Video: Donald Trump on Tucker: They're 'weaponizing' our justice system


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Top officials at the Department of Justice felt so strongly that Donald Trump’s election as President in 2016 was unacceptable that they decided—working with congressional Democrats—that they could put themselves above the law and above the Constitution. They overturned bedrock standards of American justice, flouted normal prosecutorial procedures, violated federal rules and policies, and even committed crimes.

Wait a sec....Wasn't the Orange God Emperor supposed to be banned from Faux Nooz?
Top officials at the Department of Justice felt so strongly that Donald Trump’s election as President in 2016 was unacceptable that they decided—working with congressional Democrats—that they could put themselves above the law and above the Constitution. They overturned bedrock standards of American justice, flouted normal prosecutorial procedures, violated federal rules and policies, and even committed crimes.

Why have you no link to the laws that were violated?
Trump and his meat puppet have no idea of what federal law is much less being able to cite it.

Department of Justice officials like Comey appear to have openly meddled in the 2016 election. They spied on American citizens without proper justification and revealed investigative details about Trump and Hillary, as though the Justice Department was tasked with voter education instead of charging and prosecuting criminals. After the election, Comey and his colleagues at the Justice Department continued their extracurricular activities—this time to convince voters the man they elected President was “morally unfit” and ought to be removed from office. The appointment of Mueller and his team, whose behavior was totally above the law, was meant to ensure Trump’s impeachment
Department of Justice officials like Comey appear to have openly meddled in the 2016 election. They spied on American citizens without proper justification and revealed investigative details about Trump and Hillary, as though the Justice Department was tasked with voter education instead of charging and prosecuting criminals. After the election, Comey and his colleagues at the Justice Department continued their extracurricular activities—this time to convince voters the man they elected President was “morally unfit” and ought to be removed from office. The appointment of Mueller and his team, whose behavior was totally above the law, was meant to ensure Trump’s impeachment
Inspector General Horowitz found that Comey violated FBI policy regarding the memos; however, it was added that there's "no evidence that Comey or his attorneys released any of the classified information contained in any of the memos to members of the media." The Department of Justice declined to prosecute Comey.

James Comey - Wikipedia​

People were crying for joy that the bastard is finally facing justice. Carlson is a piece of shit who hates Trump but goes down on him every chance he can.
Inspector General Horowitz found that Comey violated FBI policy regarding the memos; however, it was added that there's "no evidence that Comey or his attorneys released any of the classified information contained in any of the memos to members of the media." The Department of Justice declined to prosecute Comey.

James Comey - Wikipedia

Horowitz, appointed by Obama in 2012, found “the implication that senior FBI employees would be willing to take official action to impact a presidential candidate’s electoral prospects to be deeply troubling and antithetical to the core values of the FBI and the DoJ.” .

Horowitz’s August 2019 report, described as “blistering” by the New York Times, blasted Comey for setting a “dangerous example for the over 35,000 current FBI employees—and the many thousands more former FBI employees” with access to classified information. The report concluded that “Comey’s retention, handling, and dissemination of certain memos violated Justice Department and FBI policies, and his FBI Employment Agreement.” These violations were made in order to bring direct political harm to Trump
Department of Justice officials like Comey appear to have openly meddled in the 2016 election. They spied on American citizens without proper justification and revealed investigative details about Trump and Hillary, as though the Justice Department was tasked with voter education instead of charging and prosecuting criminals. After the election, Comey and his colleagues at the Justice Department continued their extracurricular activities—this time to convince voters the man they elected President was “morally unfit” and ought to be removed from office. The appointment of Mueller and his team, whose behavior was totally above the law, was meant to ensure Trump’s impeachment
Comey wasnt in the DoJ, he was FBI head.
And you can thank Comey more than anyone for Trump being president, because he re-openend hillary's email investigation just prior to 2016 vote.

Meuller's investigation has nothing to do with Trump's impeachments.
“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Peter Strzok, the FBI’s lead agent on the Russia investigation, replied in one of many above the law–attitude texts to fellow FBI agent Lisa Page, who had texted him, “Trump’s not ever going to become President, right? Right?!” How could an FBI agent lawfully stop the election of a presidential candidate?

Why did Andrew McCabe write a memorandum of a meeting where Rosenstein suggested—in front of Strzok and Page whom he supervised—secretly wearing a wire to the Oval Office to prove that Trump was mentally “incapacitated” and therefore possibly subject for removal from office under the 25th Amendment? Why was a Special Counsel appointed to investigate Russian interference in the election instead of a regular Department of Justice attorney? Why choose Mueller, described by the Washington Post in 2017 as “Brothers in Arms” with Comey, whom Trump had just fired? Why did Rosenstein not recuse himself from the investigation, given that he wrote the memo that Trump cited as providing the grounds for firing Comey?

