” the former CB11 chairman said. “I just got up, got my umbrella in my hand and walked right out.”​

AOC was slamming US policy regarding the civil war in Yemen and how we’ve been providing support to Saudi Arabia in that conflict. When the subject of Israel came up, she referred to Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “autocrats.” That led to the departure of another attendee who described themselves as being “revolted.”

Local leaders complained that AOC danced around the local issues they came to discuss. These ranged from poor mail delivery and graffiti to the annual Columbus Day parade. She didn’t have much to say on those subjects but supposedly wrote them down for later study.

So how did Team AOC respond to having people storm out of her meeting in disgust? Simple. They denied that it happened. Her spokesman said, “The only person that left the meeting while it was underway was someone who had to go pick up their children.”

That’s kind of a tough sell to make when there are reporters standing outside the venue interviewing the veterans who walked out. One of the two veterans responded by saying, “That’s bulls–t. Everybody that was there knows I walked out.” So all in all, I guess this meeting will be marked down as another rousing success for the AOC brand. Best of luck, congresswoman.

No it didn't turn out well for the couple of trump supporters who stomped out like petulant children. They wanted it to look bad for her, but they were shown to be big babies who can't admit that Trump's strategy sucks.
Why are Democrats working so hard to get Trump elected again? It’s only 2019, pace yourselves!

Wow.... One right winger says he walked out, but nobody seemed to notice. I'll file this one in the "Trying to make a Mountain out of a Mole Hill" file.
AOC Bashes US Foreign Policy In Front Of Veterans. It Doesn’t End Well.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) ventured out of Queens, the far end of her turf, holding a meeting in the portion of the Bronx that she represents. The meeting was with a number of community leaders who had local issues they wanted to discuss. While she still had plenty of supporters present, when the subject of foreign policy came up, her remarks prompted a couple of veterans to stand up, collect their things and walk out of the meeting. (NY Post)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez bashed US foreign policy during a private meeting with Bronx community leaders, prompting two military veterans to storm out.

“She knocks the country, she knocks the president. And that’s not what America is about,” said Silvio Mazzella, a Vietnam War vet and treasurer of Community Board 11.

Anthony Vitaliano — an Army veteran who worked in the NYPD for 38 years, and commanded the Bronx’s homicide detectives — was sitting between Ocasio-Cortez and a staffer for the freshman Dem.

“I just couldn’t hear her BS anymore,” the former CB11 chairman said. “I just got up, got my umbrella in my hand and walked right out.”​

AOC was slamming US policy regarding the civil war in Yemen and how we’ve been providing support to Saudi Arabia in that conflict. When the subject of Israel came up, she referred to Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “autocrats.” That led to the departure of another attendee who described themselves as being “revolted.”

Local leaders complained that AOC danced around the local issues they came to discuss. These ranged from poor mail delivery and graffiti to the annual Columbus Day parade. She didn’t have much to say on those subjects but supposedly wrote them down for later study.

So how did Team AOC respond to having people storm out of her meeting in disgust? Simple. They denied that it happened. Her spokesman said, “The only person that left the meeting while it was underway was someone who had to go pick up their children.”

That’s kind of a tough sell to make when there are reporters standing outside the venue interviewing the veterans who walked out. One of the two veterans responded by saying, “That’s bulls–t. Everybody that was there knows I walked out.” So all in all, I guess this meeting will be marked down as another rousing success for the AOC brand. Best of luck, congresswoman.

No it didn't turn out well for the couple of trump supporters who stomped out like petulant children. They wanted it to look bad for her, but they were shown to be big babies who can't admit that Trump's strategy sucks.
Congress controls military commitments, until she can get 216 of her fellow congressmen to agree with her she's just making wind.

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