
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2015
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions
boy punches woman.jpg

Lil Boy Repeatedly Strikes His Caregiver's Face & Head


Hello. Of course I could be wrong. Though witnessing her son's insolent behavior I'd be willing to wager the woman in this video began motherhood as an immature, SELFISH, troubled woman foolishly believing she alone can raise a perfectly healthy newborn maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and man respecting women.

I'm not suggesting 'some' women are incapable of raising a reasonably well adjusted child maturing into a fairly or wonderfully happy responsible teen and adult citizen.

Though in my opinion, looking around me, MOST single moms lack the skills and temperament require to raise a fully functional teen and adult. And in my opinion, looking around me, they are doing great harm to our Nation's most vulnerable, as well as cherished assets when depriving kids of a dad.

Frankly, I cannot empathize with fellow human beings who THROUGH NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, are forced to experience a FATHERLESS childhood, teen and adult life.

Even more frank. I can imagine feeling a part of me was missing something special when not having a loving, caring father to praise me when I did good, help guide me through the challenges and obstacles of life, as well as offer me an "evil eye" when I screw up or failed to honor the values and respect for others my family raised me to embrace.

American pediatricians, as well as Early Brain and Childhood Development (EBCD) researchers are passionately DECLARING a National and Worldwide Movement is required to educate the public, particularly primary child caregivers, about our planet's Child Care Public Health Crisis.

Frankly, today, when witnessing how people interact, the hate, the nastiness, the contempt for other free people peacefully sharing opinions, I have to think our Nation's expanding population of SINGLE MOMS choosing to raise, nurture and socialize FATHERLESS CHILDREN is contributing to the HATE, ANGER, DEPRESSION, as well as other MENTAL HEALTH issues affecting and infecting our society.

'Us' humans have a scant few decades to experience what we call "Life".

Hard to believe many citizens choose to spend their few decades walking around with a sour puss, whining and beefing, instead of figuring out a way to improve their circumstances.

My question is, who is raising perfectly healthy newborns maturing into apparent troubled teens and adults choosing to wear a sour puss and beef about life, instead of seeking ways to embrace the pleasures and joys of life all free-thinking people can experience, if we choose to.

Introducing 'SOULutions' oriented Child Abuse Awareness, PREVENTION & Education Advocate, California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, FAAP, MPH, Founder and CEO of the 'Center for Youth Wellness'.

Dr Nadine Burke Harris | Founder & CEO Center for Youth Wellness |

For people wishing to learn more about a potentially life scarring, though easily preventable medical disease known as Childhood Trauma or Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), child brain development researcher Dr. Bruce D. Perry, MD, Ph.D should be your FIRST source.

Dr. Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD_02.jpg

"Bruce D. Perry: Social & Emotional Development in Early Childhood"

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS
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Hello. Of course I could be wrong. Though witnessing her son's insolent behavior I'd be willing to wager the woman in this video began motherhood as an immature, SELFISH, troubled woman foolishly believing she alone can raise a perfectly healthy newborn maturing into a reasonably responsible teen and man respecting women.

Or the child could be emotionally disturbed and the father just didn't show up at the clinic that day. It looks like she has two kids there.

Are you going to spam every thread with this shit?
I can assure you that EVERY child contests parental control at some point. Most probably don't go to the extreme that that boy did, but there will be a battle of wills at some point. Your implication that a single parent is not capable of dealing with it in an appropriate manner is absurd as it is insulting.
My mother was a single parent, and I turned out... Okay. I see your point. Still...
I can assure you that EVERY child contests parental control at some point. Most probably don't go to the extreme that that boy did, but there will be a battle of wills at some point. Your implication that a single parent is not capable of dealing with it in an appropriate manner is absurd as it is insulting.

Hello, Bulldog. Despite your apparent desire to ignore medical and public health research stating American moms have created a Child Care Public Health crisis...

...I thank you for sharing your opinion. :)

Obama Who Is Rasing Newborns.jpg

There's a lot to say here. Let me start at the end: I have started intervening when I see situations like this now. I will approach kindly and gently and say "Is there anything I can do to help?" That's it, just the question. I would have liked to have this boy sit by me for a minute, not talking, just calming down next to someone who is removed and calm. Of course where his mother/caregiver can see him. And then some empathy for the mom too, hey I get it, it's not easy. Which is true.