Why didn’t Mueller properly vet the investigators joining the Special Counsel team? Not only did it include Strzok, but Andrew Weissmann who was apparently partisan—he had reportedly attended Hillary’s 2016 election night party and had praised Acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s defiance of Trump’s court-approved “travel ban” on Muslim countries—and had a reputation as a prosecutor willing to give faulty jury instructions to score a win. (Weissmann’s conviction of the auditing firm Arthur Andersen was reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court in a stunning 9–0 decision.)

Why did Mueller allow the Independent Counsel’s office to investigate for another 22 months after Strzok conceded to Page, via text in May 2017, “You and I both know the odds are nothing.… there’s no big there there.” (As the FBI’s Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, Strzok knew very well that Trump hadn’t colluded with the Russians.)
“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Peter Strzok, the FBI’s lead agent on the Russia investigation, replied in one of many above the law–attitude texts to fellow FBI agent Lisa Page, who had texted him, “Trump’s not ever going to become President, right? Right?!” How could an FBI agent lawfully stop the election of a presidential candidate?

Why did Andrew McCabe write a memorandum of a meeting where Rosenstein suggested—in front of Strzok and Page whom he supervised—secretly wearing a wire to the Oval Office to prove that Trump was mentally “incapacitated” and therefore possibly subject for removal from office under the 25th Amendment? Why was a Special Counsel appointed to investigate Russian interference in the election instead of a regular Department of Justice attorney? Why choose Mueller, described by the Washington Post in 2017 as “Brothers in Arms” with Comey, whom Trump had just fired? Why did Rosenstein not recuse himself from the investigation, given that he wrote the memo that Trump cited as providing the grounds for firing Comey?

Why didn’t Mueller properly vet the investigators joining the Special Counsel team? Not only did it include Strzok, but Andrew Weissmann who was apparently partisan—he had reportedly attended Hillary’s 2016 election night party and had praised Acting Attorney General Sally Yates’s defiance of Trump’s court-approved “travel ban” on Muslim countries—and had a reputation as a prosecutor willing to give faulty jury instructions to score a win. (Weissmann’s conviction of the auditing firm Arthur Andersen was reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court in a stunning 9–0 decision.)

Why did Mueller allow the Independent Counsel’s office to investigate for another 22 months after Strzok conceded to Page, via text in May 2017, “You and I both know the odds are nothing.… there’s no big there there.” (As the FBI’s Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, Strzok knew very well that Trump hadn’t colluded with the Russians.)
Tomorrow, your alter ego will be calling Trump a pile of shit. But have fun today.
Some of the double standards applied to Trump’s White House staff and political appointees were beyond parody. For example, when in 2017 AG Sessions called for the resignation of the remaining 46 U.S. Attorneys appointed by Obama, Vanity Fair was breathless (“Trump’s Firing of U.S. Attorneys Raises Eyebrows, Prompts Conflicts”), and the New York Times reported it like a Fox News collusion scandal:

The abrupt order came after two weeks of increasing calls from Mr. Trump’s allies outside the government to oust appointees from President Barack Obama’s administration. But the calls from the Acting Deputy Attorney General arose a day after Sean Hannity, the Fox News commentator who is a strong supporter of President Trump, said on his evening show that Mr. Trump needed to “purge” Obama holdovers from the federal government.
Neither the Times nor Vanity Fair recalled this exchange between AG Eric Holder and Maxine Waters in 2009:

Waters: “The protocol has been that U.S. attorneys would hand in their resignations and would give the new administration an opportunity to make new appointments; we don’t see that happening quite fast enough.” Politico quoted her complaining to Holder during a congressional oversight hearing, “There is a danger with some of them being left there.… So whatever you can do to move them we appreciate it.”

Eric Holder assured her, “Elections matter—it is our intention to have the U.S. Attorneys that are selected by Obama in place as quickly as they can.”

Interestingly, there were only 2 Bush-appointed U.S. Attorneys who did not quit or get fired under Obama: Rod Rosenstein and Patrick Fitzgerald. (Fitzgerald became Comey’s personal lawyer the same month Trump fired Comey.)

Video: Donald Trump on Tucker: They're 'weaponizing' our justice system​

The Justice system operates on evidence. There is no way to “weaponize” without it. It either exists or it doesn’t.

Scared loser talk.

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