Veterinarian Fired After Bragging About Killing Cat

Typical of libs, they immediately call her "inhumane" for killing a (introduced) feral cat which was probably responsible for killing a dozen local songbirds. The same convoluted logic probably causes stupid libs to ignore Obama giving the windmill industry free reign to kill hawks and eagles. The stupid post shouldn't even be on the political forum.

I agree it shouldn't be on the political forum.

At least not until you found 'Something else I can blame Obama for", anyway.

I hope obama is paying you rent on all that space he occupies in your head.
As a cat owner, I think this woman is contemptible.

That said, why do you people show more compassion for a cat than a lot of your fellow humans.

Because there are many people in the world like, Unlike my cats, you have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, with the possible exception of being useful as fertilizer.

Yeah, good point. A lot of conservatards don't have much to redeem them as people.

Of course, if you got an arrow through the head, it probably wouldn't hit a vital organ.
Used to rent a room to a Chinese exchange student. To improve his english language skills. He would buy the local newspaper everyday and read it. Later in the day, with the newspaper in hand, he would ask me how to pronounce certain words he had underlined with a pencil.

One morning he knocked on my door holding a newspaper with a look of puzzlement on his face and said, "Is this true?"

He pointed to an article about a local man who had just been sentenced to 60 days in the county jail for abusing a dog.

When I told him that here in America you can spend years in prison for abusing a cat or dog. He was in total disbelief and thought I was joking. ....... :lol: :lol:
This thread is so absurd.

Some people here want this woman charged with murder and thrown in prison for killing a freakin feral cat!! ..... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Mahatma Gandhi

of course you wouldn't understand anything about it! Shame on you.
This thread is so absurd.

Some people here want this woman charged with murder and thrown in prison for killing a freakin feral cat!! ..... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:

Was not a feral cat

"A vet has been sacked after she mistook a neighbour's beloved cat for a wild animal and shot it with a bow and arrow before posting a sick 'kill picture' on Facebook."

Outrage after vet uses bow and arrow to kill feral cat which was actually neighbour s beloved pet - Mirror Online
Next they are going to claim the cat belonged to baby Jesus in order to further vilify the lady vet. ..... :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
A load of bullshit of course. No one wants to vilify the woman she deserves to be taken to task on this. More important is how you take pleasure in the pain of a defenseless animal.
This thread is so absurd.

Some people here want this woman charged with murder and thrown in prison for killing a freakin feral cat!! ..... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:

Was not a feral cat

"A vet has been sacked after she mistook a neighbour's beloved cat for a wild animal and shot it with a bow and arrow before posting a sick 'kill picture' on Facebook."

Outrage after vet uses bow and arrow to kill feral cat which was actually neighbour s beloved pet - Mirror Online

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
Mahatma Gandhi
of course you wouldn't understand anything about it! Shame on you.
Gandhi was a strict vegetarian and thought killing animals for food was evil.

So unless you are a Vegan........don't get all high and mighty with me. ..... :eusa_hand:

When it comes to the hierarchy of animals, dogs and cats have attained a special place and level in America.
Outsiders need to educate themselves before visiting and or immigrating here.
No one here is personally forced to own or care for these animals, but everyone must treat them with respect and NEVER exhibit cruelty towards them or there will be legal ramifications to deal with.

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