She is overwrought and this is clear. She is coming at him from an emotional, even "strung-out" place. I don't mean that she literally strung out (like on drugs), but emotionally. Therefore she is interacting with him on his level: when he hits, she hits. So it just escalates. It's really important that she be the adult in the situation.

All that said: it's really hard and no one does it perfectly. All parents have times when they lose patience. But this looks like it could be a pattern. IT's so sad because no one is getting anything out of this.
There's a lot to say here. Let me start at the end: I have started intervening when I see situations like this now. I will approach kindly and gently and say "Is there anything I can do to help?" That's it, just the question. I would have liked to have this boy sit by me for a minute, not talking, just calming down next to someone who is removed and calm. Of course where his mother/caregiver can see him. And then some empathy for the mom too, hey I get it, it's not easy. Which is true.

She is overwrought and this is clear. She is coming at him from an emotional, even "strung-out" place. I don't mean that she literally strung out (like on drugs), but emotionally. Therefore she is interacting with him on his level: when he hits, she hits. So it just escalates. It's really important that she be the adult in the situation.

All that said: it's really hard and no one does it perfectly. All parents have times when they lose patience. But this looks like it could be a pattern. IT's so sad because no one is getting anything out of this.

Sue, thanks for sharing your thoughts and concerns.

Something is wrong with that boy.

In my opinion kids raised with patience, affection, caring, kindness and reasonable, non physical discipline do not strike their own moms.

I can assure you that EVERY child contests parental control at some point. Most probably don't go to the extreme that that boy did, but there will be a battle of wills at some point. Your implication that a single parent is not capable of dealing with it in an appropriate manner is absurd as it is insulting.

A single parent can deal with it, yes. But two parents, the biological mother and father, married, is absolutely the best environment for a child to be raised in. This is social science and not up for debate.
There's a lot to say here. Let me start at the end: I have started intervening when I see situations like this now. I will approach kindly and gently and say "Is there anything I can do to help?" That's it, just the question. I would have liked to have this boy sit by me for a minute, not talking, just calming down next to someone who is removed and calm. Of course where his mother/caregiver can see him. And then some empathy for the mom too, hey I get it, it's not easy. Which is true.

She is overwrought and this is clear. She is coming at him from an emotional, even "strung-out" place. I don't mean that she literally strung out (like on drugs), but emotionally. Therefore she is interacting with him on his level: when he hits, she hits. So it just escalates. It's really important that she be the adult in the situation.

All that said: it's really hard and no one does it perfectly. All parents have times when they lose patience. But this looks like it could be a pattern. IT's so sad because no one is getting anything out of this.

Sue, thanks for sharing your thoughts and concerns.

Something is wrong with that boy.

In my opinion kids raised with patience, affection, caring, kindness and reasonable, non physical discipline do not strike their own moms.


Oh there is no doubt about that. She is not countering his own fraught emotional state with what he needs: calm control, so he can get back in control. She escalates, so he does too. The pattern needs to be broken.

It used to be that children were raised with patience, affection, and caring but also VERY STRICT EXPECTATIONS. Kids need this. Kids need to know if they raise a hand to a parent there will be swift and clear repercussions and they will not like them. This is not wrong, btw. Kids need boundaries. They grow best with boundaries. When they have them, then they know what's expected.

When there are no boundaries, this is what ensues. They are ruled by whatever emotions come to the fore, and they are often chaotic. Sad to see but all too common these days.
I can assure you that EVERY child contests parental control at some point. Most probably don't go to the extreme that that boy did, but there will be a battle of wills at some point. Your implication that a single parent is not capable of dealing with it in an appropriate manner is absurd as it is insulting.

A single parent can deal with it, yes. But two parents, the biological mother and father, married, is absolutely the best environment for a child to be raised in. This is social science and not up for debate.

Two strong, loving, and involved parents are generally better than one, but, unfortunately, that isn't always possible.There is a wide range of reasons why that kid might be behaving as he is, and it's pretty dumb to assume any one of those reasons just because there doesn't seem to be a male who is obviously the child's father in the video.
I can assure you that EVERY child contests parental control at some point. Most probably don't go to the extreme that that boy did, but there will be a battle of wills at some point. Your implication that a single parent is not capable of dealing with it in an appropriate manner is absurd as it is insulting.

