Video: Crazed abortion advocate attacks peaceful pro-lifers

She also acted like she had been arrested before.

I surmise that she, like most of the hysterical baby killers, is mentally ill and has a criminal record of violent offenses. These poor saps are the left's bread and butter. Hitler, Mao, Stalin all exploited this type of poor pathetic fool. These are the retards who are happy to drag people out of their houses in the middle of the night and kick them to death in the street.
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I may be dense but she keeps screaming about race. What does race have to do with it?
I dunno but she ran right up on that black guy walking by like she was ready to ride him, lol. Poor guy, he didn't waste any time clearing out...
The typical white liberal, DemoKKKratic party voter. She, the big white, liberal racist she is loves when the minorities head off to the abortion clinics.

» Video: Crazed Abortion Advocate Attacks Peaceful Pro-Lifers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A video shows a crazed abortion advocate physically and verbally attacking peaceful pro-lifers in downtown Columbus, OH.

The video begins with the woman erroneously claiming that a baby at 12 weeks is just “a clump of motherfucking cells – no hands are showing at that time,” when in reality the baby has developed hands, arms, legs, ears, and eyelids at this point.

“You’re some white privileged, racist, motherfucking male that doesn’t stand for women’s rights – fucking dipshit,” barks the woman before kicking in one of the group’s signs and proceeding to physically assault Seth Drayer, who was filming the incident.

The woman, who appears to be a Burger King employee, kicks over another sign as Drayer calls the police.

There is nothing peaceful about abortion protesters who stand outside of abortion clinics and harass women who are already going through enough.

Go home you fat sows. Its easy to be anti abortion when you can't get laid and no one will fuck you.
She also acted like she had been arrested before.

I surmise that she, like most of the hysterical baby killers, is mentally ill and has a criminal record of violent offenses. These poor saps are the left's bread and butter. Hitler, Mao, Stalin all exploited this type of poor pathetic fool. These are the retards who are happy to drag people out of their houses in the middle of the night and kick them to death in the street.

What about all the women who are pro life until they or their daughters get knocked up at an inconvenient time in their lives and they end up in line for an abortion?

"The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion" - When the Anti-Choice Choose

Sure are a lot of them. Read all the stories of ***** just like you who are so righteous until it happens to you. And a lot of you continue to carry on, even though you yourselves have gotten abortions.

Anyone that worked up about another person popping a zit before it gets bigger must have a lot of guilt about something. Most picketers are former clients of the abortion clinic. And this is how they repent. But, if they had to do it all over again, they'd get the abortion again.

It is as if they want the right taken away from them. Sort of like me with cigarettes. I really do with the government would ban them so I'd stop. Whores. :badgrin: I won't tell :eusa_shhh:

Read the stories. One of them might be about you.
There is nothing peaceful about abortion protesters who stand outside of abortion clinics and harass women who are already going through enough.

There is nothing violent about it, that's for sure. If there is nothing violent, then it's peaceful. It may be uncomfortable, but doesn't mean it's violent. Comfort is not a right. Peace is a right (that's the foundation of Libertarian though and Natural Rights - The NAP or Non-Aggression Prinicple), but not comfort.

If "comfort" was a right, then all behavior, including free speech, could be banned, in the name of disturbing someone's comfort.

So you lied. It is peaceful.
There is no such thing as an 'abortion advocate.'

The disagreement manifests as how to solve the problem, where those who follow the Constitution and its case law understand that in addition to not solving the problem, seeking to 'ban' abortion violates a woman's right to privacy and increases the size and authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty, something many conservatives seem keen on doing.
“You’re some white privileged, racist, motherfucking male that doesn’t stand for women’s rights – fucking dipshit,”*

Sounds like the teabaggers on this forum. Good for her!

If you're not a woman you have no right to tell women what to do with their bodies. Period. The rest is freedom of speech. Get over it.
“You’re some white privileged, racist, motherfucking male that doesn’t stand for women’s rights – fucking dipshit,”*

Sounds like the teabaggers on this forum. Good for her!

If you're not a woman you have no right to tell women what to do with their bodies. Period. The rest is freedom of speech. Get over it.

Are you hung low?
The typical white liberal, DemoKKKratic party voter. She, the big white, liberal racist she is loves when the minorities head off to the abortion clinics.

» Video: Crazed Abortion Advocate Attacks Peaceful Pro-Lifers Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

A video shows a crazed abortion advocate physically and verbally attacking peaceful pro-lifers in downtown Columbus, OH.

The video begins with the woman erroneously claiming that a baby at 12 weeks is just “a clump of motherfucking cells – no hands are showing at that time,” when in reality the baby has developed hands, arms, legs, ears, and eyelids at this point.

“You’re some white privileged, racist, motherfucking male that doesn’t stand for women’s rights – fucking dipshit,” barks the woman before kicking in one of the group’s signs and proceeding to physically assault Seth Drayer, who was filming the incident.

The woman, who appears to be a Burger King employee, kicks over another sign as Drayer calls the police.

There is nothing peaceful about abortion protesters who stand outside of abortion clinics and harass women who are already going through enough.

Go home you fat sows. Its easy to be anti abortion when you can't get laid and no one will fuck you.


Drop the crack pipe and step away from the implement . . . slowly . . . no sudden moves.
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