vets message to the gop


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
the 24 billion in the last years bill would bust the budget. Fools make legislation with not considering consequences. If you boost something without more revenue, you need to cut something less important.
That SIMPLE mindset is nonexistent.
Plus, the hack republicans tried to throw in more iran sanctions..
Did you iran lovers want that?

The glycine-tyrosine-phenylalanine (GYF) domain is an around 60-amino acid domain which contains a conserved GP[YF]xxxx[MV]xxWxxx[GN]YF motif. It was identified in the human intracellular protein termed CD2 binding protein 2 (CD2BP2), which binds to a site containing two tandem PPPGHR segments within the cytoplasmic region of CD2. Binding experiments and mutational analyses have demonstrated the critical importance of the GYF tripeptide in ligand binding. A GYF domain is also found in several other eukaryotic proteins of unknown function [(PUBMED:9843987)]. It has been proposed that the GYF domain found in these proteins could also be involved in proline-rich sequence recognition [(PUBMED:10404223)]. Resolution of the structure of the CD2BP2 GYF domain by NMR spectroscopy revealed a compact domain with a beta-beta-alpha-beta-beta topology, where the single alpha-helix is tilted away from the twisted, anti-parallel beta-sheet. The conserved residues of the GYF domain create a contiguous patch of predominantly hydrophobic nature which forms an integral part of the ligand-binding site [(PUBMED:10404223)]. There is limited homology within the C-terminal 20-30 amino acids of various GYF domains, supporting the idea that this part of the domain is structurally but not functionally important [(PUBMED:12426371)].

i am pretty sure you mean gfys
and yet we give how much a day to israel?
oh, I agree. I would be down for cutting off 4/5 of foreign aid; if not ALL of it.
I would rather spend excess money at home. But, alas, we don't have excess. We don't even break even..
Our bloated bureaucracy wants to finish us off..
and yet we give how much a day to israel?
oh, I agree. I would be down for cutting off 4/5 of foreign aid; if not ALL of it.
I would rather spend excess money at home. But, alas, we don't have excess. We don't even break even..
Our bloated bureaucracy wants to finish us off..

o that foreign aid is broken down.....

In addition, there is the more than $1.5 billion in private U.S. funds that go to Israel annually in the form of $1 billion in private tax-deductible donations and $500 million in Israeli bonds. The ability of Americans to make what amounts to tax-deductible contributions to a foreign government, made possible through a number of Jewish charities, does not exist with any other country. Nor do these figures include short- and long-term commercial loans from U.S. banks, which have been as high as $1 billion annually in recent years.
Total U.S. aid to Israel is approximately one-third of the American foreign-aid budget, even though Israel comprises just .001 percent of the world's population and already has one of the world's higher per capita incomes. Indeed, Israel's GNP is higher than the combined GNP of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, the West Bank and Gaza. With a per capita income of about $14,000, Israel ranks as the sixteenth wealthiest country in the world; Israelis enjoy a higher per capita income than oil-rich Saudi Arabia and are only slightly less well-off than most Western European countries.

[FONT=PT Serif, serif]U.S. Financial Aid To Israel: Figures, Facts, and Impact[/FONT]
Cut welfare for the ones that can work and give it to the veteran's. That should be about 50%.

how about one learns reality of welfare vs corporate welfare...and come back and tell us how it should be done

Robert Reich: Corporate Welfare Is Destroying Our Economy (VIDEO)
Start with drug testing welfare recipients. That would make a big cut. If I have to take a drug test to EARN the money. They should have to take a drug test to receive our money.
Cut welfare for the ones that can work and give it to the veteran's. That should be about 50%.

how about one learns reality of welfare vs corporate welfare...and come back and tell us how it should be done

Robert Reich: Corporate Welfare Is Destroying Our Economy (VIDEO)
Start with drug testing welfare recipients. That would make a big cut. If I have to take a drug test to EARN the money. They should have to take a drug test to receive our money.
Very true. And people that work for the govt get tested.. However, when people have implemented that, the results were NOT what you would expect. They even did it in TN.. I used to be all for it, until I realized it wasn't going to work..
Maybe a hair follicle test but those are around 100 bucks a pop..

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