A single parent can deal with it, yes. But two parents, the biological mother and father, married, is absolutely the best environment for a child to be raised in. This is social science and not up for debate.

Two strong, loving, and involved parents are generally better than one, but, unfortunately, that isn't always possible.There is a wide range of reasons why that kid might be behaving as he is, and it's pretty dumb to assume any one of those reasons just because there doesn't seem to be a male who is obviously the child's father in the video.

It's not dumb, actually. It's social science. Unless you think all social science is dumb. And then....well, since you're a Leftist, there goes pretty much your whole platform.


Fatherless Children Statistics and Other Data on Fatherhood | NFI
I can assure you that EVERY child contests parental control at some point. Most probably don't go to the extreme that that boy did, but there will be a battle of wills at some point. Your implication that a single parent is not capable of dealing with it in an appropriate manner is absurd as it is insulting.

A single parent can deal with it, yes. But two parents, the biological mother and father, married, is absolutely the best environment for a child to be raised in. This is social science and not up for debate.

Two strong, loving, and involved parents are generally better than one, but, unfortunately, that isn't always possible.There is a wide range of reasons why that kid might be behaving as he is, and it's pretty dumb to assume any one of those reasons just because there doesn't seem to be a male who is obviously the child's father in the video.

It's not dumb, actually. It's social science. Unless you think all social science is dumb. And then....well, since you're a Leftist, there goes pretty much your whole platform.


Fatherless Children Statistics and Other Data on Fatherhood | NFI
What about when the Mother is missing?
I can assure you that EVERY child contests parental control at some point. Most probably don't go to the extreme that that boy did, but there will be a battle of wills at some point. Your implication that a single parent is not capable of dealing with it in an appropriate manner is absurd as it is insulting.

A single parent can deal with it, yes. But two parents, the biological mother and father, married, is absolutely the best environment for a child to be raised in. This is social science and not up for debate.

Two strong, loving, and involved parents are generally better than one, but, unfortunately, that isn't always possible.There is a wide range of reasons why that kid might be behaving as he is, and it's pretty dumb to assume any one of those reasons just because there doesn't seem to be a male who is obviously the child's father in the video.

It's not dumb, actually. It's social science. Unless you think all social science is dumb. And then....well, since you're a Leftist, there goes pretty much your whole platform.


Fatherless Children Statistics and Other Data on Fatherhood | NFI
What about when the Mother is missing?

Very bad. Both bad. Again--the best situation for a child is to be raised in a home with his/her biological parents who are married. This is beyond dispute.
I can assure you that EVERY child contests parental control at some point. Most probably don't go to the extreme that that boy did, but there will be a battle of wills at some point. Your implication that a single parent is not capable of dealing with it in an appropriate manner is absurd as it is insulting.

A single parent can deal with it, yes. But two parents, the biological mother and father, married, is absolutely the best environment for a child to be raised in. This is social science and not up for debate.

Two strong, loving, and involved parents are generally better than one, but, unfortunately, that isn't always possible.There is a wide range of reasons why that kid might be behaving as he is, and it's pretty dumb to assume any one of those reasons just because there doesn't seem to be a male who is obviously the child's father in the video.

It's not dumb, actually. It's social science. Unless you think all social science is dumb. And then....well, since you're a Leftist, there goes pretty much your whole platform.


Fatherless Children Statistics and Other Data on Fatherhood | NFI
What about when the Mother is missing?

Very bad. Both bad. Again--the best situation for a child is to be raised in a home with his/her biological parents who are married. This is beyond dispute.
I know what you mean I am so happy that Adolf Hitler was raised in a biological two parent family, abortion would have saved millions but, you know...
A single parent can deal with it, yes. But two parents, the biological mother and father, married, is absolutely the best environment for a child to be raised in. This is social science and not up for debate.

Two strong, loving, and involved parents are generally better than one, but, unfortunately, that isn't always possible.There is a wide range of reasons why that kid might be behaving as he is, and it's pretty dumb to assume any one of those reasons just because there doesn't seem to be a male who is obviously the child's father in the video.

It's not dumb, actually. It's social science. Unless you think all social science is dumb. And then....well, since you're a Leftist, there goes pretty much your whole platform.


