Video: American flag got BANNED at UC Irvine

One line from their resolution- “freedom of speech, in a space that aims to be as inclusive as possible, can be interpreted as hate speech.”

It's not banned campus wide- but it's banned in one area. So far.

After all- our flag can be hate speech, eh?


That picture is from March 2015 ... However ... It also accompanied an article explaining how
the Student Executive Council overturned the Student Legislative Body's resolution to actually ban the flag ...
and included this statement from the Student Executive Council:

The ban is "counter to the ideals that allow us to operate as an autonomous student government organization with the freedoms of speech and expression associated with it. It is these very symbols that represent our constitutional rights that have allowed for our representative creation and our ability to openly debate all ranges of issues and pay tribute to how those liberties were attained," the student executive cabinet released in a statement.

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Hey, you're the one flooding the thread with old pictures to mislead people in an attempt to hide the truth.
Try being honest for once, and post current pictures of the same places.
You got any? Show them for us. Especially any new shots of the same places I posted photos of WITHOUT the American flag. Funny how you CAN'T "flood" the thread with pictures of the same places WITHOUT an American flag. :heehee:
Don't let them ever tell us they don't hate this country with an enduring passion.

Their hatred channels the heat of a thousand suns.

Until they decide they need some federal funding for some perverted project.

Then they'll suck the big dick, sure enough.


A comment in the article accompanying this picture ... Also from March 2015

"... One of things we are seeing a lot of is a kind of false dichotomy that students make that there's a legal distinction between free speech and hate speech.
In reality, almost all hate speech is quite clearly free speech, and we have to fight that mindset ... "

Ask the people who wrote the article.

Or he could watch the vid for himself.

But we know that Lefties never expose themselves to anything that could induce cognitive dissonance.

It's almost as if it's a cult.
Let's see pics of those same areas after the alleged ban without American flags, then.

It wasn't an "alleged ban" ... The Student Legislative Body actually passed a Resolution to ban the flags.

What transpired was not necessarily what they wanted ... Because some upperclassmen and adults entered the room ...
Told them to shut up and sit down, and that ...

" ... It's cool that some legislative body did something.
It's great we're trying to be sensitive to people with different sensibilities.
I'm not saying it's wrong or right ..."

Doesn't actually mean shit in the real world ... :thup:


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