Victor Davis Hanson: Joe Biden's regime is most revolutionary Left-wing since FDR

With all due respect to VDH, Biden is not a left winger. Like O and Bubba, he’s a warmongering corporatist elitist. A fascist essentially.

Very true. Biden is wearing the mask of a leftist to accomplish his goal, which is, as you say, fascist tyranny.

Biden is much, much closer to Pol Pot than he is to Josef Stalin.
First of all FDR was a pretty great President

Second Hanson is a right wing lunatic
That Great Depression was planned. And they stretched it out for over a decade. A freaking decade! The War was planned and the people suffering in our nation were ready for the elites to manipulate them.
First of all FDR was a pretty great President

Yah man, especially the way he rounded up all the Japanese Americans and threw them in prison. Or how about his segregated military? The rich who racist and his racist policies: What a peach
Victor Davis Hanson: Joe Biden's regime is most revolutionary Left-wing since FDR

President Biden's muted campaign launch this week is a sign for things to come. Whilst the President attempts to hide from the media, America's allies and enemies alike are left wondering who's really in charge. To discuss Joe Biden and Donald Trump's chances in the lead up to the 2024 American election, the historian and commentator Victor Davis Hanson sits down with Steven Edginton for this week's Off Script podcast.

Victor Davis Hanson reveals why the revolutionary Left projects its behavior on others​

He reacts to the latest Democratic agenda​

Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson explained why leftists are "revolutionaries" who project their beliefs onto others Friday on "Jesse Watters Primetime."

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: They are the revolutionaries and they project it on to others. And what's the whole purpose of this? The whole purpose is on these agenda issues, they're behind. And Joe Biden has an anemic rating. And they feel that if they can gin up a January 6 crisis — sort of a Reichstag fire — and they did it, remember in 2021, when they had barbed wire and 30,000 troops in Washington, D.C., and the greatest weaponization since the Civil War.

Or they can take the raid and just dribble things out. One week, it will be nuclear secrets. The next, Trump improperly took out momentos. The next, he was trying to get information on his enemies. And then the media goes to town with a bombshell; walls are closing in. And otherwise we're not going to look at the issues: inflation, the border, energy prices, crime, Afghanistan, foreign policy.
Yah man, especially the way he rounded up all the Japanese Americans and threw them in prison. Or how about his segregated military? The rich who racist and his racist policies: What a peach
Wait. FDR segregated the military? That’s news!

Oh wait it had been segregated for at least a century and he didn’t DEsegregate it?

Fuck off lying weasel
Hanson to Newsmax: Dems Destroy US Image With Trump Prosecutions

Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute, told Newsmax on Tuesday that Democrats have never stopped to think about the damage they are doing to the country's image with the political prosecutions of former President Donald Trump and his allies.

"Their assumption was they thought nobody will ever do what we did, and nobody abroad will ever think that they were wrong," Hanson told "Rob Schmitt Tonight." "And that's a lot of hubris and arrogance, given their record."

Hanson said since Trump came on the political scene, Democrats have taken a "whatever means necessary" approach to nullify and neuter him because they regard him "based on no real evidence" of being an existential threat to the country.
Very true. Biden is wearing the mask of a leftist to accomplish his goal, which is, as you say, fascist tyranny.

Biden is much, much closer to Pol Pot than he is to Josef Stalin.

Correct. Fascism and Marxism are actually both on the Left. Far Left is authoritarianism, Extreme Right is actually anarchy, no government
Victor Davis Hanson: Joe Biden's regime is most revolutionary Left-wing since FDR

President Biden's muted campaign launch this week is a sign for things to come. Whilst the President attempts to hide from the media, America's allies and enemies alike are left wondering who's really in charge. To discuss Joe Biden and Donald Trump's chances in the lead up to the 2024 American election, the historian and commentator Victor Davis Hanson sits down with Steven Edginton for this week's Off Script podcast.

Can't believe Biden is not the worst. Can't believe they had administrations back then that could come close to Biden. Guess we need a history lesson.

Was FDR taking millions as bribes?

Did FDR have open borders?

Did FDR promote homosexuality and transgenderism? Huh?

Biden trans proclamation.jpg
Correct. Fascism and Marxism are actually both on the Left. Far Left is authoritarianism, Extreme Right is actually anarchy, no government
Fucking nonsense. Marxism and fascism are both authoritarian forms of GOVERNMENT. Your claim that fascism is left wing is based on the idea that if it is fiat by government then it MUST be left.

Bullshit. I’m order to HAVE authority you have to control the government

Also one claims
Well, the first post was never refuted, so it stands as FACT!

Joe Biden's regime is most revolutionary Left-wing since FDR

Victor Davis Hanson: Joe Biden's regime is most revolutionary Left-wing since FDR

President Biden's muted campaign launch this week is a sign for things to come. Whilst the President attempts to hide from the media, America's allies and enemies alike are left wondering who's really in charge. To discuss Joe Biden and Donald Trump's chances in the lead up to the 2024 American election, the historian and commentator Victor Davis Hanson sits down with Steven Edginton for this week's Off Script podcast.


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