VICTORIOUS! Trump Brokers Cease-Fire In Syria----Kurds Top Military General Praises Trump

Turkey and Russia made the deal. Trumpybear's unilateral withdrawal of our support for the Kurds made it all possible.

Putin's Grinning today.
So does anyone think President Trump will ever get his well-deserved Nobel Prize?

Obama, who threw entire Middle Eastern countries into chaos, murdered more women and children than GW did with his drone strikes, and fostered ISIS got one.

So why not Trump?
Breaking Update!

Here's the new Cease-Fire safe zone map.

Turkey and Russia made the deal. Trumpybear's unilateral withdrawal of our support for the Kurds made it all possible.

And that's a bad thing?

The sudden unilateral reversal can easily be seen as a betrayal of one of our allies in fight to contain ISIS. Yes, it's a bad thing. Getting out of the World Police business is generally a good sentiment, but it looks like we just walked off the job and hung our former allies out to dry.
Turkey and Russia made the deal. Trumpybear's unilateral withdrawal of our support for the Kurds made it all possible.

And that's a bad thing?

The sudden unilateral reversal can easily be seen as a betrayal of one of our allies in fight to contain ISIS. Yes, it's a bad thing. Getting out of the World Police business is generally a good sentiment, but it looks like we just walked off the job and hung our former allies out to dry.

ISIS has been eliminated, so mission accomplished.

Too bad you guys and girls didn't feel the same way when Obama was President.
Turkey and Russia made the deal. Trumpybear's unilateral withdrawal of our support for the Kurds made it all possible.

Putin's Grinning today.

Syria was Russia's since 1971, so WTF are you talking about?
Trump killed ISIS, that Obama let grow and grow. Here is Obama's legacy in Syria, a sprawling Caliphate...


Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
ISIL territorial claims - Wikipedia

Trump's actions in Syria, including the cruise missile attacks stopping the chemical attacks, defeating ISIS, and then getting the fuck out with minimal loss of US lives is incredible, this in the face of no support from anyone, and constant criticism from both sides.
Trump deserves praise for the outstanding work he's done in Syria. We can still support the Kurds even though they felt abandoned.

I'm more concerned with the 50 or so nukes we still have in Turkey. Erdogan is probably going to switch sides to your buddy Putin.
Turkey and Russia made the deal. Trumpybear's unilateral withdrawal of our support for the Kurds made it all possible.

Putin's Grinning today.

Syria was Russia's since 1971, so WTF are you talking about?
Trump killed ISIS, that Obama let grow and grow. Here is Obama's legacy in Syria, a sprawling Caliphate...


Maximum extent of ISIL's territorial control in Syria and Iraq in late 2015.
ISIL territorial claims - Wikipedia

Trump's actions in Syria, including the cruise missile attacks stopping the chemical attacks, defeating ISIS, and then getting the fuck out with minimal loss of US lives is incredible, this in the face of no support from anyone, and constant criticism from both sides.
Trump deserves praise for the outstanding work he's done in Syria. We can still support the Kurds even though they felt abandoned.

I'm more concerned with the 50 or so nukes we still have in Turkey. Erdogan is probably going to switch sides to your buddy Putin.
Obama was hoping to be President of ISIL one day
Turkey and Russia made the deal. Trumpybear's unilateral withdrawal of our support for the Kurds made it all possible.

And that's a bad thing?

Unless you're Putin, it's not good.

Unless you consider "ethnic cleansing" of the Kurds a "good", it most certainly is a bad thing. Donald Trump said the General told him the Kurds are happy. The Kurds are so happy they're running for their lives. And as the Americans leave, they're pelting them with rotten vegetables.

Trump lied about bringing the troops home. He tried to send these troops to Iraq, and Iraq refused to allow them in. I guess they'll form part of the 3000 troops he's sending to Saudi Arabia to help the 9/11 bombers home country defend itself against Iran. That's because Trump tore up the treaty with Iran - the treaty Iran was in complaince with.

The Ukrainian President sat beside him and said "I wasn't pressured", although one week of evidence from staffers and Trump himself, shows that the President of the Ukraine and his staff most definitely felt pressured, and staunchly resisted that pressure. All while his people were dying waiting for that military aid.

And now the Russians and the Iranians have a clear, direct path from Iran to Isreal. The Israeli's really aren't happy about this. Assad - a man who has used chemical weapons on the Kurds, now has a free hand with the Americans gone.

Trump has told the world it is unwise to trust the Americans. They'll screw you over at every turn, and abandon you when you need them most. Your trading partners don't want to do business with you because you can't be trusted, and they're joining the TPP and negotiating with the EU, which is now a bigger, more prosperous market than the USA.

Trump is trying to spin the Titantic hitting an iceberg, as a once in a lifetime chance for passengers to see an iceberg up close.
Turkey and Russia made the deal. Trumpybear's unilateral withdrawal of our support for the Kurds made it all possible.

Putin's Grinning today.

Pence met with Ergodan before the deal went down and then took it over to putin. These deals were for oil leases and percentages of the pie.

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