Vice Presiboob Biden - 9/11 is "Bittersweet?"

I can't WAIT for the libtards to jump in here defending Biden on this.

Bittersweet | Define Bittersweet at
both pleasant and painful or regretful

There was not a fucking thing about 9/11 that was pleasant!!!

what a fucking jackass Biden is.

"It is a bittersweet moment for the entire nation," Biden told families, friends and dignitaries gathered at the memorial to the 40 passengers and crew who died on Sept. 11, 2001.
Bittersweet? Does this Assclown know the definition of bittersweet?! Honest to God.. Just when you think VP Bozo can't say anything to remotely as STOOPID as all of his other gaffes, he opens that mouth and WHAM! Lastly, the 9-11 families don't need to hear about Joe's losses.. this isn't a day to commemorate Biden's life's losses. To compare his own losses and pain to the Survivors of 9-11 is tacky. This isn't about you Biden.
Bittersweet? Does this Assclown know the definition of bittersweet?! Honest to God.. Just when you think VP Bozo can't say anything to remotely as STOOPID as all of his other gaffes, he opens that mouth and WHAM! Lastly, the 9-11 families don't need to hear about Joe's losses.. this isn't a day to commemorate Biden's life's losses. To compare his own losses and pain to the Survivors of 9-11 is tacky. This isn't about you Biden.

Just think....he's one heartbeat away from being the most powerful man on Earth.
Well, many on the left believe we deserved 9/11....

We didn't.

But, our world policing brought these terrorists to our front door. Say what you will, but Osama grew his hatred from our meandering in Afghanistan way back.
Bittersweet? Does this Assclown know the definition of bittersweet?! Honest to God.. Just when you think VP Bozo can't say anything to remotely as STOOPID as all of his other gaffes, he opens that mouth and WHAM! Lastly, the 9-11 families don't need to hear about Joe's losses.. this isn't a day to commemorate Biden's life's losses. To compare his own losses and pain to the Survivors of 9-11 is tacky. This isn't about you Biden.

Just think....he's one heartbeat away from being the most powerful man on Earth.

Quite scary....

I'd rather have Sarah Palin in that position vs. this bumbling assclown.
Bittersweet? Does this Assclown know the definition of bittersweet?! Honest to God.. Just when you think VP Bozo can't say anything to remotely as STOOPID as all of his other gaffes, he opens that mouth and WHAM! Lastly, the 9-11 families don't need to hear about Joe's losses.. this isn't a day to commemorate Biden's life's losses. To compare his own losses and pain to the Survivors of 9-11 is tacky. This isn't about you Biden.

Just think....he's one heartbeat away from being the most powerful man on Earth.

Frightening.. Honestly. Dan Quayle was the laughing stock of the media and he pales in comparison to this DIPSHIT.
Well, many on the left believe we deserved 9/11....

We didn't.

But, our world policing brought these terrorists to our front door. Say what you will, but Osama grew his hatred from our meandering in Afghanistan way back.

You may not of, but there are some and even on this board thought we deserved it. Osama didn't mind when WE helped him against the Soviets when they were in Afanistan, now did he?
Well, many on the left believe we deserved 9/11....

We didn't.

But, our world policing brought these terrorists to our front door. Say what you will, but Osama grew his hatred from our meandering in Afghanistan way back.

Oh look, it's the blame America crowd, right on queue. How many planes have hit Russian buildings, monuments, people?! It's all about "meandering" in Afghanistan, right??! Too bad HISTORY makes you a liar! They hate us because what we stand for, LIBERTY AND FREEDOM.. They love Russia for precisely the OPPOSITE reason not to mention Russia funnels arms and aides to Islamic Terror Organizations.. Your rant about blaming America fails as miserably as your worthless President's tenure.
Well, many on the left believe we deserved 9/11....

We didn't.

But, our world policing brought these terrorists to our front door. Say what you will, but Osama grew his hatred from our meandering in Afghanistan way back.

You may not of, but there are some and even on this board thought we deserved it. Osama didn't mind when WE helped him against the Soviets when they were in Afanistan, now did he?


Bill did not stop him (he should have).. It was not Bill that "kicked the hornets nest" back in the day that angered him and generations afterwards.

See post #14, numbnuts
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Flight 93 did not get a chance to crash into a building and kill hundreds more because some passenger took it upon themselves to do something.
Well, many on the left believe we deserved 9/11....

We didn't.

But, our world policing brought these terrorists to our front door. Say what you will, but Osama grew his hatred from our meandering in Afghanistan way back.

Oh look, it's the blame America crowd, right on queue. How many planes have hit Russian buildings, monuments, people?! It's all about "meandering" in Afghanistan, right??! Too bad HISTORY makes you a liar! They hate us because what we stand for, LIBERTY AND FREEDOM.. They love Russia for precisely the OPPOSITE reason not to mention Russia funnels arms and aides to Islamic Terror Organizations.. Your rant about blaming America fails as miserably as your worthless President's tenure.

You are a naive little girl to think that you would know if terrorists were blowing things up is Russia, the news in Russia is more locked up than China.. :lol:

In addition, we were paying and supplying weapons to the Afghanis to fight the Soviets. The Afghanis do NOT like Russia.. Remember the whole Soviet-Afghan war thing?

Our injection and subsequent abandonment in Afghanistan after the Soviet-Afghan war is what created the initial fodder for the indoctrination of radial youth, it was low hanging fruit for the deranged people like Osama.

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