VICTORY! Louisiana Passes Bill Preventing The Removal Of Confederate Monuments


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Our Southern Confederate Heritage and History must be preserved. The monuments that honor the proud patriotic Confederate hero's and their battles defines Louisiana and its proud past. Today a great victory was won for the proud southerners who want to protect and preserve their culture, traditions, and beautiful heritage.

"If anybody is offended by the monuments, they should look within themselves," Farthing said. "Because that's what you should do. If slavery didn't happen then the Confederate War didn't happen. So, therefore, one complements the other."
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Some Confederate memorials are okay

If my family had known things would have turned out the way they did, (blacks all upety with a pass) they would have picked the cotton themselves

PC is crumbling. The Redskins are still the Redskins even in the most liberal shit hole in America. :)
I am a liberal and I think we should respect history...

We should learn from it and understand that we shouldn't be like the confederacy.
I am a liberal and I think we should respect history...

We should learn from it and understand that we shouldn't be like the confederacy.

Progressives don't want to learn from history, they want to rewrite it.

They certainly don't want people to be aware of Islam's long history of violence and subjugation. They want us to ignore history and pretend it is the "religion of peace". They don't want Americans to be taught that white Christians built America into the great country it is, they want to belittle those accomplishments and give all the credit to minority figures and accomplishments. Progressives are about narrative and emotions, not historical facts.
A handful of leftist douchebags just discovered their outrage over a century later.....

Laughable , pathetic , vaginas......
Some Confederate memorials are okay


You have to wonder, what if the states that were part of the United States during the Civil War, what if they started putting up 'Confederate Memorials' that were nothing but a white flag. How would the batshitters in the south react? They 'd lose their minds. Yet it would only be god's honest truth on display, the south surrendered. 'The motto of the Confederacy, we give up'.

Also, where are all the monuments in the south to the people that wanted to stay in the union and worked during the war to end the Confederacy? Those are the monuments in the south that should be standing.

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