Video: California's iconic redwoods threatened by climate change

The earth is going to do what its going to do despite anything we do...can we make cities dirty and uninhabitable?...yes...and we are doing that while we concentrate on carbon output and unreliable renewable energy...well before we destroy the planet with our means of power generation we will die off from a plague that is probably right now festering in a homeless camp near you....
Lets tackle what we can and use what we know works...
The redwoods in BigSur and the Sequoias are hundreds of years old. They will survive. Or not. But I'm betting they will hang in there unless a forest fire wipes them out and even that won't kill them. Shoots will appear. They are tough and hardy.
The redwoods in BigSur and the Sequoias are hundreds of years old. They will survive. Or not. But I'm betting they will hang in there unless a forest fire wipes them out and even that won't kill them. Shoots will appear. They are tough and hardy.
Last time I was there it looked healthy...the bark Beatle ran its course and it looked green and beautiful...but that was about 3 years ago...I wanted to go again but now the road from the south is closed due to a landslide....
The redwoods in BigSur and the Sequoias are hundreds of years old. They will survive. Or not. But I'm betting they will hang in there unless a forest fire wipes them out and even that won't kill them. Shoots will appear. They are tough and hardy.
Last time I was there it looked healthy...the bark Beatle ran its course and it looked green and beautiful...but that was about 3 years ago...I wanted to go again but now the road from the south is closed due to a landslide....
Either a landslide or sane people trying to keep San Franciscans out and dynamited the road.
Probably shouldn't have cut all those holes in them redwoods...

As mentioned above ... the redwoods are a vestige species ... 25 million years ago they were more common throughout the USA (or so they say) ... today the coastal form only lives within the fog belt, maybe up to 15 miles inland ... they're too tall to draw water up from the ground, they have to absorb it from the dew that accumulates on their leaves every morning ...

The problem is once a grove is clear cut, other species of trees come in and out-compete the very slow growing redwoods ... even with prompt re-planting ... the redwoods may never recover after a typical logging operation ... it's a very real possibility that the 95% of coastal redwoods harvested are gone forever, never to re-grow ...

They florish under hotter and wetter conditions ... so they should actually do better with global warming ... but you're insane if you think the climate will allow summer rainfall, just bozo nuts to think that ... the climate ain't changing where redwoods grow, period ...
California never seems to have water problems or wildfires in their almond groves. I guess global warming doesn't happen there.

Exactly. And the thousands of new homes being built with 2, 3, 4 or more bathrooms, big lawns, and a pool aren't hurting for water, either. Somehow...
Exactly. And the thousands of new homes being built with 2, 3, 4 or more bathrooms, big lawns, and a pool aren't hurting for water, either. Somehow...

Plenty of water in Northern California ... more than enough to let the entire Sacramento River flush out the Delta ... we only hear about water troubles there during droughts ... at other times, it's all about flood management ...

Southern California is a whole different matter ... that's the price we pay to live where temperatures are 75ºF at 15% RH year round ...
As mentioned above ... the redwoods are a vestige species ... 25 million years ago they were more common throughout the USA (or so they say) ... today the coastal form only lives within the fog belt, maybe up to 15 miles inland ... they're too tall to draw water up from the ground, they have to absorb it from the dew that accumulates on their leaves every morning ...

The problem is once a grove is clear cut, other species of trees come in and out-compete the very slow growing redwoods ... even with prompt re-planting ... the redwoods may never recover after a typical logging operation ... it's a very real possibility that the 95% of coastal redwoods harvested are gone forever, never to re-grow ...

They florish under hotter and wetter conditions ... so they should actually do better with global warming ... but you're insane if you think the climate will allow summer rainfall, just bozo nuts to think that ... the climate ain't changing where redwoods grow, period ...
how's that a climate issue?
California redwoods might grow from 2 to 3 ft annually but when stressed by lack of moisture and sunlight they might only grow an inch. The conditions for redwood health seem at odds with the current standards that lefties cite as "global warming".
California redwoods might grow from 2 to 3 ft annually but when stressed by lack of moisture and sunlight they might only grow an inch. The conditions for redwood health seem at odds with the current standards that lefties cite as "global warming".
Has nothing to do with climate

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