VICTORY! Louisiana Passes Bill Preventing The Removal Of Confederate Monuments

Our Southern Confederate Heritage and History must be preserved. The monuments that honor the proud patriotic Confederate hero's and their battles defines Louisiana and its proud past. Today a great victory was won for the proud southerners who want to protect and preserve their culture, traditions, and beautiful heritage.

"If anybody is offended by the monuments, they should look within themselves," Farthing said. "Because that's what you should do. If slavery didn't happen then the Confederate War didn't happen. So, therefore, one complements the other."
I am happy for all my fellow Americans. This is our American history and it must be preserved, not like ISIS tearing down and destroying human history.
Will Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards sign it?

As far as I'm concerned, the term Confederate patriot is an oxymoron. We can acknowledge history. We don't have to glorify it.
Good for you, Louisiana. Keeping things racist like they should be.
These days you can't escape a charge of racism no matter who you are or what you truly believe. It's a quick and cowardly way to attempt silencing those they don't agree with.
I bet you'd be called a racist for wearing black shoes cuz it symbolizes the downtrodden or trod upon black man
Our Southern Confederate Heritage and History must be preserved. The monuments that honor the proud patriotic Confederate hero's and their battles defines Louisiana and its proud past. Today a great victory was won for the proud southerners who want to protect and preserve their culture, traditions, and beautiful heritage.

"If anybody is offended by the monuments, they should look within themselves," Farthing said. "Because that's what you should do. If slavery didn't happen then the Confederate War didn't happen. So, therefore, one complements the other."
Even though I disagree with your racist motives I am in support of this bill's passing.
Some Confederate memorials are okay


And the anti-America zeros know it.


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