[VIDEO] ~ Dun Dun Dun... 9/11 Truth Hits Mainstream Fox News Today W/Geraldo...

is this supposed to be funny ? because 7 regardless of your opinion of the accuracy of the NIST report into wtc your response is neither witty or funny in fact it is so childish and inane that I actually ..feel sorry for you
You're a fuckin' nutjob. Nothing more, nothing less. Jesse Ventura is a fuckin' nutjob. Nothing more, nothing less. All 9/11 trufers are fuckin' nutjobs. Nothing more, nothing less. .......It's why nobody takes you fools seriously.

I feel sorry for you that you can't figure this all out!

Wicked Jester, the only difference between you and me is that I am NOT sorry for this hopeless Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd stooge EOTS.

These fucking idiots like EOTS are the ENEMY WITHIN.

However, I will allow the possibility.....THE POSSIBILITY..... that they are BRAINWASHED, or TOO STUPID to realize how dangerous their DELUSIONAL perceptions are to our Country.

other way around loyal Bush dupe.You 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists who are afraid of the truth are the ones that wont consider the possibility that the government and media brainwashed you and that your delusional.were not the ones ignoring witness testimonys.architects,engineers,and demolition experts.
Wicked Jester, the only difference between you and me is that I am NOT sorry for this hopeless Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd stooge EOTS.

These fucking idiots like EOTS are the ENEMY WITHIN.

However, I will allow the possibility.....THE POSSIBILITY..... that they are BRAINWASHED, or TOO STUPID to realize how dangerous their DELUSIONAL perceptions are to our Country.



Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

EOTS, you are a dangerous delusional fool.

And, YES.......You and your Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd POSs are the ENEMY WITHIN.

nice dodge Bush dupe.
When did Geraldo become mainstream?

But I think we do need to investigate how the Bush Administration use 9-11 in it's propaganda campaign to convince Americans that Saddam Hussein and Iraq was the next Hitler's Germany. But that will never happen because we have a culpable media who were in-bed-with the push for war.

They knew an attack was coming, they were expecting truck bombs.

your actually one of the few open minded posters to come on this thread.
Geraldo - the number ONE liberal jerk!

Geraldo hasn't been liberal since 1976...

stop it.

conspiracy idiots are not 'iberals' no matter how much you don't like them.

"Conspiracy idiots" like the 9/11 truthers and your ilk are liberals....of the Obamarrhoidal LIEbturd variety

conspiracy idiots are the Bush dupes like yourself afraid of the truth who wont look at evidence,facts or witness testimonys.
Depends on the flavor of tinfoil.

Troofers are more likely to be far left wing idiots. Birfers began with a Democratic political stunt but are now found mostly on the extremes of the right. How about the Grassy Knoll folks? The Moon Landing freaks? The TWA 800 nutjobs?

I don't even want to begin to speculate about the lizard people in black helicopters folks. :eek:

They're EVERYWHERE. :eusa_shifty:

why do you have to ramble about your tour delusions instead of discussing the facts of 9/11
Here's the facts, Jack........A bunch of crazy foreign goat herding towelheads hijacked 4 planes and rammed them into three buildings and an empty field....Those are the facts. No further discussion necessary. Case closed, END OF STORY!

great fairy tale loyal Bush dupe.you Bush dupe are afraid of the truth,only see what you want to see,and are in denial,those are the facts,case closed.
Depends on the flavor of tinfoil.

Troofers are more likely to be far left wing idiots. Birfers began with a Democratic political stunt but are now found mostly on the extremes of the right. How about the Grassy Knoll folks? The Moon Landing freaks? The TWA 800 nutjobs?

I don't even want to begin to speculate about the lizard people in black helicopters folks. :eek:

They're EVERYWHERE. :eusa_shifty:

why do you have to ramble about your tour delusions instead of discussing the facts of 9/11
Here's the facts, Jack........A bunch of crazy foreign goat herding towelheads hijacked 4 planes and rammed them into three buildings and an empty field....Those are the facts. No further discussion necessary. Case closed, END OF STORY!

great fairy tale loyal Bush dupe.you Bush dupe are afraid of the truth,only see what you want to see,and are in denial and delusional,those are the facts,case closed.
I failed to see any "facts" or links , or anything of any substance posted there rimjob. Feelin' ok little dupester?
The guy is barking up the wrong tree. The NYC Council is one of the mosdt corrupt collectives in this country,


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