Vice Presiboob Biden - 9/11 is "Bittersweet?"

Dummy. He was talking about the proceedings TODAY.

The moment he was participating in. He was not saying that the attack was in any way pleasant.

You imbeciles will use anything, any time, to try and score cheap points.

what about today is bittersweet? You DO understand the definition I posted, right? What exactly is sweet about today?

O I don't know, maybe just for one day, like the aftermath of the attacks on 911, we can put away all of the political left-right bs and just be one America remembering the fallen. It's a nice thought but looking at the posts above it can't be done.
Dummy. He was talking about the proceedings TODAY.

The moment he was participating in. He was not saying that the attack was in any way pleasant.

You imbeciles will use anything, any time, to try and score cheap points.

what about today is bittersweet? You DO understand the definition I posted, right? What exactly is sweet about today?

Maybe that there is still a great amount of support for those who lost loved ones....that America remembers the fallen as heroes. That there is some healing that has taken place since these wounds were opened.

Use that thing on your shoulders for a change.
O I don't know, maybe just for one day, like the aftermath of the attacks on 911, we can put away all of the political left-right bs and just be one America remembering the fallen. It's a nice thought but looking at the posts above it can't be done.

You're not American, so what the fuck do you care?
Maybe that there is still a great amount of support for those who lost loved ones....that America remembers the fallen as heroes.

They sure as hell don't have Biden's support. He just showed that today with his latest idiotic gaffe.
Patrick, you’re keeping the flame alive, and keeping the families together is - from my experience, I imagine you all find solace in seeing one another. There’s nothing like being able to talk with someone who you know understands.

And it’s an honor - it’s a genuine honor to be back here today. But like all of the families, we wish we weren’t here. We wish we didn’t have to be here. We wish we didn’t have to commemorate any of this. And it’s a bittersweet moment for the entire nation, for all of the country, but particularly for those family members gathered here today.
Being together is a bittersweet experience.

Way for the rightwingloons to take something out of context and dishonor the people that died and were hereos on 9/11.
"It is a bittersweet moment for the entire nation"

There. In context.

Today is NOT a bittersweet moment in any way.
Dummy. He was talking about the proceedings TODAY.

The moment he was participating in. He was not saying that the attack was in any way pleasant.

You imbeciles will use anything, any time, to try and score cheap points.

what about today is bittersweet? You DO understand the definition I posted, right? What exactly is sweet about today?

Maybe that there is still a great amount of support for those who lost loved ones....that America remembers the fallen as heroes. That there is some healing that has taken place since these wounds were opened.

Use that thing on your shoulders for a change.

there is NOTHING sweet about today. Remembering loved ones who were murdered is not SWEET, dumb ass. It's sad.. sorrowful.. not SWEET.

You and Biden are both asses.
"It is a bittersweet moment for the entire nation"

There. In context.

Today is NOT a bittersweet moment in any way.
You're disgusting. Seriously. Quit using 9/11 victims as tools.

You are smarter than this.
Biden is so stupid that he doesn't know the meaning of words and he doesn't know how many letters make the words too.
"It is a bittersweet moment for the entire nation"

There. In context.

Today is NOT a bittersweet moment in any way.
You're disgusting. Seriously. Quit using 9/11 victims as tools.

You are smarter than this.

I am talking about Joe Biden's DISRESPECT for those who lost loved ones on 9/11, Truthmatters.


You're back on track now dear.
Calling all nutters!

Is there ONE of you who will come to this thread and explain that Biden's comments were perfectly fine nd not intended to suggest tht we derived pleasure from the attacks on 9-11.


For fuck's sake.
Biden is so stupid that he doesn't know the meaning of words and he doesn't know how many letters make the words too.

There are a few in this thread that stand right behind him too. ALL public school educated, I might add.
"It is a bittersweet moment for the entire nation"

There. In context.

Today is NOT a bittersweet moment in any way.
You're disgusting. Seriously. Quit using 9/11 victims as tools.

You are smarter than this.

In what way is today sweet, Ravi???
Did you not read my original post of his actual words in context? He was talking about being TOGETHER on this occasion as being bittersweet.
No, the truth is that terrorist attacks like what happened on this day will probably NEVER happen again, it was a terrible anomaly, attacks that big are a rare event. Go back and read my post, notice I used the phrase "blowing things up"? :lol:

History does prove me right, pick up any book about the Soviet-Afghan war. I never really said they don't hate us NOW for our freedoms, but the frame work for the indoctrination of their people was laid down by our foreign policy at the time. Combine that with the "arm-chair" attack that Bill tried (versus their war mentality) and that was more fodder. The extremist agenda picked up more steam once they latched onto anything that was what made America, well, America.

And please elaborate where I mentioned a "NEW" Stalinist Russia? Your anger is getting in the way of you making coherent points.

I'm not angry in the least.. merely amused at your sheer ignorance and laughing at your projected conjecture; propaganda.. A liberal will use anything, LIE.. in order to further their losing argument.. You're the posterchild for "The Blame America" scum. You made the ridiculous claim that we were attacked due to Afghani policy and yet Russia who battled for YEARS hasn't suffered the same fate. When you were called on your BULLSHIT stupidity, you in turn doubled-down on STOOPID. That not only makes you a liar but a fool to boot. Enjoy your dunce cap and wear it proudly.

So prove me wrong.. :lol:

Rather than sit there and call me all of these names, which I have not done to you, in the same frequency.

Prove me wrong with actual evidence, rather than a postulated abstraction that "it didn't happen to them, so you MUST be wrong". Prove me wrong that our interjection did not fuel Osama, shit, he even said it did in his documentaries. I guess the "liberuhls" made him say it? :lol:

I don't hate America, I just think our foreign policy has not afforded us the best it could have.

As far a dunce, you look like one, you have not yet refuted ONE of my comments. Instead you just put up a straw man and cussed/spit at it. :lol:

I already have..

Well , well well.. Upon researching modern era war in Afghanistan I found this:

US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, known for his hardline policies on the Soviet Union, initiated in 1979 a campaign supporting mujaheddin in Pakistan and Afghanistan, which was run by Pakistani security services with financial support from the Central Intelligence Agency and Britain's MI6.[69] This policy had the explicit aim of promoting radical Islamist and anti-Communist forces. Bob Gates, in his book Out Of The Shadows, wrote that Pakistan had been pressuring the United States for arms to aid the rebels for years, but that the Carter administration refused in the hope of finding a diplomatic solution to avoid war.[70] Brzezinski seems to have been in favor of the provision of arms to the rebels, while Cyrus Vance's State Department, seeking a peaceful settlement, publicly accused Brzezinski of seeking to "revive" the Cold War. Brzezinski has stated that the United States provided communications equipment and limited financial aid to the mujahideen prior to the "formal" invasion, but only in response to the Soviet deployment of forces to Afghanistan and the 1978 coup, and with the intention of preventing further Soviet encroachment in the region.[71]

Did someone say Jimmah Cartah??? Arming RADICALL Islamists in Afghanistan

History of Afghanistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also in the same article:

The 10-year Soviet occupation resulted in the killings of between 600,000 and two million Afghans, mostly civilian

the Soviets withdrew in 1989. Their withdrawal from Afghanistan was seen as an ideological victory in America, which had backed some Mujahideen factions

We supported Russia's enemy you embecile.. the Afghani Islamists.. Russia slaughtered almost 3 million Afghanis and have NEVER had airplanes slammed in to their homeland through terrorism.. You're like all liberals.. You make shit up, throw some on the wall and hope the stank sticks.. Fucking pathetic.
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