Fatherless Children Statistics and Other Data on Fatherhood | NFI
What about when the Mother is missing?

Very bad. Both bad. Again--the best situation for a child is to be raised in a home with his/her biological parents who are married. This is beyond dispute.
I know what you mean I am so happy that Adolf Hitler was raised in a biological two parent family, abortion would have saved millions but, you know...

Did you take any logic or statistics classes in school? Cause you failed didn't you?
Two strong, loving, and involved parents are generally better than one, but, unfortunately, that isn't always possible.There is a wide range of reasons why that kid might be behaving as he is, and it's pretty dumb to assume any one of those reasons just because there doesn't seem to be a male who is obviously the child's father in the video.

It's not dumb, actually. It's social science. Unless you think all social science is dumb. And then....well, since you're a Leftist, there goes pretty much your whole platform.


Fatherless Children Statistics and Other Data on Fatherhood | NFI
What about when the Mother is missing?

Very bad. Both bad. Again--the best situation for a child is to be raised in a home with his/her biological parents who are married. This is beyond dispute.
I know what you mean I am so happy that Adolf Hitler was raised in a biological two parent family, abortion would have saved millions but, you know...

Did you take any logic or statistics classes in school? Cause you failed didn't you?
Why certainly, I used the mirrored example for truth with your statement...
A single parent can deal with it, yes. But two parents, the biological mother and father, married, is absolutely the best environment for a child to be raised in. This is social science and not up for debate.

Two strong, loving, and involved parents are generally better than one, but, unfortunately, that isn't always possible.There is a wide range of reasons why that kid might be behaving as he is, and it's pretty dumb to assume any one of those reasons just because there doesn't seem to be a male who is obviously the child's father in the video.

It's not dumb, actually. It's social science. Unless you think all social science is dumb. And then....well, since you're a Leftist, there goes pretty much your whole platform.


Fatherless Children Statistics and Other Data on Fatherhood | NFI
What about when the Mother is missing?

Very bad. Both bad. Again--the best situation for a child is to be raised in a home with his/her biological parents who are married. This is beyond dispute.
I know what you mean I am so happy that Adolf Hitler was raised in a biological two parent family, abortion would have saved millions but, you know...

Moonglow's argument: Hey this birth control is 99.5% effective but my girlfriend got pregnant so YOU'RE A BIG FAT LIAR!!!

Ob/gyn looks at Moonglow like, "Do you know what 99.5% means???"

It's not dumb, actually. It's social science. Unless you think all social science is dumb. And then....well, since you're a Leftist, there goes pretty much your whole platform.


Fatherless Children Statistics and Other Data on Fatherhood | NFI
What about when the Mother is missing?

Very bad. Both bad. Again--the best situation for a child is to be raised in a home with his/her biological parents who are married. This is beyond dispute.
I know what you mean I am so happy that Adolf Hitler was raised in a biological two parent family, abortion would have saved millions but, you know...

Did you take any logic or statistics classes in school? Cause you failed didn't you?
Why certainly, I used the mirrored example for truth with your statement...

No, you didn't. Because I didn't say that ALL CHILDREN WHO GROW UP IN TWO PARENT FAMILIES ARE WELL ADJUSTED, did I? I said it was the best situation and stats bear that out

Obviously you don't understand stats. or Logic. Maybe even "thinking"
What about when the Mother is missing?

Very bad. Both bad. Again--the best situation for a child is to be raised in a home with his/her biological parents who are married. This is beyond dispute.
I know what you mean I am so happy that Adolf Hitler was raised in a biological two parent family, abortion would have saved millions but, you know...

Did you take any logic or statistics classes in school? Cause you failed didn't you?
Why certainly, I used the mirrored example for truth with your statement...

No, you didn't. Because I didn't say that ALL CHILDREN WHO GROW UP IN TWO PARENT FAMILIES ARE WELL ADJUSTED, did I? I said it was the best situation and stats bear that out

Obviously you don't understand stats. or Logic. Maybe even "thinking"
That was your intent even though you left out one word. If it was not your intent then why try to make a blanket statement with a syllogistic fallacy of comparison?
While I understand stats do not always tell the truth about every story or situation..As I pointed out.

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